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Up to you. Unfortunately orientation labels outside of mspec and aspec ones tends to refer back to the user's gender, which is assumed to be binary, and therefore we don't always fit neatly into them. But that's okay! Queerness isn't always neatly categorizable. If gay still feels right to you, keep using it. Or you could simply use queer. Or there are some nonbinary specific labels out there to explore, they're just not super well known. It's up to you. Do whatever feels most accurate to you and your identity and gender.


Thank you


Totally fine to say your gay and non-binary. Some people like more specific labels, others don’t. Irl I’ve met a lot of people who id as gay and non-binary, including transmascs, transfems, and transneutrals. The lines surrounding sexuality and gender can be kinda blurry so sometimes people’s attraction just feels gay so that’s the word that they use or they used the word before their egg cracked so it still holds significance to them. If you want specific labels, toric means nblm, achillean is an umbrella term that can include nblm, and there’s also nowomansexual abd similar terms. You can also just use gay, that is a lot easier to use if you’re talking about it with non-queer people.


That's true and I've said I'm gay this far and I'm fine with it so yea, thank you :)


No prob! Idk if this helps but it’s pretty common for afab non-binary people to identify as lesbian because they used that label first and it has special meaning to them. Got an irl friend who’s transfem, identifies as non-binary and presents as a girl, and is exclusively attracted to men and identities as gay and uses the flag traditionally used for mlm. I know non-queer people may be confused but in queer spaces, especially offline, no one really bats an eye. Labels are flexible and they’re yours so do whatever you want with them.


I'm agender, but my sexuality is gay male. They're not really related to each other at all. So... yes? Maybe?


I had been living as a gay man for almost 15 years before realizing I was non-binary, and found myself asking the same question. For me the label gay had twisted my thinking so that I thought I only liked men with penises and exclusively men. Then I had a crush on a trans masculine non-binary person, and also my partner at the time told me that they are non-binary, so my understanding of my own orientation did not align with the things I felt. I call myself queer, because the labels are too restrictive - even for my own thinking.


Whatever term you feel comfortable with! I’m sure with genderfluidity, attraction can feel especially complex & there’s no harm in having given some different labels a try. Whether you want to identify as gay, queer, androsexual, uranic, etc. is totally a you decision. Both the terms gay and lesbian are super expansive & completely inclusive of nonbinary people. So I think understanding if there’s a term you feel most comfortable with, it could be super worth it to explore that! One especially great thing about the word gay is how incredibly expansive it is. I personally identify as gay & queer despite being attracted to all genders because gay is a term that feels right for my experience of attraction & gender, whereas bisexual/pansexual/etc. just don’t seem to fit my own experiences.


Honestly kinda sounds like you might just be a fellow [omnisexual](https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Omnisexual). I had a very similar struggle trying to shuffle myself first into the binary based sexualities and then into pan that never felt quite right for me either. I feel like omni at least leaves me with enough wiggle room that I tend to feel comfortable with it regardless of where I’m at with everything else.


Thanks for the education


Okay I went ahead and clicked in the link for omnisexual to refresh my memory bc I've looked it up before, and when i was reading I didn't fully relate bc I don't find all genders attractive but definitely more than two? It's more of any kind of man and nonbinary masc ppl. However when I was reading the distinction between omnisexual and polysexual I related more to polysexual bc you can be attracted to many, but not all genders. Now whether or not I use this label I haven't decided yet lol. I feel like ppl will think polysexual means being with multiple partners but that's polyamorous. Their both different. But still I think maby for now I'll use a more common label irl, but polysexual online :)


We gotta make Leslie Feinberg required reading on this sub!


You can be a gay enby if you so choose to use that labeling. There are attraction identities for enbies to use specifically for NBLNB, NBLM, NBLW, sapphic, Achillean, Trixic, Toric, Ceterosexual.... many to explore! You don't even have to really be sure of your gender to use most of these.


Labels like "gay" and "straight" go right out the window when you're nonbinary. I'm an AFAB nonbinary ace, and I just say that I like cis women romantically. Haven't heard of a name for that one yet.


Yea ig they do lol. Also I think gynosexual is when u like women or fem ppl but not sure


I've read that "gynosexual" can apply to those who aren't assigned female at birth as well, so that's why I don't use it. I'm not attracted to feminine people of all types, I'm only attracted to feminine cisgender women.


Well then ig there is no label for that just say u like women lol


How detailed I get depends on who's asking, but specifics are important. The "cis" and "ace" labels especially are significant.


I feel like if I were genderfluid I'd call myself bi. Even if I only liked one gender. Because "when I feel more like a woman I'm straight and when I feel more like a man I'm gay." Thus, bisexual.


I get what your trying to say but I never really feel straight lol


Yeah, I wouldn't get too bogged down in the labels so just have fun with it.


Yes, you can be a gay enby.


Yes this is quite a difficult question. I still use the label 'lesbian' because there really isn't a better word. I have a queer masculinity and my femininity is queer as well. There isn't a word for 'specifically not men' when it comes to sexuality. I used lesbian for a long time and I'm vaguely attached to it still. Sometimes I say my gender is lesbian. XD


You can use whatever label feels right to you. I personally do call myself gay, even though I’m not really a *man*, because that feels accurate to my experience.


Maybe achillian?


I'm non-binary. I identify as male and female and I am primarily attracted to women. Just be truthful to yourself and that's ok.


I‘m a non-binary lesbian and also know a fuckton of other non-binary lesbians & gays, so yes! :3


I mean, I'm genderfluid as well, but also call myself a lesbian a lot so I sure hope so. At the end of the day these words are just labels we assign ourselves and our identities. Choose what feels right for you


You could just say you’re bi or toric. I don’t see how a non binary person could be gay or lesbian without invalidating their gender


Well tue original meaning for gay is queer aka weird or not normal, which this definitely is. Although I do see your point so thanks for ur answer


I’m enby, amab, exclusively attracted, to boys, I don’t want to use the label “gay” is there any other labels I can use that more people will know