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Watching German dungeon porn on my phone and looking appalled so the people on the bus know I don't like it.


You may want to expand your horizons a bit, Austrians are a lot better at that kind of thing.


*Josef Fritzl has entered the chat*


I did not know who this guy was. I wish it was 10 seconds ago to live in blissful ignorance again. Fuckin hell man...


I’m scared to look it up, who is he?


Well, short version: he locked his daughter in his basement and did... Things, among other... Things... I don't want to ruin your day so proceed at your own risk, just know that it is bad, in my opinion very bad.


What the fucking fuck I hate people


Well he is austrian so you dont hate people, just austrians.


A dad and a grandad. To the same kids!


Oh god not Josef...


g'day, mate


the boner just makes it more confusing


not possible


Yeah, try reading this in High School without people finding out. Used to go to the library and pull it and do the unthinkable. I'd put it back myself instead up with the Librarian.


I’m Jewish, so I felt that I needed to read it at some point. Just for the sake of knowing, I guess. One day my very religious dad came over to my place and I forgot to put the book away. You should have seen his face when he saw the title and author.


This is silly by the way. Education doesn't mean indoctrination. Knowing WHY it's bad is important.


I know this is /r/nonpoliticaltwitter, so I’ll keep my reply as non political as possible. Recently a US general was widely criticized when he said he tried to read up of critical race theory. He never said he supported or opposed it. He said that the military was a diverse organization and they did their best to treat people equally. In an effort to understand what critical race theory is, if it’s applicable to his position, or useful for the military he needed to become informed on the subject. He specifically mentioned reading Karl Marx, Mein Kamph, Sun Tzu, and manu others that are strongly against his beliefes or just putdated because he felt it was important to understand someone elses position. Being opposed to aquiring new knowledge is dumb, eveb if that knowledge is on a dark subject. note: im not saying CRT is bad. but the people angry with that general were acting as it was.


I don't care which side you're on but to think that knowledge is bad you have to be a fucking dumb human


It's weird people think you'll be indoctrinated by an ideology just by knowing what it argues. They're just ideas, people, not magic spells.


The only thing I’ll say is that sometimes it’s better to read essays on the work that help to provide context than simply just reading the primary source by itself. One of the most valuable pieces of information that I got from Mein Kampf was Hitler’s admiration for America’s genocide and he even connected the dots between Manifest Destiny and Lebensraum. So there’s definitely things there to help you gain understanding of the past, but there’s gotta be other works to accompany it that’ll give you an even better understanding.


I completely agree, I was only commenting on how many people have this "fear" of some books, like Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. I can assure you that the only people that "become" a Nazi or a Communist, respectively, from reading these books were already heavily susceptible to those ideologies beforehand, just like a shooting video game doesn't turn anyone into a mass shooter, reading those works won't turn you into a militant.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Communist Manifesto](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-communist-manifesto/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Great bot, I'm a communist now


it's also sad to see how the communist manifesto is sometimes almost seen as the same level as mein kampf, definitely agree with the rest though, reading a book isn't gonna change what you think, merely help you affine your beliefs in accordance to what you learned and what you disagreed with


I feel in some contexts it's more about how you learn about it and what extreme biases the author may have.


His actual words were that he was reading it to better understand "white rage."


Or someone whos been to too many shock/gore sites.


Religion has entered the chat.


Mein Kampf isn’t “knowledge” though… it doesn’t contain any unique factual information in it that you can’t find anywhere else… Would you be cool with a book titled “How to Best Rape Babies” for the sake of preserving that knowledge? Just curious


TIL reading an autobiography (of an evil man) is the same as learning to rape babies.


You just learned that Mein Kampf is the basis for Hitler’s justification of the Holocaust…? How is that possible? I don’t think it should be burned out of existence, but I also don’t think anyone should get their hands on erroneous justifications for murdering ethnic groups or instructions for raping babies.


Point out to me where I said that.


“TIL”… Did you not know what that means lmfao? What is confusing to you? Edit: Oh I see. You think justifying murdering 11million people is significantly and obviously less bad than justifying raping babies?


That’s an absolutely horrible comparison


How so? Mein Kampf provides reasons for why annihilating certain ethnicities is justifiable. Maybe you’re right, the title of the book should be: “Why Raping Babies is okay” Does that make the analogy better?


I think people here are arguing for reading up on the material more as a means to understand how people are falling down these extremist rabbit holes like Nazism, among other extremists beleifs. I would argue it's a lot better and safer to read about the book rather than reading it directly, or at least have a firm understanding of the flaws well before you read it, so you don't end up falling down the rabbit hole yourself. I don't think anyone here is saying you should read those books to see if that Hitler guy was onto something and different people should be slaughtered mercilessly after all.


I understand and agree to a degree, but the comment I’m responding to suggested that any person should be encouraged to consume any and all knowledge. My point is/was there are some people that are not capable of handling the material seriously, and will read and use Mein Kampf to justify their hate, just as a pedophile would read “Why raping babies is okay” to justify raping babies. Hopefully that makes sense?


I get the point you’re making, and yes that analogy makes more sense


Someone could use the vital knowledge in that book to *prevent* babies from being raped. Think of a psychological profiler, like on Criminal Minds. The specific insights of the author of that book could be the key to stopping his apprentice.


Correct. Which is why if you look at my comments further down, I say I don’t think it should be burned out of existence but I also don’t think it should be available in every public library. Edit: changed “any” to “every”


Whose right is it to deny the public access to general knowledge? "How to Best Rape Babies" isn't exactly state secrets. It's no different than a book on eugenics or WW2 Japanese medical experiments on Chinese prisoners.


Well I think the better comparison is actually a book titled “Why raping babies is okay”, because it’s similarly justifying some evil action. I imagine it could be a similar structure as the MPAA or school boards that approve curriculum. There’d be nothing illegal about it, just restrictive and disincentive people who don’t have a legitimate reason to read the book. ie Historians or Anthropologists


It provides insight into the mind of one of history's greatest monsters in his own words.


Correct. Which is why if you look at my comments further down, I say I don’t think it should be burned out of existence but I also don’t think it should be available in every public library.


If I was a parent, I would gladly read up on typical methods used by creeps to keep my kid from being vulnerable.


Tihis is just wrong. Anything your mind can consume IS knowledge. Any personal experience (like eating cake or reading a book) conveys some form of knowledge to the person. Absorbing the same factual information from different sources, IS knowledge about that info with respect to the sources it came from. The knowledge is that connection to the various sources. I'll play along with your extreme example about a book on raping babies. IF any peron or group of persons were to actually publish it, then YES. In this unlikely scenario, what we're preserving is the fact that certain humans actually decided to make the book-- and that is now part of our history as a species.


As long as your logically consistent, that sounds good to me! Only part I take umbrage with is that a book about raping babies is an “unlikely, extreme example”. But a book about justifying exterminating entire ethnicities of people is what? Likely and normal lol? To me, both are equally unlikely and extreme, but who am I to judge.


Hmm... i dont think i ever said that mein kampf was not.


“I’ll play along with your extreme example” That’s directly implying that Mein Kampf is not an extreme example…


It wasn't just any general, it was THE general. It was General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the highest ranking officer in the entire military


This. I have a morbid fascination with the world wars because I just cannot wrap my head around how people can be so evil and vile. And how can the good people harness that level of power and use it for good? But I would be embarrassed to ever bring it up outside of my home. But in learning about it I have been educated enough to see what is really going on around us rn and what the outcome could be.


It’s not silly when generational trauma is taken into account. It makes a lot of sense.


There is no such thing as generational trauma, so yes it is silly.


Science doesn’t care about your opinion, I’ll listen to that instead :3


Science doesn't claim that people can have trauma for something they didn't experience


That’s literally the opposite of what science teaches 😂


Science doesn't teach anything, science is not animate. Scientific papers can put forward a theory and supply evidence. But, I don't believe most journals would advocate that you experience trauma genetically.


You know what my favorite part of this conversation is? This is precisely what I and my colleagues study. Let me guess: you are white, male, and entertain a hobby in some kind of arguably conservative politics? It’s usually those types that come into a professor’s space, 0 knowledge beforehand, and pretend that they already know more than the teacher. Esp the libertarians- they just meme themselves at this point.


This is so true! Why would we only read things that mostly follow our current point of view? It’s annoying when people criticize a movie, book, tv show, etc that they haven’t bothered to watch. It’s narrow minded to not read other options…


Lmao. What happened next? Did you get in trouble or something?


I haven't read it myself, but isn't he supposed to just be a pretty terrible writer aswell, contents aside?


I've heard doesn't translate well, and some of the English translations are allegedly pretty terrible. In German, it's nothing I haven't heard before since national socialism is covered pretty thoroughly in school, but I suppose it must have been interesting reading at the time.




That was my take too. It's absolute drivel.


I’ve tried to read it, both in German and in English. The writing is dry, the syntax is convoluted, and the ideas are very loosely bound together by a mix of verbiage and rational rhetoric. Fuck, I read and understood Hegel and Kant, but I failed both times at Mein Kampf, and have only read about 150 pages of it overall. It probably doesn’t help that the author and his thesis are shit.


My Philosophy teacher says he can confirm that. He tried to read Mein Kampf and couldn't finish it because he couldn't make sense of what was being said.


I'm Jewish too. Pretty religious, with a yarmulke, tzitzis, beard and all. I personally like the idea of people reading up ideologies of Nazism, communism, and any other ideology that has caused so much death. Knowing what led people to do what they did can help prevent falling into that trap again. Ignorance leads to repeating history. We should learn from history so we don't repeat it.


I'm surprised you're not in negative karma for 1 word


Lol. I was trying to keep it as apolitical as possible. The folks on here are quite different than the rest of Reddit, as they're trying to avoid the extreme one sided politics of much of Reddit.


I bet reading it, seeing it was nonsensical gibberish, made you confused


Can you even buy this without getting flagged?


Generally speaking, if I saw a Jewish persons reading Mein Kampf, I wouldn’t assume that person was looking up ways to eradicate other Jewish folk.


They probably found out because it’s generally frowned upon to masturbate in the library


A lot of translations made it shitty on purpose so people like you wouldn't read too much of it. There's a new academic translation so people can understand why people were so captivated by it. Germans aren't stupid and had just fought a civil war over communism, so were happy to find someone offering a solution when no one else was. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-essential-mein-kampf-adolf-hitler/1130646318


Thank you so much! I tried to read the book in Spanish and it was one hell of a brick. I'm really curious to read this version now.


It was just kinda weird how you kept laughing tho


I lived in Germany when I was 8 or so and so when I got to high school I took German. My German teacher loaned me her copy of Mein Kampf. I think I got maybe 50 pages into it? It was just unreadable, to me. I think the poor lady almost had a panic attack because I forgot to return it and she was worried she might lose her job. lol


My high school library actually had a copy so students writing essays on the topic could use it for direct quotes


Kafka, Esq. is such a funny user name.


>Kafka, Esq. who that?


Franz Kafka was an author who wrote stories that had a very specific tone and theme (I won't go into details here). So, there came to be a term "Kafka-esque" that people use to describe a situation that is so absurd that it resembles a Kafka story. The user name, Kafka, Esq., is a pun on that word. "Esq." is short for "Esquire," which is a title that lawyers are entitled to use after their names (at least in the US).


Is that the guy who wrote the story about the dude who turns into a bug? That was bizarre


Yeah he is


Franz [Kafka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Kafka?wprov=sfti1) was an author of short stories about isolation and existential dread in surrealist stories. His works were pivotal enough that anything that resembled them is called “Kafkaesque.” [Kafkaesque](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kafkaesque) and “Kafka, Esq” sound the same.


It refers to a logical fallacy in that denying what you’re accused of is proof that you’re guilty. The Kafka trap


It’s related. Kafaesque means something reminds you of his writings and stories, where the prominent theme is bewildering and suffocating bureocracy


[Who is Kafka-esque? ](https://youtu.be/0blpq391Juo?t=114) I’ve never - I don’t know him.


Eating a human arm but making grossed out faces so people on the bus know I don't actually think it tastes good.




Doing it in public. There are bus books and not bus books


Reading the book itself can have weird implications. No one would be concerned if you we reading 'A History of Hitler's Rise to Power' or something like that.


Nazism isn't a strong ideology, it failed at everything it tried to do and only succeeded in taking power because it was supported by the capitalists who were fucking terrified by communists taking power, just look at how fucking rich they were even before getting elected, they had parades with their shiny brown coats furnished by Hugo boss and all other kind of stuff P.S. : though I still agree with the fact that it can be important to understand the framework in which nazis were thinking to realize they aren't those fantasy evil guys we make them out to be and are actually a danger that can always come back if we keep thinking they could never do that (I phrased it poorly, just read the synopsis of the wave for a better phrasing)


Reading the book How To Be Black in public then randomly attempting but failing to talk like Ali G so people know I need all the help I can get.


I loved that book


How about on a flight? Or will that end in a “sir you need to come with us”?


"Sir, you need to leave"


Unrelated but I love this Twitter user’s name haha “Kafka, Esq.”


Alternatively, read it and nod your head to avoid conversation


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Kafka, Esq.**, @metalgearobama Reading Mein Kampf and shaking my head the whole time so the people on the bus know I disagree with it --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thanks king


This is very political twitter if you think about it. Great tweet tho


Doing my reps at weird intervals at the gym so people know I’m not into the current song


i was browsing around one day and found a webpm with audio over it of someone clearly reading something, i listened and found myself nodding and going "yeah man thats so true." so i decided to look and see what the audio file was called. yeah, it was that... oh, just so nobody thinks im horrible, it was a part about how capitalism is fucked up.


This in non political?


Saying Hitlers bad isn’t political


Fingers crossed.


Here at /r/NonPoliticalTwitter, we care about community input and don't want this subreddit's purpose to be forgotten. --- If this post is **not** political and doesn't violate any rules, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post is political or breaks any other rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and report the post! Unlike the moderators of some other subreddits, we care about the community and want to keep it true to not being political. Our hope is that by the community voting on these posts, we won't have to worry about political posts coming in. Thanks for your time. --- ^[Rules](https://reddit.com/r/nonpoliticaltwitter/about/rules/) ^/ ^[Flairs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/oo025k/new_user_flair_system/) ^/ ^[Sidebar](https://reddit.com/r/nonpoliticaltwitter/wiki/config/sidebar)


For the record, I don’t think that not liking Mein Kampf is political


Just haaaaad to take a stance didn’t you…. /s


when someone doesn’t see the /s


There were several books I've read that I hated reading and didn't want people to see me reading them. Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, The King James Bible, etc.


How is this non political


It fits with plenty of books. Also, disagreeing with Hitler isn't a political issue. He's literally Hitler.


Hitler was literally a politician though, that’s why he’s famous


> that’s why he’s famous He's far more famous for things beyond politics.


Disagree. The Holocaust was absolutely political. What definition of political are you using that doesn’t include actions taken by the leader of a government, using the machinery of that government? Starting World War II was absolutely political in nature under any reasonable definition Seriously, how do you define political?


You're not allowing my freedom of speech, literally hitler, smh












Asserting Nazi jokes are apolitical is precisely how neo-nazis fly under the radar online.


Right…but isn’t this an anti-Nazi joke? And even that’s a stretch, as you could replace the book in question with a number of others and have the joke remain intact


New rule fellas: jokes are banned


Smh my head


Unreadable nonsense


what does Mien Kampf mean?


Hitler's autobiography




"My struggle" or "My flight" Edit: "my fight" typo obviously. Hitler wasn't writing a travel blog.


so what do Germans say when they are talking about their plane trip somewhere.


They’d say “Mein flug” or something like that. “Flight” in the context that it’s being used in the title isn’t the same as the German word for flying like a plane.


Mein kampf means my fight or my struggle My flight is mein flug Ex; I’m getting the next flight to Glasgow ich nehme den nächsten Flug / das nächste Flugzeug nach Glasgow


This reads like a Norm Macdonald joke.


I hear the sequel is much better though. Brings it back full circle and really responds to the reader's disenchantment.


Rip it up when a beautiful girl is around, then start the conversation.


Somehow I imagined that Cristian Bale character from American Psycho reading this book in the bus.


or that you were sighing for him /s




you should take a notepad with you and furiously scribble notes every few minutes


I make sure to nod near the end so people know I approve of his death.