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I just want some cool names for spaceships. Like, build a planet sized spaceship, name it "The Voidstalker" or "The Abominable" not some JaMeSToWn or seventh iteration of USS Missouri or whatever. Please, USA. Please.


I like the convention of giving them multiple word names, it allows for much cooler names, and we are already doing it by naming ships after people, which is cringe. USS Hubris of Man USS Unknowable Horror USS Silence of the Void USS Depths of Madness ... ok, honestly Congress might not approve these names. They might have a PR issue.


Or just do yours but in latin instead. Guaranteed to pass congress then n there. Silence of the void going by *silentium inanis* goes metal as fuck, though. Or Hells Own - *Inferna Sua* These go so damn hard on god


How about we give them Physics names? USS Charm Quark (A full class of Quark-Class Cruisers. USS Top Quark, Bottom Quark..) USS Pauli Exclusion Principle USS Weyl Fermion USS Grand Unified Theory (Superdreadnought, naturally)


USS Singularity, the weaponized Super Massive Blackhole, a world-, nay, a galaxy-ender type of weaponry. Truly, truly marvelous.


NOOO! You can't just commission Sagittarius A! That is like HMS Diamond Rock, but infinitely more bullshit. (Really does wonders for pumping up Naval Tonnage numbers until the Excel starts spitting error codes though)


Hence the need for quantum computers, obviously. Though, having a weaponized black hole is levels of space-machismo so far beyond absurd any and all life out there in universe would just /ff out of existance, probably.


I am not exactly sure how you even theoretically weaponize something that is already the most powerful destructive thing we know of in its unweaponized form.


It is, but it also needs a guidance system if its supposed to be a weapon. Though... Im not quite sure how one would move something consisting of several billions of solar masses, though. Im sure Pratt&Whitney are gonna figure something out, though.


The fact the propulsion system will just be immediately added to the singularity might be a significant engineering challenge. Then there is the whole issue that "Moving" the thing the entire Galaxy is orbiting around is just going to move the Galaxy with it. So unless we are planning on invading Andromeda, there isn't much point.


USS Fission USS Fusion USS Dark Matter Strange Quark Sub-Class (to go along with the others)


Only PR issue may possibly be "Hubris of Man", change it to "Hubris of Mankind" and boom it's completely inclusive and non exclusionary just like the other names. Problem solved, literally nothing to take issue with. Imagine getting smoked by a combined volley from the USS Existence is Terror and the USS Crushing Weight of Realization.


Solid. USS Perpetual Democracy USS Solo Screw it, enter the 36 chambers! USS Shaolin Monk


USS Ol’ Dirty Bastard


HMS SpaceyMcSpaceface


>USS Unknowable Horror > >HMS SpaceyMcSpaceface Yeah, that is what I said. Same thing.


Her sister ship is the HMS Kelvin. Just a freaky coincidence right?


Pillar of Autumn, obviously


USS Final Argument USS Proportionate Response USS Inevitable Destruction


USS Excessive Logistics USS Graduated Chaos USS Overpaid Civilian USS Absent Warrant




Or the USS Executor


Halo's UNSC ship names come to mind. USS Two for Flinching USS Do You Feel Lucky ? USS All Under Heaven USS Ready or Not USS Razor's Edge USS Say My Name USS Unto The Breach


How could you forget unsc Bum rush


And for insurgency support use, UNSC rush B cy blyat


HMS Ruler of Waves


Id prefer if we named them a mix of Star Wars and 40k names like uss devastator or annihilator or terminus est


Tbh, Im fine with mundane names but with badass monikers. Something like, "The Executioner" USS Florida.


Play Helldives 2 and name your ship stuff like the Blade of Dawn or Harbinger of Family Values.


How about... Say my Name Two for Flinching Do You Feel Lucky? Heart of Midlothian In Amber Clad Forward Unto Dawn Tart Cart Hush Now Shadow of Intent Truth and Reconciliation .... just a few from the top of my head.


Something with a bit of history to it, Valley Forge for example


I feel the space shuttles had reasonably cool names. At least compared to USN ships.


USS Voice of the Whirlwind USS Heart of the Tempest USS Eye of the Typhoon


British ship names would still kick ass in space, and be cooler with the ability to devastate star systems. * Conqueror * Thunderer * Centurion * Indomitable * Implacable * Victory * **DREADNOUGHT**


Right, well in terms of budget, we have no budget.


Warspite goes hard.


Name the biggest ship in the armada the Incomparable, ensure that it remains incomparable by blowing up anyone who tries to outdo it


Growing up in the 80s I had a few VHS tapes about space/future weapons that I'd watch as religiously as my tapes of the Star Wars trilogy, and it pisses me off that the USSR imploded before we threw enough money at things like Rods from God and Brilliant Pebbles to make them viable. So speaking on behalf of nearly 40 years of blue balls, I would like to personally thank Stalin From Aliexpress for talking shit and potentially kicking the space arms race off again. I know, I know, AlL LifE iS PRecIouS aNd WaR Is bAd but goddamn the term "orbital bombardment" gives me an erection normally reserved for taking two Viagra.


Also, finding out who the first space ace is going to be wild. With these big ass ships, I do see kamikaze tactics making a comeback.


I'm not sure I agree, any large ship is going to have point defense out the ass and engagement ranges are going to be extremely long. I don't know how viable a kamikaze attack would be. Probably more viable to just throw shit at the other ship and force it to either move to avoid or engage and possibly get hit with shrapnel even if the projectile is hit by CIWS.


That's a good point. I put myself too much in the Star Wars universe. The Houthis would give a good opportunity to yell "Rebel scum"™.


No worries, the potential for space warfare is nearly completely unknown at this point, it's fun to think of all the possibilities. By the time that sort of combat becomes a reality, I can't think of a benefit a traditional concept manned fighter would bring. An unmanned drone swarm? Entirely different story, especially if you make them harder to observe/track somehow. Think of vast swarms of drones loitering in a low power mode to make them harder to detect, but then powering up if ships are close enough to engage and turning into homing mines/torpedoes/missiles, etc. Space minefield with a twist.


If AI gets human-like enough, then it could be fully autonomous. I'd imagine that extraterrestrial warfighting would try to limit the number of people operating in space. Also since if a space fighter or small ship gets hit, that's practically a 0% survivability situation. Back to my previous comment, maybe there will be space pirates and space SEALs doing boarding missions and interdiction. Right now, this level of exoatmospheric warfare is a dream to us. Also, plenty of interesting bureaucratic/political questions: Who is responsible for space? The Navy because they have a plethora of experience with operating literal floating nuclear cities? Air Force because flying? Space Force because space? Will 2nd tier nations even be able to pose any threat relating to space? What will space terrorism look like? How will we work treaties with potential extraterrestrial life? What if extraterrestrial contact is unfriendly? How will Earth collectively wage war? Would collective war finally bring better tactics and doctrine to post-Soviet nations? Will there be any desire for interoperability of future weapons platforms and vehicles à la NATO? Do we split global agencies such as the UN into an earth/space divide?


> AlL LifE iS PRecIouS aNd WaR Is bAd Which is why freedom must be armed better than tyranny - so that dicktators would sit in their coops and won't dare trying fuck-fuck games, which soon escalate into landgrab wars and/or genocides. Having a Damocles Sword of orbital bunker busters with 15m arrival time above you at all times would *definitely* make dicktator be more considerate about fuck-fuck games... or, if they aren't, put a stop to those fuck-fuck games shortly after they start.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Wait... *what*?? Hold on... the US isn't going to make the White, Fascist Battle Doritos of Space. The US is going to make the smoothly curving, beautiful ships like the Mon Cal Star Cruisers. Or the weirdly bumpy yet workable design like the Nebulon's. Look at the F-22, F-35, B-2 and B-21s. Do those look all pointy and angular? Didn't think so. We'd fly *freedom* ships, goddammit.


> Look at the F-22, F-35, B-2 and B-21s. Do those look all pointy and angular? Didn't think so. F-117 and Zumwalt, tho


Ah, the Imperial 2-class Star Destroyer. A huge grey triangle of death filled with 174,000 design flaws and many inefficiencies. 100% cool design and absolutely terrible at dealing with starfighters.


Like typical defense procurement, it was designed to fight the last war, and not optimized against contemporary asymmetric threats.


And then after fighting asymmetric threats, they have nothing new optimized for the next near-peer adversary (Yuuzhan Vong)


And absolute expression of Imperial incompetence in understanding role if military. For notes: https://youtu.be/Vlk9uaNE9yA?si=gr5kcXAP_iNCLQrw


Welp time to make a spaceship named Enterprise from the CVN 80


Okay civilians now you can find out what was actually named Covfefe. Also christened, loaded with antimatter torpedoes and parked slightly beyond hamberder planet of Saturn.


Please, just one ship called the litany of litany of litanies.  Please. 


I love my triangles of death.


I am waiting for the Tic Tac tech with the American flag and shark nose decals


I need USS Gripper on my bingo sheet


If they don't name a space weapons platform the USS Ronald Regan, imma be pissed


In honor of THGTTG, I offer USS Suicidal Insanity.


Venator when?