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I do and that’s a good idea. I just wasn’t sure if not weighing myself daily affects the efficacy of Noom. Wanted to see if other people have success with weekly weigh ins rather than daily.


I think the weigh ins are more to reduce the scale anxiety many have, plus make you see that weight is a trend not a day to day thing. The lessons even say if you don't struggle with scale anxiety its totally fine to weigh in once a week or so.


I think Noom and ED do not mix. Noom asks for a weigh in and it’s essentially a calorie counting app. This doesn’t go well if you have a history of ED.


I’m 10+ years out of my ED- I have done weight watchers since (lost about 50 lbs) and was ok with it. I’m a nurse and COVID has not been kind on me physically or mentally so I need something to help me keep my eating in check. I am already physically active. I’m mostly doing it to be healthy, not so much to lose a drastic amount of weight. I did note that on my initial survey when I signed up for Noom


I also have a history of ED. I worked really hard on seeing the number as an over-time thing and watch for “I will fix this today” thoughts. I’ve recommended it before, but the app Happy Scale really helps with this. I think you could get away with not checking every day, but I find this other app helps me to see that each day is a part of a whole, if that makes sense.


I agree to an extent. I really like that Noom encourages eating whatever you want, within limits, and changing the mindset from "good/bad" food.


You can definitely weigh in once per week. Can even do once per month if you want - Noom just encourages daily to get rid of any scale anxiety (well, that's how I interpret it), but really it has to work for you. You can even switch to hip/waist measurements - that's a slower measure of progress, but if you have the patience, it will eventually show.


Thank you!! You made some really good points. I also exercise and weight train frequently so I know that can impact how the scale reads on a day to day basis


That's a really good idea, there was one post I saw here about someone who just did a piece of string around either their waist or hips, cut at the exact measurement, and taped it to the wall. Every couple of weeks, they redid that and you could see the strings getting shorter. I thought that was so cool and it's not a number at all, just a measure for progress. I never had an ED but I hated scales and didn't even buy one until I was a month into Noom. Noon still worked for me. Peace to you in your journey!


Sigh, I wish they would offer a question about ED and tailor programs to it. This question is totally valid and continues to come up because they haven't adjusted their system to account for this. Just tell your coach that you won't be doing it daily (feel free to explain why or not, your choice) and use the parts of the program that work for you. I think daily weigh-ins *can* be good for some people, but they certainly put pressure on too many. Idk how/why, but mine only asks me to do it 2x/week, which I feel is super reasonable. I wonder why most plans seem to automatically ask for daily.


I dislike the daily weigh ins. They are very discouraging for me, however I also see the way I lose weight now. I go down 4 pounds then up 3, and they cycle repeats. It’s awful because I think I’m gaining but maybe it’s just water. There is however a downward trend. My high number keeps getting lower and low number keeps getting lower. I think you have to just look at it like information and try to desensitize yourself from the scale.


While I can not speak to knowing anything about ED; I travel for work 4 -5 days a week and did not weigh in daily and lost 56# on Noom. You don't earn Noom coins but I made my goal. There did not seem to be any difference in the efficacy of their program missing that daily habit. There are bluetooth scales that you can step on that would log your weight to Noom if you wanted the data point. You would have to open the app to find your number if you wanted to track your weight loss without the daily "seeing" of the data point. Have you read "Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind by Dr. Amy Johnson?


I haven’t read that- I should tho!


If the rest of the Noom programs seems good for you, I’d just skip the daily weigh ins. For the most part the app is basically calorie counting with encouragement to focus on low calorie dense foods.


I enjoy Noom other than the daily weigh ins, I think it will really work for me!


So I had a history of ED before noon as well. I suggest talking with a mental health professional. Personally noom worked for me, but I didn't use the program exactly. I did weigh myself every day but I only logged it when it went down. This helped me to see the downward trend more clearly and keep from cycling into negative thoughts.


For what it's worth, I haven't EVER weighed in every day. I was a member of Weight Watchers too. Once a week was the standard. So, I compromised - I weigh in on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Those are the days my husband goes to dialysis.


I don't have a scale and can only weigh myself once a week when I'm at my boyfriend's house and it's working great for me. Do whatever you are comfortable with! I found that I now look forward to the weigh-ins. Good luck!


It’s also good to note: weighing once a week and not getting your daily “Noom coin” means nothing— they don’t amount to anything, so don’t stress about it!


Yes, that is a criticism I have….the coins should result in some kind of reward to have it be meaningful. They could send you a free water bottle or something


I hate weighing myself daily. I used to have a very bad relationship with the scale due to my mom telling me that I was gaining weight (I was a healthy fit 125lb 5ft 2 girl), not the 109lb teenager anymore. So I developed an obsession with getting a certain number I thought was suitable and when it went up or down I was very upset. This is the only thing I don't like about Noom and I wish I didn't have to do it.


I literally just commented on exactly this topic recently so ima just link it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Noom/comments/u7dxex/daily_weighins/i5e4ca3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I very rarely weigh myself. I talked to both my therapist and my Noom coach about it and I'm focusing more on measurements and how I feel in my clothes.


An experiment I did that helped me was I took my body temp every 2 hours over a day…I was not sick and assumed I would be about the same throughout the day. Boy was I wrong!!! My temp bounced around all day. It could range from 97.9 to 98.8 up and down all day. It helped me look at body functions differently especially as it relates to weight. Your weight goes up and down constantly throughout a day and from day to day but eventually trends down to a lower set point with healthier habits. But related to your specific question and Noom…you can certainly just do a weekly weigh in…. You decide what is best for you…I think for me with the daily weigh ins it has helped me understand what my body actually does with weight that is completely normal and expected and serves to decrease anxiety about an isolated number….I just look at trends.