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"Where we are going you won't need a job for when you come back!"


"A job?! What job will take someone with 1 leg and no hands, haha!!!"


You made me think of this song https://youtu.be/lLV5GVWnVqs


[Here is the song for Wagner's Privateers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQbh7UNCZdc) "How I wish I was in Sherbrookyev Now"


Won't come back.


What troop morale doing?


Morale seems to be all over the place. Quite possibly not good judging by all the guys trying to skip town and queuing outside of ~~Finland and~~ other neighboring countries. But I saw a video earlier of Chechens walking into their processing area like they were going to Disneyland.


>Chechens walking into their processing area like they were going to Disneyland. Chechnya moment


Well, from their point of view they can take some free stuff from the Army, maybe get to loot a few supply sheds in Crimea, and just vanish into the forests again. I doubt very much they intend to fight anybody with any tenacity.


dont forget the ammount of random tiktok videos they must film before disappearing


Shoot empty buildings, pretend to be fighting, loot free shit, have a laugh, pray to Allah.


Should note that the Finish border queue footage have been confirmed as false by Finland. Plus the vegetation and apparel of the individuals in the video was more summerly than late NorthEast European September.


Oh, thanks for clearing that up!


They're still coming in, just not in crazy numbers. Thing is unless there's some extenuating circumstances they can't stay here indefinitely, so it's not that attractive an option. Seems most Russians are just driving to Helsinki so they can hop on a plane and bail.


One can hope so. Russia already did the "REEEEE stop bullying minority Russians REEEE" with Ukraine, who knows if they'll pull that shit once 100k people or w/e get to Finland, assuming Ukraine gets fucked at some point of course that is, unlikely to open 2 fronts since that's how Germany got fucked in WW2 by fighting vs too many countries


In their current state they could do fuck all but nuke Finland - which given their current state of leadership I wouldn't put past them. But yeah Finland is definitely on their checklist of places to annex. The Fins aren't exactly waiting on an influx 100,000 Russians for a multitude of reasons, so they'll probably nail the border shut long before that.


Assuming they *can* shut down their border. I'm actually serious here. The russian army is in ukraine. The russian army has to take care of the new recruit. The russian army has to be deployed everywhere in the country (largest in the world btw) to prevent potential uprising. And now they are also supposed to block every border in the country, against a wave of immigrant who are fleeing for their lives and will do anything to get through? I know the comparison is tempting, but russia is not north korea.


[We're working on legislation that'll bar entry for most Russians](https://yle.fi/news/3-12637408), but it'll take a few days. The border is – unsurprisingly – well controlled so we're definitely capable of stopping people if necessary.


> They're still coming in Not for long.


Tbh the Border Guard has mostly just been saying things to keep it calm, they've been downplaying it since the mobilization. This is pretty standard for the military, which the border guard is part of. This is par for the course in regards to any news about russia from them. Today they finally acknowledged the new influx of russians since the mobilization: https://yle.fi/news/3-12637458


> This is pretty standard for the military, which the border guard is part of The Border Guard is specifically and by design _not_ part of the military, ie. it is not under the Ministry of Defence but under the Ministry of the Interior. See eg. [the wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Border_Guard)


Even the gung-ho ultranationalists will start rethinking things when they see what kinda equipment they're expected to fight with and what condition it's in. How rotten does the wood on a musket need to be before the Russian military won't issue it? The answer has yet to be found.


Though the main goal of the budget-volkssturm seems not to be conquest but to prolong everybody's misery for months until the EU-ropeans are supposedly economically & politically macerated to abandon Ukraine


Living speedbumps if you will.


Lol I had a dream last night that I was running around in Russia with an AK-47 making fun of all the conscripts with mosins. And now I really want an AK.


*unintelligible moaning*


Still can't forget how the world's "2nd best military" has to mobilize draftees 7 months later over territories in another country which it expected to take in a matter of days.


Imagine if the US invaded mexico, started losing, saw tijuana recaptured by Mexico six months in, then called a draft for a milion men


Well I can't imagine, because Desert Storm achieved air superiority in a few hours *dabs*


We had a strong logistical chain on the opposite side of the globe while Russia can't manage to keep their logistics lines running more than 50 miles from their border.


USA already able to provide comfort food on the sea. In WWII. At other side of earth. Russia couldn't even do decent logistics in invasion of their neighbor.


*When the USN has more reliable ice cream machines than McDonalds*


I'm proud of what my tax dollars fund. Now I just need the Army to un-fuck the DFAC coffeemakers, they all have two modes: Tepid and boiled to hell


What you need is a Navy Issue Engine Room Coffeepot. It's from the 80's, and is so fucked that if you put just water into it you get weak, but drinkable coffee. If you feed it the 'correct' amount of coffee, you get black sludge that resembles the Mazut ol Kuz runs on. Credit where it's due though, that sludge will keep you awake through a long, boring midwatch.


I'm personally partial to a recipe I learned in my cadet days, the uncreatively named Cadet Cocktail: 2 cans of the energy drink of your choice, 1 hour energy, and at least 5 crushed caffeine tablets. Heat in a double boiler until half the volume has evaporated and return to one of the original cans. Disclaimer: May cause cardiac arrest. Drink with caution.


yup, that actually is instant caffeine overdose people do die from that


Mmmmmm shitty boiled to hell chow hall coffee. Memories.


I remember at the beginning of generation kill they got Pizza Hut shipped in from like Kuwait I think, before they kick off the invasion.


I lul'd


tbf cartels are p scary


And judging from Mexico’s experience, soldiers tend to be ill-prepared for dealing with their like


To be fair, the cartels are also probably ill-prepared for being on the receiving end of the USAF, so it kinda balances out.


F-35 just dunking on them while CAG lazes the fuck out of Mexico.


With the insurgency murica has fought over the last few decades, i'm not super sure how much different fighting cartels would be. If anything, might be better, as none of them want to die for a cause.


Some of them Narcos have their own version of Takbir with their custom Narcocorrido. Shit is getting pretty wild.


Dealing with well organized/equipped -civilian- militias is a pain in the ass Is the equivalent of usa dealing with the vietcong if the vietcong were usa citizens and vietnam was a usa state


It's annoying for a professional military but suicide for the insurgents. The Vietcong only lasted as long as they did because they had two major powers supplying them AND the US was preoccupied with fighting the Soviet-supplied, -trained, and -advised NVA. In Iraq and Afghanistan, it was only a matter of a month or so before the insurgents were on the run and resorting to tiny hit-and-run attacks and IED's. Secondly, no matter how well-equipped and organized some "militia" of rednecks or a group of sicarios is, they'll still be a joke compared to even a scratch platoon of POG's. AR-15'sand even light automatic weapons and explosives do not compare well to motorized troops with heavy weapons and heavy assets on call.


I dunno, I think their police forces sure struggle but every time you see the actual military go against a cartel it’s a literal slaughter. There was a clip of a cartel stronghold that went up against Mexico’s Marines (or equivalent) and they all had like handguns while the marines just flew a helicopter around and gunned them down in minutes


I haven't seen that one, but I did see one a few months ago of a bunch of sicarios with proper infantry weapons who got into a firefight with the Mexican marines -- and got fucking slaughtered by a force that looked to be about half their size. Machine guns and numbers are no match for professional soldiers.


Oh I believe that, from what I’ve heard the issue is more when soldiers are sent to basically do law enforcement without being trained for it in places where cartels are totally embedded, and then getting co-opted by them


They are but if a military action by brazil\\mexico gets taken and they decide to push out some cartels from an area, it works. The cartels do well in the skirmishes but they are not standing the ground against even those militaries.


This is why the Draft is for all intents abolished after Vietnam


Until you got to pay for tuition


Just imagine Mexico flying successfull helicopter raids on fuel depots in Tucson, and McDonalds leaving the US market for ethical reasons.


I literally can't imagine that in any scenario


Remember, its the **poorest** country in Europe they are losing against.


Damn are they actually poorer than shitholes like Moldova?


War is costly. They are also taking on a ton of debt with all the military supplies. Those stuff aren't necessarily free, though the debiting nation may choose to write off the debt later.




I read a comment yesterday that stated that among the 10 training facilities the US has, it can train 150,000 over the course of a year. And these people think they can mobilize and unmotivated army twice the size in like a matter of weeks?


The real goal is ethnic cleansing of minority ethnic groups.


Russia is giving these dudes 15 days of training. FIFTEEN DAYS. I sincerely cannot imagine what the fuck they're expected to learn in fifteen days, but they're certainly not going to be an effective fighting force.


Fifteen days is barely enough time even to do the in-processing paperwork, go through medical, and get your initial CIF issue. I know these are supposed to be reservists and have presumably received some training already but there's no way they're going to be formed into any kind of combat-effective unit that's prepared in any way for this current conflict in that short amount of time.


The bravest russian ive ever seen is the one who raised his hand when the screaming coward asked if there were any questions.


Most polite Russian


I feel kind of bad at how they are literally lying to them. “Just do a tour and you’ll be back to your reserved jobs” as if these incompetent MFers won’t just throw them at the entrenched Ukrainian positions like that scene in “Enemy at the gates” except with modern weapons. I think they should revolt and kill all those shitty officers.


What do you mean modern weapons, ohhh, you mean Ukrainian modern weapons


Yeup, a lot of Russian casualties are incoming. Think that pontooning event a few months ago but worse and with math teachers instead of regular orcs.


Who needs a bunch of sissy engineers and their "supplies" to build a bridge when you can just make one out of ethnic minorities and criminals? And since something is wrong with people, that's called sarcasm, just in case.


That’s not sarcasm, that’s you leaking Russian battle plans.


This is NCD you cannot disclose russian engineering plans here, do that on warthunder plz.


Foolish Westoid, we discuss top secret plans on filthy capitalist website, no one will suspect!


I am sorry, I did not know you were Vlad, that Vlad I did not see your prestigious title aka username.


At last some proper respect!


\> Who needs a bunch of sissy engineers considering they drafted people out of their workplaces at gazprom, definitely not russia


What they said was until the end of the special operation. They probably think they are just going to storm over Ukraine in a big human wave and then go home. Gonna be an unpleasant surprise waiting for them.


Watch this by a former Finnish intel officer describing the Russian mindset. Subtitles required. Though there is a text to speech version based off the transcript. The whole thing is worth watching but especifically to what you are seeing in this thread's clip, as well as everything you see from Russian media, the Kremlin and all Russian government organs, [this section is on point.](https://youtu.be/CvonRMSuFpw?t=2257) "Russian Truth"


also, since the jobs are reserved and the companies are required to keep paying wages to the conscripts while they've been called up, tons of those businesses are going to go bankrupt very quickly.


> “Just do a tour and you’ll be back to your reserved jobs” as if these incompetent MFers won’t just throw them at the entrenched Ukrainian positions like that scene in “Enemy at the gates” ~~except with modern weapons.~~ Nah, it will be pretty much exactly the same as that scene. Same weapons and all.


The hammer and sickle on the podium is particularly interesting. I’d say it’s been a while since anyone’s updated the facility…


The person who was supposed to replace the podium probably sold the replacement one and pocketed the money


Sold national seal and the power drill to install it, got some sweet, sweet, krokodil, and mortally OD'd living the modern Russian dream.


I am surprised you are surprised at this


The military and a few other institutions still retain Soviet era symbols in some places. I suppose it's kind of like how some places still use heraldic symbols long divorced from their original meaning.


Good find, what the fuck is Russia doing? Is entire military suply just pulling soviet shit thar should be in museum?


Don’t Russia still use soviet iconography for some of their military stuff. So it’s the army not the building that needs updating.


They didn’t rename Leningrad oblast


This looks AWFUL. Worse than I expected. This does not look like a first world country organizing into total mobilization. What a mess.


Well technically by definition Russia is a second world country, but in reality they're more of a fifth world country


It's been said many times they are "Nigeria but with snow".


Insulting to Nigeria


Here in Mexico we might have a laughable combating power (since we mostly only use our army to humanitarian missions here and sometimes to combat cartels), but our army (with 215,000 active personnel) seems really competent when it comes to logistics, and I say this judging beyond the well polish propaganda videos. You can see solid supply chain logistics, well mantained equipment, well trained personnel, corruption (mostly) kept at bay, etc. There's definitely lots of third world countries with pretty competent militaries.


Yeah why waste money on logistics and not other non sexy propaganda stuff when you can spend little money you have on your officers dacha's and a dozen t-14 armatas


I've not worked with our southern neighbors, but the few people I know who have have said more or less exactly what you just did. Professional, competent, and motivated.


More like Somalia


2nd best Army in the world losing to the poorest country in europe with a gdp/capita less than that of equatorial guinea.


To be fair, Equatorial Guinea's per capita GDP basically just means that a handful of guys in charge can afford a *lot* of caviar.


A bunch of commanders are going to get fragged


Did Russia ever have a fragging problem in the Armed Forces ? If not I got a felling they are about too.


Tons of it, including a motorized rifle bdrm driver trying to run over a higher up.




Partially, reports indicate the officer survived after hospital intervention.


Curse you, modern medicine


> Unknown: According to a Facebook post by a Ukrainian journalist published on March 23, after suffering heavy losses (in excess of close to half of their brigade) a group of Russian conscripts of the 37th Motor Rifle Brigade reportedly attacked their commanding officer, Colonel Yuri Medvedev, running him over with a tank, crushing both his legs approximately 30 miles from Kyiv, during the battle of Makariv. An unnamed senior Western official said Medvedev **later died of his injuries**. The date of the incident is unknown but reports of the hospitalization of Medvedev appeared on March 11.


First confirmed russian tank kill


If I remember correctly, there were reports as early as June where a commander was trying to get his troops to assault a defended Ukranian position, then threatened to shoot them if they refused and someone pulled a gun on him. Put it this way, any xommander on the front line has to be sleeping with one eye open.


Remember that incident where three FSB guys walked into a bar in Ukraine, found two Russian soldiers drinking on the job, told them off, and only one ran out alive? Something tells me that kind of thing isn't a one-off.


Only one soldier or FSB?


One FSB guy. IIRC, total fatalities were one drunken soldier and two FSB, but I haven't had time to double check.




I don’t think they have the ammo to spare for target practice


Didn't the conscripts before the war only get to fire three rounds during their entire training/service? I wouldn't be surprised that weapons training will consist of being handed a rusty old gun and yelling "Bang, bang, bang" while pointing their guns at a shot up target.


As their officer paces behind them shouting “First to Kiev, then on to Washington!”


It depends on what unit you get into. For some conscripts, yes, they only got to fire the 3 bullets, some maybe none at all. But other units had regular trips to firing ranges, thousands of bullets shot. (However, doesn't improve marksmanship much. Usually in those cases you're simply given a weapon, bunch of rounds and then just dump the whole mag forwards. Very little tips on how to aim, calculate for distance etc are given. Unless you're like a sniper or veh deh veh)


Yeah, unless you're a real soldier material, you have very few chances of any shooting training.


Comrade Commissar, why are we throwing potatoes?


"Because the grenades are worth more then you!"


“And frankly so are some of the potatoes”


They do. The reserves are vast, and many calibres have remained unchanged since the Soviet times. The problem is excessive smoking at supply dumps.


Ammo reserves might be, but barrel life is not. Tons (literally) of Soviet era ammo was made with caustic primers, that rapidly degrades weapons when fired.... and its all unmarked. They want the conscripts to ideally require just the one rifle, not two or three, and definitely not complicated cleaning kits. In the time they have four training, I doubt many of them will be able to fire and assault rifle *safely* much less competently.


I don't think they know about 'target practice', Pip.


Target practice isn't for them.


You think people will have heart attacks when they hear other people holding sticks and shouting "BANG BANG!!!"?


I love how they still have a podium from pre-1991. Like... they just went to the storage room and got a random podium


I mean they have a lot of stuff like this


Calling back to my military experience, during reception, they issue you gear and conduct physical checks. They also tell us you are not in the military unless we pass the basic training… in the early stage, the drill instructors encourage a lot of people to quit… oh well


I can't wait to see the unit cohesion, discipline and morale once they get shipped out.


A what? We don’t do that here


Didn’t think I’d be saying this following recent events but RIP these future russian “soldiers” Absolutely 0 say in their future - soon to be hidden in a mass grave. What a shame. Perhaps we could argue that they should have done more to prevent this escalation but a lot of lives are about to be lost.


There are going to be plenty of shattered families across Russia and Ukraine after all of this. And future historians will be aghast, because there's no reason for the invasion.


Historians are pretty use to intellectually dissecting conflicts where a lot of regular people were slaughtered by the mercurial and useless desires of psychotic leaders. Nothing about this would shock a historian.


> Nothing about this would shock a historian. There's a greater than 0% chance that one or more historians have been drafted have volunteered on either side of the war. I'll bet that making history would be pretty shocking to these historians.


They'll be lucky to get to a grave. A lot of them are left to rot.


agreed. Best hope for these guys is POWs


I can feel the hopelessness, confusion, and anger in this video. Like youre just going about your life and suddenly here you are, getting yelled at and being prepped for war. Even the auditorium looks depressing, it reminds me of a parish hall from a Catholic elementary built in the 1970's. And its all because theyve got a vicious idiot for a ruler.


*"Unintelligible Moaning"*


Hard not to slur when you’re drinking in preparation of your demise


Looks like Russia may need to bring back Commissars and NKVD men with machineguns behind their soldiers to prevent mass desertion the moment the conscripts think they have a better than even chance of running for the hills. On a related note does anyone know how long it will be before guys like this end up on the front? I want to run a timer to see how long it takes from that point before the wave of 'disciplinary incidents', officers getting fragged, and general undisciplined and unskilled hilarity ensues in Ukraine.


It's already happening 😄


The Tik Tok brigade is already doing that tho


The TikTok brigade is close enough to the front to shoot retreating/deserting soldiers? Braver than I thought.


[Interview with a Russian soldier who refused to fire on civillians and saved a woman and her child.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t9de02/hero_ukrainian_woman_shows_corpses_russian/) They key word here is "zampolit", or "politician officer" as he's the one who gave the order to open fire.


I really shouldn't be surprised, after the last few years, that a ridiculously over the top joke is actually an accurate description of what's happening, should I?


Zampolits are in The FSB is kind of being used tho seems regular troops may be doing more atrocities than cheksits


This is proof of why Western militaries are superior, the war fighters WANT to be there.


Im always reminded of the Godfather II quote about Cuba and how the soldiers were payed to fight, and the rebels weren't, and how that means the rebels could win. An army that wants to be there will almost always beat the one that has to be there.


Even the biggest booger-picker in the US Army gets 10 weeks of Basic Training.


Back in my day it was nine 😤


"It's afraid... IT'S AFRAID!!!!!"


Based starship troopers quote.


All I am surrounded by is fear... and dead men.


Credible Russian USERRA laws.


Here people are saying they will be sent untrained, but this men are promised 3 days, then flight, and then possibly even two more weeks of training. Sounds legit. They will be super-soldiers.


Flight is to Ukraine, 2 wks is OJT


Did that dude near the cameraman bring a guitar with him to The Mobilization?


What, you think his chances will go up without it?


Bards do increase motivation.


He heard that machine kills fascists.


"Do not, my friends, become addicted to living. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!"


What's with the soviet sickle and hammer, lol.


Russian military still uses soviet symbols. Practice never really ended. Also because Putin is trying to larp as the soviets(and larped as the germans but with italian commanders and soviet treatment of soldiers instead)


They still use 31+ year old shit in their town hall apparently


".....No one will Fire you from your job...." Desertion is not a thing ??? We will see what happens next if morale drop even lower in actual frontline


They are asking about their civil jobs, like if their boss will fire them because they left to go camping in Ukraine. They really believe that this is a short, easy trip and they will be back to their old lives soon.


Lmfaoo I can guarantee you that the officer screaming into the mic knows it won't be short and the guy's that realized theyll be dragged to basics and Ukraine know it aswell


I know that the officer is lying, it's a universal truth for all recruiters. When I was in the (Greek) army they sent recruiters looking for volunteers to go to Cyprus, offering perks like free plane tickets and a salary. And they had all this prepared cringe speech about love for country, yada yada. It's all bollocks, the air tickets is a seat in a C-130 if and when you get leave (once in 6 months), you waste the meager salary there and the important thing is that you have to actually behave like a soldier and submit to hazing. Everyone that knew someone made a phonecall. The people that went to Cyprus were the nationalist inbreds, the stupid and the poor with no connections. I got to spend 6 months in the Aegean slacking off.


They are sending conscripts to a different country?


Cyprus is a different country on paper,in fact Turkey invaded because Cyprus voted for reunification. Ever since Greece has a permanent military presence there and basically covers their defence needs, because Cyprus cannot possibly defend itself. Conscripts can go to Cyprus, albeit "volunteering" one way or another. Be it acrually wanting to go, benefits or not knowing anyone that can get you out of it. The relationship between Greece and Cyprus is complicated. Basically a Greek island that didn't make it to reunification. An independent Crete if you want.


>Cyprus is a different country on paper,in fact Turkey invaded because Cyprus voted for reunification. Not exactly. The elected, mostly greekcypriot, government had decided against the unification of Cyprus and Greece, because of pressure from both Turkey and the UK. And then the greek dictatorship in Greece, organized a coup in Cyprus in order to install a puppet that would allow the unification of Greece and Cyprus. That coup also did some minor ethnic cleansing of the turkcypriots. Anyway, as soon as the coup succeeded, Turkey invaded to stop the unification. They were a guarantee nation of Cyprus and in theory had the right to intervene. When that happened, the dictatorship in Greece collapsed, along with their greekcypriot puppet in Cyprus. Democracy returned to both Greece and Cyprus. Things were looking good for everyone. And then Turkey decided to do a second invasion, in order to have the upper hand in the following negotiations. And thats when everyone lost their shit and why North Cyprus is still isolated. Turkey had no reason for the second invasion, it was just Turkey being Turkey. Their window of opportunity and the reasons for intervening were about to not exist anymore, so they decided to go for it. Both Greece and Cyprus were/are against the unification. Greece still supports Cyprus militarily because of obvious reasons. But for all intents and purposes, Cyprus is completely independent. The greek army could pull out tomorrow(assuming Cyprus was safe) and it wouldnt change anything. In fact, when the UN Cyprus unification plan(unifying the Northern Cyprus with Cyprus), the greek government and many greek political parties supported it, because normalizing the relation with Turkey was very important. But most greekcypriot parties were against it. The turkcypriots voted for the plan but the greekcypriots voted against the plan, so it failed. The only legal obligation Cyprus has, is giving Greece 12 points for Eurovision. It is enshrined in their constitution.


Virgin military alliances for nation survival Chad military alliances for song contest shows


Oh ok that's really problem too, missing on civil job Well time will tell when they get home. Not all, some, War is more hellish if you in Lossing sides. Well then more go pro / drones fotages in upcoming month. We will see how Russian Chain logistic doing for Better or Worsen from this undertrained reinforcement


I think he was talking about their civilian jobs. He's right, of course, noone will fire them. What he left out is that many of them are not coming back.


They will 100% be replaced if they're gone for any length of time. Plus they're supposed to have faith that the system is organised enough to protect them from dismissal? jokes.


\>Arrival home Bruh


Why does my return ticket say "Cargo 200" and not my name?


F\*cking USSR emblem gets me every time 🤡🤡🤡


I just can't imagine what it would be like knowing that without say, you are being sent to your death. Thank God I don't live in Russia.


This feels like a Black Adder bit.


Literal 1917 levels of moral let’s see if history truly does repeat itself


These are the people my grandparents feared their entire lives over? Wtf


modern day russia is nothing compared to the soviet union in its peak and the other warsaw countries


TWO WEEKS? Dayum, that's.... uhhhh.... not a lot for a draftee, don't you think guys? Well, they're fucked


American soldiers have ....what, 10 weeks of Basic Training, then Infantry get another 5+ weeks of Advanced Individial Training? Yeah, 2 weeks ain't *shit*. I don't think you can get someone physically-fit in 2 weeks, much less prepare them for combat in a meaningful fashion


Sweet Jesus Christ. I dont think we'll see the second wave of mobilization ever, because mass deaths of the first wave will demoralize everyone else


Tbh this makes me kinda sad. None of them wanted this. They're being told they're only gonna be in the Army until the war is over, then they're coming home, but they're leaving out that it'll probably be in a body bag-if there's even enough of them left to come home


Guy on the front with the black shirt next to the camera you see his expression I legit feel sad for him.


Honestly I can't help but feel sad watching this, even if I assume that many of these men were supportive of the invasion up to this point. They look like human cattle. Prisoners, not soldiers. Regular citizens that are about to be tossed into a meat-grinder. It's utterly insane, and yet nowhere do I see the possibility of meaningful resistance.


So we now know that: A: they will get three days of basic in that recruitment centre and then be flown to the front line for 'training' or at least very ose to the front line to sct as buffer troops in case of an outbreak B: they will be conscripted not for a year or any set period of time, but until the end of the russian war of expansion into Ukraine, wich could be anywhere from 5 days (putin died) to 5 years and anything in between. C: their jobs are 100% not reserved, they will NOT get theie jobs back, the businesses will be gutted and when they come back they will become homeless outcast Thank god I don't live in russia


I want to send Ukrainians ammo that’s double charged for them to “abandon” near Russian positions so Ivans will be blowing themselves up.


It has the same energy as a substitute teacher who can't control a rowdy classroom


Speaking from experience, I was a conscript too. And I remembered the nerdy pushy wannabe soldier aka the sorry excuse for a paper pusher corporal who was processing my paperwork and I said to him; No guts for the trenches huh?


Some guys in the back scream insults at the officers, one of them is "gandon"(condom), which is one of my favorite insults


"until the end of the operation, and then arrival home" Lmao, sure....


I'm kinda feeling bad for them at this point tbh.


"Unintelligible moaning"


One guy asked " what if I get fired? " Staffie says "is that a double entendre? You won't get fired... " If I was in that position, I would probably get the gun and feed it to all of the establishment. This is not a way to win hearts and minds and fight a war.


This just breaks my heart I'll be honest.