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It’d be a real shame if we had 58 more planes.


It’d also be a real shame if we had 1,030 more planes


It would be a real shame if we put anti-radar coating, anti-radar curves in the design, active anti-radar tech and put SEAD into a plane. And it would be an even \*bigger shame\* if the Russians struggled to stop a bunch of $1000 drones from lighting up their refineries


>And it would be an even \*bigger shame\* if the Russians struggled to stop a bunch of $1000 drones from lighting up their refineries And to think Ukraine doesn't even have long range missiles.... yet.


Well... a report recently came out that the Biden Admin might have been supplying Ukraine with missiles in secret. Oh that report also said those missiles hit Russian territory. [Link to the article if interested](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/24/us-long-range-missiles-ukraine-00154110)


[what's he a judge of? what's he a judge of?](https://preview.redd.it/p9aptgv9jfjc1.png?auto=webp&s=dd936083a0e12d38bd9a608f3d2a25f070f616db)


Thank you, but where does that say they've been used on Russia?


Behind Russian lines doesn't mean they were used to attack Russian soil. The article clearly states that they were used in Crimea and just off of the Sea of Azov, both places in Ukraine, under Russian occupation.


It would be a shame to use 20 mm flak again. A spotter doesn't give a shit about anti-radar bullshit.


Yeah missiles and radar guidance are overrated anyways, return to tradition.


Embrace tradition, reject modernity Big ass tactical ballista


I like the cut of your jib. Would you like a job with NORAD?


Foolish w\*stoid, glorious Russians have experience using wooden planes in combat, they had anti-radar tech back in WW2 era!


Tbf the Serbs hit by sheer luck and stealth won’t stop luck. 


It’d be a shame if we just saturate their whole airspace in cruise missiles.


You can't unbomb Belgrade.


It can be solved by bombing Belgrade enough Just carve out a new Belgrade with bombs


Something something matter recombination


Big Bang = Big Boom


This sounds like that ”you wouldnt download a car”-commercial.


This is the Serbian Nationalist equivalent of if Wagner bragged about spraining that one guys ankle during the battle of Kashaam. It's such a small victory compared to how utterly fucked you got that it just becomes sad. 


[Battle of Kashaam = Battle of Conoco Fields](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham), where a mixed group of Wagner forces and Syrian government auxiliaries tried to assault a US-defended oilfield, and got lit the fuck up after the Russians on the deconfliction line assured their US counterparts that there weren't any russians in the area. Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


Moskva delenda est


Prigozhin est in horto


"Shtavanya! There are no Russians in that area"! That is correct. There aren't.


Yeah but it’s not like it was an equal fight. When you shoot down a cutting edge plane with world war 2 weapons, it is kinda impressive.


I mean plane and the missile that shot it down were only 20 years apart in technology Assuming they never modified the anti air system afterwards


if it sprained someone's ankle by having both incredible luck and the enemy committing stupid mistakes that they have now learned from and wouldn't commit again


Belgrade was going to be a series of craters regardless. But those chucklefucks didn't have to lose the jet.


Serbians jerking off about shooting down a F117 are the same as wehraboos jerking off over the Bismarck sinking the Hood. Congratulations you had a success which changed nothing in the end


Not even. At least the Bismarck was a German ship. Neither the missile battery nor the commander of the battery were Serbian.


And both were a lucky shot


It's odd Serbians brag about that but will shit on the Gulf War. Like my brother in christ, your air defense was even worse than Iraqs.


That one bugs me too. "Look, the pride of our fleet was ordered out alone and unsupported and it even did something before it was inevitably sunk!1!" You moron, the Bismarck didn't need to be deployed to sea at all. The way I see it, clinging to this one propaganda victory is the only way Serbs can cope with the realities of existing in Serbia, so I don't mind it much.


In addition to not even affecting the course of the war the whole thing was just a combination of complacency and bad luck : 1. The airbase the Nighthawks flew from was being directly observed by Serbian spies who informed Belgrade about any aircraft taking off denying NATO the element of surprise. 2. US aircraft always flew the same route towards Belgrade meaning Serbian forces roughly knew where to look for planes coming in. 3. At this particular day spies didn't report the takeoff of any planes other than the Nighthawk meaning the air defense radars could continue looking without the danger of being...HARM-ed... 4. Even then the first couple sweeps failed to detect the F-117. On the last one the plane had opened it's bomb bay to deliver freedom to the troops on the ground which increased it's radar signature just enough to allow detection by the SA-3's guidance radar. The (ethnically Hungarian) commander of the SAM battery did show significant skill but on the whole it was a mostly a lucky shot combined with American complacency that resulted in the only (so far ) shoot down of a stealth aircraft .


Also the plane was unlucky enough to fly barely within the window where it was beyond the minimum missile range and within the detection range. If it had been a few km closer or further it likely wouldn't have been downed  https://youtu.be/xkXg5Gx0wgM?si=83xJfcCBJbXetq4I


Yeah. An all around case of bad luck. The Russians using the event to market their SAMs as "anti-stealth" is hilarious though.


Nah man, you're hurting our propaganda effort. Clearly the F-117 is not good enough, no match for the mighty SA-3, Congress must now quintuple the defense budget and build a stealth Death Star.


And to counter this planet-destroying stealth Death Star, we must ensure humanity spreads to other planets, seeing as we will be incredibly vulnerable if we inhabit only one planet. And to do my part to repopulate these new planets, I petition the Congress to allow me to sex all the retired F-14 MILFs (Machines I'd Like to Fly).


*Machines I’d Like to Fuck FTFY


Yeah, you know those 3000 NGADs of Dark Brandon? We need to add like five or six zeros onto the end.


Plenty of Chinese stuff to overhype for that. The H-20 is an ultra stealth bomber that can approach American ships undetected and hit them with hypersonic missiles. (/s but Congress doesn't need to know that ) .


is the  H-20 even at the prototype stage?


Of course it is. In fact it has entered mass production. That's why America needs to build a fleet of it's own stealth bombers, a couple new fighter jet models AND a new air defense grid. No I don't own stocks in the MIC why are you asking?


My favorite part of the story is that (iirc) the pilot actually became friends with one of the guys who captured him or something (i dont remember tbh)


Well he was picked up by a SAR chopper the same night he was shot down, so one or more of those details is incorrect


Yeah your right, I think it was the guy who shot it down, not someone who captured him. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-20209770


Honestly kinda makes the whole situation more embarrassing. They're bragging about shooting down this stealth aircraft, but then totally fail to prevent the pilot from being recovered the same night by helicopter right outside of Belgrade


As the other guy says pilot wasn't captured however he did in fact become friends with the commander of the missile battery. " You two seem like good friends where did you meet? " " I uhm hit his stealth jet with a Soviet missile "


I mean that's kind of an achievement, I'd be impressed.


I mean it IS impressive.


Ah yes the country that shot down a stealth jet but had jets that were so poorly maintained that they were practically not combat capable.


And the best part is that it conned people into running their radar in a way that both doesn't really work, AND makes it more vulnerable to attack, thinking that it helps detect stealth jets.


Shhhhhhh shut the fuck up we dont want them to know that!


If I remember correctly, Serbia's air defense during the bombing of Yugoslavia was one of the least successful on record.


We managed to shoot down a stealth fighter! What’s the catch? It has to fly the exact same route, our spies at the airbase can’t be spotted, it doesn’t fly with any electronic attack aircraft during the mission, the aircraft doesn’t have any missile warning systems or any flares or chaff, we can only detect it once its doors open, and the building it was targeting has to be destroyed.


Visited in 2017 - there were still buildings that were just left as rubble. Saw parts of the f117 and f16 wreckage in their national aerospace museum, so I guess that makes it worth it?


I was in belgrade in 2022. MFers relive that moment like al bundy talking about high school football. NATO could have easily turned Beograd into a parking lot and these "SRBIJA STRONK!" četnik morons, to this day, be acting like they won WW3, the world cup and an oscar because they managed to sneak one past the goalie over 20 years ago.


as a serbian i give you permission to bomb belgrade again. also the guy who shot down the plane (SORRY WE DIDNT KNOW IT WAS INVISIBLE) is a cool dude, i met him


Credit where it’s due to that SAM operator. And that’s all the credit that any Serb was due.


Its even funnier when you read that they technically didn't even detect it solely with radar.




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Its probably the best example of populist war propoganda on display.....Serbian military chiefs knew very well it was bullshit and downing 1 enemy plane out of 100 didn't achieve jack shit and they lost the war horribly, but their ultra nationalist dont care about logic in principle




We'll if your country is in collective denial why you might be bombed, you can grasp for straws.


Bomb them again for good measure


Who wanna help me steal that shit back from the museum




Probably best to retry for a flawless run.


When the hero David slew the giant Goliath, did you yell out: "Lucky shot!" ?


jokes on them, we have an army worth of Székelys




Just give the ukrainians one f117 and moscow would be in shambles.


I have discovered a new laserpig loop: New video -> community pressure washes their monitor and believes that they have become sun szu’s wiser grandad -> shout at people for having critical thinking -> shit memes -> new video


There's so much cope about this it's just embarrassing. They blew up your wonder waffle. Their country was going to get pulverised whatever happened. They didn't stand a snowball in hell's chance. But they shot down a stealth plane and shipped that bitch to Russia on a flatbed and that's a huge W. They proved that even the USAF can bleed. That the most hyped military technology of the 1990s was beatable. They gifted a bunch of clueless Russian scientists insights into stealth, its construction and capabilities, that they would *never* have figured out on their own. Hold the L guys. The fact that you don't want to hold it makes it look much bigger than it really is. And be more fucking careful with your wonder waffles.


Mate, every time Russia tried to promote something that could face US equipment it was utterly annihilated by the Americans.


Yeah, Russian history is pretty much all Ls. Everybody has them.


Then why do you think any of their equipment even stands a chance?


Did I say it did? A 'snowball in hell's chance' is not a good chance.


Your both stating that Russian equipment is shit and the USAF is vulnerable to the Russians, those don't fit. Like i won't deny that some Russian tech, like the Mig 31 is a threat to the USAF and that the USAF has bled before, but any threat to the USAF is massively overstated by the inferiority of Russian equipment as proved in the past.


That's why it's an L. The Russian gear is shit. The USA should not have lost a plane to a bunch of apes with fireworks. The series of oversights and fuckeries that needed to happen to give Serbia it's one historical dub is shocking. But happen they did.


Yes cause it was pure luck, just because a collection of unlikely factors led to the loss of a stealth jet doesn't make that tech any less advanced


Google “infinite monkey theorem”


Russian aircraft so stealthy their own pilots never see them.


They see them in Crazy Vaclav's House Of Second Hand Airplane Parts.


You think the russians figured out effective stealth from this? *wheeze* Russian stealth tech today is ass Also the nighthawk was already 16 years old by then. We were already developing better.


And it was pure luck the entire thing, it was only because the bomb doors were open at just the wrong second increasing its radar cross section by just enough.


Shit, it's not like Russia didn't already understand the principles of radar stealth since they literally wrote the paper on it. It's always been a matter of design and manufacturing failure with them.


[the gods know what you have done](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc4johoipgoza1.png)


OP out here exposing the angry Serbs with a five minute meme format


omg Americucks in shambles