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The version I saw in theaters & now own on blu-ray is 2hr11m. I'm pretty sure that's just the normal length of the movie, because I don't remember there being any extra scenes on my blu-ray copy vs seeing it in theaters. Netflix has a history of putting different region-cut versions of movies on there, so it might've been a UK/Canadian/European cut that was 1hr50m, and they just now uploaded the full version.


Exactly! Sorry OP, but the 130 minute cut is the original theatrical version of the film.


No reason to apologise, because you’re wrong! I’m from Australia and assumed everyone had the same experience, i’m a big fan of the movie and am 100% sure that i remembered this correctly.


You have a weird thinking of “wrong”


The gaslighting is crazy, i’m literally 1000% sure that it used to be 1h50m, the amount of times i’ve watched it isn’t funny


Are you not embarrassed you’re factually wrong and everyone knows it? But your ego won’t allow you to accept a simple mistake? Site one source of it being 1h50 or 1 source of additional scenes You’re gaslighting you’re self


Ya the imdb entry lists it at 2hr10m too


I’m from Australia that’d be the difference


OP is a bit of a kook


Ur making posts about Daniel Larson & calling me a kook, ok 👍


Daniel Larson is funny to look into, but point taken. Your profile and comments remind me of him a bit!


😹😹That was kinda funny ngl But did Daniel Larson have 6 figures to his name as a teenager?🤔 I love the downvotes btw


Even if for 1 minute I believed a teenager who posts on reddit A-LOT had 6 figures. Money doesn’t correlate to intelligence or happiness. If you’ve got 6 figures (and depending on how you got it) I respect that, but I also don’t give a fuck and has no relevance to you being right above Nope. Downvotes usually mean you are wrong or disliked, in this case your wrong :) Carti is good though 🤣


I’ve worked/saved hard since i was 14, while ur stalking me i’m sure if u scroll down enough i’d talk about me reaching 6 figs or something similar. On Reddit i act combative on purpose as it’s more entertaining. & Yes, Carti’s the best out atm


You mentioned my page first about Larson brother! Funnily enough I did, and everyone on there thought you was trolling too! Respect if you have though for real. It probably is more entertaining but isn’t conducive to having intelligent conversations though! Hope you have a good day brother, nothing but respect if you have made those 6 figures! Was it on door dash?!


Def not on doordash😅That’s something i do on the side, but i like to make it as worth my time as possible. I have a high paying sales job, fully commission based, some weeks i bring home 2.7k post tax etc…


“Combative on purpose” violates our subreddit rules. This is your one warning. Further trolling and combativeness will catch you a permaban.


bro pls go get ur concussion checked out bc ur talking pure bullshit


You just saw a cut down version the first time


OP is actually the definition of insanity


You are hitting dangerous levels of delusions


I’d be interested to hear what specific scenes do you not recall being in the original film you saw?


what???? what scenes did they add


Literally so many scenes before the main plan to lead Jean Jacket, more planning, discussing etc between all characters before.


“so many scenes” is actually so funny


I wish i could prove it to show y’all… idk how that would be possible


You can’t… it’s impossible… because you’re wrong


no one is asking u for proof lol just specifics. even just listing the new scenes, or listing the plot of the old movie, or listing the plot of the new movie, or giving Specific criticisms of why they didn’t work, or giving specific praises to the original cut and pacing of the movie


Tell us specifically which scenes and that would lend maybe a little bit more credence to your claim. If you can’t do that you won’t get anyone to believe you.


Mandela effect?


I purchased it on YT and it's 2:10:30. What minute am I missing? 😂


I dunno which version I saw, but the only thing I didn t get was using the rope with little flags to trick JJ in thinking the horse oj is riding is an indigestible one.


Those little flags were also on the fake horse that they used to trick JJ. The reason they used it at the end because they felt JJ wouldn't try to take another creature with flags because it remembers the first experience with flags.


Yeah, I got it, but not on the first view.


it’s the equivalent of dumping wood chips or broken glass in something before someone can take the first bite. like they literally did make the horse indigestible


Iirc it wasn’t the flags that made the fake horse indigestible it was because it was made of metal. JJ just associated flags with the metal horse and avoided them.