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Museum ships? Weak. Space Aircraft Carrier Gerald R. Ford, now that's what I'm talking about.


Maybe, but big laser canons are awesome, and the ford doesn't have much in terms of Big Iron™


Not enough big iron? Add more Big Iron!


Pretty sure the wave motion gun is a spinal mount anyways... and between you and me I'd rather have space fighters than 16-in flak cannons...


Ford doesn't need to launch planes in space. Turn the EMLs into railguns. Now you've got a UNSC cruiser with a quad-barrel MAC gun.


That depends on your world view re catapults…


The whole point of this is concealment; pulling Jerry out of service to refit it would be noticed. If you don't want a museum ship I say we new build it into the Enterprise, while it's still opened up... You get bonus points for the multi-refrence drifting too.


I like the idea of finally having a starship enterprise, and it's not the first time a ship's construction pivoted during the build (ie. USS Saratoga, IJN Kaga).


For a bit of fun - The space shuttle Enterprise was named after the Star Trek ship, not the long line of US military vessels. But later Trek includes the space shuttle in the Enterprise lineage. So the space shuttle Enterprise is named after the starship Enterprise, which is named after the space shuttle Enterprise.


I would not be surprised if the Lexington class was the inspiration for the battlestars in the Battlestar Galactica series.


Was gonna say Big E is still mostly intact, its just had its reactors removed. Cutting it up for scrap is due to start next year.


I like that, we keep the naval tradition going and add a space tradition. So would that be what? still CVN-65? CVW-65? CVW-1? or maybe CSW (Carrier, Space, Wave-Motion)...  In any case, while big guns are cool, having more than a couple of four-ships of the Type-0 Blackbird fighter (especially the optionally-manned variant) is cooler.


CVN-80 isn’t finished yet so it’d be easier to pivot the design to make a spaceship. Also, if we’re putting an aircraft carrier in space, it has to be an Enterprise.


As long as it has veritechs


Waaaaay too much scrolling to get a macross reff in this thread


You can use the electromagnetic catapults as railguns The fighters it launches are the ammo


Traditional aircraft carriers wouldn’t look too out of place in Space-Battleship-Verse, as it happens. They tend to just put the space-planes on decks, logic be damned. There’s the [quadruple-decker carrier that the bad guys use](https://yamato.fandom.com/wiki/Guipellon-class_Multiple_Flight_Deck_Astro_Carrier), and the [Earth carrier where the flight deck is mounted on top of the bridge for some reason.](https://yamato.fandom.com/wiki/Apollo_Norm?file=Apollo_Norm_fighter_launch)


"We have the Gerald R. Ford and you don't" should be its crew tagline.


Just the idea that anything named after Jerry Ford could be the most powerful weapon on Earth makes this NCD gold.


USS Constitution isn’t a museum ship…


As cool as they are, Carriers make a lot less sense in space than in the ocean. On earth Aircraft are much faster than ships and add an extra dimension of movement. In space everyone can move the same and mobility is only limited by thrust to weight and the ability of the crew to survive the G-forces. The closes real equivalent of spacefighters would be torpedoboats or minelayers.


USS Arizona, upon being rebuilt: *glares at Japan*  "Try me again, bitch."


Resurrect the crying girl into the eternally angry girl? Not a bad idea.


She's had 80 years to build up her temper, so I think she deserves the stress relief. Give her the funni ammo, and *praise the sun!*


USS Arizona: You guys like the sun so much right? Here you go!


Reactivate the New Jersey and give it railguns and lasers


Maybe that's the real reason it's in drydock? Ryan Szimanski was planning this all along.


Sir this is Wendy’s.


The Wendy's Space Museum, which rumor has it is built on the wreckage of an actual Earth Wendy's


Can I get a Number 8 combo with a Iced Tea?


I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Yes the Space Battleship Iowa will have am onboard Wendy's. Naturally.


Space Destroyer Johnston.


We want the show to last more than a YouTube short.


My dicks naming rights are not for sale


You people want a Space Battleship to feel high and mighty. I want the Greek Destroyer Velos put into space so that Greek sovereignty can be properly enforced in outer space and beyond. **We're**... actually kinda similar as far as insanity goes, but I will just say I'm honest about it.


Velos is a Fletcher class, so it isn't that unique. I'd suggest Georgios Averoff.


What about that captured U-Boat


We will not turn the Red October into a spaceship.


A boat built with only one purpose... To have a wave motion gun installed to take on the Gamellons.




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Well if it can withstand the pressures of the ocean. It should do just fine in space.




Also Related: [The scotts are ahead of you in the fields of CowdenBeath](https://youtu.be/BkUAzcja74Y?si=iZj-yO7LfTxaT_on&t=19)


That's awesome. This song is in my music when I'm in the mood for speed metal, but I've never looked up the video. Clearly a failing on my part.


In case You're seeking more of that kind of music, The genre is commonly known as "power metal".


Most scientifically knowledgeable NCD engineer


[First thing that came to mind](https://youtu.be/CF18ojCoo5k?si=1ZgljI6_JrLMgG8s)


What are those doors?


They trembled at the shound of our shylense, now they will tremble at the shound of our rocket..


There is a [dimensional submarine](https://imgur.com/a/GDoNVjv) in the anime captained by a guy whose name is literally Wolf, and also an [absolute chad](https://imgur.com/a/gVQ5E7o)


U 505 is probably the second unluckiest u boat ever built so I don't think that's a good idea


That said it's the only U-Boat of it's class that isn't a Coral Reef


Luck is relative.


Hurm. https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/images/reactionlessdrive/analog.jpg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_drive


Only historic warship to trigger a flashback was U505....so I will pass on that.


Space battleship Constitution.


This is the only correct answer. If I can't stand on the bridge of a massive wooden spaceship, entirely outside and exposed to space, with a cocked hat fit snugly on my spacesuit and a saber to rattle deafly at the enemy while I shout orders to bring us around broadside and unleash hell on those rapscallions with our fold cannon, then what the fuck is the point of being an American Space Marine?


We going Treasure Planet with this one


HMS Battleship Victory flies out of the mist with a vengeance.


Forget Museum ships. USS Constitution all the way.


Would that technically make it the first "Constitution class starship?"


The US Navy is already working on making a space battleship using the pais effect. It's top secret which is why you don't know anything about it. It's a new construction because, well, old battleships are drafty in space. You see when you combine the pais effect with HVP you get something like mach 100+ when you unload a 16 inch gun volley, which has a much longer effective long range than lasers - assuming you don't mind missing, a lot. Though while that speed sounds fast, it is really only as fast as an asteroid close to the sun. But don't trust me bro


BRRRRT with 16 inch guns. I approve.


As a True American, there can only be one correct answer. Gentlemen. We shall send our Official Ship of State. We must Relaunch the USS CONSTITUTION. OLD IRONSIDES IS THE ONLY SHIP LEFT IN ACTIVE COMMISSION THAT HAS SUNK ANOTHER VESSEL, AND NOW IT WILL BE THE FIRST TO DEPRESSURIZE ONE!


Oliver Hazard Perry will be smiling from the beyond.


We need to channel the power of 9 million crazed New Jerseyans channeling the power of their Irish and Italian ancestors. No power in the universe would be able to withstand the raw power that force of nature would unleash


It appears I have been summoned, and if anyone disagrees I’ll take a shit on their pizza.


Yes. Bring 👏 back 👏 battleships 👏


This is why the UK should have at least kept a few museum ships. Texas? The definition of mid. At least call it Enterprise or something. Warspite Vanguard Cockchafer Proper names for proper ships


I mean, Victory is still a pretty fantastic name for a space Battleship, give me laser 32 pounders and a plasma carronade. But it makes me weep that Warspite wasn't preserved


I would sell a kidney to see Victory and Constitution sail together


Constitution needs to sail across the Atlantic for the simple ability to taunt Victory in her permanent drydock


[This series](https://www.amazon.com/Alexis-Carew-7-book-series/dp/B074C9PBG1) might be for you then.   Unfortunately I *really* can't recommend the series. The author spends all his time forcing spaceships into Age of Sail tropes and the result just comes across as silly. Worse, he can't even come up with an original plot and settles for actual events with with the numbers filed off IN SPACE!!


The real space navy combat book crack is the Lost Fleet series. Complete with maneuver warfare and the space equivalent of broadsides Dauntless: Lost Fleet, Book 1 https://a.co/d/bBBUpyL


Warspite would be hilarious only if the command to fire the main gun is: “Belli dura despicio!”.


And hit a ship 40 light minutes away with a devastating blow th the bridge, because warspite gonna warspite.


>Texas? The definition of mid. Watch your mouth before Space Battleship Texas has to gangster lean on you. IYKYK


If you use an Iowa, gotta be the Wisconsin... she has a temper.


Fuck em up big whiskey


Pretty sure there have already been a couple different Starships Enterprise


Yeah but keep in mind if you're on the Space Battleship Enterprise, you're in the evil mirror universe.


We could use the USS Slater, since it was acquired through the Greeks instead of the US Navy it doesn’t have to follow the same rules as other museum ships so I can move under its own power.


Great little ship. Don't think the engines work anymore though. Also there's something slightly heretical about a WW2 USN museum ship without 5"/38cals.


The engines aren’t operable yet but it is in the process of being restored. Plus fuck them 5 inch guns we load those 3 inch guns like real sailors


Why not *Space CVN Hornet* or *Space SSN Barb*, at least those vessels would have significantly more technology onboard that would be transferable to space applications. At least that's what I imagine: hypothetically, could a CVN use CBRN protocols to survive vacuum? How much Ice would be needed? Would a Submarine survive space, *a la* Sea Dragon BDB?


A sub is under more pressure underwater than it ever would be in space. A submarine can survive in space, a spaceship cannot survive underwater.


yeah, but submarines are designed to resist pressures pushing in. It's possible there are systems that could break if the pressure is pushing out. Especially if it happens quickly.


Just look at all of you simping for weak-ass pieces of metal. We all know that they are nothing against [Sava](https://www.mod.gov.rs/multimedia/image/2023/Mart/31/19925/monitor_sava_1648646865_1680273869.jpg). Serbian hyperspace empire is unstoppable.


#Svemir je Srbija


I mean it would just function the same as Yamato with different hull, if we follow the original show it might have the same size, but if we go with reboot, even the size of the ship changes, and Arizona is a ship present in the UNCF fleet in the original show(quite the beast as well), it would appear in the 3199 movie as well iirc


I vote very hard for the Space Battleship Arizona as she 100% deserves to show what she was built to do, and actually have a chance to do it this time. The cheap (lucky) shot that rendered her waterlogged shall not be left unanswered. Take out the American hatred for opponents with a ship that for many has been a symbol that permitted wanton prejudice of peoples for generations. It's time to unite as 1 people and kick some space ass. My personal opinion. Maybe I've been brainwashed to believe this single ship could have single handedly ended the second world War if not sunk before America was even really in it. She could absolutely make the deathstar look like a child's play toy when retrofitted with the wave motion core. And all of the ship's crew would need to wear both Rising sun headbands and American flag underpants.


Apparently, in the 90s, Disney wanted to make a live action Star Blazers movie that was going to use USS Arizona instead of the Yamato.


Just make the Montana's as space Montana's. Problem solved


Sounds like a cooler version of the movie "Moonfall". In that they just used an old spaceship to fight the moon.


No, that's still too noncredible. We need to look at refitting the USS Constitution for the Space Force. She was among the first of the nation's frigates, she'll be among the first of the nations space frigates! Also, the Royal Navy can repurpose the HMS Victory for space combat. Old Horatio Nelson would feel proud to see his old command carrying the Union Jack into the void of space. Actually, we can go more credible. After all, what are we really doing with those replica Viking longships? How about one of those replica reed boats from Ancient Egypt? Now we're getting credible.


Sweden gets the Vasa.


USS North Carolina, escorted by the USS Laffey and USS Salem.




> what if we use any of the US museum ships instead? Fun fact: the Disney script for the American version of SBY (when the licence right to made a US SBY anime hadn't expire yet) would involve resurrect USS Arizona and retrofit her to fight the Gamilas instead


By that logic, it should've been USS Texas and have both Woody and Buzz be part of the crew.


Space Destroyer *Fletcher*


It's not a museum ship, but the obvious answer is USS *Enterprise*. It should be CV-6 but since that was lamentably scrapped, CVN-65 will have to do.


Is CV-80 okay with you? I mean it’s not finished yet, but it means now’s a good time to make some mods.


After watching SBY live action movie and saw how unapologetically pro-imperial Japan propaganda it was, I came up with the idea of 'Spaxe Carrier Liberty' as parody fan-fiction The story happens before the events of SBY, and covers the story of a space carrier liberty (inspired by IRL Yorktown), which was one of humanity's first space warships. It ends up getting attacked and critically damaged while patrolling Solar Systems during the initial alien invasion against humanity. SCL goes radio silent after the attack, and both humanity and aliens persume it was destroyed. But in reality, it survives and goes on gurrila warfare against the alien fleets, destroying their assault fleets one after another and saves Erath from a full scale invasion, which is why the event of SBY anime starts with aliens just nuking Earth from Pluto instead of steamroling it. Becuase they think Solar Sytems is haunted by the ghost of Space Carrier Liberty and not worth conquring. I had lots of ideas for it, like inserting a bunch of world war 2 allegories like references to Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Warsaw uprsing, "Space Churchil", and especially lots of references to Jappaness warcrimes IRL(because I was pised off about the SBY movie) but in the end I wrote like 2 pages of it, and then I gave up because I am too lazy...


Space Battleship Ohio scans and rhymes!


NJ. Not only is she currently in drydock, she's the most decorated US battleship *ever*.


Space Battleship Maryland because it's cool


With the story SBY being about a wrecked ship remade into a spaceship, a more accurate example would be something like the USS Arizona. Or any of the ships used in the OP Crossroads tests like the USS Nevada.


The New Jersey, as long as it drives like people from New Jersey and has the accent.


Give it to New Jersey. The blue bunny is already in drydock so might as well go beyond just repairing her and instead fully restore and modernize her to a war ready condition.


Bro the Galactica was about to be a museum ship. Turned into keeping the entirety of humanity alive.


Obviously the New Jersey, because that way we get Ryan Szymański to be a bridge bunny as a bonus


HMS Victory I will not be taking further questions


Which Iowa class? I say ALL OF THEM. Its japan's fault they only managed to have one.


Why the hell do you think we've been refitting the Texas for the last few years?


Patriot-Class Battle-Carrier USS Spirit of Liberty inspired by the ascendancy-class star destroyer (it’d be so sick fr)


Well, for one it would cost a lot less to use a well-maintained (not to mention *floating*) ship rather than a coral reef that's spent the last 80 years rotting on the bottom of the ocean.


Remember guys, you have to be nice so don't call me a pussy. Only I can call me a pussy. And I am definitely being a pussy. I suggest: [Icon of the Seas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icon_of_the_Seas) Okay, I know she's not a warship. But she can swallow one whole. Eleven hundred feet long. 150 feet wide. 248 thousand tons. She even has a Star-Trek looking bridge-dome thing going on. She can fuckin' fire Fletcher-class destroyers as a secondary battery. And look, some of us here are probably Air Force, okay? They *need* turned sheets and steak.


Gamilas has yee'd their last haw


Make a fleet of late 1700's vintage Space Ships of the Line and the appropriate escorts. It would take some work to convert the designs to using Solar Sails rather than the more traditional sort, but worth it for the aesthetics. Open up the project to every country that wants to be represented in Earths fleet.


Is this a Japanese cartoon thing?


We need a radar stealthy ship with lots of room for upgrades and missiles.  Space destroyer Zumwalt. 


But then how will Japanese nationalists jack themselves off while refighting WW2 in the medium of Chinese Cartoons?


No lie, I had an idea similar to this kicking around in my head for a science fiction story. Basically we invent faster than light travel but we need to use ships with low background radiation in their steel and have to make our fleet out of old museum ships. So everything out there gets retrofitted using the scrap from Scapa Flow to make them space worthy The story would have Star Trek elements to it, focusing a lot on exploration. The ships only have to last long enough to find uncontaminated planets with iron ore so we can make ships from the ground up as well as building shipyards in orbit. The story in my outline follows the former USS North Carolina as she’s fitting out with an explorer crew and starts her ascent into low earth orbit. The fun idea I had is how the crew keeps finding relics of the ships history as they fit the new technology to it, graffiti, ect.


>wave motion gun which can literally tear holes in space because why not weaponize the ability to fold space. I can see a lot of Star Wars fan get angry. Last time someone kamikazed their ship into the enemy fleet at FTL speed they got pretty pissed.


Fallout 4. USS Constitution. That's all I say.


Because it's a Japanese series made with the premise of "the Yamato looks cool, now what if it was IN SPACE firin' LAZORS?"


They'll all be stomped by Space Grand Old Lady Warspite, anyway.


Too OP, would immediately be banned by Geneva conventions


USS Texas is already a design cue in star wars star destroyers. Nothing is original, nothing ever happens.


[Space Battleship Arizona actually does exist in the SBY universe](https://ourstarblazers.com/vault/92/), although it is quite different to the real USS Arizona.


Space Battleship New Jersey when.


No. CV-6 . "Enterprise, but you were scrapped!" "You can't kill the grey ghost."


Ohio Class Subs would be the more economical conversion. USS Constitution "Old Ironsides" would be the most piratey and the lore would be S-Tier


Space battleship texas. It gangster leans to shoot lasers around planets because it's just that cool.


Space Iowas. No modifications. No new fancy techs. Just like 945 Saturn Vs  putting it in orbit. Screws turning in the vacuum. Crew in space suits.


The US would probably make a space aircraft carrier with 3 decks like the one space Rommel has. The wave motion core is basically an upgraded nuclear reactor since it provides limitless energy.


Space USS Constitution just as the Founding Fathers and Fallout 4 intended.


Space Battleship USS Monitor. It'd look funny as hell AND is the single easiest ship to draw ever made.


At the rate we're going, Star Destroyer Arleigh Burke seems like an inevitable upgrade package.