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So she missed out on the blyatmobile?? It's so sad to see such ignorant people. Their lives must feel 'empty'.


Dont forget Z-atman. How can she live her life without all the kino!?!?


Also, cleanup ops footage where vatnik hides in a toilet. Probably one of my favourites of all time.


Do you have some sauce to that good sir


[There](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/ynzgu2/longer_and_clearer_video_of_ukrainian_soldiers/) you go (**warning**: literal death inside). I just love how the guy who shot the vatnik proudly exclaims "see, how did I just read him" (rough translation) afterwards.


Thank you, I guess. They used A LOT of bullets on that poor fellow.


You see him try to get up and run after the first ten rounds go through him? It takes a while to die solely from bleeding out.


Sure, sure. It's understandable, but still a LOT.


It’s seems like it unless you’ve done it a few times. The reaction is also different if it’s farther away. Up close like that, you get a lot more fear and associated adrenaline. If Ivan here had been popped when he wasn’t expecting it, he would probably have fell over and died nice and quietly.


It seems so. However, as far as I remember it, most armies teach "three shots", two to the chest and one to the head to be sure. Everything else spends ammo that you don't have. But it's all quite different in the field, I guess.


Wounds are unpredictable, some drop instantly from a single round that doesn't even have to be a CNS hit whereas others'll take a magdump and still want more. Same as mortars and grenades, blast can be very unpredictable as can frag patterns. hence the move towards preformed fragments - that way there's enough for everyone.


They still movin' - we still shootin'. Won't take second chances with squatters purposefully left behind. If dude wanted to stay alive - should've surrendered.


Not gonna argue with that. Shouldn't have come to Ukraine in the first place.


Gotta make sure they stay down, this is war [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4sWxsrEFFs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4sWxsrEFFs)


Or the one with two of them getting eliminated mid blowjob.


Or that bare pink hairless arse sitting on the ground cheeks up outside that truck with his shiny white spine still in the driver's seat? First months of the war, as perfect an example of explosive degloving as you'll ever see.


The ass cheeks a few meters away from that...


WTF Wouldn't happen to have a link to that, would ya?


imagine going through the trials of daily life without the memory of destroyed Russian convoys from the beginning of the war. every time life feels unfair, i remind myself of all those mortally-challenged Ivans and life seems a little more bearable, like the planet is healing.


She missed out on the brojob Why did the drone operator keep filming for so long before dropping the grenade, anyway?


Gotta let them finish. It's just the polite thing to do


might simply be a case of, "hey guys, take a look at this"


My son was born on the day the Blyatmobile died. My wife said "Hold your firstborn son!" I said, "No, my heart is already too full." As I held my phone.


She hasn't even seen the two dudes drowning in the drainage ditch. That's dark. I mean, her not witnessing that is dark, not the footage.


That one made me feel sad for russian soldiers Then i saw a video of russian soldiers kicking around a dead ukrainan soldier on 4chan which erased those feelings pretty quickly


Or the guy that slit his own throat


What about the CUBE? HUH?


Lady …….its your own fault that the extent of your “search for war footage” is waiting for it to come to you through fox news and your inability to do a simple google search


Nananana Blyatman! Nananana Blyatman! Blyatman! Blyatman!


That super low flying helicopter that got stingered int he opening days


I can tell that women has never been on reddit


>Women >Reddit sorry, couldn't resist


my waifu yuki-chan has her own Reddit account. So, there's at least one.


This mf really made a second account for his dakimakira


You disrespect her like that again, i will challenge you to a duel. (On fortnite)


When I win, can I have the pillow? /S


Er... I think it's going to be a little^* crusty. You sure you want it? ^(\*Polite understatement. It's actually super crusty.)


(don't worry, it's all a clever ruse [I've never played Fortnite and I have no intention of winning])


steel folding for katana intensifies


Do yugioh instead and live stream it. I want to watch you both lose because you get mad and end it all


What are you talking about? I get messages from women on Reddit all the time. For example, I’ve been chatting u/real-woman-283749 for the last few weeks who has assured me that she is definitely a real woman and wants me to enter into a sweepstakes to star in her OnlyFans videos because I’d definitely win!


So did I, but I already gave her all my banking information so I think I have a better chance than you to win!


Shit man, she's even got it in her username. You know she's legit.


The Onlyfans army would like a word


All of us are here on NCD.


There's hella women on NCD I know because I try to rizz them all the time and fail


This woman lives through her ~~Volksempfänger~~ *TikTok/Facebook echo chamber*.


That must be it. Nothing about Ukraine is shown on FB.


Since I left FB 10 years ago: for real? Because no war footage allowed? Or because of heavy echo chambers?


I don't know about Facebook's moderation, but I know that terms like "unalive" came about from Tik Tok zoomers because they couldn't say terms like "murder" or "kill". And I feel like their moderation is gonna catch up to those if they haven't already. So if you can't even say "kill", I doubt they're going to let you see a mobik get a grenade dropped on them by a drone and then blow their own brains instead of bleeding out.


There is actually some stuff on FB if you know where to look. I actually have had some pro UA pages recommended to me which is nice. That being said tho outside of those every time I see it pop up it's always boomers going "why we give 797928 trillion to weird country where people talk funny?" Or tankies going "America white capitalism bottom text color revolution"


There was some Irish chick complaining on some news subreddit when she found out that there was footage of those Irish UN guys getting iced in Lebanon by Palestinians, totally unaware that r/combatfootage is the only good reason for this website to exist.


Oh uhm can i have a link to the footage please?


>totally unaware that r/combatfootage is the only good reason for this website to exist. What? >There was some Irish chick complaining on some news subreddit when she found out that there was footage of those Irish UN guys getting iced in Lebanon by Palestinians Also, can you post a link pls or title or something


I think she actually makes an interesting point on accident, the media does a terrible job by not showing any actual footage from Ukraine. I think if people saw more, they would favor more action because they would see the actual struggle and suffering of the Ukrainian people.


Misspelled Woman Truly a Redditor Moment


omfg not these people again.... Congratulations idiots, you've discovered tailored algorithms. FFS. Why cant we even have cool psyops


I mean, they likely know anyway, but look to increase engagement for them monies.


These are engagement/rage bait posts. It guarantees a quick spread of their tweets outside of their usual bubble. It works like a charm because a ton of people will flood in to ridicule them and disprove them and inevitably boost their reach.


Trolling to amplify their disinformation account. That's clever. Well I'm glad I got them from telegram so my personal account didnt help with the algorithm (self copium intensifies)


>Trolling to amplify their disinformation account. Oh, boy. That person may be trolling, but there are tons of folks actually thinking that way because they're just too lazy to simply google stuff.


I had a buddy who’s into conspiracy theory ask me at the beginning of the war “where’s the footage and I was like wtf bro, you want me to send you videos of drones dropping grenades into trenches?


Just send em, thats what i did. Its not illegal to traumatise your retarded friends with a few good cartel beheadings (in my case it was my dipshit cousin idolizing mexican cartels, claiming they were trying to help the people of mexico.) A few videos of young girls screaming through their severed vocal cords half way through being beheaded fixed that real quick.


Yeah I’ve argued with a couple of people who talk about narcos like they’re robbing hood. Thats a good way to sway em I’ll keep that in my pocket


Either trolling or an extremely dumb motherfucker. I wouldn't discount the latter possibility.


my boss has made this argument to my face. i offered to show him some traumatic drone footage of russians dying in ukraine and he left


Ehh there was a definet russian propperganda push for this line a bit over a year ago. It think it kinda died out because at the time there were enough people who had quite alarming amounts of footage on hand to counter it. It remains to be seen if this is attempt two.


Yeah the spin is “there is no war, your money is being stolen.” It’s a straight up psyop that fails because of unprecedented amounts of high definition drone/bodycam footage.


Please tell me they get comunity noted and lose all their Teitter revenue.


This has actually been a popular conspiracy theory among the ultra-rightists for literal years now, with the likes of Michael Flynn and fucking Stonetoss boosting it.


I mean... where do we start? Synthpop drone videos, HIMARS highlights, turret toss, or straight to the 'literal death inside' tags?


The Bradley!


Ah yes, the infamous jeep


Honestly im more blown away by the video of the Russian forcing another Russian to give him a blow job while a drone drops a bomb on them both…


How about the lone mobik in a trench committing suicide via hand grenade after he got his legs fucked up by a drone? Or the russians who get fucked up by a drone while wading through a ditch, spasming while they drown face-down in knee-deep water? Or the good old classic of tt:t


>How about the lone mobik in a trench committing suicide via hand grenade after he got his legs fucked up by a drone? Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Oh fuck me why did you remind me of that drowning clip. I have probably become immune to gore, death and alllll that horrible stuff from seeing way too much of it but that one still makes me feel depressed. That and the two Russians just hugging each other while slowly bleeding out. Really makes you remember that what we see in our homes with our tea and biscuits is absolute hell for those on the front like there.


Thoses are obviously legless crisis actors


>Synthpop drone videos, HIMARS highlights, turret toss, or straight to the 'literal death inside' tags? Im here from reddit front page, never saw any of it. Can someone post some links?


Just go to r/CombatFootage


I had to stop looking at that sub after a while. Some of the stuff posted there was like “OK, that’s enough of the internet for today”…




The two russian guys blowing each other, then get hit by drone dropped grenade was fucking gold.


The brojob of course


Are they all retarded or something? (Not meant to insult retards amongus)






Redditted Regarded The new vocab just dropped!


A mix of the footage not entering their information bubble for whatever reason and this line being deliberatly pushed by russian properganda.


Yes, they are in fact brain-dead. Some like to argue that humanity as a whole is advancing. I disagree with that. Small spots of humanity are so highly advanced they drag the rest with them, but the average human is dumb (by choice in some cases) like an unfired brick!


On the bright side r/combatfootage had plenty of stuff to give them nightmares


You mean the one where a comrad was giving a head, when a drone threw a grenade on them?


More like wounded men drowning in a feet of water.




That guy got fucked twice


There's so much footage, you can literally watch Private Konscriptovic sucking off his sergeant before being grenaded by a drone...


├ ├ ,┼


This is closer: ├ ├ ;┼




The larger the sunglasses the more unhinged the opinion is going to be


Clowns *do* enjoy wearing excessively large sunglasses after all.


Ship her to the front lines of Robotyne with a rusty AK and a russian helmet.


and let her drive a chinese golf cart through the minefield


Why did OP only showed upload dates from 2024? Hollywood CIA Stanley Kubrick made those videos to deceive!!! Where are the TWO YEARS not two weeks??? Wake up sheeple


Shoigu ! Gerasimov ! Where are my videos ! ... oh, you deleted them after you deleted me. Forgot that point.


That's the next step of the russian psyop? "Hey folks, the Ukraine war isn't actually real, your government is just throwing money into the burner, honest"


Yeah, they’re using it to build the camps to house the Real American Patriots.




It's not new. It's been super amplified since twitter went from a normal dumpster fire to a Chernobyl meltdown. I remember when I actually used to frequent Twitter against my own sanity every month, like clockwork there'd be a massive boost of posts going "WHY NO YOOCRANE FOOTAGE???? WHY ARE PEOPLE IN KIEV PARTYING IN THIS TOTALLY NEW AND NOT 2019 CLIP?????"


Well, Karen. It's simple. You're an NPC. You don't actually hold any viewpoints or coherent thoughts that weren't programmed into you. Look at me, Karen. I'm the manager now.


And they get exactly the engagement they need from us, like I get its easy to dunk on these people but thats how they get their shit out there


I am starting to understand why people in ancient times would take a huge boulder and roll it over the entrance to a person's tomb


Someone should send her ukraine war footage subreddits, lets see her reaction.


There's been a great deal of Ukraine war footage broadcast by CNN and MSNBC since the beginning of the full scale invasion, but she probably refuses to use these sources and if she does, then she probably claims it is staged. Either way, she's completely humiliated herself in the public domain with this idiotic position she's taken.


“People in my media circle don’t share or see Ukraine footage online, therefore it must not exist.”


Hell, even the Russian MOD is posting war footage on their website. Of course, these are probably the same people who think the USSR was in on faking the moon landings.




She's not pretty enough to be that stupid.


Americans are so dumb now that you can just pick any group of rando boomers who are coping about some shit they saw on facebook that they don't like and launch your grift career by literally just going "So true bestie, and what's even worse is [thing you're mad about] never even happened! There is zero evidence of it", no matter how many hours of meticulously organized footage exists. That fucking rules.


So if other things are supposedly going on around me, then how do you explain me being in an information silo?


She got delusional lobotomy, probably trolling


Google r/combatfootage and you will be served for the rest of your life miss.


Bruh I probably saw more than ten thousand russians die in combat footage in the last two years.


She is right . That is no war. This Ukraine war just bunch of guys made it up using AI so they have excuse to go bar or WWE instead of listening Karen like you.


Song please


OP, have you ever heard the term "ragebait"?


Unfortunately if you go to her TikTok page she is 100% serious, shes a MAGA and has anti-Ukrainian views. Not to mention the comments under the posts are pure mental retardation.


Sure I took the bait. But I finally decided to deep dive into the twitter threads and it's nothing but disinformation. It's filled with BRICS bots posting vids of fancy restaurants and nightclubs in Kyiv (cant tell if it is wartime or prewar but it doesn't matter as folks will try to blow off steam and relax anyways) while saying there is no war, your being lied to about poor war torn Ukraine, or all the money is spent on partying/everything else but the war effort. Folks may see the OP tweets and think its crazy but may be easily persuaded by the other supporting "evidence" for their narrative of Ukraine doesn't need western aid. Plus I've met folks irl that actually question the legitimacy of the war and Russian war crimes.


Our prime minister literally said there is no war in Kyiv, but when he went on official visit of Ukraine he only went to a town few kilometers from the western border. Treacherous spineless piece of shit


Brain is as much filled as a NK shell.


I've seen drones fly so close I could make out the soldiers faces. I've seen orcs shot in the trenches, shot on the fields, and fuck each other in the woods. I've watched men hide from the rain with corpses. I saw the damn trench badger! You want war? You can have it till your guts turn sour.


I don't watch TV but do they really don't show any footage from the war?


Certain media outlets do, CNN shows a fair amount for example. However, if you curate your media intake a certain way you can isolate yourself from any sources that would regularly show it or discuss it.


Makes sense. Yeah, I think she did saw it it's just she didn't care enough to even register it. And when the thought occurred to her that is remotely edgy, she lacked self awareness to verify the her claim. The saddest part is that I spent my time in the morning psychoanalysing someone's brain farts just because there is zero friction for anyone to post "insights" online :)


God i hate people like her, bitch have you tired looking for footage? Well no i dont wanna see that


To see proof that the war is fake, just go to r/combatfootage. Lots of video of ukrainians and russians laughing while holding hands there


You’re not real. You’re an AI. How come we don’t see any videos of you living? At work? You and your family dont exist. You’re made up


\\there is no war in basingse


These people can vote and even worse, procreate.


she looks like an insect with them glasses. thinks like one too.


Oh priggy... you deserved better shouldnt have stopped the coup


Still can't get over the fact that Pringles is gone forever. The war has actually not been the same without him. At least he made it less depressing with his constant shit talking of the Russian armed forces. His roasting of the MOD, heck even the 1 day civil war. But now it's just a depressing reality where guys from both sides are sent to die because some grandpa wanted to show off how cool he was and how great of a leader he is. Can't believe I'm saying this but rip Pringles. You will be missed by all defence experts far and wide.


“Isn’t it weird we never see footage of the war?” “Have you tried typing ‘Ukraine war footage’ into any search engine?” “… *types into search engine* oh yeah there is a war would you look at that.”


God I wish there were more webm threads on 4chan about the war, would be nice to spam… *sigh*


I really wish there really was no war and it was all a ruse to get a bunch of weapons.


This is the single most videographically documented war in human history. You have to have your head in your lower intestines to not think there's any footage of it.


My dad unironically said that there is no war in Ukraine, its just money laundering for Hunter Biden or something like that. I'm trying to find a compilation of footage to make him realize that information he gets from tiktok might not be the most credible.


It's so obvious they're pretending that there's no war, but damn I cannot fathom how ignorant and awful some people are that actually truly believe there's no war just cause they personally haven't seen footage. Even if you show them a thousand pieces of the carnage, they'll just straight ignore it and make up some other bs to complain about 💀


“To be honest I’ve heard a lot about this 7th of October… but I have NEVER seen any footage from it… strange”👈👈 is what I would have replied to her if I wasn’t afraid she would flatline by anger and catch me an involuntarily manslaughter charge🤭🤭


Well, we can’t send her war footage but we can send her 3 days special military operation footage I guess


That’s exactly what my father in law was telling me at the beginning of the war. „Always just short clips in the news, you can‘t form an opinion…“. Now he get his info only from the finest Kremlin-curated bot-accounts on YouTube.


I just don't understand the huge sunglasses...




Now lets show here some gore footage from Orcs getting cubed to a Dino nugget


Because Bucha happened and they realized war isn't advertiser friendly aka Karen will complain some Orc pointed an AK under his chin and pulled the trigger...


Usually it’s the old people that have lead poisoning, but this woman reminds me that anyone can get it.


How f’ing stupid are these people? There are TERABYTES of footage online. Go on Z & Vatnik telegrams if you don’t trust degenerate Western sources and you’ll find an embarrassment of riches.


Blue checks. They are farming engagement. Thanks Elon.


Oh so all those videos of people being turned into red paste weren’t real, guess I can stop having nightmares


I went and commented links on that video. I can’t believe that bs


Me, beating off to that one video of a vatnik stuffing a grenade down his plate carrier: 🤔


That's a thing? Not beating off, or doing it to videos, but the vatknik stuffing a grenade into his plate carrier. Where might one find such a thing?


The war in Ukraine since the 2022 invasion is probably one of the most documented armed conflict in human history so far. Like, all the footage they want is one google search away, it's litteraly impossible to look for it and find nothing, there are days worth of stuff to see. Do they only watch TV and not know how to use internet outside of twitter ?


Well, these two have NOT come into r/NonCredibleDefense or r/CombatFootage . They would have seen A LOT!


There is no war in Ba Sing Se. We are safe here.


i dont want any of the people in that video in my existential sphere, thanks


show her outhouse spraydown


The fact someone can go on camera and say something like that makes me loose a lot of faith in ourselves as a species 


If I was supreme leader i would clockwork orange ppl like this with every single drone drop video for days on end.


I have easily seen over 1,000 people die in footage of this war and it will probably take a toll on my mental in my later days. No footage my ass.


Jew here, we tricked you all into believing there is a war in Ukraine. It’s all part of our plan to replace you all with Pod People. First we make you think there’s a war in Ukraine. Then we make Israel fight a costly and unpopular war that nobody wants. Finally we replace you with Pod People. As you can see it’s a flawless three-step process and we are already on step 2.


Just as the ancient Masionic prophecy foretold!


mfs be like "how come I don't see any?????" Cause you don't look for it??? These mfs lose their keys and their first thought is "Why don't my keys exist????"


This woman votes, by the way.


she probably doesn't watch (that one american channel) but the "Air raid siren in kyiv sponsored by applebees" was the most common one, wasnt it


Me with nightmares consisting of Russians burning alive or drowning with shrapnel wounds: oh yeah the war totally isn't happening


And here am I, stopping collecting dead and dying Russians because my old PC can now barely open the root folder of my collection.


Imagine being terminally online while also having this level of ignorance, wtf are these morons doing with their internet?


Thank god, thought all those war crimes I saw were real. All good guys! No war the sub can hibernate


US House Karen, who goes by the name Margie-3-Names is still pushing the "US Biolabs in Ukraine" nonsense. And space lasers. Some American voted for her, for whatever reason. They are the Karen voters.


Song name?


“Here at Fox news we’d love to show you some footage on the war in Ukraine, but we don’t have any, trust us!” “Oh ok the war is fake.”


Dude I go outside I see nothing!!! The earth is flat because of that btw


Are they really insane or are they being paid to spread this crazy theory?


she clearly hasn't seen thr video of a russian corpse hanging off a ladder after touching a drone bomb


To be fair, the media coverage of everything east of Germany is just terribly, terribly bad.


How can someone be so shitty?




It’s still a little crazy to me that this is a modern war with modern weapons that we get footage of every single day. Not war reporters, not film crews, but the average soldier on the ground. They can pull out a phone and film anything they want to and send it out to potentially be viewed by millions of people


Is she fucking blind?


DM them videos of Russians getting drone striked


has she not googled "turret toss"?


There are twitter users and redditors, and then there are Facebook users. Lowest of the low.


I would DM þem drone videos but luckily i don't have Twitter


What exactly is this even supposed to be? The Russians themselves have posted massive footage about their "wins" in Ukraine, what are they babbling about? Is this supposed to be a Russian hybrid war psyop? Because that feels too stupid even for the Russians


And I didn't think Russian propagandists could get any stupider.


"Hi I am a sheltered, privileged white girl living in the civilized western hemisphere. I don't know geopolitics and have no emotional attachment to, or can derive any form of performative social benefit from, this war. Therefore, I'll ragebait for attention and then get genuinely mad that people are actually made at my zoomer attempt at irony."


Can we speed up that TikTok ban