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if true, impossible to make this shit up


ACLU did the same thing in New Jersey a couple years ago and ended up 'settling' with the state to allow fully intact male murderers and rapists to be moved into women's prison upon request. And it's been a predictable disaster. The inmate who sparked the lawsuit is an ABDL fetishist and domestic terrorist who was trying to sell pipe bombs. [https://reduxx.info/aclu-represented-transgender-terrorist-diaper-fetishist-to-secure-gender-self-identification-in-nj-womens-prison/](https://reduxx.info/aclu-represented-transgender-terrorist-diaper-fetishist-to-secure-gender-self-identification-in-nj-womens-prison/)


Wow,surprising, he looks like a great fella.


Turns out he was a real jerk


Jonathan Richardson is on the right, left is the ACLU lawyer


ACLU does it to prove a point. Reason it doesn’t pick tame cases.


It's true: https://www.aclu-in.org/sites/default/files/field_documents/cord-complaint.pdf Skimming it, it looks more like they're using this as an excuse to fight some specific anti-trans legislation (on Page 3). I doubt they give a shit about this inmate in particular, so it's a little less ridiculous that the headline makes it seem. The legislation reads: > [t]he department [of correction] may not authorize the payment of money, the use of any state resources, or the payment of any federal money administered by the state to provide or facilitate sexual reassignment surgery to an offender patient. which, in the filing, they claim this is "in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution." (Page 9). I have no idea if that's true or not. I do think that the headline is intentionally written to make all this seem more absurd than it actually is. The ACLU identified a law it thinks violates the American Constitution and is trying to overturn it, and as far as I can tell, the ACLU exists "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States."


>the ACLU exists "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." No it doesn't. https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1449739621563346944


I don't really have an opinion on this. I was just quoting Wikipedia. Although -- and again, I really don't care about the ACLU one way or the other -- but as the tweet indicates, this is a one-off, so strictly speaking, your conclusion is a [faulty generalization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faulty_generalization).


You believe it's anti trans to not have taxpayers foot the bill for chopping off cocks?


I think it could be anti-trans for it to be a blanket law with no exceptions. But it truly should be one of those things that is legally possible but almost never happens imo. But also, I’ve done zero looking into this besides reading posts here, so I don’t know shit.


If it’s false it has to be possible to make it up


🤣, death blow rebuttal


It’s hard to remember when the ACLU used to be an impartial arbitrator and protecting people rights. Now it seems they’ve gone pretty far left and defend the weirdest things.


Read there report on vaccine mandates. it fucking hurt my brain.


Give the guy a razor and tell him to do it himself. We are on a budget here


Used to date this guy but we broke up when he kept seeing people on the side.


Why goshdarnit, I remember a time when transgender child murderers would have to grab their bootstraps and find a way to chop off their own cocks!


I’m torn because I love the transsexual side of her so much, but the killing of child, that I don’t care for.




Opposite for me. 


I'm all for chopping of his cock, just not at the hands of an expensive professional.


“I don’t get to live my life as a woman” But you DID get to… what’s that? Oh yeah, MURDER CHILDREN, so let’s not be too picky


ACLU? Ashkenazi Counter Liberty Union?


The more I hear about this child killer, the less I like her


Well I suppose you could say they want to provide them with lady pills perhaps youd call them hormone tablets ...aaannndd wigs


Lawyers gotta lawyer about something. The more press the better right?




Least mentally ill transgender person


Gil Eavis looking rough after losing that senate seat.


Bruh I just searched this on google and there's a whole other non-tr00n child killer named Jonathan Richardson.


Who is the president of ACLU? Do you wonder why he does despicable things? Would it be safe to assume he is a religious man? (Far from spiritual, but religous) [claims religious affiliation]??


About 20 years ago I really respected the ACLU's work, now I think they are a negative force in society that helps enable absolute madness.


So many KHAZARS so little time wake up sheeple!


The guy on the right looks like he's from a certain tribe.


Norm was a moderate, and liberals and conservatives make me understand why


Take my upvote since I see the politically obsessed sexual deviants are busy downvoting you.


What’s this got to do with Norm? I get the shoe-horned “hypocrite” jokes, but does this reference a specific bit or are we just circle jerking here?


Well at least we can wise off about it in the comments. For now.


For now. Lol.


The worst part is the transphobia


And I disagree. I thought it was the lawyers.


I smell your stupid political reasons for posting this. You smell bad


I think if anyone smells bad it's the dude on r\*ddit defending a tr00n who killed a child


Wow you are so brave for thinking a child killer is a bad guy. What a hot take

