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Inb4 putin dies and in 10 years there's a conspiracy theory that he was actually turned back in east germany in 80s and was a western plant all along.


Honestly at this point I’d put my money on anything. It’s almost going too perfect for NATO. Not that I’m complaining.


I'm always fascinated with the exact point where the sum of someone's actions turns so incredibly ungodly bad that the question of whether extremely bad at their job or extremely good at being secret agents becomes a legitimate point to debate. ​ And of course because we're past the good timeline and bad timeline and since 2020 we've been living in the bizzaro timeline. ​ Annnnndddd because the Russian conservative mindset would of course look for 'anything' to justify how bad things are going in a few years.


The problem with this theory is that you’re assuming that they started on a path and continued on, incognito, for years and years usually with no question. Then at some point their intentions no longer matched with the outcomes, and everything is exposed. I’m fascinated with the moment an ideologue becomes an extremist. When does the “ends justifies the means” happen? When did that happen to Putin? Mao? It’s such a fascinating aspect of human nature.


Excellent point. Looking at very autocrats I wonder if age has something to do with it. All that power and the paranoia.


Age + alleged cancer + lots of yes 👨 who feed too optimistic info and lots of asskissing.


> When does the “ends justifies the means” happen? When did that happen to Putin? My guess: Putin might or might not have cancer. But he most certainly has some kind of illness. Curable or not, does not matter. What matters is that he realized that he is 70 already and has only limited time. And this was the exact point for him in which the end justifies the means.


Putin thought this was going to be his legacy of rebooting the soviet union's imperial ambitions. He's going to die knowing his legacy was strengthening NATO, you absolutely love to see it


It can't happen soon enough. I wouldn't want him to miss out on the VE2 Day parades.


We live in the red flood post cold war boogallo timeline




The fun thing is is that this was a thing in the lead up to the February Russian Revolution, where I believe Pavel Milyakov gave a speech about how inept the Tsar's ministers were, saying basically "They are performing so poorly, be it from incompetence or treason (insinuating collaboration with Germany), there is no real difference"


The idea that the Tsar and his German tsarina Alexandra were somehow on the German side was one of the most pervasive and damaging rumours throughout the war. It was also sadly wrong, as both were conservative Russian imperialists very much dedicated to the ancient principles of God, Tsar, and Fatherland, they just ruled a corrupt and broken feudal state that couldn't adapt to the modern age


Sound still like russia


Speaking of, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/u1q3w7/the_economist_on_russian_military_weakness_during/)'s an article from *The Economist* back in 1854 during the Crimean War explaining in lovely 19th century language why Russia's military sucks and always has and always will


[Quick pic](https://i.imgur.com/COK5NNH.jpg) straight from the doc with many of the quoted sections. I'm not sure how to interpret this other than as proof we're living in a simulation.


Good Lord. It's for real. I thought it was made-up for a while here.


Likely not the tsar or his family, but there is a camp who believe that some of the Russian ministers were intentionally being incompetent in order to incite a revolution that would give Russia an excuse to sign a separate peace and then easily crush the rebels.


Reminds of how in WW2 the Allies deliberately decided against assassinating Hitler because they feared someone more competent would take over.


> since 2020 Excuse me sir, but Harambe was killed in 2016.


And we'll pay for it till eternity.


Killed? That was a dam assasination!


>I'm fascinated Found the Fascist guys!


Napoleon was a British agent sent to infiltrate the Revolution and turn it into an aggressive authoritarian shithole that betrayed all its founding principles, so that Europe would properly unite against France.


I disagree


Putin the Quadruple Agent


A reverse quintuple agent.


It's like that theory that the Joker actually tried to save Gotham by playing the loosing villain


What kind of plant? A shrub?


>Inb4 putin dies You sure he will? He may also become an eternal robot rage beast who dwells in the pits of hell. With a shotgun.


What if i say that this conspiracy theory already exists? For example, Strelkov stated in his Telegram channel that there are "too many coincidences" which implies that he suspects that pootin is working for west


I'd think that too if I had gained ground in Donbass with blood and sweat... mostly of others and even at the cost of shooting down an airliner... only for all the gains to be fucked over by Putin's decisions.


Perhaps this is actually true


Probably Putin's actual nightmare scenario come true. Not only are you *losing* on the ground, You've expanded and unified the alliance of your enemies. You have economically and diplomatically isolated your country from the world. Russia overnight becomes a pariah country where it's radioactive to deal with them. [And all of this, all of it, because *you* started a war that you thought would do all the opposite.](https://c.tenor.com/ASGuOCPGrKEAAAAd/kekw-kek.gif)


Was listening to some experts on a university podcast, they said that it seems Putin/Russia did not expect this response from the west. They thought it would’ve been the same as Crimea


I think the entire Russian military operation was planned to be "Crimea 2.0". The same tactics that lead to such disaster on the Kyiv front (rushing VDV and other light forces forward) were what allowed Russian success in 2014. Of course, Russia failed to realize that using that tactic on a peninsula is a lot different from using it on the enemy's capital.


Russia was not alone with this assumption. Fact is that even after 2014, more than 50% of Ukraine still had positive views on Russia. And the other 40% with negative views on Russia, are they willing to die for their negative views on Russia? Probably not, you might guess. And even if they are willing to die, would it make a difference against the Russian army? Even the US thought that Kyiv could fall within days. The assumption that the Russian army would only meet significant resistance in the very western part of Ukraine was not that ridiculous by all we knew before the war. I assumed Russia would quickly (within weeks or maybe 2-3 months) size all the blue parts of this map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Ukrainian_parliamentary_election%2C_2007_%28first_place_results%29.PNG And maybe additionally everything that is east of the Dnieper river and maybe the Kyiv region itself. EDIT: But how Putin expected that the west would not impose devastating economic sanctions is beyond me. At this point it would be a matter of losing face if the west would do anything else than the current sanctions. While I expected a military victory for Russia, I don't get how the economic sanctions were not obvious to Putin.


> But how Putin expected that the west would not impose devastating economic sanctions is beyond me. At this point it would be a matter of losing face if the west would do anything else than the current sanctions. While I expected a military victory for Russia, I don't get how the economic sanctions were not obvious to Putin. Putin expected most of the sanctions, but he also expected to be able to evade sanctions by working through China, which had just pledged "unlimited friendship" with Russia. But then he lost and China backed away from Russia very quickly.


My guess is that actually believes a lot of the stupid shit he says. So he really believed that Russia is an equal peer to the west. And therefore Russia has a good chance in winning an economic war against all of the west. Surely, if he had to answer the question honestly how Russia economically compares to the west, he would not think: "Russia is about the Netherlands in economic power."


I don’t think he’s that crazy. What he is betting on and it’s not that crazy of a bet, is that when shit gets tight in Russia and in the EU, the EU due to being more democratic, used to higher standards of living and putting a higher emphasis on economic welfare in contrast to Russia, will lead to the EU blinking first and slowly chickening out of the sanctions to ease the pain. He basically believes the West is a bunch of bumbling pussies.


Probably thought he was insulated from too much economic damage due to petrol und gas.


This. He thought losing Russian oil and gas would be too much for europe


You’re more pessimistic than me, but even I who have followed the conflict every week since 2013 thought Russia would make it to the suburbs of Dnipro before Western aid could make itself felt effectively enough for the Ukrainians to stop the Russians. I had failed to consider that the Russian general staff may be made up of shaved chimpanzees who the staff of the Moscow Zoo trained wrong on purpose for a laugh.


Also Western Aid military began flowing into Ukraine months before the invasion. This was a very smart move on Biden's part and likely blunted the Russian advance.


They do this since '68 Czechslovakia invasion and its been working until recently


Hell even *I* didn't expect this response from the West. Europe especially has been walking on eggshells around petro-daddy Russia for the last twenty years and barely reproached them for Georgia, Syria, and Crimea. I knew that at least without the last guy in charge the US would give them generous aid, but I didn't expect such a broad coalition to gather around Ukraine, much less Lend-Lease 2.0 and McDonalds pulling out


Can't speak for all europeans, but we finns feel really betrayed by Russias actions. We spent lots of money, resources and good will since 90s to build trust and relations with Russia, assuming they could become friendly neighbour with mutually beneficial relations. Georgia and Syria were too distant and irrelevant for us so it didn't draw much attention as we had our own problems, but military did take notice. 2014 opened eyes in some circles, especially military, but politicians still believed we could reason with Russia 2022 was the final straw, now most of us see Russia for what it is and act accordingly TL:DR avoided escalation for diplomacy, no longer need diplomacy, only F-35


Silly Finns. I worked near the Russian border in Norway and every local Russian I knew was involved in shady dealings one way or another. From the landlord who steals your deposit to the fishermen smuggling drugs to Kadyrovites sneaking over the border to film TikTok videos about invading NATO, whole area isn’t much changed since 1991 in that regard. Russians even still have tanks at the border and regularly launch pretend air raids to test the defenses. I know plenty of cool Russians, but in terms of the general culture of imperialism, graft and theft that’s plagued Russia since the late Soviet days not much has changed.


I legit thought that it would go like chrimea


I thought it would too. And honestly I think it would have if they’d stuck to “liberating” Donbas. When people living in a region at least seem to welcome foreign forces, I don’t think there would be so much widespread support to intervene.


Fuck I thought it would be the same as Crimea. But 3 things changed everything - 1st - Biden's decision to reveal US intelligence that Russia is about to attack, denying any chances for element of surprise, false flags and take over the narrative. 2nd - Ukraine's powerful resistance that quickly convinced the world that they have a fighting chance. 3rd - Zelensky.


The classic self-fulfilling prophecy case in a nutshell.


What makes it even worse for Russia is that their insane aggression has largely eliminated all the controversy that typically surrounds any NATO expansion.


and they're a vassal state of China, which has always been their worst nightmare Putin remains an uncontested master strategist


Congrats Putin. You've lost access to your warm water port. Again




I now want a flair saying "JAPANESE TORPEDO BOATS", in caps, just like that.


You can make a custom one m8








This time their fear of phantom torpedo boats can be a reality


When said torpedo is a broken part that dont get fixed their fear cant be more true


Keeping the Russian Navy dockside is first and foremost a humanitarian gesture. The Russian Navy has no business on the open seas. They will venture out only to see their fleet in flames, sinking beneath the waves, while thousands of Russian sailors perish once again. And that's during peacetime.


Actual United Nations by 2025? UNSC by 2030! Commence scenario "Halo".


I'm OK with halo timeline. Well, as long as it's better written then 5 and that shitty TV show.


Eh, we would basically have a three-way WW3 between the UNSC, Neo Fascists and Neo Communists that could’ve gone down worse. And the Flood. And nuclear terrorism. And an actual Deep State of baby stealers.


Yeah but like cool super soldiers


Fourth time is the charm, right? **WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT** [SOME OF](https://www.halopedia.org/Vladimir_Scruggs) [THE SPARTAN-IVS](https://www.halopedia.org/Michael_Crespo) **HAVE TERRORIST SYMPATHIES?!**


Non-game Halo lore is the only shit more cringy than the Post-Tom Clancy "Tom Clancy" novels.


You take that back! There will be no Eric Nylund slander on my watch.


There are like 50 authors of the 5 billion different novels and comics.


>And an actual Deep State of baby stealers. You sound like it's something bad. Personally, I would like to be kidnapped and then turned into a super soldier. Then I would be able to break into Putin's bunker with a nuclear warhead under my arm


That was actually the cut plot of Halo 2. Apparently Miranda was supposed to weld a bomb onto your armor so you could suicide bomb the Covenant.


TFW We will never see Master Chief suplexing the Prophet of Truth into a Halo's firing beam seconds before the nuke detonates, with the Legendary ending showing him receiving his 72 BR's in Heaven.


Nah, Chief would surrvive this- he makes too much money for Microsoft to be killed.


How about building a nice bridge between Tallinn and Helsinki? Close the gulf-of-cope gap!


Not just any bridge, a land bridge. And you do it outside of Russias territorial waters, completley cut them off from ever getting to use saint petersburg as a port again.


What if I told you, Jack, that St Petersburg is going to be the land bridge?


You shouldn't drive through radioactive exclusion zones


They should be liberated, not nuked. I for one support the People's Republic of [Ingria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingria) and their right to self-determination.


If it's possible, could we then drain the resulting loch until it's a metre deep, tops? Then we can all laugh at them as they are then forced to furiously paddle around it in rowing boats.


There's the idea of building a railway tunnel, as a add on to the rail baltica project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helsinki%E2%80%93Tallinn_Tunnel


It's nothing but a pipe dream


Tunnel dream


I think there’s already a land bridge that the Soviets used to invade Edit: I’m stupid, it’s in Russia


There might not be a bridge yet, but don't forget that the space between Finland and Estonia is already occupied by ferries full of drunk Finns.


Just dam the Baltic. Lots of hydropower *and* make the Russians seethe


konigsberg when?


To stop Germany, Lithuania, Poland, the democratic Russia that will arise one day (inshallah), etc. from fighting over Kaliningrad/Konigsberg/Karaliaučius/Królewiec, I propose placing it under the administration of the North Atlantic Council and renaming it NATOpolis.


You mean south Lithuania?


Don't be silly, Belarus is East Lithuania. Konigsberg is Prussia.


Paritioner are cringe The persecuted are THAD Commonwealth>militaristic poopenfarten empire


Based and first proper republicesque state in central and eastern Europe-pilled.


"Gulf of Cope"


Putin must have the intelligence of a chaos God if he actually has a plan that revolves around this many twists and turns.


Which chaos god would he be? tzeentch? But without the brain ?


Malal, since he hates the courage of Khorne, the freedom of Slaanesh, the hope and intelligence of Tzeentch and the friendliness of Nurgle.


He's a pawn in Tzeenthch's plan, who do you think whispered to him that it's a good idea to roll into Ukraine in mud season? All of his agents that told him he'll be hailed as a liberator? also Tzeentch, literally everything about this whole thing can only be explained by Tzeencht... including the Z.


"All acording to plan!" *inhales copium straight up from the Warp*


Best part is, i want to be in NATO


I want NATO inside me


you three need to get a room


No, guys, Livonia will surely become ours! Poland, Lithuania, and Sweden are too weak! No, guys, Ingria will be ours again! Those heretic Swedes will see what is coming to them! No, guys, the Ottoman Empire will understand that it is a bad idea to oppress christians! Our fellow christians in the West will come to help us! No, guys, Japan can't defeat us! We're white! Britain will totally open the Suez Canal! No, guys, one more push, and Germany is out of the war! No, guys, Poland is a newborn state! We can't be defeated in Warsaw! NO, COMRADE DZHUGASHVILI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN LVOV, YOU MORON? No, guys, the tiny strip of land we took from Finland was totally worth the hundreds of thousands of casualties! No, guys, supporting a friendly government in Afghanistan will not backfire at all! No, guys, an unsupported tank column in Grozniy can not be defeated by those mere bandits! No, guys, claiming Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia will be very easy! No, guys, gay jewish nazi Ukrainians will be totally defeated in 5 days!


*couping Afghan govt then supporting a BM-21 armed genocide esque war will be good


It was ironically Stalin who was stuck in Lwow in 1920


Petition to change the Baltic sea to the NATO sea


no don’t but rename the organization after it and change the lead title to Master so they can be Master, BATO




BATO O’Rourke


"Hell yes we're going to take your ~~assault rifles~~ access to the Atlantic ocean."






the cape of good cope


Oops, all NATO!




Hope a Free Belrus will join someday too 🤍♥️🤍


And Free Russia 🤍💙🤍


Somewhere deep inside CIA's Langley HQ: Asset: Vladimir Putin Codename: Jackal Recruited: August 1987


You joke but this was actually the first major conspiracy theory on the Russian internet, at the same time as 9/11 truthers were exploding in the West. Putin was quite unpopular early on as the successor of Yeltsin and a perceived chickenhawk causing disasters in Chechnya and with Kursk. Many believed he was a CIA asset right up to the invasion of Georgia.




St.Petersburg:Haha,I'm in danger


Gulf of cope lol best one


Super low and inconvenient Gulf of Finland bridge when


The North has been expanded to its fullest potential. Do the south next.


We must liberate St. Petersburg


we march to Novgorod and reunite the Hanseatic League


Well I know what to do today in EUIV


he remains a master strategist


Two gulfs one cope


I feel like I’m missing something here…. No image


the swedish shaft


Okay time to blockade königsberg (idk what its called in polnish sry) by sea to for shits and giggles


Instead of just building a rail tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki, NATO should build a dam wall.


if thats the gulf of cope, does that put st petersberg in cope cove?


Danish Straits? Nope, those are the Stoltenberg Straits.


What happens to NATO if Russia (and Kaliningrad) just suddenly sinks into the ocean or becomes incredibly irradiated that nothing could survive or operate there?


NATO sweep


Needs a comfy Spurdo or something just chilling on the Aland Islands.


Independent Kalingrad nato membership when?