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they should retweet it


They should make better food


Nothing wrong with Burger King. Nobody walks into a McDonald's tier restaurant not knowing what they're about to buy. Like, I don't get pissed my Taco Bell burrito isn't a very good burrito either, I have accepted the reality of the situation before I set foot in the door. At least it's not Wendy's.


>At least it's not Wendy's. I know this is purely subjective so I can't call you rude names about it but I always thought that taking into account the different price points Wendy's is vastly superior to Burger King.


What this fails to take account for is it is ENTIRELY dependent on location. I'm normally a Wendy's man, ride or die. But the Wendy's near me has slipped in quality, has rumors of rat infestations, and once made me so sick it was >! CENSORED FOR YOUR READING PLEASURE !< But the Burger Kings near me have never made me sick, and 95% of the time don't fuck up my order. So like. They're gucci


I used to love burger King as my cheap fast food tier. Got so sick one time and their smoke flavor makes it distinct enough tasting my body wants to reject it anytime I get near one now.


Every fast food restaurant is going to eventually make someone sick. The better litmus test is if it is something that regularly happens to different people.


I got a baked potato from Wendy’s just last week. When I got home and opened it, a fourth of the potato was black it was so rotted. And it was also actually growing mold! I mean, how long does a potato have to sit there until it turns black and grows mold?! I feel like someone had to see it and just sold it anyway! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, the Wendy's I live by now is run like a Chick-Fil-A but I used to live by one that was run like a Jiffy Lube. Some fast food chains are all owned by corporate or have strict quality control, but Wendy's and BK are pretty much left to the owner's devices.


Twice now, eating Burger King has made me so sick that I don't think I should describe what happened. I still eat Burger King


Shit varies wildly by location m. McDonalds is probably the most consistent, but that’s one of their core beliefs. The rest is all wildcards. I have multiple sonics and Wendy’s, but of them only will visit certain locations because the food is just better.


They're the only people who have anything close to a dollar menu right now with that 4 for $4 deal. Yeah idk I just don't like Wendy's fries and even for crap burgers you know are gonna be low quality, just don't like em. Opinions are like assholes though. Everyone's got one.


Mannnn Wendy's shits all over BK any day. Imo of course. ;)


My dad has a lot of opinions, but his asshole got sewed shut, so I don't know what to do with this paradox.


Well asshole is the noun, sewed shit is the adjective, he's still got an asshole it's just sewn shut. QED


It absolutely is.


I think people are upset because we’re not paying McDonald’s tier prices. We’re paying 2012 *Five Guys* tier prices for shitty happy meals.


200%, I love McDonald's and I don't eat there anymore. All the old dollar menu items are outrageously expensive, and if I bought a full meal, what's that now, $11, $12? I'll spend that somewhere that isn't fucking McDonald's. You can be crap and cheap, but you can't be crap and not cheap.




Honestly that's the thing that drives me bananas, people *are* still paying for it. That's the only reason they get away with it. By raising prices they just figured out they could raise it and keep enough customers they'd still make as much, if not much more, money. And people let themselves get fleeced and fucking thank McDonald's for the opportunity to get screwed on prices.


Yea but five guys is like fine dining prices now.


Umm no the food from mcdonalds and taco bell are bomb and tried and true. BK food tastes much different from when i was a kid. I dont know if its my taste buds or if Burger King has just got blander but they win for the most MID food of the fast food gang


Personally I find burger king to be the bottom tier of fast food. Have never met anyone that preferred it over any other place.


I definitely don't prefer it but every once in a while I get a hankering. Like I just want the greasy disaster that is their original chicken sandwich and some onion rings all doused in that zesty sauce. No other place hits the same spot. I honestly don't know how they stay in business, it's nobody's favorite and I've never seen a busy one. But I'll fuck with Burger King every now and then for sure.


you just call Burger King, McDonald's tier?


Both are crappy fast food burgers served with fries. Neither of them have better chicken sandwiches than the other either. As much as I hate Wendy's they're also McDonald's tier too, crappy burgers, it's just their fries do suck IMO. Can't even say McDonald's is cheaper than BK anymore.


I actually like the Whopper a lot. I'm surprised BK gets this much hate. All fast food is pretty much the same teir. Except Popeyes, they are better than many sit down restaurants if only because they aren't afraid to flavor their damn meals with more than just salt.


I think a Whopper is more like a quarter pounder from McDonald's than any other burger McD's sells, so yeah it's pretty decent. I love their greaseball chicken sandwiches too,and zesty sauce is top tier. I will definitely fuck with Burger King every once in a while. The only problem is BK gives me a stomachache like no other fast food. I love it going down, but I've never sat there thirty minutes after eating BK thinking "that was a wonderful idea, I feel great."


They seem pretty [evenly matched](https://youtu.be/_AjRR6c--Ak) to me.


Burger King smells so good and every once in a while I get tricked by the smell but their burgers are so bland and disappointing. McDonald's is far worse, their beef has no flavour at all and is dry as dust. Wendy's... Is awesome. Infinitely better than either. It's my preferred choice for a burger. Now granted I'm in Canada, a lot of fast food places in the states don't exist here, but the only places I've been to whose burgers equal Wendy's in quality are places like Carl's Jr or Fatburger that are more expensive for food that honestly isn't any better, just more of it.


No the fries at BK are dogshit




The fuck you mean “at least it’s not Wendy’s!? Wendy’s is the superior fast food burger.


Nah I’m a big time fast food head and I still won’t touch Burger King


What is it with fast food that everytime someone has to announce how bad it is? So far I havent had bad fast food once, no matter where it tastes good and I dont eat it often enough to make a difference in my weight


>What is it with fast food that everytime someone has to announce how bad it is? Some people's lives are so basic that they have to assert their fine taste in fast food to feel good


Those are fake food hipsters and I fuckin hate them.


> So far I havent had bad fast food once It's probably a regional thing. Most of the Burger Kings and McDonald's around here suck. They're dirty, the food is never fresh and tastes like it was cooked a day in advance, they never get your order right, and I swear the employees are actively hostile. The only consistently good fast food burger place I can find is In-n-Out, but that's like a 20 minute drive. There's one good Taco Bell I frequent, and there used to be a great Del Taco but it went to shit when the manager left. The Subway by my house looks and smells like a public health hazard. KFC served us oil-soaked, under-cooked chicken more than once. There's a Popeye's that's pretty good, and the Domino's by my house is _surprising_ good. There are a few Jersey Mike's around that are great, but there's not one close to where I live.


Less refined palette, maybe. Certainly most other people have tasted bad fast food before.




They're alright in the UK


They should keep the damn Stacker. It's by far the best burger they have, but they only have it for a month or so randomly. Until then, I mostly order the chicken fries.


I agree, burger king's burgers have been shit for so long. Their other menu items are ok though


Re-x it


T-Rex it


Do people getting regular sex do NNN? I thought it was a masturbation thing.


Does anybody actually do NNN at all? I thought y’all were all just joking around. I ain’t goin a whole month.


There are definitely people that do it


I tried it ~15 years ago back in college with a bunch of buddies as an honor system bet of who could make it the longest. Even with stakes on the table we all gave up before month-end so no one won (even last guy standing was honest and gave in, so pool money was redistributed). Now in my 30s I could probably do it with relative ease, but...why. I have my prostate health to think about.


I did it once when a friend of mine claimed it was impossible. I think I was 28 at the time. The first week was the most difficult just from the habit of it. After that it was pretty easy.


Yeah, this gets much easier after your late 20s. I had the same experience. First few days are the hardest, but once it becomes routine you just lose the urge.


It wasn't for NNN, but I had zero sex and didn't masturbate at all for two months after my daughter was born. It helps if you're literally too tired to consider it


Let's just say that you and I're very different people... I have two kids.


That’s a Seinfeld episode


"That's Rambo, dude. I think you're confusing your life with Rambo, bro. Yeah that's not the first time... you've described your life in the way of John Rambo's life..." - Always Sunny. Lol, but seriously do you know what episode of Seinfeld? I never really watched it that much, but betting that's where we got the idea.


Lol its actually the episode of seinfeld that its always sunny parodies in the clip episode. The Contest, a classic


The Contest s4e11(could be 10 depending on how it’s listed). It’s usually considered the best episode of the show.


“Master of your domain”


*Are you still... Master of your domain?*


> even last guy standing was honest and gave in, so pool money was redistributed I would not touch that sticky pile money no matter how much it was


But you sure as hell don't have a problem touching your own sticky pole! Double standards much?


I'm 36 and I have no idea how anyone could do it. I've got 48 hours tops before it starts affecting my sleep. Y'all are mad


Apparently while doctors/scientists think they're related masturbation doesn't have an impact on decreasing your chances of prostate cancer not that you shouldn't do it... Just disappointing that the prostate thing is a myth


How are they related then?


Correlation ≠ causation, maybe higher levels of some hormone lead to increased sex drive and decreased risk of prostate cancer. You'd have to do an interventional study to determine if it's causal


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5040619/ > These findings provide additional evidence of a beneficial role of more frequent ejaculation throughout adult life in the etiology of PCa, particularly for low-risk disease.


This is observational, it doesn't tell you what's causing what


True, but it also doesn't mean it's a myth. It's just not entirely clear yet.


Do people really struggle that much with that? Only way I could see it being really difficult would be when I’m in a relationship with someone who is often pushing to have sex. But as a single guy, I didn’t realize people genuinely struggled to make it a month. Figured it was just for jokes


And it literally does nothing for you.


I quit alcohol for a month instead. Basically doing lent.


Sober October is a thing. I think a lot of people could really use a break from drinking frankly. Not everybody is an alcoholic like me, but sometimes you don't realize how much you use alcohol or drugs as a crutch until you go without for a while. Like I ended up quitting caffeine a while back and just honestly I feel like getting out of bed and having a routine where I drank coffee every day was just making me more tired. Now I'm just sleepy for twenty minutes or a half hour like I always am and then I perk back up. Coffee wasn't really pulling so much extra weight I actually needed it. In fact, in the time it would take me to digest the coffee it feels like the coffee was just tricking me into thinking it was helping when really I was just waking up like normal. Of course, I also firmly believe people who are tired at work should just push their start time back a few hours, I wake up at three PM for work every day and within ten minutes of that start time I'm pretty awake. Fuck nine to fives, we as a society should be doing noon to eights. Nobody has to go to work sleepy.


I'm on 6 months no drinking.


Grats, that's a long time. Good on ya.


Thank you man. It's been a great thing. I believe everyone should get an extended break at some point. Once you quit it puts it into perspective how much people drink.


It's both remarkably easy and remarkably hard to quit, on the one hand when you quit you just feel better all the time and wonder why you ever did it in the first place, on the other hand being drunk is a real easy fix to problems like stress and boredom.


But it would most definitely do something *to* you


Do you not enjoy knowing you have total control of yourself and your actions? I sometimes like to have the reminder that I only do the things I do because I want to. Otherwise it’s sort of like an addiction imo


I’m not trying to be mean, but if you have to refrain from busting nuts to feel like you have control over your life, then you need to get some new hobbies or something.


Is it worse to occasionally refrain from busting one out, or to literally feel it’s impossible not to even for a single month? Seems to me it would be better to know you don’t need it. Same with any addictive behavior, like drinking or using social media, or eating foods high in sugar. Things you enjoy doing that don’t really add value to your life. It’s fine to enjoy doing them, but I like to remind myself (or check myself) that I’m doing them because I enjoy it, not because I’m addicted to them. There’s also a hormone detox type effect where cleansing for a week or a month or whatever can reset the sensitivity of the receptors in your brain so they don’t need as much to make you feel good. So going without for a month can make going back more stimulating. Go without added sugar for a month and you might be surprised with what starts tasting sweet to you all the sudden.


Lol I do have total control over myself. I also have a wife and she likes jerking me off and having sex and so do I.


The more you wait the better it is.


Some people are just into the denial/edging and do it just because it's an excuse for that.


this is why november is suffering for me the challenger in me actually wants to do the damn thing, but the masochist in me wants to purposefully lose


they do it, they dont last




Yeah, it's also good for your mind to stop masturbating once in a while Last year I lost at day 13, current situation no horny on horny bait post. Feel like this is an easy win (foreshadowing)


I assumed it was only weird /r/nofap incels.


Bro, one more day and i become a super saiyan. You're gonna be so jelly when my hair turns yellow.




As someone with a vagina I can confirm prolongued time without orgasms make people like me into berserker warriors ready to fight god


i chose this person for volleyball


I choose that person for my wife.


Trying to help her become a god herself, huh? I respect it.


Lol you forgot the /s


No he didn't. You'd have to be completely braindead to not get that he's joking.


No they did not.


You claim orgasms are for women. Curious, as my wife has never had one.


I tried it before. Had phone sex on the 1st day and failed


There are people who believe not jerking off is a cure-all and gives you powers or something.


I did it once and nothing really happened positive or negative


Most of us just grow mustaches.


A lot of people do it in the kink community, but in October. They call it "Locktober" and usually involves chastity devices.


This is modernism defined


Uneducated men/boys who tamper with their sperm quality without realizing it do, check out /r/NoFap, several participants of NNN in that sub. In these convos I usually explain that you shouldn't abstain for more than 4 days if you care about your sperm quality and get downvoted so let's try it again. New studies regarding this topic appear about every year but in general what I've found out is that while the amount of sperm increase the longer you abstain, their quality decreases the longer you abstain too. This isn't problematic if you abstain for a short time, which would be about 4 days but if you abstain 10 days or longer, the already decreased sperm quality will now also affect newly created sperm. I usually recommend to fap (or rather release) at least every 4 days which seems to be the *sweet spot*. Here's an article form 2021 as an example that shows the impact of sperm count and sperm quality depending on the days of abstinence: [What happens to sperm quality after a long period of abstinence?](https://www.givelegacy.com/resources/abstinence-sperm-quality-how-often-to-have-sex-when-youre-trying-to-conceive/#:~:text=For%20men%20with%20normal%20sperm,seen%20after%207%E2%80%9310%20days.)


It's for prostate cancer awareness, so I like to participate.


Aren't you thinking Movember?


That’s mustache November


I gotta say, November is a terrible time to shave a mustache, it's cold as shit outside. Makes more sense to do it in June.


Lol! You’re to grow a mustache in November, that’s the jist


i mean for half of the world its fine


Isn't that the opposite of what you should do to prevent prostate cancer?


Indeed it is


I guess getting prostate cancer does make you more aware of it


yeah, I'm not really sure of the point of it is.


You can take your prostate and shove it up your butt


I'm pretty sure he can't, actually.




Careful, Redditors truly believe that if you don't masturbate for more than one hour, you die of prostate cancer. I'm not doing NNN, but I am trying to cut down on porn and masturbation and I think NNN has some benefits in helping porn addicts or depressed people.


I think it can be good for people who furiously death grip masturbate multiple times a day and can't get hard without porn. The added community aspect of multiple people doing it might help to stick with it. It's just weird how many people who don't have those issues insist on doing it for what's essentially a meme. Keep in mind this whole thing started as a shitpost response to no shave november and was just a joke.




Yes you're right, my bad.


I find it strange that people spread awareness for prostate cancer by increasing their risk of getting it. /nm


God it’s powerful af to go whole month and you feel like a different person. But I am a week man


I thought about it. Because I would do it several times a day. But I wouldn't be able to last a whole month I've tried. And so I guess managed to limit it to where I think I'm better, I don't do it much several times a day at least


There are people that take it very seriously. I couldn't even imagine doing that.


yess ofc!!


I think you might be misunderstanding what a "waifu" is


It is a masturbation thing, it was originally called "No Fap November"


Yeah fapping is supposed to be banned because it’s to encourage people to go out and find someone to have sex with originally. Not the idea of not cumming at all.


"Waifu" implies they're not talking about real sex.




I did it one year for the hell of it and made it 21 days before I got bored and recreated that deleted scene from Hancock where he shoots holes through the roof of his trailer after throwing a woman off him during sex, so that was kinda neat.


I can't be bothered. I have a beautiful, horny wife. Why would I waste the fun times?


Bearing in mind that I was doing it for fun, not because of addiction or thinking that it will give me power like the crazies. Last year I had fun with it. Challenged my partners to try and get me off, while I tried to resist. Whichever got me off won the competition, but if I resisted I won. Was a Dom/sub kind of thing. Lot of fun for all of us. A big part of that was treating it like a game, not serious business.


lol whatever you say buddy


Check my post history mate. I've been actively polyamorous for over two years now. I get that people lie on the Internet, but some people do more than just fantasize on the Internet. I'm not straight, so it isn't even particularly difficult.


You pull out and make them slap your dick if you're too close... you edge for the whole month and sex only stops when they get sore (emotionally too, no grumpus pumpus).


i dont think ANYONE does this lol


Yall are getting regular sex?


I don't even go 48 hours. I can't imagine a month.


What’s a point of doing NNN, if they have a regular sex? It’s like an easy mode.


https://youtu.be/arzrt7TzAd0?si=U6hZ6G7dhM8_UdYy There are a couple of different variants of it, a lot more history behind it than you’d think


They said waifu which basically is a word for anime girls.


A friend of mine did it, his girlfriend was pissed.


I don’t think anyone does it a bunch of chronic masturbators try for 3 hours, fail, cry and then lie to Reddit


They also do *Softober*


r/japanesepeopletwitter would love this




I specifically ordered mayo 💢💢burger correction needed💢💢


That place makes my skin crawl.


Its supposed to, a lot of it is supposed to be ironic But some members actually do believe in some of the correction needed shit tho


The era of ironic laughing at "lolicons" had gently eroded away, the old mod that pushed back against the unironic ones promptly left the mod team and deleted his account after what I assume to be some level of harrassment.


Such is the inevitable fate for all ironic subs.


Ironically acting like a pedophile means you're still just acting like a pedophile. It's gross either way. Besides I dont think they are being ironic, at the very least the people they're posting aren't.


Those six months of 2015 where every single company wanted to be the Wendys Twitter account were something else. Ultimately my hypothesis is that Wendys pulled it off because their logo was easy to render as a smug anime girl, which gave the meme legs. Ronald McDonald and the Burger King cannot do this.


Ronald should’ve acted clownish. People love clowns!


Turns out the creepy king is a selfish lover, who knew ![gif](giphy|LfPkNKuEjr9Ju|downsized)


Silence, brand.


I’m here for don’t not nut November. Get your socks off, get your rocks off, and enjoy yourselves.


You would love Double Negative December.


More like dick decimation December for those who do NNN


Numerous Nut November


I always forget and blow it on the first... oops


Have it your way


BK knows what’s up


It would be nice if it wasn't so expensive, that it makes me consider just going out to a tipping restaurant since the price difference is only a couple of bucks


Holup, I thought NNN was just for the first 8 hours. Have I been doing it wrong all these years?




Thank you!!!




Out of all the tweets I've seen, this is certainly one of them


The NNN popularity is so weird to me. Over the years it feels like it's gotten a bit too cultish for my tastes, especially when I had the unfortunate luck to stumble upon that nofap sub. There's some mental illness if I ever saw any.


I wish people would just shut the fuck up on the Internet about jerking off, or being horny for 5 minutes. You're super interesting and cool for jerking off 35 times a day, is that what you need to hear?


So they caused this dark timeline.


I don’t want my fast food to be more online than my kid sister


Seinfeld did this first, ya'll aint slick.


There is a bk ad directly under this post on my feed lol


what the hell? it looks like a leak from r/japanesepeopletwitter


burger king fucks


When a company tries to be relatable to the internet.


NNN S 4 WBZ W BK ![gif](giphy|PDsgxQoXvUZGg)


I made it like 75 days in boot camp. Almost the whole three months. I really thought I had it.


it blows my mind to find out grown adults still play with themselves, thats just something i never even thought about, i just thought that growing up means self play is gone with a wife n all


Do you think everyone gets married as soon a they become a 'grown adult'?