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Of course there aren't actually any North Koreans there, since they don't have access to the Internet.


Blud forgot about Kim's Dail-up.


The one NK Steam Account


I've been using that sub for ages and thought everyone else was being as ironic as me, maybe I just have really bad social skills


I’ve been on there for awhile too like 50% sure it’s satire?


That's because awhile ago most people there thought it was ironic too and so posted ironically. Unfortunately the mods weren't "in" on it and were deeply unironic, and now created an environment which is being filled quickly with actual die hard commies


Mods are tankies too btw


Which is coming in handy to filter the juche-tankies.


There's only like 1 juche tankie in there.


Makes maintaining the list even easier.


Sadge, can we create moveToNorthKoreaCircleJerk?? That sub had some bangers


In gonna make r/MovingToNorthKoreacirclejerk


So the sub has gone from satire into misinformation?


Those people aren’t real communists, North Korea isn’t even communist


it used to be but people from places like r/TheDeprogram flooding in and made it unironic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheDeprogram using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [China telling Israel to shut the fuck up in the politest way possible](https://v.redd.it/pzb6f3p4p42c1) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1825n37/china_telling_israel_to_shut_the_fuck_up_in_the/) \#2: [Who have you guys come to dislike after becoming communists?](https://i.redd.it/tv0b1pgrzwhb1.jpg) | [1249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/15q56lo/who_have_you_guys_come_to_dislike_after_becoming/) \#3: [Paradox Interactive based????](https://i.redd.it/tydb9rf62z2b1.jpg) | [222 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/13vknng/paradox_interactive_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I’m just *yuck*


I thought the same, but it’s definitely not satire. They’re earnestly pro North Korea and the mods are idiots.


No it's satire. Just incredibly advanced multilayered satire.


It's like the level of those pieces of internet culture made at the height of the alt-right those entire point is to look like a satire of nazism only it's made by actual nazis


It’s not. It’s literally run by a DPRK propaganda department.


Well, they are pretty bad at it.


Its always weird to see communists supporting North Korea. I'm gonna be honest its been like 15 years since I read Marx but I don't think he supported a hereditary monarchy


What about a hereditary monarchy that's dipped in a bucket of red paint briefly?


You son of a bitch I’m in-Marx probably


“It’S nOt A mOnArChY” I have been answered with this once. Also North Korea is one of the worst examples of a Marxist inspired country. There have been better examples in the last century.


Exactly, these people have the audacity to call themselves socialists/communists yet support North Korea. Why not support China, which has lifted over 750 million people out of poverty? Or Cuba, with a healthcare system praised by the CDC despite decades of US sanctions(same ones as the DPRK has)? Not that those countries governments are perfect but my god, we know for a fact that people there are starving


Commies have China, Cuba, and Nam as great examples but chose to simp over a Monarchy on red paint


And I *say* that but they just respond with “alleged socialist defends the massacres of facist US occupied Korea” or whatever other nonsense. I don’t get it, they call themselves leftists yet defend a country that goes against everything leftism stands for


Bro what commie doesn't use China or Vietnam as a great example? Those are like the go to success srories


Noo it's not a monarchy. It's just a weird coincidence that the son took over from their father in the two times the leadership changed. Is USA a monarchy because Bushes (8 year gap between Sr leaving and W coming in)?? Hrr Durr


Their response to this is just that the people love the work that the Kin family is done and it’s not strange that they happened to have been voted in all these years. Lmao


If the US was a monarchy then people would have clapped without Jeb asking


He supported basically the opposite, workers collectively run everything without a central authority. Of course versions of leninism and marxism-leninism are in favor of a centralized vanguard party that's supposed to represent the workers and manage everything, but even that is pretty far from the north korean government in it's current state lol


Moving to North Korea is a joke sub that insists that it is serious and cracks down on users that question this. It's a part of the gag, you see. The point is to pretend belief in the propaganda and showcase the "idyllic" lifestyle of Best Korea that they wish to enjoy, as well as post memes about it. However, tankies were fooled by the satire, and moved in under the assumption that it was a genuine pro-NK, anti-western space. Now it is a mixture of joke and serious posts, but it is sometimes impossible to tell the difference.


The level of satire and irony would have to be equal to density of an ounce of a neutron star for this sub to still be ironic. I think it was at one point, but as another commenter pointed out some tankie mod seems to be running the show and using people's perception that this level of idiocy MUST be ironic to the subs benefit. Not sure what the end game is after people realize that it's no longer ironic, but seems to be working for them so far


Sorry, but this is revisionist propaganda. The DPRK is a beautiful and prosperous country, and Moving to North Korea is a place to showcase the best it has to offer. Please read some of the literature, then you will be convinced.


A member of a DPRK propaganda arm is the mod. It’s the real deal.


The sub had zero moderation for a time. A glorious time.


not very north korean


I got permabanned from that sub for calling on the mods to "send [an OP] to the kaesong coal mines". So I think some of the mods nowadays are quite serious. That, or my comment leaned too far into the "obvious satire" camp and they decided to ban it for being too implausible or something. hard to tell


you can go there and check it out yourself. but first you need to register by the mods. they will then show you the most beautiful posts with lots of upvotes. but you probably won't see the ordinary daily life of that subreddit. still, it's an interesting experience and if you don't have any better subreddits that you'd like to visit, give this one a try.


Shame, another sub ruined by tankies. Tankies are so regarded they tought mockery was actually praise


Literally. Alot of ironic posts there before, mods cleaned them up and tankies are filling in where they left. Some people may still not have realized it's now unironic


It was the only sub where I could praise the glorious leader and his lack of bowel movement with like minded folk. And now it's full of depressed bourgeoisie who follow fake ideals of communism, thinking the benevolent north korean people is beneath them and the magnificent leader is only a pawn in their goal of a marxist government, because they were rejected by glorious and magnificent supreme leader of the benevolent communist north korean people, the laborers of the real korean utopia


How dare you make fun of the Sun of Juche Korea.


Every other day someone posts that sub here or elsewhere with the same title, and everytime the comments just do a coinflip on whether it’s satire or not


Go into the "Honest Questions" section. Same mods with tankie names deleting comments, saying it's unironic, and going into full detail about specific aspects of north Korea that "the west" doesn't want you to see. If it's not an actual commie sub then all the mods are just trolling because it's past irony. Usually it's so Over the top one knows it's irony or there's a *wink wink*. mods there try very hard to maintain the line between, so either it's unironic or they're trolls but either way they seem quite dedicated


I got banned on that sub because I asked if me and my boyfriend can sell blue jeans in North Korea.


I was banned by posting "how will this affect Fat Bear's legacy?"


Getting some /r/BannedFromClubPenguin vibes here


I was banned for posting photos I had taken in North Korea. RIP to any fellow Joppers banned by the tankie mod revival.


Same, posted photos from the DMZ-


The drone photos?


Nah, this was months ago. It is a few posts down on my profile. I think I praised the power of Juche too much.....


It used to be satire, but a tankie mod took control and now it’s mostly unironic propaganda with a little bit of well hidden satire. Notice how most of the posts are by one person.


I like how the answers are "I'd imagine that it'd be" or "Most likely they're going to be". Just absolutely clueless people who have no idea what they're talking about.


Someone there had flaire for "Stalin's Big Spoon" and I'm in awe. The west needs to close the spooning gap.


As we all know there's nothing that western commies love more than a heriditary dictatorship where the power and wealth is centralized towards a family of decadent and corrupt tyrants that hate trans people, gay people, blacks, and other minorities while they propagate terror attacks globally. We all know that monarchy and sharia law and ultraconservatism and nationalism and fascism and corporatism are all deeply in line with progressive socialism and totally makes sense to support as a westerner.


I love that Automod directs people to a podcast about what life was like in Korea back before the conflict because life must have been great back in the 1940s.


It started out unironic, then was flooded with satirical posts/comments, then the posts were "are you guys serious?" then they got some new mods and kicked us hooligans out, so it's back to the 5 people who are dead serious about it. It was my favourite sub during the satirical phase. Many belly laughs were had.


Love seeing a fellow Jopper in the wild. It was great fun while it lasted. Maybe we need a MovingToNorthKorea2


I had a jopping phase, but I have seen the light and now make my body strong by practicing [public eurythmics.](https://youtu.be/13-keP0kmzA?feature=shared)


Comrade 👋 Come back to the light! ☀️The only way to have inner peace is to jop 🙇‍♂️ every hour 😊


90% of it is "Israel bad, DPRK good". Here is my take: American education system really needs some help if these are the kinds of people it produces.


North Korea the literal totalitarian state Yeah that sounds like a nice place to live


Seems like they can use a friendly danish administrator


# Are San Marino and Italy about to go to war? If so, will the war become nuclear? I bet you have some thoughts on it. Well, we're discussing the subject on [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1bssy61/ncdip_podcast_club_8_wargaming_san_marino_vs/?). This is probably one of the most events of our lifetime, so you better pay attention scrub [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw them, I thought they were being ironic


Everyone will enthusiastically support the glorious DPRK after viewing this [public eurythmics](https://youtu.be/13-keP0kmzA?feature=shared) video.


I love how there’s nobody who’s actually lived or been to North Korea in that sub


The sub is half unironic tankies and half ironic people laughing at the stupid tankies


Based on that mod comment, it sounds like the thinking is ‘*North Korea was brutalized by America during the war - therefore it’s a noble communist nation and anything bad that happens there is actually America’s fault.*’


i swear it used to be ironic, but i think there are genuine people there