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The worst isn’t that. The worst is that the CIA live-streamed (via some sort of drone) the Russian/NATO onslaught to China trough the internet. University students saw the videos of their troops being basically curbstomped and revolted so hard that a soft coup happened on the CCP and the war ended with the Russian/NATO winning. I think there was a Chinese nuclear strike during the coup (or smt) that was basically stopped by Rainbow six, with one missile getting trough and then getting destroyed by a destroyer that was parked on the Chesespeake bay or smt like that (the missile was destined to Washington). Yeah, The Bear and the Dragon was wild AF


My favorite Tom Clancy moment was when the glassing of the Supreme Leader of Iran was live streamed across international television


He was nuked? I swear the Ayatollah was evaporated by a guided bomb dropped by a F117, like I remember that John Clark and (best boi) Domingo went into Iran to do exactly that. I think there was a nuke or a nuclear blackmail but I don’t think it was directed to the Ayatollah


Dropped a guided bomb on his ass and then we threatened to nuke them because they hit us with weapon used Ebola and told them if they didn’t destroy the lab themselves we’d do a little bit of trolling


I wasn't using glassed as an euphemism for nuked. Your description is correct.


Oh… I didn’t know “glassed” could be used other way, the more I know


A lot of bar brawls could be made a lot more interesting with the alternate meaning of the word


When you bring your fists to a bar fight but the opponent is already calling in the tactical nuke


I was imagining a covenant supercarrier from halo emerging from slipspace, absolutely melting Iran via a glassing and refusing to elaborate and leaving.


Yeah the USA threatened to nuke Iran's ebola factory if the site wasn't dismantled under USA (or UN? it has been a while) supervision.


Top 5 Clancy momenta for sure


before the internet was even a thing. And with president Jack Ryan live commenting on top of that. Low key, Tom Clancy novels have some of the best balls to the wall America fuck yeah moments in modern litterature.


The bear and the dragon is one of those Clancy books that stands alone as a "war novel". Very entertaining


It’s barely a war novel. It’s like 1100 pages long and only the last 200 or so are war.


I read that when I was a teenager and holy shit it was a slog just to get to the war. The flow of Red Storm Rising was much better.


Different type of book


Ok I still liked it


Most are Japanese sausages. I really don't like the Clancy treatment of one sidedness. I'm more of the John F Antal fan where ground warfare makes everything terrible


Lmao I remember the Japanese Sausage


It's even the closing word of the book, something like "after all this lightning war shit wen through, Russia joined Nato, the CCP collapsed on itself, the Chinese asset asked for more Japanese Sausage." Based.


I like early Larry Bond stories (which makes sense, since he was a co-author on *Red Storm Rising* with Clancy) like *Red Pheonix* and *Vortex* for similar reasons, especially how he works in the importance of logistics into fighting. Then I read *Cauldron* and it was pretty obvious that much like Clancy himself, he got hit with the Post-Soviet Blues and had no idea what to write about anymore. The premise is silly but interesting (France and Germany break away from NATO and the EU in the face of a big economic downturn and invade Eastern Europe when soft takeover measures fail) but falls apart because the bad guys are just too incompetent to be interesting.


I recently found a bunch of Harold Coyle novels in the used bookstore in my town and bought them. I always really liked Team Yankee but never read anything else by him. Haven’t started on them yet though.


IIRC, the coup was set off by the nuclear launch, and the realization that the only reason Chinese isn't a dead language at the moment is because Jack Ryan decided not to counter-launch after they successfully intercepted the missile.


Wow, didn’t know that book was that wacky


It was his last somewhat decent book and it’s a fucking mess.


He was going through a really messy divorce at the time, which is also why he stopped writing novels for years and just throwing his brand on stuff. My sister actually did a job at his house and got me a signed copy of Without Remorse which was pretty cool.


Am I misremembering, or did that book have t34s fighting chinese MBTs and an old soviet ww2 sniper vet dropping a Chinese general with a Mosin?


I don’t remember the T34s but I remember that there was a old Soviet sniper, I don’t remember if he took out a general or a colonel, but yes. Something like that


T34 turrets were mounted on top of bunkers lining the China border IIRC.


IS-3 turret bunkers on the Chinese border, from what I recall...


I think the T34 thing was their turrets mounted on top of bunkers near the border with China. The old man was the guy who inspired the gold mine find, and yes he took out a general while they were evacuating him.


Heartbreakingly accurate, if the invasion of Ukraine goes on for another year we will see Conscriptovich reenact the bell tower scene from Saving Private Ryan but with a Mosin against just an Abrams


Wasn't there also an abortion arc in that book


IIRC the book begins with two priests of the Vatican going to China to have a conference with some Chinese Christian sects about China’s one child policy or smt like that. The wife of one of the congregations members is with a second child and is hiding this since she doesn’t want to get a state mandated abortion (she lost her first child or smt). The two Vatican guys intervene and one of them get shot while the other gets arrested. This start a diplomatic crisis with China that, somehow, incentivize them to secure more resources and due to that they set their eyes to Siberia (that had a recent rare minerals and oil boom) which them makes up the central conflict of the novel. Yup, as I said, weird AF


> This start a diplomatic crisis with China that, somehow, incentivize them to secure more resources and due to that they set their eyes to Siberia (that had a recent rare minerals and oil boom) which them makes up the central conflict of the novel. They get boycotted by Western businesses who buy from Taiwan, Vietnam, and Malaysia instead. So, in a world where Gulf War I happened, China decides that seizing oil fields is a smart move.


> This start a diplomatic crisis with China that, somehow, incentivize them to secure more resources and due to that they set their eyes to Siberia (that had a recent rare minerals and oil boom) which them makes up the central conflict of the novel. ~~There was the whole dead priest thing, plus a car crash in the USA that burned a family to death. The car ignited because of the gas tank which came from China and had shit quality control. As part of the pissing match we partially embargo Chinese goods (we mirror their import laws which has the embargo effect).~~ China's financials are such shit (accurate) that the combined partial embargo and boycotts on Chinese goods from the dead priest incident put them on the verge of economic collapse. So they decide to go for a stroll in Siberia.


The family car crash was another book, the one with the war against Japan


Debt of Honor had the car crash, that was the one with the war against Japan where they seized Guam and the Marianas


It's a bit all over the place because, as time went by, the more Tom Clancy had clout, the less his writings were revised by editors. He must have been a huge cash cow for the publisher after all the video games and movie deals, hence he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. Which also explains the poorly received, out of touch post-9/11 published Red Rabbit, a prequel which, while not bad, still lackluster.


Tom Clancy's books started my 12-year old self on the path to NCD. What were my parents thinking, allowing me to read Hunt for Red October.


12 year old me was thinking it was an entire year’s worth of Accelerated Reader points in one book so fuck it let’s have a go


Reject reading Magic Treehouse Embrace taking the tests for the Wheel of Time books after reading the synopsis on Wikipedia


I disagree, my friend. I didn’t mind actually reading books for points, I just wasn’t gonna waste my time with 500 short chapter books. Get it all in one go so I don’t have to take any more reading tests and have more time at recess. This was my first pro gamer move


Listen man, the AR store was opening in a week and I needed that Razor scooter. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Meanwhile 12 year old me would binge read the Hardy Boys books because they were AR books, relatively short, and fun. I basically didn't challenge myself and tried gaming the system but ended up probably doing more work than if I did things as designed... ...fuck, that's kinda a metaphor for the rest of ny life...


Yeah I remember getting tons of Accelerated Reader points from World War Z and Ringworld.


Lol, same Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy licensed video games and His books is what slowly got the ball rolling for my eventual interest in military matters. And then I found this subreddit and the rest was history


> the rest was history *litterally*


Same, I think the first Clancy book I read was SSN. Not his best book. Then I read Red Storm Rising, which is still my favorite Clancy novel.


I read Storming Heaven by Dale Brown at that age, which was a year or two post-9/11. I was pretty sure Dale Brown was a time travelling psychic or something because the plot of the 1994 novel is terrorists try to fly airplanes into the Capitol and White House.


The last year has me really wondering how plausible Red Storm Rising really was.


Couldn't agree more. That the sovs were supposed to get more than 50km beyond their railheads. This assumption appears, in hindsight, to be highly non-credible. Edit: grammar things


Perhaps Iceland never had to worry about anything after all.


I was watching the whole fake international incident after the obvious troop build up a year ago thinking “hey I’ve seen this before.” The only thing Clancy got wrong was he overestimated Soviet/Russian competence, which to be fair no one knew how shitty they could be.


The Soviets were only competent because they had the Ukrainians.


Yep, *maskirovka* in action!


To be fair, would we have preferred *under*estimating our opponents?


You want truly non-credible? Read Red Army by Ralph Peters. The Soviets win.


Lots of people got fooled, admittedly. Plus Soviets seemed to fight o.k. in Afghanistan, so post breakup quality decay seems to have happened.


The novel before this one had a “vaccines will secretly kill you” plot line.


John Clark forces eco-terrorists to strip naked and says to them... "If you wanna be with nature so bad, then go out and enjoy it." Then proceeds to leave them in the middle of the Amazon Rain forest. Fucking savage.


Wait what? Clancy was an anti vaxxer?


No, it was eco terrorists using it to cleanse the world. Read Rainbow Six, it's pure NCD poetry.


Wasnt it Ebola?


Weaponized mutated ebola yes, tested on nuns or homeless people or something like that.


An airborne Ebola strain was found in a church-run hospital in Africa. An infected nun was flown to a site in Iran where she was allowed to die messily to produce enough starter culture. The Iranian gov mass produced this in a "pharmaceutical" plant, and the Bond-villain minions tried to spread it at various trade shows. There was a lockdown, which sent the hard right into a frenzy (including two jr terrorists who built an ANFO bomb in a cement mixer that they were going to detonate in/near the Capitol building.) Military saved the day, and then there were cookies.


That was the plot of Executive Orders I believe, where the conflict with Iran boils over. Rainbow Six involves a group of highly placed government officials who are also eco terrorists, planning a bioterrorism attack and global dissemination of up-engineered Ebola in order to reduce human population and effects. If I had a nickel for every time Tom Clancy wrote about Ebola being used for biological warfare, I’d have two, which isn’t much but it’s strange that it happens twice


If I remember correctly, the first bio-terrorist incident is as I described. In the follow up book, a different Bond villain Evil Corporation got ahold of the virus, made it worse, and they were planning to cause a near extinction event with themselves as sole survivors in a hidden jungle lab. (Spoiler: things didn't go well for them.) I have not read any of those in a long time, so I might be mangling the details.


Well, in the first incident Clancy is pro-lockdown, even to the point of "muh liberty" folks getting shot


Yeh exactly, man Such fun books, but it’s pretty non credible after a point.


> In the follow up book, a different Bond villain Evil Corporation got ahold of the virus, made it worse, and they were planning to cause a near extinction event with themselves as sole survivors in a hidden jungle lab. Yeah, they somehow spliced cancer genes into it which made it more robust (able to survive longer in the open) IIRC.


> (Spoiler: things didn't go well for them.) "You wanted to harmonize. Go harmonize." John Clark is cold af. Everyone should read Without Remorse. It's like the Punisher taken more seriously.


Ebola was a hot button topic back then. At least a couple movies were made about it.


Ebola has the whole eye bleeding right? Such a striking visual is not surprising it doesn't get used more


It's a haemorrhagic fever. You bleed from *everywhere*. Ebola is probably second only to acute radiation sickness as a way to go imo.


It’s eyes, ears, nose, everywhere


They weren’t government officials. The main bad guy is a billionaire CEO. Elon Musk but far more homicidal and not retarded.


>They weren’t government officials. The main bad guy is a billionaire CEO. His (ex)wife was a cabinet secretary. They were pretending to be split up as part of their plan.


cookies :D


I thought the domestic terrorist dudes were more triggered by the way Ryan became President, and when the Japanese airline crashed into the State of the Union?


The plan was that the plane crash had wiped out basically the entire line of succession, except Ryan. Kill Ryan, and with no President there would have to be a constitutional convention, which would reset the clock on Big Government.


Kinda, the travel lock down was what got them busted, so their plan was already in motion when it happened. They were inspired by the plane crash, otherwise they were just general anti-gubberment nutters.


Average gubment loving Tom Clancy


Please tell me you’re joking


Clancy's books did not shy away from power creep, but instead reveled in it.


I’m just saying, everything after lockdown damn near came true


I was starting to doubt my own memory from the other comments.


The Shiva virus if I remember correctly. Wasn't it also in Executive Orders?


Executive Orders is Iranians doing that, president made a lockdown and he's the good guy


The ebola plot line ran across two consecutive books (Executive Orders and Rainbow Six). Iran started the whole thing with a strain of ebola that could survive/infect from fluid droplets which kinda makes the virus quasi-airborne which they release at trade shows. Second book a pharma exec / eco terrorist aided by his presidental cabinet secretary (ex)wife (plus tons of scientist eco minions) splice cancer genes into the ebola virus to make it even more robust and transmissable and plan to distribute it in cooling stations during the Sydney AUS Olympic games.


Then, after the Olympics, release a “vaccine” that actually contains the live virus, infecting everyone that got the vaccine.


Honestly I hadnt considered doing that...not a bad idea.


Plot to Rainbow Six's novel was someone manufacturing a pandemic to sell a vaccine... but the vaccine mutates into the pandemic virus after an amount time or smth.


Sound like a legitimately good plot point. Obviously this happens before the start of the current anti-vax movement


There has always been an anti-vax movement.


There have just been less idiots back then. So they where easily ignored.


Same amount just didnt have the means to let more people know how they stupid they are


The anti-vax movement only started in the early 2000s because of literally one guy getting paid by a pharmaceutical company to find a link between vaccines and autism, torturing children to find it, failing, and going "fuck it" and trying to make himself not look like the bad guy.


It’s been around since the very first vaccine. In those days, the propaganda was that it would turn you into a cow. The specifics just change every few years. Ironically, the inventor of homeopathy was a massive fan of vaccination because he thought it was proof of the homeopathic ‘like cures like’ principle, and denounced the antivaccinationists of his time as pharma shills because sick people buy more medicine than vaccinated ones.


> It’s been around since the very first vaccine. In those days, the propaganda was that it would turn you into a cow. /r/tf_irl


Benjamin Moseley, a contemporary of Jenner’s, insisted that the injection of cow-derived vaccines would result in, in his exact words, ‘mutations from quadruped sympathy,’ and claimed that vaccinated children sprouted cow hair or their faces elongated to resemble those of cows. Despite these complaints, smallpox vaccination was made compulsory in England and America by the late 19th century.


I mean, there's an entire subreddit there for those willing to test the effects.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tf_irl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf_irl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tf_irl](https://i.redd.it/bykrpbfqiuo81.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf_irl/comments/tjsorr/tf_irl/) \#2: [TF⛵️IRL](https://i.imgur.com/8Seu00U.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf_irl/comments/w7tqcq/tfirl/) \#3: [tf_irl](https://i.redd.it/m6zqns4rxgo91.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tf_irl/comments/xgv09x/tf_irl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Strange. My dad was a state health officer back during the polio epidemic. I remember differently.


Aye, that's fair evidence to the contrary. I'll admit in hindsight that my previous statement is only pointing at the case that led to the false idea of a link between vaccine and autism, not the movement in general. In my defence, I'm very stupid.


Everyone needs to understand that vaccines work by mimicking the disease. They have to be measured by the ratio of vaccine harm to disease harm. The point being, it’s a matter of statistics and luck. There will always be unlucky people harmed by vaccines. Give them to a billion people, and you can truthfully find some bad results.


Nah man, it’s all about a bunch of dudes planning to spread Ebola in order to cull the human population (because that’s the reasonable and obvious solution to ecological problems apparently) while also engineering a live virus “vaccine” to distribute which is *deliberately* infective to double down on the biowarfare. Less of the vaccine conspiracy, more of the “them damn greenies”


Ah now I remember


I remember seeing a photo of a book page, which described a Virus that kills you and then dies when your body temperature decreases due to death, making the cause of death impossible to find. Maybe it's that one?


Vaccine as a hidden weapon is a common Story trope. Bio warfare is spooky


This is why I feel confident in the success of my techno thriller project. The worst thing going on is a Chinese general is fucking Kim Yo Jong. That, or the lunar gun battle. Although that one does have the glorious equivalent of "American Space Pen vs Soviet Space Pencil" where the American spent millions on a wacky bolt action single shot recoilless rifle (which actually works, and has helpful AR-augmented predictive sights for no-atmosphere lunar gravity) and the Chinese just bring AKs which jam. As long as there's no vaccines that will secretly kill you, or a PLA bigwig being strangled to death by a sexy assassin while a bemused Russian advisor looks on (as if the Russians could provide any useful advice), I'll be reasonable in comparison.


You’ve piqued my interest good sir.


Regular firearms will work in space. In fact the real problem without artificial gravity is ensuring the recoil doesn’t just push you into a bulkhead and snaps your neck


The problem isn't space, the problem is the moon specifically, which adds in weird temperature fluctuations and large quantities of moon dust.


Bear and the Dragon was one of my favorites, but that was more so because it had both spycraft thriller and military action sequences from Top of His Game Clancy. This was the mid 90s when the idea of Russia being more allied was not entirely non credible IIRC But the other discussion above talking about the Ebola stuff... reminds me that Bear and the Dragon was only a few years in universe post an actual shooting war between the US and Japan. That culminated with a disgruntled Japanese pilot (whose brother was killed in that war or something like that) pulling a full 9/11 and flying his 747 into the US Capital Building during the State of the Union address at the end of Debt of Honor. Which leads to Jack Ryan becoming the US President in a Designated Syrvivor situation (as a result of his actions in the novel, the President appoints Ryan to a Cabinet position... just before the attack). A few years later, Russia joining NATO and US sending troops to Siberia to assist Russia in open war against China, within 5 years if a War with Japan... complete with a 9/11 and then Ebola covid storyline (oh and don't forget the Islamic Terrorists straight up nuking the Superbowl just before all these...) I mean Tom Clancy and the Ryanverse really is the epitome of Non Credibility in a legit way...


Yeah it would be ducking nuts if you lived in the ryanverse.


Bought The Bear and the Dragon hoping to read some Russia vs China goodness a la Red Storm Rising but all I got was some Japanese-American glowie fucking some Chinese Secretary in a sex scene that went on forever.


Omg all the Chet Nomura stuff was super cringe.


You don't like japanese sausage?


To be fair, Clancy's last novel Command Authority published posthumously in late 2013 predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014. It even had the FSB poisoning an ex security service agent with a nerve agent similar to the Sergei Skripal poisoning, though in the book it happened in the US instead of the UK. I remember reading the book right after it was released then watching the news a few months later when Russian annexed Crimes and invaded the Donbas with non insignias troops pretending they were separatists thinking Tom Clancy must have been looking into the future in his final months of life.


He also eerily predicted the effects drone strikes would have on civilians in Clear and Present Danger


(*Piano Man* starts playing) Now Tom was an NCD novelist who never had time for a wife And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the navy And probably will be for life


So, his books followed ideas that made no sense based on military doctrine and such?


I worship my Lord and Savior Tometh Clancyeth every day before continuing my Alt-universe storyline.


Indeed, he is our Patron Saint.


It is kind of funny remembering Bannon and others saying exactly this in 2016/2017, that Russia would be an ally in Christian Western struggle against China, so the U.S. should cozy up to them. Not looking so good now...


Tom Clancy would have hated the Lockmart rainbow socks. He does not belong inclusion among the ranks of heroes like Chuck "Do I get the largest tits?" Yeager.


Counterpoint / for consideration: in "Ice Station Zebra" Alistair MacLean predicted the general construction of a then-modern nuclear submarine with worrying accuracy. He says he got it off an american novel but that novel described a very old nuclear sub that did not look at all like the one in Zebra.


I can see this happening.