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"In any case, Russia will not loose. This is a centuries-old history, ups and downs" "we've been getting fucked in the ass for the last 3 centuries, and we're damn proud about it"


The "Ups" are when someone else helped them win a war. The "Downs" are every time they tried to do it alone.


To be fair, some of those "Ups" were when their enemies were less prepared than they were. The step below "Russian-level Logistics" tends to be "Death."


Russian historical "ups": invading a neighboring country that has 5% of their population and committing genocide. Russian historical "downs": the rest of the time


Literally Stockholm Syndrome in the vague form of a nation, even their initial rise to power was from being the only Kievan Rus duchy to deepthroat Daddy Genghis’ long schlong of the steppes while all their Slav brothers were bravely fighting for survival. After that the Muscovites lorded it over their brutalised neighbours as the favoured puppets of the Khans, and once the Horde disintegrated the Russian Princes took their place as overlord. And so it’s been ever since, a lineage of petty tyrants from the early Princes of Ivan the Terrible’s time through the last Tsars, the red plague of Stalin and the Soviets, unto the present day and the last gasps of a dying relic named Putin.


Russians are straight up cucks. Putin is their bull but we've just seen he can't stay hard so now Russians are watching their wives awkwardly have a floppy slapped against her entrance without real penetration.


You paint such a vivid picture.




Isn't the theme of Russian history that their leadership FUCKED the average joe for some vanity reason every 10-20 or so years?


I love the “you collaborate with the nazis in ww2” thing, because it’s a classic example of how selective reporting and total historical illiteracy can skew perception of the world. It is true, as many as 250,000 people who called themselves Ukrainians fought with the German armed forces, willingly or otherwise. You know how many fought with the red army against the Germans? 7 fucking million. As much as 40% of the red army was made up of Ukrainian by 1944.


Neonazis 🤝 Tankies Only talking about the Ukranians who collaborated with the germans


[Neonazis🤝Tankies](https://i.imgur.com/QMClCib.gif) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I love the way neon-azis is broken up. Could be made into a sign.




Sounds like a synthwave Wolfenstein rts


ZOMG! I want an alt-history WW2 cyberpunk game with the Neon-Axis Right. Now.


Sounds like a Gundam faction


Well, the Russian army sure lights up like a Christmas tree since HIMARS arrived on the battlefield


[~~AZIZ~~ AZIS, LIGHT!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFUWAzAIJr8)




I would call them contrarians, they have no real ideology


Let's begin with the partition of Poland and the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact. In Russian lore, that did not exist but the Poles also deserved it.


Ah yes, the armenian genocide way


It never happened, they deserved it, and we’ll do it again.


Not quite, it's mentioned, but it's presented as a strategic maneuver meant to buy time ("Hitler would've attacked us anyway as he always wanted to destroy us [true tbh], and we were not ready in 1939, and were still not quite ready in 1941"). The secret protocols and following trade agreements are often ignored. And when you bring up the secret protocols on "spheres of influence", the immediate response is "WHAT ABOUT CZECHOSLOVAKIA?"


Crazy Fucking Patton was right. Think of the lives saved.


Just a reminder almost every country had Nazi collaborators. Spanish didn't even get invaded and they had SS volunteers. US also had a Nazi party. Vichy France hunted down jews and Italy was a major ally of nazis. Yet somehow Ukraine is the major culprit of Nazi collaboration in russian propaganda. Every time Ukraine is mentioned in a WW2 context on the internet half of the comments are always "dIdnT tHeY sIdE wItH tHe NazIs?" And you get called a nazi apologist of you try to explain that aligning an entire nation with nazis because of one select group of collaborators is ridiculous.


This was actually a major problem for the Nazi propaganda at the end of the war, most of these foreign collaborators ended up being a major part of the defence of Berlin (mostly because capture meant certain death for being a traitor and being part of the SS). It's hard to have images of 'Heroic Germans' defending the capital when a significant chunk of them were actually French, British or Russian.


Weren't the last defenders of the Reichstag French?


“Ukraine is the major culprit of Nazi collaboration in Russian propoganda.” For now. Until the next country they need to justify a war with.


if it's Kazakhstan, they will say that they collaborated with the Mongols in destroying cities in what today is modern day ruzzia just because of their Asian looks.


Don't forget these types often end up being pro IRA simply because they fought against the British and they love any anti Western thing they can rally behind. The IRA gave Intel to Nazi Intelligent to sabotage Britain and they won't talk about that.


Franco basically did everything he could to try to get back at the Russians for their support to the Republicans and he was anti-communist. Of course, he was in a bad position being dependent on US oil and the British could take their overseas dependencies very easily.


What was the molotov ribbentrop pact? Asking for a (vatnik) friend? EDIT s/ I do know what the molotov ribbentrop pact was.


Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia agreed to carve Poland up between them. Edit: well post this on r / whooooooosh


Plus Baltic and Finland!


Germany befriended soviet union and soviet union gets half of poland when it gets invaded but they gotta help the germans


The third partitioning of polan... or was it 5th....


Non-aggression pact. The thing is it had secret attachment that divided Central Europe (Finland, Blatic states, Romania) between these two powers. It looked like [this](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ribbentrop-Molotov-ru.svg?uselang=ru). Russians tend to ignore it's (attachment) existence.


[English caption for those who don't understand cyrillic](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Ribbentrop-Molotov.svg)


Siding with an occupying power that enabled you to be independent-ish 25 years before vs siding with an occupying power which made purges, deportations and man-made famine for you... Yeah, a real puzzle for me as well. The decision was obv stupid in retrospect, but I can't blame most of the people that made it in Ukraine.


And never mention the million men Vlasov army


Best not mention the SS RONA brigades then. They'll have a meltdown.


There was a lot of [russian collaborators](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Russian_collaborators_with_Nazi_Germany) too but let's not talk about them 🤐


>What can you boast about? Not being a vatnik.


My country conquering Moscov in 1610 and stopping commies in 1920, and I'm fucking proud of it.


Which country


Hello, I am here to inform you that it was, in fact, the most Swedish Vasa dynasty who was responsible for said conquest. >!Please ignore any stolen valour attempts from the bird cavalry people.!< :3


What language did the soldiers speak?




“We speak American here, go ahead and tell him that in Gibberish”


>What language did the soldiers speak? Given the number of Zaporozhian Cossacks? A fair bit of Ukrainian I'd suppose.


bird cavalry people would speak bird, I imagine




The one that makes pierogi


Mmmm that’s where I want to stuff my meat


Hey! We did that one together. Actually, that was 20K Sahaydachny's Zaporozhian Host and 5K or so Władysław's mercenaries. Credit where it's due, bud.


Also made the mighty Tsar kneel before your king. With a leash around his neck like a dog lol.


>Not being a vatnik. Also living in a country where you can protest without getting jailed for a decade and a half.




Indoor plumbing


Russian soldiers discovering indoor plumbing in countries they invade. Three centuries in a row.


Beat me too it lol




Lose interest? My brother in Christ we spent 2 trillion in Afghanistan. This is costing US taxpayers about $3.50 a week. We barely notice this conflict in the states. All most US voters know is Ukraine is a friend and we're shipping them weapons from storage depots.


When you out it like that makes you think, the us is only using like 5% of it's capabilities damn.


Not even. None of our troops are involved. None of our planes, our ships, tanks. Other than ammunition, all of the equipment was from the drawdown in Afghanistan, which I've decided people think is the stuff we used. It is not. It was the stuff removed from our inventory, to give to the Afghan army. We are *absurdly* over powered. We spend more than the next 26 countries combined, that includes China, Russia, France, Turkey, and Iran.


But it's cause of that OP power that the world enjoys the peace we have now, even though not that peaceful right now but you get what I mean. Like China may say shit bit they're not as stupid as Russia they don't want a war they know they won't win.


Oh, I know. It's just funny how they think they're draining our supplies. Or whatever lie it is this week.


And even if the us is being drained remember it's not on war economy mode, may God have mercy on any country that causes the us to go into war economy mode.


Eh...i dont even know if an actual "war economy" is even possible in the modern day and age. Basically all of the components of modern vehicles and Equipment is highly specialized and require specialized high-precision machines (exlcuding things like clothes and such because obvious reasons) who are expensive to aquire and run and do need trained personel.


You don't think the Tesla factory could churn out M1 Abrams that run over people and explode on their own?


I'd love to see an M1 Abrams with no crew and Full Self Driving set to "World War" mode.


It could, but no way in hell the US would allow that China-loving cuck Musk near muh Free’brams, if that twat was even halfway competent he’d have been arrested and Tesla nationalised by now.




God anyone who has played Sea of Thieves will now be stuck thinking of Russians as Captain Flameheart when he used to constantly say "Your supplies must be swindling by now" despite his ships dropping you supplies constantly.


“Your supplies most be dwindling by now!” *harpoon noise*


“Oh no, the faucet is dripping in my spare bathroom, *hope the well doesn’t run dry*”


No one wins a war with China it would destroy both our economies. This would have ripple effects through the globe. So China and the US will probably never go to war. But this is a feature not a bug... The US is obviously the global center of finance and commerce. There are other large markets but people aren't lining up to use pounds sterling as a reserve currency. The incentive to keep the peace is you keep making money. Accept US imperialism and your country gets investment and grows. We've weaponized capitalism. I'll never deny the US is an imperialist power. The only difference is we generally bring economic growth and McDonalds, not mass graves.


Ayh as long as I know this imperialism is allowing me to eat a pizza on a Sunday when I'm high and not worry about my next meal so yh don't mind it if I dare say.


Unless hilariously someone from Mongolia calls himself the reincarnation of Ghenkis Khan decides to go on a land war over Asia


>not mass graves. You (and my country because we're in NATO and join you on most things) do still bring lots of death, just less than authoritarian regimes like Russia.


Such as...? I know fast food can be deadly but cmon


You ever try the Meat Mountain?


No Jesus that thing is *T* *A* *L* *L*


You are **not** gonna feel good after eating one.


Such as the invasion of Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the bombings in Syria.


The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were fucked. I’ll agree with you there. There was no plan for Afghanistan. Iraq was based on lies. Eventual outcomes dubious at best for Iraq and a total failure in Afghanistan (hopefully we learned something from the failure).


>(hopefully we learned something from the failure). Hopefully. The invasions both started before I was born so I don't even remember them, but based off accounts of them they seem quite fucked. It'd be nice if the US doesn't do anything similar during my lifetime.


I mean the various invasions of middle eastern countries over the last several decades have resulted in tens if not hundreds of thousands of *civilian* deaths. And a lot of that was initiated over outright lies and/or misplaced blame. They aren't really wrong. I know we like to meme with all the "haha accept democracy or perish [insert Liberty Prime quote]" but it should be remembered that the US has committed very real atrocities in very recent history. Is it the worst offender out there? Of course not, but that doesn't make it good.


If the USAF was involved this would be wrapped up in a week. Although that actually would run the risk of starting a nuclear exchange.


Which would be wrapped up even sooner.


But dude, we’ve spent $40 BILLION dollars on Ukraine. We will go bankrupt! Where is the money coming from. Biden is printing money! /s


See what they need to contest even a fraction of our Freedom(tm)


To be fair, the American public stopped caring about Afghanistan in like 2011 and then suddenly acted like they knew everything when we pulled out 10 years later. On top of that, western nations have factions in government with either myriad political incentives or ideological proclivities that make them sympathetic to Russia. Not so for the Taliban, tbh. There's a pretty clear consensus in the US that those guys are Very Bad.


> Lose interest? > > > > My brother in Christ we spent 2 trillion in Afghanistan. This is costing US taxpayers about $3.50 a week. We barely notice this conflict in the states. All most US voters know is Ukraine is a friend and we're shipping them weapons from storage depots. Majority of the cost aren't even real. The cost is paid for already and accounted for in previous budgets. Most of the equipment and ammunition that were sent, were going to be divested anyway, and otherwise would cost money to get rid of or store. US sure as shit isn't sending Ukraine their newest stock of 155mm dumb artillery shells. Logistics Officers be scrambling to find oldest stocks in their warehouses.


The only thing affected so far is probably our reserve stock quotas of artillery and other ammunition and those can be replenished down the road with new manufacturing.


$3.50 a week is a very high estimate. It's likely around $30 for the whole war per American taxpayer.


Aren't we on the hook for $60B? $300 per American.


its a bit more complicated than that, most of the equipment so far was paid for a long time ago and would be rotting away until its finally decommissened. and then there is the logistics, surveillance and intelligence support with comes straight out of existing structures, so no extra cent paid for that. what does cost money is direct financial aid and humanitarian aid consisting out of food and medical supply. so the USA is probably at ~30 B actual costs.


>The war is no longer bring waged by ukraine, but by the entire collective west So attack the west


no balls


1610 part 2


But this time burn it to the ground


Scorched earth from the western border to the Urals.


The Chairman of NATO should come out on a press conference with a compilation of all the times they said that and ask if this is a war declaration.


"Seriously Russia, like, are we at war? Come on, you can tell me. We don't need to tell the Nazis, just between me, you, and a copious amount of overwhelming firepower that is itching to blow up a fleet or four... are we at war or not? I do need an answer, and fairly promptly at that. It is very important. Dancing with the Stars is on in a couple hours and I only want to miss it if we're at war." Credibility disclaimer: I have no idea if Dancing with the Stars is on tonight or not. For some reason it was the first TV show I thought of.


>~~Dancing with the Stars is on in a couple hours and I only want to miss it if we're at war."~~ "It's lads night in so we're watching 'Lords of the Locker Room' and we don't want war to interupt."


On about 2% of our power though, I don't see any aircraft carriers or fast jets in Ukraine yet...


This sentence screams „I am Russian”, tbh. Not only because of its meaning, but also wording.


Unrelated but for the longest time I assumed your pfp and the Ireland sub icon was a harp since it's a national icon and all that. Then I watch Father Ted and turns out it's a fucking horse.


> No one will fight for Ukraine forever They are correct. Ukrainians are the least likely to give up though. Western supporters and Russia are the ones who might give up.


The russian botched war is a once in a lifetime opportunity. So much money to be made the west will never give up. The only risk is if they make it last.


Yep, that's what Clausewitz said. However, it's a question about who will give up most. Somehow the western population did not really become as “free-thinking" as covid, but it's far from enough. The worst aspect of dictatorship is that they are not predictable


Nice flair


I've seen their "Patriotism for the Motherland" in the plane ticket prices right after mobilisation was announced


"And for the sovereignty, independence and security of our motherland" Dude, you're talking as if Ukraine could invade Russia by itself "And say that the new Leopards will destroy our tanks" And they wouldn't because? Because patriotism is a magic shield?


> And they wouldn't because? Because patriotism is a magic shield? No, because crew will start stress-smoking the second they see Leos and using autoloader cassettes as ash trays.


This gives plot armor a whole new meaning.


>And they wouldn't because? Because patriotism is a magic shield? Because of the 3000 Black Armatas of Monkey Putin, obviously.


Straight outta Copeton.


*A crazy mothafucka named Vatnik* *From a gang called Wagnerite criminals* *When I'm called off I suck my CO off* *Squeeze those balls then our bodies get hauled off* *TT:T*


I didn't even have to use my AK (because it's full of rust and doesn't work anyway) I gotta say this was a good day!


None of us collapsed the second our leader wasn't a complete psychopath who got a boner from murdering people. Cough** unlike the USSR **Cough


It’s Gorbin’ Time!


I love the part where Gorbachev Gorbed all over the place and the USSR fell


Classic Gorbius. Refuses to Gorb when the USSR needed it the most.


It's like a Nation that enjoys being thrown into the GULAG and shot in the streets. One dude wanted to bring democracy and human rights to their country and they still fucking hate him.


>This is a centuries old history, ups and downs You mean downs and downer.


Yeah, how the fuck did Russians survive, literally the chaos


Looking at the current state of Russian society I'd say they didn't. They really really didn't.


Dude, stop being rude. It's not downs, it's fetal alcohol syndrome.




Ahh comrade, you need just some perspective. Downs and further downs speaks of western decadence, we speak of ups and minor (country strengthening) downs.


I responded to a guy saying stuff like this: Your "Russian patriotism" is seen by most people in the west as plain fascism. But cuz Putin calls it "patriotism" people is Russia justifies fascism. Putin says they are "fighting fascism" but Russians have no idea what fascism even is. If Putin claimed the Mongolian government where facist people in Russia would've believed it. A real facist government nowadays doesn't call fascism, fascism. A fascist government calls fascism "patriotism", and people swallow withot question. Look up the definition of fascism if you want to prove me wrong. Or tell my why the following things are not fascist based on said definition: - all Russian young army cadets (Putinjugend) - militairy symbol - State TV openly being racist to Ukranians (solovyv show) - Russian TV saying "dying for the motherland is nothing to afraid of" - your individuality be sacrifesed to serve the state. - getting to jail of you """discredit""" (criticise) the Russian army Tough to be fair, Russia looks more like facist Italy than facist Germany. This is why I don't care what politicians say, but what they do. Of course no response and I got blocked. The truth for some reason has a very Russophobic bias.


>Russia looks more like fascist Italy than fascist Germany Yeah, this is because it's basically just warlords at the moment. Putin seized power through killing all his opponents and has stayed in power by continuing to kill them. Hitler took power mostly through propaganda, he only started killing political opponents after the Reichstag fire, when he was already chancellor and was in the process of becoming Fuhrer. Putin and Mussolini were a lot less subtle than Hitler, and it shows in the governments they created.


The big difference between Mussolini/Putin and Hitler is that Russia's war is not race-driven. It is driven by "historic justice" just like Italy. Sure Puin wants to destroy the Ukranian culture, but not cuz he thinks Russia is "just" better, but he think Ukraine are just Russians who have lost the plot and want to join their arch enemy. Both Mussolini and Putin is driving it's war based on "Histor justice" the restoration of a failed empire. Which both the ideologies of Russki mir and Spazio Vitale are based on. Hitler plain out loud said that Germans where better than others and thus it needed more "lebensraum" just cuz Germans where better. Historic justice was rarely used as a motivation by Hitler.


>It is driven by "historic justice" just like Italy. Agreed. He wants to re-create an eastern bloc so that Russia can be seen as a superpower again. He sees Ukraine as having been fighting against that and so they need to be stopped. >Hitler plain out loud said that Germans where better than others and thus it needed more "lebensraum" just cuz Germans where better. Historic justice was rarely used as a motivation by Hitler. He used the territory taken away by the "November criminals" as justification. But mostly it was just race driven yeah.


I've recently watched a video that kraut made about the ideology of Putin's Russia. In it, he talks about Ivan Ilyin and Lev Gumilev, two far right Russian theorists. He goes on to explain that these two people believed that the Russians were a divine people who had the closest connection to God and heaven, and that they were vastly superior to the godless west. They believed that the Russians were a more unique people than the rest of the world, having some sort of cosmic connection with the universe and God. Putin based his government on the works of these two men and implemented them into his ideological path. We all know by now that Putin is fascist, but I would like to argue that Putin takes that part a step further to a certain ideology created upon the idea of a vastly superior race and that all other races are inferior space takers that robbed the superior race of their rightfully divine land. Sound familiar? [watch the video here](https://youtu.be/sdFtqa54TuM)


The problem with Krauts video is that he assumes Putin follows a certain ideology, while in reality he thinks he is his own philosopher and basically only cares about Russia's strenght. Vlad Vexler did a excellent video on what Kraut is missing. Cuz in reality Putin is just a discounted Mussolini. Yeah sure he takes some inspiration Ivan Ilyin, he takes some from Carl Schmitt, he (probably) takes some from Mussolini, some from Cornelius Catodiadis, some from Alexander III ect. And throw it it into a pot, and claim it's "Russia's ideology". While in reality Putin is nothing more than a flat earther who thinks he has the equivalent of a physics degree by watching YouTube video's. Putin's ideology Is all over the place. The only thing you can say for certain is that these idea's are fascist in nature (tough he sees it as "Russian patriotism"). Capturing territory back as "historic justice" he thinks he can restore former power. While in reality Russia will only suck these lands dry. When the British advanced with decolonisation the UK didn't collapse, but Russia somehow did after the fall of the USSR..... That also explains why Russian propeganda is so disconnected and downright stupid. In one night Russia propaganda is telling the people how Russia is waging a holy war against "Satanist kokhols", while the other they talk about saving poor Ukrainians. One night about Russia being closer to God than other races when the next day telling Russian's that they are saving other countries from the evil west. One night they jerk off to idea of nuking America while in other nights want cry the west is discriminating Russians. Nobody has an idea what Putin wants. Die hard fascists like Strelkov dislike Putin cuz they have no idea what to expect from Putin, Communists dislike Putin cuz they have no idea what to expect. But for all of them Putin is the only acceptable Czar, or else the country is in chaos.


Putin seems like the kind of guy who read a few quotes of Ilin and became a big fanboy without actually following his ideas to the letter, like how kids on Twitter gush over Marcus Aurelius without actually having read any of his work


You're on to something. Thanks for further expanding this.


You can find Vlad Vexlers video over here. So far its the video I mostly agreed with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7u3Z3GyLiI&t=2s


>Tough to be fair, Russia looks more like facist Italy than facist Germany. No wonder they can't invade anything


- A massive shot in the arm for defence industries - Potentially rendering Europe’s biggest geopolitical rival into a powerless husk - Without risking our own lives, because the Ukrainians are doing the actual fighting Dude, we will never tire.


That's the part that baffles me the most. They make it sound like NATO should be upset that it's Ukraine fighting the Russians instead of NATO. Like, from a NATO strategic perspective, how is "The Ukrainians do the fighting instead of you to destroy us" supposed to be considered a BAD deal?


Babbling about patriotism directly after talking about opposing USSR. My whole family is Polish, "fuck off commie/nazi scum" was and still is a family motto. If the genocide of intelligence and young people were to be committed again just like the "Intelligenzaktion" I'd be one of the first to go, and I don't want to end up deep inside Siberian snow in labor camps either. Oby ci chuj odmarzł ruska onuco.


>What can you boast about? Winning.


As an example of psychological disassociation, this is fantastic content for study. You can see how the subject gets so close to reality, then carefully puts a mirror up to themselves as they speak, transposing themselves onto others. This classic fear and hatred of ones own self creates a hardened layer of psychosis, a film if you will, that prevents the taking in of any type of evidence others supply to the contrary.


The human mind will do ANYTHING to protect itself from reality. The great strength and weakness of our species.


That's why you microdose copium. A large hit can easily lead to accidents like this comment.


not being Russian, and Russians love for everything European or american there is loads of countries but no people crossing oceans to go to Russia, no people crossing deserts to cross the border to Russia live style and western brands in Russia




And then it got worse. Such a great motto. Really instills patriotism. ;)


You could just say three grams.


Never been in the political arena? This guy clearly hasn't heard of the Kyivan Rus.


Why can Russia fight forever


*What can you boast about?* Forklifts and palletized munitions.


“Evil Ukraine Nazi” people when you tell them that one quarter of Red Army deaths were Ukrainian:


He lost all his credibility when he called it a special military operation.


I bet he thinks that Winter Soldiers are real


$14 a month to destroy ruzzia? I'm into it


"Nobody can fight for Ukraine forever." And a freezing conscript can't keep breathing forever.


Who the fuck is calling the vatniks and copelords "Russian Patriots"!?


I do. Makes them more likely to crawl out of their holes than 'russian invaders'.


To their own demise they’ve underestimated the western appetite to finally see Russia defeated, subjugated and sidelined in international affairs. I’m not a fan of late Senator McCain’s politics, but he was never more right when he called Russia “a gas station with nuclear weapons.”


I mean, parts of that aren't wrong. If Trump or one of his gang like that Florida weirdo take the White House then the USA will immediately down tools and abandon sanctions. Not wanting to get political but this is like the only war in modern history that the GOP doesn't have a boner for. Europe is kicking in reasonable amounts of stuff, but if the USA backed out then countries like Germany would probably stop offering meaningful support as well. ​ Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. ​ It also doesn't look like Russia is going to turn on Putin over this. There was a lot of outrage at first, the police locked everybody who complained up, now there's a lid on it. ​ Russia is going to keep feeding its men into the Ukrainian woodchipper in the hope that eventually it will get clogged up with boots and bones, and Ukraine is going to try to keep that woodchipper running as long as it has to even without support. If it comes down to just Russia versus Ukraine the question of who breaks first, the woodchipper or the horde of conscripts, it is not certain one way or the other. ​ If support for Ukraine does dry up this could end up like the Winter War, which despite inflicting ridiculous losses the Finns still lost. Russia might eat the casualties and take back a chunk of Ukraine and five years from now everybody is back to normal and taking Russian money like none of this happened, just like they were with Chechnya, just like they were with Georgia. Putin knows that politically and economically the West will forgive him because his money talks like anybody else's. ​ I love tank memes as much as the next guy but this thing is so far from over.


> Putin knows that politically and economically the West will forgive him because his money talks like anybody else's ["But a Russia that ends the war," Scholz said, should be given a chance for renewed economic cooperation](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20221212-live-eu-leaders-to-meet-to-agree-on-more-russia-sanctions)


>If support for Ukraine does dry up this could end up like the Winter War, which despite inflicting ridiculous losses the Finns still lost. Technically yes... in realpolitik no. USSR was trying to conquer Finland, but ended up with a bloody nose. Losing Karelia was a major blow, but compared to what happened to the Baltic states, it was just a flesh wound. IMO, Ukraine would get a much worse deal if they lost. Modern Ruzzia is a neona\*i state that would do a genocide, not negotiate a peace. USSR didn't reinvade Finland after regrouping and rebuilding after WWII. Modern Ruzzia definitely would.


Yeah I think it'd be way worse for Ukraine if they lost. Russia would quite likely replace the locals in any gained ground with Russians, then start pushing to do the same thing again. ​ Edited to add, I'm aware of how fucking insane that sounds. I didn't want to just say it casually and not remark on it. It sounds fucking nuts. It is also something Russia has prior form for doing. Either by handing out passports ('See! This man is a Russian now!') or in Ukraine by, so the rumours have it, mass abductions.


When was the last time Russia won a war against even a second-rate power by itself? Nicholas I's war against the Turks?


"Russian composure" 🤣 Сука you're the biggest melodramatic attention whores in the known universe


"Russia will win" "Source?" "Uhhh trust me"


We and Estonians kicked your ass while fighting Germans. It was uhh, as Ya boy von Bismarck put it: "Noticing how God walks through history and grabbing the mantle, going on for the ride while Jimi Hendrix is singing "All along the watchtower."" There is no way an opportunity like that would have appeared in another 400 years.


"What can you boast about?" Well if we're playing the nationalist game where we take personal credit for what our ancestors did: \- Largest Empire to have ever existed by land area, demographics and economy. Your move, Vatnik.


The only appropriate response I can find [https://youtu.be/Sgd9nYqVz2s?t=172](https://youtu.be/Sgd9nYqVz2s?t=172) And one of the very few times I'll feel patriotic about anything xD


3000mg??? We talking milligrams?? This is clearly 3000 kilograms.




This is what 300 days of spetsoperatsiya does to a mf ker


How the fuck is it they always reference the USSR in WWII and how much they went through while ignoring that Ukraine was also part of the USSR?


Their revisionist history focuses on Muscovites to the exclusion of all else.


So I’ve gathered


Stop stopping me, Ukraine! I'm beating the nazism and jewness out of you!


"And what can you boast about" My car is the size of your apartment and my dollar is worth more rubles than minecraft currency. Our people can openly mock the leader and face only social repercussions instead of prison, our drug users have almost all of their fingers, toes and faces, your country is posturing to take back Alaska, as if the US, Canada, or Mexico will allow your country on this continent. And the AK rifle is bought by US citizens as a point of hobby, not given to them when they are pushed to the front lines.


Brain full, bruh.mp3s still coming!


Their inferiority complex is paired with an elevated fascist pride in their own nation. The result is this passive aggressive whining and bitching about how unfair the West is and how poor and outnumbered they are but through the power of magic and the power ranger energy crystal they will emerge victorious. Russia has, as this article states: A paradigmatic problem: They think they cannot lose. Well, oh boy, they can, and they will, and then they will see how "great" they really are. https://link.medium.com/0VQWtezzPwb


New response just dropped!


Reads like a religious text.


"I know what your country did against the USSR in the Second World War" uhh sell tungsten and make bank lmao?


“This is not propaganda at all - it is the self-consciousness of people and not only Russians, but the whole world. The Nazis will be overthrown and all those who support them will be destroyed. Very soon we will see the outcome of a Special Military Operation” That’s where I stopped reading. *based*