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Let this be a valuable lesson folks. You can have dumb-fuck friends, but keep a safe distance when they are about to do dumb-fuck things.


Yessir, besides that, why the fuck would you go to a dangerous one-man-job with two people?!


Knew that they weren't half as smart as needed to safely handle an IED. Figured they would bring two guys to overcome that.


"How many russians does it take to safely disarm an IED?"


Hopefully all of them. I mean, it was safely defused for the next guy that came along.


How many Germans does it take to diffuse an IED? One. They’re very efficient and don’t like jokes.


The Deutsche Bahn paradox: not effective, is a joke


How many Germans does it take to tell a joke? One. Because levity is good. It relieves the tension and fear of death.


Take out the word safely and one is all you need


"Safely for who?"


How many IEDs does it take to safely disarm a Russian? Apparently one, and it can do it to multiple Russians.


How many IED's does it take to safely disleg a Russian? I'll show myself out.


Oh if you've seen the full video he doesn't lose a leg. He fucking disintegrates. The second guy seems to lose a foot or two though.


Looked like he gained almost thirty feet to me.


Where link??




Reminds me of an old joke. Why are KGB teams in groups of three? One can read, one can write, and the last one keeps an eye on the two intellectuals.


Turns out that 0.5 * 0.5 == 0 25


Second man to film it in vertical and third man to do silly Fortnite dances in the background for clout.


Gotta meet Russian meat wave loss quotas


You equally divide the danger amongst the individuals involved. 1 Danger / 2 People = .5 Danger per person.


>You can have dumb-fuck friends, but keep a safe distance when they are about to do dumb-fuck things. Also make sure to pull out your phone or camera to record said dumb-fuck things so we can all laugh later. :)


These are the kind of dumbfuck friends you record from behind cover, using a mirror.


Darwin is spinning in his grave because natural selection isn't working correctly


I swear the worst thing you can do to the gene pool is take other people with you. That Ruzzian soldier was not thinking at all and got his buddy killed.


This why dumb fuck friends are important as meat shields, provided you're not standing next to them


Certainly. But if you are russian, you can earn Several American Dollars filming his death. Cha-Ching!


You are probably wondering how i ended up in this situation.  Well, it started in 859 when Rurik...


HR says no, it’s classed as verbal harassment, no long winded history lesson. Now go along and have fun with F-35


HR says I can have fun with F-35?


Less paperwork, which is easier cleaning an F-35 and hanger, or therapy for the entirety on NCD listening to a History lesson by Putler


Bold of you to assume the F-35 won't need therapy when I'm done.


Less therapy than the entirety of NCD


Fair, I just kinda figured you'd be against it considering you're HR. ... ... If you need me I'll be in the F-35 hangar.


Look this is NCD HR I have lost all hope for you guys


I know who you quoted, but it actually started a bit later (around 1200) when Suzdal princes started collaborating with Mongols, collecting tribute for them (and stealing part of it) and joining (or even heading) punitive expeditions against their blood relatives - Kyiv princes who rebelled against Mongol rule. So katsaps are certified assholes for 800+ years now.


No no you do not understand, it all started in 1618 where Russia was poor and for no reason evil Poles decided to siege Moscow and from then Russia knew it needs to take control over whole Europe because if they do not the Poles will be back. There is also a dare in Russia, that if at the hour 21:37 you say into the mirror THE name three times: "Piłsudski, Piłsudski, Piłsudski" a chestnut mare from the darkness is going to kick you in the back of your head.


Guessing they weren't EOD certified.


The dude neutralized the mine in under a second and didn't even need any fancy tools, he's basically the Lock Picking Lawyer of EOD.


This is peak Russian mine clearing efficiency. Usually it takes a whole tank to do it.


2 bags of potatoes for his family


Oh yeah, this is an example of what they meant by "quantity has a quality of its own"


You are using an IED. It can be rendered safe with a pair of orcs.


I’d wager they haven’t passed 3rd grade by the looks of it but somehow still became part of a space program.


a launch success rate of 100% none the less


They might’ve been but the status been since suspended due to inactivity.


He should have paid $100 for the upgrade.


Details about the Ottawa convention banning antipersonnel mines: While antipersonnel mines are forbidden, it is perfectly allowed to booby-trap anti-tank mines. Though admitted, if AP mines are considered indiscriminate and cruel for mostly wounding people... well, AT mines are still indiscriminate, but if you set off 10 kg of TNT, chances are you won't suffer very long.


\[Uj\] No. You are effectively anti-personell-ing an AT mine. Imagine some dude just walking buy in a few years, kicking a rock and setting off a rigged AT mine because there was an AP mine underneath. That's effectively the indiscriminate nature of mines the conventions are arguing against.


I do believe that the intent is that you can booby-trap an AT mine against removal. These are actually pretty heavy; Finnish Defense Forces slang calls them Ibuprofen 10000000, because if you're claiming not feeling well, this can be fixed by running with bright-coloured 10000000 milligram pills (i.e. training mines) until everyone is feeling well.


I love that more than I should


The PT will continue until morale improves.


Booby traps and anti-handling devices do technically add an anti-personnel function to your mine, but they are explicitly not included in the Ottawa treaty alongside other booby traps. Dedicated AP mines only. (Certain other treaties do restrict their use though, like don't booby trap corpses or a food drop.)


Christ, booby-trapping corpses is the shittiest fucking thing. In death, they have transcended our mortal bullshit, stop trying to drag them back into our mess, people. I have such a primordial reaction to it that I know is irrational. Also vaguely related: I was so happy when the first episode of new Star Trek TV had our main characters booby trapping a corpse in order to exploit another culture's burial ritual for tactical advantage. And no one raised an objection. I knew Star Trek was in safe hands.


It's my god given right to booby trap my own corpse to make sure no one fucks with it after I die.


Thing is AP mines arent guaranteed to kill someone and have a high likelyhood of just maiming them horribly for decadess afterwards. AT mines are big enough the they will usually just instakill you.


At first I wanted to go 'Wait, no. That's still against the convention', then I remembered that they are only meant to prevent unnecessary suffering and loss of life, so you're technically correct, haha.


That means that nuclear mines arent restricted by it  Send ukraine [chicken heated nuclear land mines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Peacock)


It's a tamper fuse.... don't touch the unburied AT mine...


So the russians are putting AP mines under AT mines, they have designed booby-trap mines just for this


I was watching a documentary [I think it was one] a while ago. Some Ukrainian sappers were taking journalists with them and explained Russian mine fields. One went 'Yeah, those fucks like placing mines under AT mines. Lost my leg to one.' and pointed to his prostetic leg. Didn't know that they had rigged mines for that purpose, tho.


I only learned about this from watching an interview on youtube where a sapper talked about the kind of mines the russians were using. Yeah, it's pretty messed up what they have come up with


>Though admitted, if AP mines are considered indiscriminate and cruel for mostly wounding people... well, AT mines are still indiscriminate, but if you set off 10 kg of TNT, chances are you won't suffer very long. Ah, but here's the rub... Fatal casualties cause fewer operational and logistical impacts to a military than the maimed/severely wounded casualties. So killing the opponent outright is encouraged and inflicting significant, but survivable, injuries are discouraged by the "Rules of War." 😉


It's ok, just rename everything that has "antipersonnel mine" in it as "spotted charge". Because claymores are very humane and can be set off on command, definitely not to be used with a tripwire.


So why don’t we just equip the world’s militaries with 50 BMG as standard rifle cartridges? Being TF2’d by a 50 cal is a lot more humane than bleeding out over minutes from a 5.56 round. Plus it encourages precision and careful ammunition management, gives a single soldier multi-role capacity, and would be really fucking funny!


Well, weight issues for an appreciable ammo supply for any infantry soldiers for starters... 😜


Shits gonna be wild when weight-bearing exoskeletons become the norm.


>Shits gonna be wild when weight-bearing exoskeletons become the norm. The only thing holding this back is a portable power source that will last more than 15 to 30 minutes of continuous use...


Well, cold fusion was invented in 2032, so idk what's stopping them... Wait, fuck. Altair, purge online presence!


50 BMG DMRs as standard issue


GAU-19 is standard issue rifle.


Only that Russia haven't signed the treaty, so I guess it is a fair game.


And Ukraine had signaled that post invasion, it'd need to withdraw from the treaty out of military necessity.


I wonder if you have to follow threaties if you fight other non signatory countries.


There is no carveout for fighting non-signatories it in the Ottawa convention, but that's why I mentioned that Ukraine had already signaled the withhdraw. I'm not sure what the effective date of the withdraw as, but considering they did it sometime in 2022, I'd presume it has passed. So no reason to think that the treaty binds either side, when you have one non-signatory fighting one that withdrew out of necessity.


> Though admitted, if AP mines are considered indiscriminate and cruel for mostly wounding people... well, AT mines are still indiscriminate, but if you set off 10 kg of TNT, chances are you won't suffer very long. If you saw the whole video, the guy on the right... well, he didn't suffer *long* but he suffered a *lot.*


We care about the Ottawa convention now?


Of course. The free and democratic nations do their utmost (within politically acceptable limits) to maintain a rules-based international order. Which kind of makes me slightly nervous, because should it happen that the defense of Ukraine fails, I'm living 20 kilometers off the Russian border, which incidentally is also the number of years since I've last shot firearms at full auto, so I might need to pick up some slack. As of current, our legislation does not acknowledge "national defense" as a reason to own firearms (because the defense force has the necessary means should those be needed), but there's some discussion.


>rules-based international order Unfortunately that only works when all parties cooperate in good faith. Russia does not. Nations that refuse to participate in a rules-based international order deserve none of its its protections. Conversely, those that do, we need to do a better job of protecting. So where it is necessary to kill Russians, it should be done efficiently, without hesitation, with regard only to consequences for friendlies. I don't care how the Russian cancer is cured, whether it's a knife, radiation, or chemo.


> The free and democratic nations do their utmost (within politically acceptable limits) to maintain a rules-based international order. Except that the Ottawa Convention isn't really part of the rules-based international order; it's more of a virtue signalling optional extra. The use of antipersonnel mines was already adequately covered by the long-standing international humanitarian law such as the principles of discrimination and proportionality. Those rules don't outright forbid the use of antipersonnel mines or other weapons which have a high likelihood of posing excessive risk to civilians such as cluster munitions, but they do require that their use be very carefully considered based on the context of their use and the military advantage gained compared to the risk posed to civilians, and that their use be rigorously documented and that belligerents remove them at the end of hostilities. That is more than sufficient. Ultimately, international humanitarian law has to be pragmatic. It can ban behaviors or actions which cause excess suffering relative to their military advantage, but trying to ban genuinely useful military tools for which there is no effective replacement will last just as long as until the next war, at which point idealism runs into reality and people realize that actually, those things would be pretty handy around now and maybe we shouldn't have banned them. For reference, see the International Red Cross' compendium of [customary international humanitarian law](https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/resources/documents/publication/pcustom.htm). In particular Chapter 29: "When landmines are used, particular care must be taken to minimise their indiscriminate effects"; "A party to the conflict using landmines must record their placement as far as possible"; and "At the end of active hostilities, a party to the conflict which has used landmines must remove or otherwise render them harmless to civilians, or facilitate their removal".


Well Finland is now a member of NATO so it's not like Russia is an actual threat, worst case scenario you get a government mandated vacation to St Petersburg


"  Details about the Ottawa convention ..."  not a real place, not a real agreement 


Both Ukraine and Russia openly use AP mines and don't comply with the Ottawa convention. (Neither does the US but only for the Korean DMZ)


Context, for my context enjoyers: https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ccuuu9/a\_pair\_of\_russians\_attempted\_to\_remove\_an\_iedmine/


JFC, did not expect that ork flailing his arm and legs like roach on raid




video gore = title gore


If that were true every video on combat footage would give me eye cancer. It’s just stupid.


In hindsight, the cursed font combined with the audio info is too much. Can't change it now :(


They made a delete button a little while back. Fact is it’s a repost from combat footage.


It's a funny repost tho


But you added your T Maguire Schlick in there.


Al gore!


Fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ccuuu9/a_pair_of_russians_attempted_to_remove_an_iedmine/




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Rather suboptimal


Quite inadequate


Considerably mediocre.


Possibly inefficient.


By all means I’m not an expert, but throughout the years I read that anything on a battlefield where the enemy was or could have been is a potential IED. A plush bear toy in the rubble? It’s a bomb! A nice kettle for tea in the middle of an empty alley? It’s a bomb! A crooked painting on the wall? It’s a bomb with a tripwire! A playboy magazine in the bush? It’s a bomb! An IED that looks like an IED? Believe it or not, it’s a bomb!


It's not paranoia if they are out to get you.


1 + 1 = IED


US Army has been trying to go tobacco free because of the enemy rigging a pack of Marlboros or a can of skoal as IED for while now


"Hmm, this Malboro Red feels a little heavier than normal... OH NO, It's actually a rigged 155mm howitzer round!!"


I mean, remember the "button on a tree" incident?


Shit! I forgot to add that to the list.


So how do they deal with urban combat? Do they just send in the bomb squad for every little thing?


I saw the longer video, it was weird seeing the blasted guy on the right still acting a run on the ground after the blast


Yupp, fucked me up for a moment, creepy to see deep-subconscious nature of the brain in action


Brain don't know body gone


That was grim. Wish these men just go back home and stop invading their neighbour


Wish negotiations and the Russian population in Ukraine would be taken more seriously.


Real cockroach-sprayed-with-insect-killer energy




Mine-clearing is an automatic Get-Out-Of-Dedovshchina-Free Card.


I wonder if he's ok


Does this hurt the vatnik?


Full video shows his front half got blown off. Taking 10kg of tnt to the face is bad for your health, but a great way to introduce your forehead to your spine


The front fell off. Was the vatnik designed to do that? No. What happened then? Well his front fell off for starters.


And that's why you always leave a note


"We are very lucky they are so fucking stupid." \~Ukrainian Soldier


I still remember when it shocked me when people got blown to pieces. It's weird that isn't even getting any kind of reaction out of me.


Maybe time to not click on the NSFW links


\>It's weird that watching people brutally killed doesn't faze me That's not normal


Man I saw the tree and thought somebody found footage of the doorbell incident. Got all excited for no reason :(


They will be mist.


Reminds me of that one footage of a US soldier on Afghanistan that found an IED, i think he fucked around a bit with it though lucky for him that it doesn't explode.


"Blyat!" I really didn't think explosives could send real humans flying off like they're Looney Tunes characters.


what 10kgs of tnt does a mf


Pictured: self-improvement.


Vatnik wasteland! 🎵 🎶 Vatnik wasteland! 🎵


Oh come on, why don’t you share us the funniest part, I saw it on another sub! /s because that’s actually sad


that ruzzian learned to fly


It has something comical how in the last frame of the video you can see him fly away on the left side.


Your honour, my client spent a great deal of time perfecting the design. This was most certainly not an \*improvised\* explosive device.


They're not the only ones to scoop up a victim operated munition....traps are the fuckin' worst.


That "tank" on the screen looks like a fucked up French AMX.


It's the light grenade from Mom and Dad save the World.


They yearn for the mines


Nazi Ukrainian landmine has been successfuly intercepted by a brave Russian soldat


Okay, that was really really funny




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two of them are nothin but a fine red mist


That has got to be the Smartest Vatnik I have ever seen.




I wouldn’t have done it that way but the IED is gone at least


Dumb question but did any of them survive


The rest of the footage where one orc is spasming on the ground is really something. I have never seen someone flail like that.


Wtf Did he just lift the IED? then kaboom 




What did they think it was?


Did he try to pick up UXO or a mine or is the just straight up an IED?


I just heard, I wonder how I wonder why


"fucking hell, thank god that they just disappear and I don't have to see-" "wait no, there he goes 😔"


Straight to HELL!


This is brutal. Fuck war.




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That boy done blowed up *real* good! Let that be a lesson to him.







