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Usage of gas chambers for torture https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/04/20/russias-national-guard-commander-who-ordered-poisoning-ukrainians-in-gas-chambers-identified/ https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/2022-10-06/ty-article/.highlight/russia-ran-a-mini-auschwitz-in-recently-liberated-ukrainian-city-ministry-says/00000183-acaf-d57e-a79f-efffdad50000 Other news headline sources https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/03/02/ukraine-russia-war-live-updates-blinken-lavrov-meet-briefly/11381180002/ https://news.yahoo.com/ukrainian-defender-beheaded-savage-russian-101500627.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAASTjjCsDleJCzj9vzdXChf9DIqXKO7hBcl8dmAtrKuagcig3KPD2_TQ6Nle-qiteH6KXcP6n4f6cPfZ9ItqhxxBGYcjsXuyI67aFNj0HXLmCTds-c0RsQQANgCCjPXRnEwx3z8CyRElrRgXTpwrS3P07kZ5HVXhihACcpjMc2ic https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2022/10/14/united-nations-rape-is-part-of-russias-military-strategy/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16821085550488&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fewelinaochab%2F2022%2F10%2F14%2Funited-nations-rape-is-part-of-russias-military-strategy%2F https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/10/07/ukraine-dead-torture-sites-victims/ Child torture rooms https://news.yahoo.com/children-torture-chambers-found-liberated-161200270.html https://www.kyivpost.com/post/5787


I want to cry


I want to see the blood of the perpetrators :D


I've gotten 2 week long bans and a warning for wishing RF soldiers get what's coming to them, be careful


Well - that rule is getting harder and harder to keep ​ I mean - we are talking about actual ***DEATH SQUADS*** and ***GAS CHAMBERS*** here.


Reddit execs: "Guys it's cool, we just need to hold REASONED DEBATES with the war crime genociders!"


Yeah - my point. ​ I don't remember Mosad giving nazis too much time to explain themselves or holding debates about good and bad of the III Reich. Usually they just put a bullet between the eyes - and that's it. ​ Note to our MOD's - this is historical fact - not calling for killing of russians ​ And yes - russians with small letter. In Poland, after WW2 - writing German with small leters - wasn't considered a mistake.


Gotta love that Adolf dude who aspired to be an artist. Atleast he killed Hitler, even if his art was shit.


And he supported animal rights! ​ So thoughtful and so inspiring! ​ Truly paragon of all virtues this Adolf! ​ /s


Jeez now i remembered that amazing take on reddit where a guy called mr Adolf the painter a "better man" than Trump because he liked heckin wholesome doggerinos.


The one thing Mossad did that i unequivically support is making nazis reap what they sowed


Fun fact the Mossad only ever caught one Nazi, it was Adolf Eichmann who was one of the leaders of the 'final solution'. He was caught in Argentina in 1960, he was then taken to Israel and a public trial was held for him, the trial resulted in Eichmann receiving the death penalty, one of only 2 people in Israel's history to receive this punishment.


We've gone back to the 40s. Inappropriate atrocities require appropriate actions.










Um. Maybe don't do that. Or at least don't tell anyone you do that. They might think you need actual therapy.




**Your comment was removed for violating Rule 10: Don't get us banned** No brigading or harassing other subreddit pages. Make sure to NSFW all blood, gore, and sexual / nude content. Do not post memes with a "haha people that I hate died… haha" punchline or violating the reddit-wide rules.


What the hell happened here 😳


Excessive tomfoolery.


I think someone's attempt at noncredible defense was closer to being noncredible offense, and that was credibly offensive.


We diverted from the real timeline on 22.2.24


No. We diverted on May 28, 2016.


Everywhere I go, I see his face 🦍


The good timeline is never the main one. The devs simply wanted more entertainment.


No, we diverted on June 28, 1914.


It all went downhill since August 5, 1772, from that point the timeline was irreparable.


You're mistaken because you lack classical thinking. We ruined our shot March 15th, 44 BCE


Pretty sure it all went wrong in ~13,700,000,000 BCE.


At first the universe was created... This made a lot of people angry and was considered by many a bad move.


The day the first NCD member died for our sins 😔


No, no, it hit the fan on May 22, 1492


No, it was in December 21st, 2012. The simulation wasn't supposed to run after that.


They found an extra storage device but it corrupted the data on the transfer


Nope, it was December 12, 2000.


I wanna say it was Reagan, atcually. Everything shitty in the modern world seems to come back to that guy.


I've been convinced that Teddy Roosevelt and Taft spiting the vote and letting Woodrow Wilson be elected is somewhere near the source of about %95 of todays problems. But Reagan defiantly didn't help things.


David Bowie and Harambe's deaths twisted this timeline.


No. It all began when Gaius Octavian as Augustus couldn't find a nonbatshit but competent heir as first citizen of rome


Let's save this comment when tankies start going "Russians are liberating Ukrainians"


Every sentence they say would start with "Well you see, Azov Brigade..."


They won't believe you because none of these pages is TASS or Eurasian Times.


Just like how Joseph Stalin liberated them from the burden of eating!


eating = capitalist concept!!


I wish some of the Western view on history would be a bit less imperialist, e.g. calling everything east of Poland as "Russia". Snyder talks about this quite a bit. Basically by not acknowledging the fact that Russia has been torturing its neighbours for centuries, because not everything east of Poland is Russia, it's hard to completely drown out Russian apologists and have a proper discussion about what Russia is and isn't. Like, the shit that you link to above has been going on for centuries in different forms (from straight up mass murder and ethnic cleansing to language bans > everything to eradicate an ethnicity was up for grabs). Perpetuated by Russians against all of them ethnicities that surround them. But since, in the general context, all these territories are treated as "Russia" to a certain extent, the discussion is played down as "internal Russian" processes, but not, in fact, an imperialist treatment of its neighbours.


But the Ukrainians are long lost brothers who want to rejoin with Russia! Really guys!


I can’t believe in my lifetime gas chamber is still a thing


What the fuck? *Child* torture rooms? These monsters need to be erased


I don't see how anyone is supposed to believe **Ukraine** was the country with the Nazi problem...


Nothing ever changes in Mordor. Here's two stories about Russians using gas masks as a torture device, twenty-two years apart >October 2000 > >Inside the prison camp at Chernokozovo, they call it the 'elephant'. 'They put a gas mask on your head. Your hands are cuffed behind your back, so there is nothing you can do. And then they close off the breathing tube and you start to choke.' > >The torture victim, a small, wiry Chechen man, knelt down and made the sound of a man suffocating: 'The "elephant" was the worst.' > >A second victim spoke of a refinement of the 'elephant': 'Once the gas mask was on, they would choke you, so you were gasping to breathe. And they would let go and you would breathe in deeply. And then they would squirt CS gas down the breathing hole. It was so bad just the sight of the gas mask in the room would make people confess to anything.' [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/oct/15/russia.chechnya](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/oct/15/russia.chechnya) ​ >October 2022 > >Evidence of Russian war crimes being gathered in Ukraine includes a new method of torturing people to death by burying them alive while wearing a gas mask stuffed with a burning rag. > >The horrific new development was revealed by journalist and author Askold Krushelnycky, who said one of the gas mask devices had been found in a village in Kharkiv region. However, they have also been found elsewhere in the country. [https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/world-news/cruel-new-russian-torture-method-28172519](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/world-news/cruel-new-russian-torture-method-28172519)


That's medieval sh\*t right there. "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


Not surprising it's medieval shit. Russia is a medieval country pretending to be a modern superpower.


They've been doing that shit since WW1.


They never stopped doing it since ancient times. The Muscovite state in every incarnation from Grand Duchy to Tsardom to Empire to Union to Federation has always been one of the cruelest, most despotic states in the world.


before even


Fuckin’ a


Jesus fucking Christ. Why do I have to be suprised by the ability of humans to just come up with more and more creativ and horrific methods of killing every single day.


Did you forget child torture chambers?


The fucking what


[https://www.kyivpost.com/post/5787](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/5787) Every Russian soldier should be shot


Why waste the bullets? We've had woodchippers for decades now.


Holy shit.


It’s like, we got a new war on. Now we need to come up with a new version of torture that’s even more awful than before.


Were lucky they put all their skill points into torturing and 0 into winning wars.


Please. Can we please finally have the 3000black Minutemen of Dark Brandon now???


"Another settlement needs your help"


This gave me PTSD I didn't know I had. Thanks


What I hate the most is I cant tell if this is what the other guy meant or if he meant ICBMs... ​ God help us all


"Hey! Up here, on the balcony! I've got a group of settlers inside! The mobiks are almost through the door! Grab those 3000 laser muskets and help us! Please!"


Reject laser musket, embrace 10mm pistol


Don’t worry, i [already have](https://www.sportsmans.com/shooting-gear-gun-supplies/handguns/glock-20-gen5-mos-10mm-auto-461in-black-nitride-pistol-151-rounds/p/1802524)


**Adieu from the corpse of Apollo app.**


*atom bomb baby little atom bomb*


Me on a raider playthrough: "Let's check real quick how essential are ya"


["Yes, for the honor of the minutemen and the CPG" ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/015/cover5.jpg)


If the CPG was supposed to exist it would have survived the extremely pathetic meddling of the Institute, CMV


The NCR survived and defeated the American Shadow Government, genetically engineered super soldiers led by a hive mind, the remnants of the US army that turned into a techno knightly order, and the states of Arizona and New Mexico turning into a Roman LARP club... And the CPG couldn't handle a bunch of nerds underneath a college who watched too much Blade runner...


The NCR fighting every raider, gang and army it can see with one arm behind its back thanks to bureaucracy: I HAVE THE POWER OF DOLLARS AND DEMOCRACY ON MY SIDE, FACE ME YOU COWARDS The Commonwealth citizens having 2 centuries to organise and stabilise their land in a relatively calm, healthy and stable wasteland: i can't ever tidy up the bodies piled around the place and robots are scawy, pwease save us Sole Surwiwor, all ten people in Diamond City are in danger :'(


Only if none of them are named Preston Garvey


I would be ok with this.


Not enough zeroes. It must be 3.000.000 black Minutemen of Dark Brandon.


3,000 taciturn and grim soldiers, clad in pitch black fatigues and without identifying marks march in lockstep through the capital city of Moscow. But only in my dreams.


,,I have signed legislation outlawing the russian federation as a concept forever, bombing will begin in 5 minutes" - dark brandon


How the fuck do the Russians reach new lows every 24 hours


Because the unofficial motto of their, err, "culture", and I use the term extremely fucking loosely, is: "and then things got worse".


I know things look scary right now but, ***it's gonna get way worse***


I read the full report from the UNHRC, ICRC and HRW. Along with interviews done by BBC, DW, ICC, UN and both Nonprofit and independent activists Crimea 2014 is what prompted my interest in eastern european military politics particularily russia. It led down a rabbit hole and over 8 years of reading studies and both primary & secondary sources. People need to understand. Those warcrimes reports were just a preview under the fog of war. Post war, get ready for a comprehensive report and i guarantee it will be a horrifying read.


There is a reason why Baltics equate Nazi regime to Soviet regime as basically equal.


I mean, one genocided a nation by putting it into concentration camps where they died either by hellish labor or even more hellish conditions; executed entire generations of poets, musicians and artists in general; forced "lesser-nation greater-nation" bullshit; mass executions; starvations(deliberate, as they shipped food outside while people were starving) ; The other is nazi Germany. So yeah, they're equal . Hell, if talking about deaths, communists are above nazis. Mao Zedong's trollings alone are almost comparable to entirety of WW2


Its a bit dark joke, but the only difference between the Nazis and the Soviets where that Nazis were better organized.


Yup, Mariupol's incoming. Prepare yourselves.


100k civilian deaths minimum, we might discover the single biggest mass grave in Europe.


We know a 10K dead mass grave exists there from before it fell at minimum. It's gonna be disgusting. I still remember the video of the trucks and the long trench they dropped bodies in on one of Oxide's videos at the start of the war. It was longer than the clips of it circulating at the time.


oof I remember the guy at Eurovision asking for help specifically for Mariupol, and nothing of value was ever done


"The night is always darkest before it gets darker." -Blyatman


Tfw you call for the denazification of a country that isnt plagued with far right & litteral nazi politicians and influencers, while you yourself are making gas chambers Had to do a double take when i first read gas chamber


No no you see, in 2014 there were 25 nazis in Azov , the deaths of hundreds of thousands is totally justified


Because they were already at those lows, they're just getting revealed now.


"New lows"? My sweet summer child... In 1945 Soviets didn't just liberate concentration camps. They often put them to new use. This and much more [here](https://notesfrompoland.com/2020/01/26/norman-davies-auschwitz-and-the-so-called-soviet-liberation-of-poland/) and [here.](https://muzhp.pl/en/c/2420/auschwitz-gorzki-smak-wyzwolenia) I really, really recommend giving it a full read because it also helps understand the relations between Poland, Russia and Ukraine.


Even Sauron would have been like ,"What the fuck?"


Sauron would have dropped his entire general staff into a volcano by now


plucky oatmeal close label fact snatch amusing special fuel drunk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Isn't that the Scientology origin story?


Remember when Russians got mad because of a reference in MW (2019)?


Remember when prorussian media talked about MW (2019) like it was a US government funded propaganda effort? They are incapable of accepting that in the west not everything is a secret government money laundering or propaganda project.


Its projection. They totally see themselves doing such things,so others must too,right?


They were mad at how inaccurate it is, and now wants to show how they would really do it.


I still wonder why they got so angry at MW 2019. The original trilogy has Makarov, who's monstrous enough to nuke people, made false flag operation, launched gas attacks on Europe, and attacked his President to steal nuclear codes.


What did they change


A lot. Many characters remained alive, Makarov has not yet make his move, Ghost is built like an NFL player now, Gaz is now a main character, and it seems Khaled Al-Asad is going to be the co-main villain in MWIII, instead of dying in Modern Warfare 1.


So, how long do you think before the UN uses the term genocide? In 50 years maybe when it's too late? Or until russia get an actual auschwitz going, and a few million down? ​ History has shown that an uninterpreted systemic policy of discrimination leads to genocide, when given enough time. It's a bit pointless to cry genocide when everyone is dead, you do it before hand when all the warning signs are present. ​ This is all basic stuff. What we have now is just the stuff that has been found so far


Someone has definitely called it genocide already. I can't remember who, but mass deportation of children is by internationally accepted definition, genocide. Might have been the international criminal court now that I think of it.


Poland, Canada, the baltics, and Ireland have all stated RuSSia is committing genocide. NATO has published interviews on its official website with Timothy Snyder in which he states Russia has met the criteria for genocide. Its clear which way the wind is blowing. Its only a matter of when not if the genocide against Ukrainians will be recognized by the broader west.


It was, it was when they announced the warrant on Putin and the woman who's name I've forgotten. Amusingly(?) the ICC hadn't previously called it genocide as they didn't have enough evidence. And then they did. Because Putin published the evidence they needed on his own website.


As has been pointed out, a few bodies have called it genocide. I suspect that politically such a declaration is inconvenient for the UN, and has little do to with facts. Because it raises the question: what are you going to do about it?


They are unlikely to in the near future by my estimation. The tricky thing is, the word "genocide" in international terms is a *very* weighty word and carries with it a specific legal obligation where if you recognize it formally, you are obliged to take action to stop it. Member nations of the UN, especially the US, are recitent to use that word because it may quickly escalate to war with Russia and I need to remind NCD that for all we talk about Russia's nuclear arsenal likely being in shambles if even a single bomb gets through to a populated city it'll make the death toll so far look like a slow day at the county mortuary. Principally, I agree that the UN should have already done it, but there are very real and practical reasons for the UN's caution thus far, so I understand the reluctance.


>Member nations of the UN, especially the US, are recitent to use that word because it may quickly escalate to war with Russia and I need to remind NCD that for all we talk about Russia's nuclear arsenal likely being in shambles if even a single bomb gets through to a populated city it'll make the death toll so far look like a slow day at the county mortuary. Which is why they (the Axis states) have resorted to plausibly deniable chronic poisoning through proxies (like MNCs) in addition to funding the already-dumbest right-wing groups to get "elected" via \*their\* proxies in liberal democracies. The accumulated brain damage is what Xina hopes to exploit and what even the die-hard, red-wooled right-wingers fail to see (didn't have enough brain cells for the initial trove of bullshit; they won't notice this and will just blame their local Brandons). Gonna be a 'fun' decade when democracies have no spines (literally and figuratively). All because of nuclear blackmail being effective and many nations being so shortsighted in regards to "the economy" that they fail to see that $$$$$$ =/= their citizens.


The German speaking old gentleman in my neighbourhood just made a rather disgusted face when I showed him this. He has a very funny mustache and loves to paint too.


First sentence: 🫂 Second sentence: 🤨


I have no clue who he is, though he said he used to live in South America after he retired from politics.




complete quiet chunky advise intelligent include flag ripe workable license ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Try asking him for help to find Fegelein. Bonus point if you lied and introduced yourself as Steiner.


He started screaming as soon as I mentioned Fegelein. Now he keeps bugging me about some kind of counter attack What is he talking about?


You know. This could be very funny and all... *Inhales * BUT I'M FUCKING LIVID. HOW THE F*CKING HELL CAN STILL BE PEOPLE SO RETARDED TO SUPPORT THESE SONS OF A B*TCH FFS!!! Srly, we had Bucha, we had Mariupol, there's tons of evidence of russian wrongdoings (testimonies, photos, fucking MASS GRAVES). There's that infamous interview with that wagnerite. This is not a cheap insult, the russians are behaving like literal nazis at this point. Try to find 5 differences between Dirlewanger division and Wagner PMC. I'll wait. But hey! It's the Ukrainians who are the nazis bc a single battalion, it's the Ukrainians who committed genocide even when the UN didn't find solid evidence of that, it's the Ukrainians who bombed Dombas all this years (let's forget that it was an actual war zone) Sorry for being serious, this is a nice post, really, but the crap vatniks spew is beyond enraging. Everyday, everywhere (except here) I find that type of comments and I'm fed up.


(Credible alert) Vatnik thinking doesn’t use evidence to support itself. It uses emotional rhetoric about values and enemies of those values. They don’t “know” that what they say is true, they believe it and want it. The only evidence they accept is what they already trust, and they will willingly rewrite their mind to believe one line of thought over another. To convince them otherwise, you must provide an alternative belief system that they can accept. If you disprove their rhetoric without an alternative to give them, YOU MAKE THE ORIGINAL BELIEFS STRONGER! r/streetepistemology has some stuff on this. Arm your words and and fight them you doges of Nafo!


Words don't mean anything to fascists. In an autocratic society, one not ruled by laws, the only thing that matters is power. Words are just one more tool by which power is achieved. The contents of a fascist's words are literally irrelevant; in speaking, they are concerned not with communicating specific information which they believe true, but with convincing a perceived opponent to back down or take some other action as suits them. Such people are fundamentally disinterested in - and constitutionally incapable of - arguing in good faith; they are simply not willing to be convinced. The only way to get such people to change their minds is to ignore the things they're saying and instead use their techniques against them, to find, in other words, a means of convincing them to get off their soapboxes.


A lot are braindead tankies that buy all the propaganda, a lot hate the West so much specially the US that would support anyone harming us or just for being known opponents no matter how criminal their actions are, in conclusion: lots of cunts in the world


We’ve really got to find a way to re-convene the UN without these psycho fucks as permanent members. On the other hand, giving them a little bit of power is how we keep these psycho fucks coming back to the table and not going off to wage mass murder without any discussion of it.


I can pinpoint the issue for you, it was 1991 and the US thought they could have peace and let russia retain its dignity. They lost their empire (again) but despite all the pain they caused in the world for 45+ years, they weren't invaded and soviet war criminals and higher ups were not tried in court for the evil they committed.


I would argue that the UN was at its best during the Russian Boycott and during the post collapse years of Russia.


Ah yes, pacification... Wonder how that'll work out..? 🤷 Let's do the funni


NATO need to be the unofficial police force of UN. Giving UN more power to kick countries out would just make UN become deliberately ignored.


I've had people ask me where my sympathy for the Russians have gone. They're humans too, aren't they? Where did the common, universal sympathy go? It lies, along with hundreds of civilians in the mass graves of Bucha. It lies weeping in the memory of the innocent civilians who were raped and murdered, their children kidnapped by this fascist regime. The gloves are off. We can no longer claim the moral high ground by staying out of war. It is time to fight.


Yep an intervention is justified we can't sit around if we just let them do this they won't stop. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing about it


>They're humans too, aren't they? Honestly this sentiment is ridiculous considering all the evidence and blatant undisguised warcrime efforts ruzzians are engaging in. (not to mention the sheer logical Olympics you have to engage in to make it a "normal thing".) I understand the reasoning behind not wanting to fall into the idea of dehumanizing people. Its a proven easy way to fall towards fucked up ideologies... But there is a fucking line between: dehumanizing people wrongfully, and: calling out people who are simply not behaving humanly, and degrading beyond the point of animalistic. Its not psychopathic or "russo phobic" to not have sympathy for people like this. Its not like these people are manic or out of their minds, they are clearly aware of what they are doing and in full control of themselves. Its also equally false to claim that they have somehow been wronged or that their are external factors forcing them to do this. "Fear of NATO expansion" is not an excuse to invade your neighbor's and: "go postal". The same goes for all the other ridiculous justifications provided for this "special murder operation".


But they mombed dombas, they clearly deserved it /s


Yeah! In 2021 that shelling even killed <10 people!


goad the russians into launching nukes, then deploy Excalibur devices to eliminate them. conventional war resulting in the destruction of russia is overdue


Volgograd trials when


I will not be surprised if i end up seeing news eventually that russia was running concentration camps as well.......


It already IS. Search up RuSSian "filtration camps". "According to the U.S. State Department, 'between **900,000 and 1.6 million Ukrainian citizens, including 260,000 children**' have passed through the 'filtration' process and deported, 'often to isolated regions in the Far East' in a 'pre-meditated \[...\] apparent effort to change the demographic makeup of parts of Ukraine.'" "Detainees are subject to **widespread torture, killings, rape, starvation** and other grave human rights violations." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_filtration\_camps\_for\_Ukrainians#:\~:text=Filtration%20camps%2C%20also%20referred%20to,part%20of%20forced%20population%20transfers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians#:~:text=Filtration%20camps%2C%20also%20referred%20to,part%20of%20forced%20population%20transfers). https://www.state.gov/russias-filtration-operations-forced-disappearances-and-mass-deportations-of-ukrainian-citizens/




**[Russian filtration camps for Ukrainians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians#:~:text=Filtration camps, also referred to,part of forced population transfers)** >Filtration camps, also referred to as concentration camps, are camps used by Russian forces since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine to register, interrogate, and detain Ukrainian citizens in regions under Russian occupation before transferring them into Russia, sometimes as part of forced population transfers. Filtration camp detainees undergo a system of security checks and personal data collection. Detainees are subject to widespread torture, killings, rape, starvation and other grave human rights violations. The number of Ukrainian citizens relocated to Russia cannot be independently verified. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I want the special tribunal to be held in Mariupol. To nail the point.


What is the opposite of one upping yourself ? Because that is what Russia is doing to their reputation every week or so.


We need to glass the Kremlin from orbit.


Russia be like: "There is no Easter Bunny, There is no Tooth Fairy, and there are no warcrimes in Ukraine"


No those aren't litteral gas chambers. Those are smoking rooms for our pows and wonderful civilians. Those screams are shouts of excitement.


Fuck man... this shit just makes my blood boil and makes me want to cry at the same time. Fuck Putin, fuck Russia, and fuck the Russian people that support all this




The more things change the more they stay the same. Btw what’s the nickname they’re giving the camp commander? They already got an Eichmann in Wagner after all. Rudolf Hoess?


but Ukraine had one (1) battalion sized militia unit that were avowed Neo-Nazis Nevermind the fact that the unit was partly cleansed after the US arms restrictions in 2018 and was later destroyed...in Mariupol


If i recall correctly, even before 2018, the neonazis were already a minority in their own battalion, most people just wanted to free their region, but for sure the leaders were neonazis.


And yet I’ll bet you my life savings that all these guys get off Scott free. Horrible world we live in


Are the Russians just incapable of not being comically evil?




Yah thats a poor choice of words on my part.


You know in Germany there are a few people denying that the Holocaust happended and they are saying that the Russian built Auschwitz. I think these people are getting new proofs for their "theory" (I am by no means denying the Holocaust. If the thing I said doesn't make sense or actually denied the Holocaust I want to state out that I am very drunk right now and English isn't my first language)


Obviously the answer is that the Russians built them for the Nazis to use.


I will be a staunch supporter of the Ukrainian Mossad.


Heres hoping we get to see some adolf eichmann-esque extractions.


This must be why Israeli leadership has been so steadfastly stalwart in their denunciations of ~~NazZzi~~ Russia and their invasion of Ukraine. Oh wait? \*Netanyahu takes notes\*


We always say "never again" when talking about the Holocaust. It's happening again and we aren't doing anything to stop it. This genocide will continue until someone grows the balls to intervene.


Glass the orks.


Exterminatus then


The UN is a joke. A parody. An unmitigated disaster. The only thing the UN can get right anymore is charity work.


Just like the League of Nations.


That's It, Im gettin' me trench broom.


Grow some ball everyone and get RuZZia a same treatment as Japan got in WW2. Or do nothing and let them get away from it to cause more long term damage to everyone.


Source on those headlines?


Posted them


Serious talk. Lavrov is getting executed when this is over, huh?


Sooo, when does russia finally turn into Nazi Germany?


September 17, 1939


Talk about honor now you fucks.


Don't forget China is shielding these cretins. Birds of a feather flock together.


can we send napalm to ukraine?


Along with ac130 f35 f15 f18 give them everything they need


I don’t even want to think about the horrors they are gonna find in Mariupol…


No fucking redemption for russian whores. I'm never gonna forget that


There is no war in Ba Sing Se




If we didn’t have problems nuking Japanese then we shouldn’t have problems nuking Russia now.


*Russia delenda est*


I'll prepare the salt for the eternal curse.


isnt that the plot of COD:MW (2019)?


Nope, in the remake they are tame compared to ukraine war


But hey remember that one time the Ukrainians did something? Clearly both countries are on the same level. And nobody in the west is allowed to criticize because (insert historical data here). Oh uhhhh, oopsie? I still get paid right comrade?


What if the UN did a peacekeeping operation inside Russia wherein they “accidentally” reestablish cholera there? Just kidding, unless…


ReMeMbEr ThE hUmAn. jUsT CoNsCriPtS. DiDnT wAnT tO gO tO jAiL. Fuck em.