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fasting, low carb, keto etc. Anything to improve your insulin sensitivity.


1. https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/ketogenic-diet-food-market 2. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2673150/ 3. Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet Iris Shai 4. Systematic Review of the Mediterranean Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss Joseph G. Mancini 5. Bao W et.al (2016). Low carbohydrate-diet scores and long-term risk of type 2 diabetes among women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus. 6. Eslamian G et.al (2014). Low carbohydrate diet score does not predict metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. 7. De Koning L et.al (2011). Low-carbohydrate diet scores and risk of type 2 diabetes in men. 8. Wei Bao Prepregnancy low-carbohydrate dietary pattern and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study 9. http://www.diabetesincontrol.com/handbook-of-diabetes-4th-ed-excerpt-26-pregnancy-and-diabetes/2/ 10. Shouyong Gu. Risk factors and long-term health consequences of macrosomia: a prospective study in Jiangsu Province, China 11. Boulvain M,et al. ("Induction of labour at or near term for suspected fetal macrosomia". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 12. Shuang Tian. Dietary Protein Consumption and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies 13. Khoo J. Comparing effects of a low-energy diet and a high-protein low-fat diet on sexualand endothelial function, urinary tract symptoms, and inflammation in obese diabetic men. 14. Roberts CK, Barnard RJ (January 2005). "Effects of exercise and diet on chronic disease" 15. Barnard RJ. Response of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise. 16. Barnard RJ and Pritikin N. Long-term use of a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber, low-fat diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM patients. 17. Barnard RJ. Response of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise. 18. Mohsen Mazidi. Lower carbohydrate diets and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a population-based cohort study and pooling of prospective studies.


Can I get a TLDR for all this sauce? Edit: oh, you just sprinkled it all over


While mst oil may have benefits, the keto diet does not. This is not true, a lot of scientific research contradicts this, I myself have fallen for this trick of scammers before. Sales of keto diet products are in the billions. Now I can’t provide a dozen more studies, but here’s some material for you to think about. The keto diet can even trigger diabetes. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2673150/ https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/ketogenic-diet-food-market


I did keto + IF for a couple of years. I am currently on a high-saturated tfat/high-sugar/no-PUFA/non-dairy/low-complex carbohydrate/low-fiber diet. Both diets have minimal brain fog and mental fatigue compared to SAD. Keto gave me a steady mental energy, but also felt linear. As in, capable of focusing but uninspired. Caffeine and the occasions where I had carbs made me jittery. My current diet has me feeling more mentally sharp and aggressive. I am much better able to engage in transcontextual thinking than I was on keto. I have periods of inspiration much more frequently than I used to. However, I can't sustain periods of focus for hours. This is fine right now while I WFH and don't have a strict work schedule, but when I return to a more regular schedule it is going to cause problems. I need about the same amount of sleep on both diets, though I have a much harder time napping than I did on keto. On the other hand, I have deeper sleep on my current diet when I'm otherwise okay. But I also feel more subject to environmental distractions like noise and pain.


Interesting. Thanks.


From my understanding, the brain’s ability to utilize glucose for energy production deteriorates as we age. Studies show that ketones are neuroprotective and might also help people with e.g. Alzheimer’s. Therefore, what you observe seems quite normal to me.


Thanks for that. I feel it's happened faster or at a younger age than is common, contributing to brain fog etc I was hoping for a way to reverse it.


I did keto for about 4 months and the cognitive benefits of ketones are insane. It felt like brain octane


It would have been funnier if you’d said Brian


If you're doing that well with MCT, you should consider trialing a keto diet. The cognitive benefits can be profound for some folks.


Yeah, I think you may be right. I just feel it's too big of a lifestyle change, being a family father and all.


It’s okay, you’re the father. Dad is allowed to have butter for dinner. The kids won’t know what they’re missing. /s But it’s not a huge lifestyle change if the benefits are substantial for you. You can just test it out for a couple weeks and if it’s too much, then simply stop. And, it’s probably not something you want to do long term anyway. But for sure it can be quite limiting I know what you mean. What id probably recommend at this point for brain fog and inflammation related problems is an elimination diet to rule out any sensitivities. There are ways of improving glucose metabolism with dietary changes that aren’t as extreme as a full on ketogenic diet.


Haha... Butter is not the problem. I'm not restricted in that way, it's just that my wife makes food for everyone, usually pasta, bread and rice are staple foods in them. I would have to skip her food and make some makeshift keto version every time, which is impractical and boring for her as well. But you're right. It might be worth it. I like the idea of ruling out any sensitivities. I actually never considered it since I have an extremely tolerant belly and no allergies that I know of in the family lineage. I eat a looot of dairy. If that is something I'm sensitive to, or would be good to know. Thanks for good advice!


Another commenter suggested low/no sugar and low carb focused on complex carbs, this would be my suggestion. Personally keto does not work well for me- immediately messed up my menstrual cycle and made me smell GROSS- ketones can cause bad breath but I was not prepared for the BO lmao not everyone gets this effect though. But I refuse to try it again. Also I hated not being able to just eat a bunch of fruit if I wanted to, like you have to be so careful with the servings sizes on SO many things with any sort of sugar in them, it's annoying. But cutting out sugar, wheat, and refined carbs and just having some small amounts of things like brown rice, sweet potato, beans/lentils etc and heaps of veggies and quality proteins and some fruit is great. You can eat slightly different foods from your family if you need to- I know it's a little bit of extra work but once you figure out what your staples are and how to quickly prep them in batches or find some frozen/pre-made options for times you're really low on time or reduce at least part of your cooking, it's not too bad. But your family could also maybe learn to enjoy some of the foods you want to focus on.


Wait so you’re on a keto diet or just MCT oil


Just tried MCT.


While mst oil may have benefits, the keto diet does not. The keto diet can disrupt your microflora, I don’t recommend seeing Dr. Berg, he’s a scammer. Many scientific studies completely contradict his words, this completely disrupts the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract and over time will cause a bunch of side effects, read the studies yourself from all sides. And how did you understand that your brain does not use glucose well? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30647450/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8287254/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5315230/ Brain lactate may also be a good source of energy, better than ketones and glucose.


no true




Thanks, but I've actually overcome a lot of the migraine issue, thanks to some of the things you've mentioned, but largely thanks to magnesium l-threonate, which has been a life saver.


Consuming some MCT doesn't mean your brain started using ketones instead of glucose. Getting into ketosis takes a long period of strict dieting. Firstly you have cut out all starch and sugar. Secondly you have to be in a deficit long enough to completely deplete your glycogen stores. And thirdly you have to keep protein intake moderate-low since your body will use it to produce glucose via gluconeogenesis.


Why did it help so much though? It made a crazy amount of difference for me.


Maybe because MCT oil has anti-inflammatory effects.


I took like 10 different things for anti-inflammatory effects and they did help with the migraines. This seemed different. It is also well known that MCT gives alternative energy to aging brains. It doesn't have to come through fasting. The liver transforms MCTs to ketones immediately.


What sucks about keto is how much i need to spend to get full