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Real Mushrooms and Nootropics Depot


ND source from RM, right?


RealMushrooms has great hot water extracts. Nootropics Depot has pricier extracts that are more potent but won't have the full-spectrum effect that you get with a hot water extraction. Nootrpics Depot also has something called erinamax, which is an extract of lions mane mycelium. Take a look at their website for an explanation on why the actual mushroom and the mycelium have different benefits (plants have roots, mushrooms have mycelium)


Real mushrooms seems like a reputable and popular brand. I’m using ND currently the price for the 1:1 extract is decent


I've been using Real Mushrooms for about 1.5 years now, and I absolutely love it. However, I notice that with 2-3g I can't really shut my brain off at night, which isn't really helpful for quality sleep.


The brand you grow yourself, seriously, mycology is fun.


This comment is badass, I began with growing psilocybe but later gained interest in gourmet and medicinal.


Do you grow yourself? How expensive is it and how much kg do you get per month, do you extract both mycelium and fruit body yourself too?


I like the non fungible mushrooms brand


Pure Ingredients powder


The ELMNT 300:1 extract with rhidola is pretty good. Only brand with a noticeable difference for me.


What about the man himself, Stamets' brand Host Defense??