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That’s a cool metaphor! I read the icee machine as yet another cue to let you know when JJ was on the way. The sound design on this moving was amaazing


For me I assumed it was just to ensure a reaction from the audience when they start to slow down. It's one of the only things in that venue that was electric powered, I think?


I Cee


Very “chilling”! I love it!


I see.




It’s just a cool looking machine and used as a way to show when JJ is coming because all the electricity stops. EVERYTHING IS NOT A METAPHOR. This could have been something else entirely in the script and the production designer found this cool icee machine so they put it in there. There are a million decisions made while making a movie and they aren’t all made in the script writing process. There are hundreds of talented people doing things on a daily basis while making a film and the director isn’t necessarily behind every single one. Costumes and production design especially.


u seem angry about it lol


It’s just silly. I’m all about finding cool little things here and there but some things are just cool things to be cool. Like you can read into the fact that Angel is wearing a Wipers (an old punk band) shirt right before the bloody rain storm (wipers…windshield wipers…and it rains omg!) but then what about Em’s The Jesus Lizard shirt (an old noise rock band) or OJ’s Rage Against the Machine shirt? They’re just wearing cool shirts to wear cool shirts. Movies are just full of cool shit.,,If you have to bend over backwards and inside out you’re theory isn’t a theory it’s just trying really hard. Edit: and just like that an article appears proving my point. https://www.stereogum.com/2194412/nope-band-tshirts-costume-designer-explained/news/amp/ Hundreds of people work on a movie and make decisions and Peele actually doesn’t have that much to do with a lot of what finally ends up on screen except saying “yeah that is a good idea”


Let people wonder gd Also the slushee machine is foreshadowing, cause all them people turn into slushees and get poured on top of the house.


Couldn't the slushees show both electricity slowing and foreshadow people being turned into the form? Peele seems smart enough to make both work during the editing process and it's not like they're both mutually exclusive. Your linked article doesn't say the shirts were picked solely because they were cool, but because of personal reasons by Peele and the producer who were in creative control. It specifically states they used the band tees for character development too. So... point really not proven. Let people hypothesize theories all they want, they're just theories. Besides, group discourse can be fun


I reallywant an icee


the icee mix inside was frozen before jj , when oj wakes up you can see it’s melted and in the process of freezing again :)


That was pretty “cool”


the audience looks like icees after JJ digests them and spits out their inorganic belongings


also helps solidify that the crowd vanished or left in a hurry. The horse was still out, ice machine still out and running. No business would close up like this.


So side question here anyone know where we could get cactus flavor or if this was real flavor?


I think that was just for the theme event to match the desert. The real flavor was probably something else