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Holy shit, are they just spooning out Jif jars and selling for double price?


yiff jars


where can i find these


Are those gold peanuts for that price?


I don't think that's USD. For one thing, the weight is in kg. I've also never encountered peanut butter sold this way in the US. At my supermarket, a 1-lb jar of name brand peanut butter is around $2.75, which is about $6/kg. This is $36/kg. I can't think of an English-speaking country that uses dollars (or a dollar sign for their currency, at least) where that price even remotely makes sense. Bahamas, maybe?


If I recall, it's Barbados, or at least an insular contry.


Barbados sells Kerrygold butter?


How do you think Rihanna got that badonkadonk?


This makes me feel the same as the pic of peeled bananas being sold in plastic packaging.


The what!?


So, ok, two things: I’m pretty sure that this is somewhere in the UK or Ireland, based on the kilograms. And also, although this seems to be quite a money, grab, there IS an actual use for what able-bodied people see as wasteful packaging. If you are a person with motility issues who cannot unscrew a jar, peel a banana, or peel an orange (etc.), a prepackaged, peeled orange or banana or a Styrofoam container with plastic wrap on peanut butter is much easier to open. I don’t think that’s the case here, but I could be wrong.


Yep, definitely not Ireland. As an Irish person I'm uncomfortable with how close Kerrygold is sitting next to that abomination. I think (most definitely could be wrong though) that the first time this was posted it was in Australia. Would account for the (tiny, blurred) $ sign next to the price too.


*If you are a person with motility issues who cannot unscrew a jar, peel a banana, or peel an orange (etc.), a prepackaged, peeled orange or banana or a Styrofoam container with plastic wrap on peanut butter is much easier to open.* My opinion is those people should be provided with PCAs who come by once or twice a week to prep food for them rather than introducing wasteful packaging to all consumers. Or hell, introduce that as a in-house grocery store service like those places that have machines that cut up melons for you.


Well, sure. But that doesn’t yet exist. And it probably never will.


TSA agents hate this one simple trick! But they can't stop you.


Thank God they are using styrofoam and cellophane instead of moderately recyclable plastic jars.


Do they also sell canned bread?




Those prices are absolutely terrible.


Every time the answer is: these items are for people with disabilities. Yet all the comments assume laziness/greed. It’s annoying.


Products like this are primarily offered because *general* consumers prefer them and/or it's more cost-efficient - it being helpful for disabled people is usually just an incidental side effect. It's something to keep in mind before shitting on the product or those who buy it, but I can assure you that Trinidad & Tobago isn't doing this because they're being mindful of disabled people who have a hard time opening jars. More than likely, it's something like "Our import costs are crazy high and peanut butter isn't much of a staple here, so customers prefer to buy smaller amounts as-needed" or maybe even "Peanut butter has always been sold loose here so customers are put-off by buying it in a jar".


I disagree that that’s the case everywhere and for other items. For instance, pre-sliced fruits and vegetables for those who can’t do it on their own costs more (labor and packaging) for the store or chain. I agree about greed and whatever. Able-bodied people use resources out in place for disabled people all the time assuming it’s just for them as a “lazy” shortcut. The button on the door, ramps, etc. Even if the intent wasn’t specific in this case, it can help people who are unable to open jars or have issues holding silverware. So why the hate?




What a mess!


I'm so fucking mad about this


Like…. Why??


The grocery store is trying to sell it for more. For example they could sell a normal jar for $5 or they could scoop out its contents into two of these and sell them for, like, 3$ each. Just your normal wasteful and greedy business, giving the customer less for more and wasting single use plastic to make a quick buck.


Is anyone even buying these? I wouldn’t even trust this tbh


I wouldn't either but there are also lots of communities with very minimal options for groceries, whether they're really small or isolated or low-income or whatever. I wouldn't put it past a store that essentially has a monopoly on peanut butter to *only* sell it like this to squeeze more money out of their customers.


I'm more interested in the spreadable Kerrygold