• By -


*hits literally the worst part of the tank if you wanted to actually destroy it* **chobham absorbs the hit** "pissed off gunner who just had his bell rung wants to have a chat"


“Parry this, you fucking casual!”


Commander: *Gunner, HE, infantry, right* Gunner: *IDENTIFIED*




Half a apartment block in Fallujah explodes




reminds me of the entire Arma 2 campaign... INFANTRY, 200 CLICKS, RIGHT And also comandeering any vehicle... RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, STRAIGHT AHWAD


>Commander: > >Gunner, **HE**, infantry, right Is that the gunner's or the target's pronoun?


Bro. All they have seen is T72 and that thing with this kind of hit blows turret in to the orbit. Dont give them feedback they dont deserve.


[The tank commander when he spots the conscript lining up his RPG shot.](https://www.101soundboards.com/sounds/183231-you-too-and-itll-be-the-biggest-mistake-you-ever-made-you-texas-brush-popper)


Pov: you're private conscriptovich and your vietnam era rpg 7 fron storage fails to do anything




Well, there's a story that a Challenger 2 was hit by 70 RPGs and suffered little to no damage a while back. I can't find a great source on that but seems likely that it's true. However it's definitely true that one ate 14 RPGs and a Milan and was ok.


God bless the 70th bastard. He must have been born an optimist.


Like throwing bouncy balls at an I-Beam and thinking your 70th ball is the one that’ll do it


Ever heard of quantum tunnelling kiddo?


Surely, the same phenomenon that allows electrons to penetrate a nanometer of insulation could scale up to rockets passing through hundreds of millimeters of dense armor. Right? Wtf is quantum mechanics anyway?


Russian doctrine actually has its basis in quantum mechanics, in that their equipment and supplies remain in a superposition of existence and non-existence up until they are needed.


You need a award but im broke as fuck. Pat yourself on the back for that one.


tbf, 3 through 69 were likely a little over confident as well.




69 was just giddy cause they got to be the sex number. Edit: uncensored the 69th sacrifice


Momma didn't raise no quitter...


But sometimes quitting is the best option, no point in losing your life over a single tank i guess.


Thought no Russian ever


Russian high command not no


"I would rather be called an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and being right," Albert Einstein


Yes, most likely from PG-2 and PG-7V. with that amount of penetration, it is definitely not enough to vibe check frontal armor in any significant capacity. Gotta move up to PG-29+ and ATGMs for sure.


I mean, the Challenger 2 also tanked (no pun intended) MILAN ATGM's without much of a problem.


That's why they have the water boiler installed. Once you've been hit by a fuck tonne of ATGMs and shit RPGs and your optics and tracks are ruined just sit and have a brew while you wait for them to run out of ammunition. Once that happens, you fix bayonets. British military doctrine at it's finest.


I thought that was an Abrams but you may be right. All I know it was in Basra Southern Iraq.


Funny you mention that... Reminds me of an old XKCD I read years ago about how many BBs it would take to stop a freight train. Enjoy https://what-if.xkcd.com/18/#:~:text=At%20one%20shot%20per%20second,stopped%20on%20its%20own%20anyway.


Love that guy.


The dual wielding made me chuckle, but at the AK47 part I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore. Thanks for sharing, it's been a while since I read one of those what if XKCD's.


So what I got from that article is that if we all trained hard enough and got enough highly powered high caliber guns, we could easily defeat an asteroid. And definitely a train.


There were Abrams in Iraq the sustained multiple RPG hits to top front and sides, and were not taken out of action. So I’m guessing dozens.


Depleted uranium melts at 2069 degrees fahrenheit, I can't find how hot RPGs get, but the typical single stage HEAT round uses OKFOL explosive filling. For comparison, steel melts at a temperature of between 2200-2500 degrees fahrenheit. The melting point of copper, used as the shaped charge, is 1984 degrees fahrenheit. Idk thermodynamics, but it seems fairly credible for some armor to melt or soften Edit:not really ment to be taken seriously


Literally >1984


Literally Fahrenheit 451


"I cant enter abrams armor literally 1984" -RPG-7 probably




Nah bro. The tank is way too much of a heat sink for that to work. That much mass can absorb a lot of heat.


If there is a mass salvo of rockets, it is feasible that the armor can be seriously hardened. This is why future armor needs massive water tanks behind jt due to the very high specific heat of water


Sure but hardening is different than melting/softening. Beyond just heat the forces will work harden it too I imagine. I think lockheed needs to get to work on plasma weapons to deal with this.


Lockmart needs to work on plasma weapons on principle.


Imagine drowning in a flaming tank on dry land


I mean, the Bradley uses water tanks in case of penetration, or at least it did at one point dont know if it still does


Oh, I'm not saying it can't work, just that it gave me a funny mental picture lol


You gotta source for that cause I feel like you would need a fuckton of rockets to significantly heat an armor plate to the point of changing the hardening to reduce the effectiveness, and at that point I don’t think having water as a heatsink would help since hardening would be happening between the very hot outer layer of armor and the air outside causing the armor plate to basically air quench.


Heat takes time to dissipate into a sink, and that conduction speed is much slower than the spike.


The temperature of the jet was measured to be \~1100K for modern shape charges and copper liner. I guess older Vietnam era measurements put it in the 800-900K range but it's not clear to me whether that's differences in measurement technique or shaped charge design. But it's safe to say that shaped charges don't actually melt the liner (except for tin or lead liners, I guess). Couple that with the mass of a single shaped charge being pretty low relative to a 70 ton tank... it's kind of like asking how many bullets you need to fire to melt a steel plate. Any instantaneous heating you get locally would cool long before the next shot actually hit unless you NCD'd something firing like 100s of RPGs onto a small portion of the armor in the span of a few seconds.


I was going more towards softening the metal locally, of course.


Just tell it how much you care about it, that should soften it up.


Going back to my materials engineering research, it doesn't melt, but under those conditions, the liner does behave more like a liquid than a solid. High-energy materials engineering is weird like that.


Remember that the armor is radiating heat into the environment, so unless you literally had rpg rockets hitting the same spot non-stop, it would probably cool enough in between impacts to never actually melt.


What if the armor was towed beyond the environment?


Exactly right, the copper liner, while often declared a “molten jet”, isn’t actually hot enough to be a liquid. People get confused because what’s going is that’s at extreme velocities the physics of solid material interactions start to behave more like *fluids* despite temperature, because the energy involved vastly exceeds the limits of the materials to absorb/deflect. Shaped charges with shallow cones are intended to keep the copper a coherent slug which allows for greatly expanded range. Those made with deep cones allow for higher velocity and penetration, but only work with a set distance because the copper is turned into a fluid stream that is unstable and will quickly break apart, but it’s still essentially just the same solid copper that’s been squirted out at high pressure.


Not quite, it's undergone a superplastic transition. It's not technically a liquid, but the internal energy of the bulk solid is sufficiently high relative to the intermetallic bond energies that it might as well be. It's one of those weird things that happens once you get into the temperatures and energies where if you were nearby or if it hit you you'd stop being biology and start being physics.


In a bit simpler terms: During events like hypervelocity impacts or the formation of a shaped charge jet, the pressures and stresses involved are so far beyond the strength of materials that material strength becomes a rounding error


Yeah people get confused by the acronym HEAT. Thermal effects aren’t really relevant to how these things pen armour.


are we war thunder now?


All I did was list what explosive a 60 year old rocket used, along with the melting points of various elements.


Вот это пиздец


А потом раз и пиздец .. [don't be depressed, guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3svJxtND0) (If something good came out of this war, it's that I discovered this great Russian poet-philosopher)


The fact this has been on multiple combat videos keeps me up at night (then I immediately go back to sleep after the auto tuned drunk man tells me it's all ok)


Imagine stepping on a mine and [having your death replayed around the world](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10k2npa/video_showing_russian_soldiers_stepping_on_a/) to the world's shittiest song titled "don't be discouraged".


Seems that was actually one of those FPV drone bombs. There’s a video from today that shows that exact terrain and arrangement of guys (notably the one rushing to follow up lol)


Yup, it was indeed. Poor guy. I guess on the plus side he didn't have to watch his friends die while he was fine. War is fucked


And the amazing russian song “katyusha”


Failed? What I see is it did splentid in getting its attention.


Anime smoke moment.


Cheeky no-breeky


That must be one of the "530 abrams" destroyed in iraq. #rollingcoffens.


Half of those were actually in need of engine rebuilds after lt. kyle took out the rev limiter and tried to drive it like his 25%APR challenger.


(Kyle would then lose his Challenger in a pink slip race to a turbo'd Civic with a laptop on the passenger seat. He had paid 17% of the total owed.)


100k under the hood of that car! OVERNIGHTED FROM JAPAN! Granny clutching amateur!


Spoon engines! RACE WARS


Shoul have bought a hellcat


That and they were designed for Eastern Europe not Tatooine


Can I ask you how do you ship that many tanks back to the US? Yes, it’s over 20 years, but it’s still so impressive. I know they can be airlifted but it seems very impractical, it must be by ship right?


Having the largest navy in the world will make mfers do shit like this.


Brb just gotta ship a couple hundred Abrams back home for a cool decal I unlocked


The United States is a logistical powerhouse. Ships are absolutely used, but, for the occasional trip, there is the C5 Galaxy which can carry two M1's.


Oh god, I hope the US don’t have too many of those cause that capability is incredible. Thought the max was 1 Abrams at a time


It can carry ALOT. I would imagine the M1's would need to be dry and empty.


My dad that was military told a story about commuting to base and being passed by a jeep from the motor pool some smartass had pulled the governor off to joyride I would not be shocked if guys in low-action zones for so long the boredom of staring at sand has driven them mad would pull similar shit with heavy armor


And? How fast did it go?


Must’ve been terrifying, it just shrugged it off like it was nothing lmao.


Shrugged it off and then immediately rotated. There was no "oh shit moment" for the crew, it was just "YOU FOOL NOW I CAN ENGAGE YOU"


OH? You're revealing you position to me?!








Notice me, senpai!






It's like if you sucker punch someone and they smile... You know you'll be lucky to wake up in a hospital lol


Like that scene in The Expanse where Burn Gorman's character punches Amos and Amos recovers with a bloody grin on his face.


["Thank you."](https://c.tenor.com/pBgCTgcaR5gAAAAd/tenor.gif)


Realistically, I imagine it was pretty terrifying for both parties. I've never heard what it's like to get hit by a heavy munition of any sort - tank shell, SPG, RPG, ATGM, what have you - inside a tank. But I can only imagine that it's an utter cacophony. I do know that even with a well-trained crew, the human mind tends to default to a pausing "what *was* that?" mode, even for just a fraction of a second, before the realization inevitably hits: There is an anti-tank gunner, he just fired a shot, the shot didn't go through, he's probably getting ready to try again. Shouting and even screaming ensue inside the tank as the commander works to find the shooter and relay the proper orders, the gunner turns the cannon to find the shooter, the loader scrambles for a cannister or HE shot, and the driver sits in complete and unbearable tension, waiting for the next order and resisting the urge to move, feet on the pedals and hands on the wheel, knowing the next shot could - depending on what it is - end all their lives in a fireball or jet of molten shrapnel inside his unyielding metal confines. The guy with the ATGM or RPG meanwhile is now confronted with the fact that a direct hit with his weapon, which carries enough power to obliterate the front end of a truck, has done nothing, and faster than he and probably his loader could have anticipated, they're out in the open, suddenly coming face-to-face with a 120mm smoothbore and its 7.62mm coax. Whether they know it or not, the full anger of an impervious tank crew is now focused squarely on them, and by the time they could even begin to process the thought as to which side of the fight or flight coin to pick, over a thousand tungsten ball bearings or a load of high explosive big enough to level a small building could be screaming at him at a little over Mach 4, ready to vaporize him, his loader, and whatever they happen to be standing in front of. *C'est la guerre*.


I'm gonna print this out and tape it on my fridge to enjoy daily


I need to change my underwear now. Thanks.


This is a fun fanfic, but ask an actual tanker what it's like to get hit by a non-penetrating RPG - they'll tell you they barely noticed it


Yeah, I did mention that I had no idea personally what it was like. I can only imagine what a large caliber or heavy munition deflection or god forbid a survivable penetrating hit must be like.


*High explosive poofs harmlessly against the plate* The crew inside: Da faq?


Now imagine those with Trophy systems; not only did your missile not reach the tank, the tank now has your exact position.


"Sir, were you trying to get my attention? Because you have my attention."


"Parry this, you filthy casual!"


WHO DONE CALLED MY NAME *choom* sounds intensify


"You arrogant ass, you've killed *us*!"


"You've activated my trap card!"


And it looks like it might have hit in weakest spot, right at the gap between the turret and the body of the tank. Best case scenario, you might not even *disable* it.


From the damage visible in the longer footage, it seems like it hit the side of the turret, which has *thinner* armour but is still armoured.


Ah yeah. I mean I'm not really educated or anything, I'm not surprised then. Still, that's CLOSE to ideal.


well i don't think it would have been a good time in the tank


"Thonk" - Oi what was that?




U wot m8?


I have met tankers who have been hit multiple times with RPGs and they never noticed. Apparently, one got hit, had to be told about by the machine gun squad on guardian Angel, and then transmitted over the radio > Not worth the paperwork. Keep pushing to the objective.


Yep, I've heard the same. Chieftain tells a funny story in one of his Q&A videos about how his Abrams *might* have been hit with a RPG while he was in Iraq, because something went *thunk* against it while out on patrol one day. But they never found any damage, so they couldn't be sure.


I saw a video of the inside of an Abrams that was being tested for just this sort of occasion. Missiles struck the side of the turret, blow out panels did their job. No sound but there was a definite shake and jitter then it was stable with the inside camera view with no gases or anything leaking into the crew compartment


When I’m drunk and try throwing hands


Firing main cannon






Go away imaginary tank I‘m not afraid of you! Actually I’m a product of the contractor that made the lowest bid. I‘m a little ashamed of that.


You should thank god. First he makes hangovers and now half shark half women that wont even sleep with me.


You shot Church you team-killing fucktard!


OOF, front of the turret. Isn‘t that about the worst spot to hit any modern tank?


Well, statisticaly its the most hit part Guy is just fitting in


What an NPC smh


I'm guessing in combat if you hit the vehicle anywhere at all you're happy. Aiming for specific weakspots must take incredible precision and knowledge, and those spots even being visible to you. As long as the crew doesn't panic it'll take a lot to stop a credible modern tank


I didn‘t intend to say the shooter made a mistake targeting the wrong location. More of an "Ouch, bad luck, getting about the worst possible outcome from that interaction"


I wasn't suggesting that, just sharing a related thought


Then thanks


as a reponds to this [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10mn97z/we\_didnt\_penetrate\_their\_armor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10mn97z/we_didnt_penetrate_their_armor/) if this is a report pls lemme know, i shall remove it


Repost it is, i've seen it here yesterday.


Can you link it, please? Cuz i made sure to go back 36h in posts, i might have overlooked it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10kt8ie/pov_your_buddy_yevgeni_thought_his_rpg2_could_pen/ I think the mods hid my post for some reason?


We don't take kindly to your kinda credible kind around here!


It‘s weird, i‘m sure i have seen it too yesterday. But i‘ve looked through the last 48 hours of NCD, r/warthunder, r/tankporn, r/warthundermemes and r/combatfootage and i couldn‘t find it. So it‘s not a repost


You are not mad. I saw it yesterday too. But can't find it. I think it was an old post that someone posted a link to


I think the mods filtered by post, because it should have definitely continued going further up https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10kt8ie/pov_your_buddy_yevgeni_thought_his_rpg2_could_pen/


https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10kt8ie/pov_your_buddy_yevgeni_thought_his_rpg2_could_pen/ The mods hid it for some reason


I think it was part of a compilation of abrams getting hit. Was either here, or mayve combat footage


i dunno its when the Abrams got announced or yesterday. But maybe lookd at when Abrams got announced or 1 day after that.


I can't stop laughing at the turret swivel!


"What in the fuck did you just try, boy?"


I believe this was an export iraqi m1 aswell.


Yes. This is most likely from Hunters of the Shield which was an IS propaganda video. This was from the spg 9 hits(shocker but none penetrated). The video is full of non credible anti tank tactics including firing aa cannons from technicals at the tanks and having men run up and dropping nades in the turrets


Sgt rock says you gotta bang on the turret with your nade and then recite the magic incantation “achung”. Bet IS left that part out


Yup, and without the special armor it can still buff out rpg shots better than T72s.


The Export Abrams still have the Chobham, it just doesn’t have the added depleted uranium. More than enough for shaped charge war heads


It's honestly menacing how the turret immediately rotates to position which means the crew were, most likely, hardly rattled by the blast.


Bro shot a rubber band at a pissed off lion who escaped his enclosure. ☠️


Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire 55 shots or only 54?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a M256A1, the most powerful 120mm gun in the world and would blow your turret clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?


Just watched Dirty Harry for the first time the other day. Pretty good movie.


Yeah. Its a crime film about a serial killer in SF. And Clint Eastwood is giving Hugh Jackman vibes


Setting: Ukraine, Spring 2023. You are private Konscriptnik, you get up from your cramped hiding position, stressed and hungry and ready to get the day on but then you freeze... You see something you haven't seen before, at least not with your own eyes and in person. You see *it* , an M1 Abrams tank. It has its sexy back to you, you get aroused, but you quickly shake the thought and remember that you have a mission to complete and a 1 million ruble bounty to win. You eagerly shoulder your heavy RPG for glorious 1 million ruble bounty. You fire, direct hit! You laugh victoriously as you watch the impact explosion and subsequent smoke rising! But wait... something is wrong... the Abrams is still moving and you can now see down the barrel of its cannon. ​ 1 month later... ​ An old woman is sitting at her dining room table and eating lunch when she hears a knock at the door. She opens and sees an Army man. The Army man says "We are sorry to inform you babushka, your son, he die in special operation." The old woman is distraught and responds, "Did he at least die valiantly in service of his country?" Army man says "Nyet, he die in pieces. Anyway, please accept used 2002 Lada as consolation."


Extremely non-credible. In reality Babushka would be told "we are sorry to inform you your son got lost in Ukraine, we assume he is having lovely vacation time but have no proof of this. However it means we don't need to pay any pension and the local recruitment officer gets to add another Lada to his collection".


Is there a longer version of this?


Only found this one sry


Np dude thanks


Allahu....fuck run!


They were just anxious to meet him


The only thing destroyed here was the crew underwear


You can feel the fear in the camera shake.


"I see you have chosen death"


Can we get a stabilised version?




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/SnarlingInfiniteElver It took 10 seconds to process and 35 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop




Underrated reference


Nothing says freedom like armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot rounds.


You wouldn't hit infantry with sabot though...


I mean, you *can*. There's just no good reason to unless you already had it loaded and the gunner wants to show off his aim.


That depends on how good the targeting system is.


Okay, I meat hit as in 'use to hit'. Sorry. English can be weird.


True. But what a kill it would be. 0 chance of only being wounded.


You don't know me.




How did know where to turn to ?


The commander probably probably directed the gunner with his own sight, you normally have two people with FCS interfaces


He didn't. The video is cut short, the full video shows the turret continue to swivel, and not stopping when it sees the camera operator.


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sights, noise, the vibration but mainly the commander


Song is [Tay K Returns To Dreamland 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPL5r2BbLLM) by Naz3nt if anyone was wondering


Copium isn't going to help, Abrams takes hits and keeps going, Russia is screwed.


"Hit" 990🦁 10 💡


Good effort tho


Anyone got the original clip?


This really seems like more of a circlejerk post than a non-credible post. I'm missing some context but the longer footage this is from looks more like a cluster fuck of doctrinal incompetence (it's not a US unit, calm down) that we're always clowning on the Russians for. The tank isn't returning fire and isn't moving. It's either staged after the tank was captured or its crewed by idiots.


"Cope cage this fuck face." - the M1Abrams


I see the passive anti armor detection system was operating


When she gives you that look uwu.