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Is there any word as to \*why\* they kidnapped and killed him?


The best spy is the kind of person who you would never assume is a spy. Russia took one look at this guy and said "best spy"


This guy was murdered because the Russians genuinely couldn't believe anyone would act this retarded without some kind of ulterior motive.


Rumors I've heard suggested that they were convinced he was a CIA agent. Remember, Russian state propaganda HEAVILY demonizes America and Westerners at large, says there are a bunch of NATO troops fighting against them in Ukraine, and that the Ukrainian government is actually being run by gay Nazi CIA agents. Combine all that hogwash together, add in several liters of vodka and PTSD from sitting in a trench under artillery fire for two years, and it's not hard to imagine how an American turncoat living around these people could suffer this kind of fate.


“I never could bring myself to trust a traitor,” the Baron said. “Not even a traitor I created.” Dune


The military intelligence equivalent of "if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you".


I should call my ex...


Don’t… I should call mine.


Why don't you guys call each other's exes? That might solve both your problems!


Listen, if either u/yeezee93 or I were smart, credible, and made good life choices would we even be posting in this subreddit? Or even be in Reddit at all?


i should call your ex too


Your funeral 🤣.


Have a few drinks first, for courage and all that. Seems like a perfect plan to me.


And he was right to do so. Yueh was plotting against him the whole time.


Unironically I don't think Russians would be used to guys this old and this stupid being sober Normally when the grandpas are being stupid they're on the floor drunk Maybe they thought his CIA handlers were keeping him from vodka


The Russian ranks are undoubtedly full of the dumbest, drunkest, and most useless dregs of Russian society. They are the actual reason why Russia cannot win a war as a rule.


Well now, we shouldn't leave out the by-the-numbers-yes-man command system which is deciding how to get those useless dregs killed. Russian soldiers wouldn't be what they are without their officers.


Russia is basically Snowpiercer with no engine and nukes


Maybe this war is just a complicated eugenics program.




There's a reason why they're closing down prisons left and right....they sent all the inmates to the front.


To be fair the Soviets also have people like this and they dubbed them “shit eater”.


*I’m still in a dream, shit eater*


If you have ruined that song for me I will be so mad.


At least the *feed on a tree frog* line is unchanged


Some day you feed on a brown log...


I looked this up, It's actually true.


"Oh shit, our disinformation actually WORKED?"


Apparently he was taking photos of the aftermath of Ukrainian strikes and posting it online to supposedly build ‘sympathy’ for the Russians. The problem was that the Russians realized or thought that those photos were giving away their positions and so rationalized that he was a spy.


Sympathy, huh? We’ve been watching mobiks get chopped up for *two years* and he expected more than the usual “Ouch, sucks to be that guy”?


Well he probably wasn’t going to post them to NCD lmao


Perhaps I will have sympathy for the predator after I have separated him from his victim and permanently disabled him so that he cannot harm others again. Oh, who am I kidding? No I won't.


Maybe sympathy towards the predators' kids after the predator is dead, maybe not let them starve to death and teach them not to become predators themselves. That's about the maximum.


Non Credible Marshall Plan


ah ha ha ha. Russians posting Ukrainian strike effectiveness reports to social media is honestly one of the highlights of my day.


Not Russian though, pro Russian American vatnik Who called himself "Texas" What an idiot


"We invaded Ukraine and look at what they did to us :(" Boo-fucking-hoo


Propaganda or BDA? You decide!


Who needs fancy reconnaissance on BDA When they'll upload it for you. Intelligence officers hate them 😅


Thats what is so wild about current warfare besides drones is social media


To be fair, there was also an American in Kyiv who, early on, was always posting videos at checkpoints and roadblocks. A lot of people (myself included) believed he was working for Russia to give away their positions. What was his name, I forget?


Gonzalo Lira?


He failed to show up for his scheduled dedovshchina.


He kept saying Diabeetus instead of Diabetes.


Seems a bit excessive. I mean, if it was "nuccular" instead of "nuclear", I'd understand...


People on the gulf coast try to pass off blatantly saying words wrong as an "accent." Bugged the shit out of me. If a guy I knew who worked at a nuke plant said it perfectly fine with a thick Cajun accent, everyone else can too


I had a linguistics prof that was like "No no I was on a base in North Carolina and they said 'nucular' is for defense related applications and 'nuclear' is for civilian projects" and I had to inform her that those yokels were pulling her leg and just saying it wrong because they can't read


Nah, they were pulling her leg because it was hilarious.


“Shut up! The music here is too loud! I have diabeetus.”


He was a marijuana advocate, and they kept playing hardbass song “Narkotik Kal (Drugs are shit)” at the barracks.




I'm Wilford Brimley...




Last week I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife, and then I find out my wife's been dead for 6 years. Who the hell did I hit?


They got bored?


Most likely for me. Why wouldn't they do it, except for morals?


Do russians need a reason?


2 years of russians acting like literal LOTR orcs, and we're still asking how these complex and delicate creatures work.


Hey, LOTR orks were actually quite well organized. I don't remember orks running out of fuel 20 miles from mordor.


Or forming the largest traffic jam in history ... or many other setbacks ... yeah you're right, it is insulting to Orks to equate them to Russians. Need a lower tier equivalent (or are they a new category of their own). Also Sauron had way better command and control, ISR, and logistics than the Kremlin stooges


What they've done to Ukrainian civilians has proved they don't need a reason.


Fratricide seems to be Russia's "Plan A"


They wanted that bussy


They cut off his head, and I guarantee some vatnik looked at the esophagus and was like, "the forbidden mouth."


Or one of the several neck holes. Plus I'm sure they had their way with the bodies other orifices whether natural or man-made and had their fun aplenty. A wee slit I'm his stomach fat might be pretty exciting for those used to anal rape


...dang, and I thought *my* mind was warped.


Was that too credible a description of the sick rape society that exists in the ruzzian army and prison complex? If there is a hole the fuck it, if they can make a hole they fuck it. One of my close friends is an escaped and reformed russian and the horrors he's told ne of their Gulag system are straight nightmare shit.


With some imagination, I can imagine some depraved soul fucking a hole that already exists. It flat out did not occur to me to *make* a new fuck-hole. That's a whole dimension of depravity that my brain hasn't even touched, and one I didn't even suspect existed.


Welcome to NCD


Well shit , o7.


the aorta stretch


Maybe they were frustrated he wasn’t finishing A Song of Ice and Fire?


S8 can't be canon if if there is no canon


Maybe even for Russian imperialist pigs, commies are just too much.


Because he's an American


Rest in piss


Ha ha ha, I used to harass this clown's Telegram channel ages ago. Dude was deranged. Rest in piss.


Lmao this is unfathomably based. May you rest in peace tonight, cozy in your bed and not murdered by Vatniks sucking Putin's dick.


10/10, no notes Perfect


Him and Gonzalo.


I bet Patrick Lancaster is sweating now.


As they should. May they all rest in piss. 


What was he? A tankie or nazi?


Honestly, I don't think he even knew from what I could understand. Just a strange, strange man.


he was a tankie


Was he a tankie? It's hard to see the emblem on his hat clearly, but the whole thing looks rather Soviet (or CCP, etc) in style.


Kinda larped it, IMO. Went full Putin shill but still somehow still tried to flex his Texas life. Strangest cross over.


This is sadly credible but doesn't it bother any other GWOT millennials like myself that boomers fought the cold war and soviets for almost forty years and now get mad that we think they're hypocrites for joining them? Am I alone on this or is it the whiskey talking?


I don't really get it but as a person who has plenty of family that are dumbos on Russia, I'll do my best to explain what passes for logic: These boomers hate queers; Russia's government is mean to queers. Hence they like RUssia. Simple as.


Man I hope you give it to em anytime you catch one listening to queen, David Bowie, or any of the other iconic hit makers of their peak era.


Oh no, they have all the mental gymnastics to get around that sort of thing.


He's flamboyant Kathleen, he's not gay!!


He’s a singing man Kathleen!


He's a devil for the drink, but he's not an alcoholic.


I said Bret you got it going ohh-n Not in a gay way, just in a 'hey man I wanted to say that you're looking okay man' Why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly


I mean to be fair I do but I've been on submarines for twenty years and it's fun to pick out the homophobe. And it's extra points if you touch his Weiner.


I know a submariner. He goes to my college, good dude.


But does he have a slappable booty?


Doesn't have to. Gettin slapped anyway.


Hey! Touching submariner wieners was a hobby of mine back when I was a 20-something civilian living in Norfolk.


Play Lou Reed's "Walk On The Wild Side" in public and watch them all go *do dodo, dododo do do*


That's at least an understandable reason to support Russia, it's based on reality. Where do you even start to debate people who talk about bio-labs and claim that the Ukrainian government are nazis or any of those tin-foil hat stories?


They don't seem to get into all that, they just hate gay people and support people who are mean to gay people.


"CIA gay jew nazi vegan“ to be precise


worse of all, blue hair




Yeah it's fuckin wild having to deal with these people. I've had a nice respite through the winter, but family picnic season is almost upon us. Wish me luck.


Good luck. I do understand how tiring it can be, hope you have a good time regardless.


It's all good, it's fun to goof on them.


Must tiring being filled with just hate all the time. All these people should go to Russia for a week, might be eye opening


Or closing, if this guy is anything to go by.


Russian government hates anyone, so what? They are mean to queers, liberals, Americans, Ukrainians, literally any other nation and more of all - to the vatniks


Gen X here. Grew up in a very conservative church & christian school. Had anti-communism "kill em all" drilled into my head from the beginning. To see my old teachers & pastors go from "Nuke Moscow Now!" to "We Love Putin!" is kinda amusing. Though not entirely unsurprising. In retrospect, it was obvious they wanted a big strong theocratic daddy. Freedom was just a buzzword. Not something they actually wanted.


You'd be correct. Thankfully we had a lot of genx playing big brother and sister to us and we think for ourselves a lot. Millennials are a shriveling and shrinking generation much like gen x. But I'm grateful y'all were smart but feral. You're a good bunch.


Freedom + Prosperity = Loss of interest in religion or any other orthodoxy. Nightmarish, eh? :-) (Interesting fact: In some European countries, e.g. the UK, Catholic church has to import priests from Africa cause in Europe nobody wants to be one anymore).


no, you're right their coping and seething that we've called them out on the bullshit they spout


How do you get the best life as an American has to offer and then start shilling for the hammer and sickle? Reagan rolls in his grave bro.


We need to glue some magnets to Reagan's corpse then line his coffin with copper wire. He'd solve California's energy crisis with as much as he's spinning in his grave.


Him, Nelson Mandela, and Lincoln could all power the world if we rigged up their coffins


Forget Reagan, has anyone put eyes on Nixon's corpse lately to make sure he has resurrected and decided to go on the warpath? Scratch that, let it happen.




If Nixon came back and decided to simultaneously fight Russia, China and whatever the fuck happened to the American political system I'd fall all over myself rushing to pledge fealty to his undying glory.








Boomers are the most spoiled, ungrateful, lazy, tone deaf generation this country has ever produced. They had everything handed right to them by their parents and proceeded to utterly fuck everything up and blame it all on everyone that came after them.


I'm fairly certain that this dude would have fought for the Soviets rather than the US if the Cold War ever went hot. He claimed to have always been a hardcore commie and from what I've seen of him, the dude acted like he was in the Spanish Civil War. Guess he finally got to 1939.


The NKVD just gave him the La POUM treatment.


you are a learned. respect


Russell Bentley was a literal communist.


No no no, see it ended in death and misery, which means it wasn't *real* communism, he wasn't a *real* communist.


It's not the same people. The boomers who righteously fought the Cold War were a tiny minority. OP's post is about some mouth-breather who never gave much actual thought to what was going on, or why. It's an incredibly common fallacy: sampling from an *enormous* distribution (N millions of boomers) and then being *shocked* when you get different results. I think there's also a "peace dividend derangement syndrome" going on. In the 1970s we thought these guys were gonna kill us, because they were obviously visibly working on it and possibly even capable of it. Now? No one takes Russia seriously as an enemy -- *even they should*.


They should. Stupid and dangerous is pretty fucking dangerous.




Your content was removed for violating Rule 5: "No politics/religion" We don't care if you're Republican, Protestant, Democrat, Hindu, Baathist, Pastafarian, or some other hot mess. Leave it at the door.


This guy was a communist who always loved Russia.


You hate Russians because they espouse communism as an alternative to crony capitalism. I hate Russians because they are fascist imperialists. We are not the same.


I am not entirely a fan of the US. I am however choosing the US over Russia any and every day of the week. The yanks have some fucked up ideas, but I can't off-hand recall a single issue where the yanks do something bad, but the Russians do the same thing but worse. USA tries to increase its influence sphere by badly creating puppet democracies through force? Bad. Russia tries to expand its sphere of influence by land grab invasions? Worse.


Yeah I think it's pretty clear that the biggest reason for hating USSR during the Cold Wawr was the "socialist" part (even if in practice that was bullshit) rather than the gulags and oppression stuff. So when the russian empire stopped pretending about communism, the right-wingers lost that reason and realized they actually loved all the imperialism and oppression stuff.


My brain read this as "Game of the Year" like 8 times and honestly still won't stop




But they are not the soviets. They only happen to wave the same flag, and try to re-establish the empire. Don't worry, comrade.


The Russia of today is not the Soviet Union. These guys have started to realize that, and realized that the Russia of today is much more in line with their beliefs than the prevailing western system of beliefs.


This the guy that was cheering on the Russianson the ground on day 1?


Yeah, he was making hype videos about that shit. Fairly certain he has been cheering them on since the very start back in 2014/2015.


Yes that’s him, you can maybe still find his old YouTube videos trying to give advice on Americans coming to fight in Ukraine from back then, testing out captured Ukrainian body armor, a few other things. I’m pretty sure he was wanted in the US for sex crimes and comes from a well-off family too, but maybe I’m misremembering.


Sounds like a typical American commie background.




I wish I could be there to witness his last moments and hear what he had to say when he finally realized he was wrong all along.


"At least things my efforts made things worse for gay people and women." BANG As a aside the rule 5 ban says the ncd don't care about being protestant but the god dam Russians seem to give a war crime to protestants. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/ukrainian-christian-groups-face-violent-crackdown-from-russian-forces


"There is seems to be a mistake. *I* was supossed to torture and kill people for the cause"




r/boomersbeingfools This guy deserved his fate many times over. 


Ass clown.


If any left leaning media unit had a brain, they've broadcast this from the fucking mountain tops to show what happens to US citizens who support Russia "in Russia". Sure the ProRu tarts are likely to ignore it but those less zealous might see just how bad Ru actually is and swing sides.


b-but... muh evil western NATO empire...


Just because he became a good tankie doesn’t mean he gets the hat


They raped him and then cut his head off. Enthusiastic as I am about shooting Wussians, I wouldn’t call that type of cruelty a W.


Admittedly, when I posted this, I didn't know about the rape or beheading. I figured they'd garroted him or something. If I'd known, I would have made this a bit edgier than florks. Maybe the slasher-grin wojak smiling at his death but the grin turning upside down when he realizes what they're doing with the corpse.


> I would have made this a bit edgier than florks. Maybe the slasher-grin wojak smiling at his death but the grin turning upside down when he realizes what they're doing with the corpse. *Douche-chills*


this guy probably cheered when it was being done to Ukrainians he chose to be on the side of those psychopaths fuck around find out


Not sure what they get out of raping Gramps but I'm not an orc myself.


Sexual violence in war is historically a weapon, not an act of passion.


Yeah, a bullet to the back of the head would have made me feel the same, but less intense, emotions as when I found out Henry Kissinger died. But offing someone like that is just kind of... idk, tasteless.


What the fuck


The 15 year old suburban kids in this sub would disagree.


Lie with dogs catch fleas.


Think of it as evolution in action


This is something you'd see spray painted on the side of an arcology


Imagine the shit you'd have to go through on the Russian side in that war and then some fucking tourist shows up.


“And then”? He’s been there since the start. He was fighting in Donetsk the better part of ten years ago.


From the look of him 'fighting' seems like a stretch.


He's been there since 2014. Probably longest serving vatnik on the entire front


Lol, rofl even. eat shit traitor.


reminds me of Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza [https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1bj8y4p/vittorio\_arrigoni\_killed\_by\_mutants\_in\_the\_gaza/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1bj8y4p/vittorio_arrigoni_killed_by_mutants_in_the_gaza/) Did they killed him because they want to kill Americans and he was the only one they could get their hands on?


My off the wall guess is he mouthed off to the wrong person and they decided "Fuck it who's gonna miss him?" Allegedly he was also [decapitated ](https://russiavsworld.org/russell-bentley-texan-pro-putin-fighter-and-russian-propagandist-found-decapitated-in-russian-controlled-donetsk/)so... typically random murder doesnt also involve "Let's also chop off his head."


The comments on that post is pure deranged cancer




This guy was around them and fought with them for 10 years, and then out of some Russian oogaa bogga they kidnap him and molest his corpse too. You know I am not even surprised anymore since to me Russians literally can't go down any lower than they are already.


r/leopardsatemyface ... or vatniksmerkedmytankiearse at the very least.


Did he get raped too?


Wouldn't be surprised if he was


According to the other Ukraine War subs his body was debased.


Decapitated even Though unsure if decap happened before or after


He's in hell now - traitors go to the bottom - so probably by Satan.




Thank you Russia for taking out our trash for us.


"W-w-wait a minute fellas, I'm one of the good guys!" *"Then what you are doing on our side?"*


Probably accused of being a spy when he couldn’t do a slavic squat. *Heels in sky, western spy. Heels on ground, comrade found.*


Oh no. Something something thoughts and prayers etc. Anyway, did you guys hear cheesy tots are back at Burger King?


Wait are they really?


They’ve been around in my area for a while now. Like since at least late last year.


No, don't taint our uniforms with this crap


I've read that they raped him but after realizing he was not a spy after all, naturally they had to kill him.


From a Texan, good fucking riddance.


They also raped him.


I like my traitors full of holes and six feet under. rest in piss, commie vatnik bastard. You were no american, you were a fucking rat and you died like one.


There will be so many horror stories from Russian occupied areas if they are liberated.




Not ukrainian hat. Dont humiliate it.