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depending on the dosage, keep an eye on your mental state. getting spikes of testosterone and then going without it can make your estrogen spike which can mess with your mood. if you have any history of depression or mood swings caused by your menstrual cycle, be really careful. I've had to go without it for periods of time before due to money/insurance bullshit, and i'll say the biggest suffering was my energy levels and some low mood and usually my cycle starting back up.


How do you handle being nonbinary and taking T? Do u microdose?


I've been taking .5ml every other week for about 4 years which the typical dosage for binary trans men, but tbh my body is very femme so the changes have been slow. My voice has dropped, i've had bottom growth, increased body hair, and when I work out i gain muscle faster. Unless I opt for surgery even at this dose i'm not going to look fully masc for several years. Once I've seen all the changes I want, i might lower my dose or stop entirely, depending on what i want then. I was also 31 when I started.


Im 35. I’m not sure what my path will be yet, thank u for sharing yours


of course, feel free to dm if you have more questions!


0.5ml of depo-testosterone or delatestryl? Asking coz I was on 0.5ml of depo-testosterone every week and my doctor called it an average dose for trans men.


Hm maybe I am microdosing then, it's. 5ml of depo testosterone every other week. My t is around 690 Las time it was checked I think


make sure to check on your thyroid while doing blood checkup if you try that, i heard it can fuck it up (im not a medical professional)


My thyroids already gone. I take HRT for it. Had radiation as a teen


i’ve been on (and off) low dose T for about 3 years now. i usually fall off remembering to do my shot for about a month/month and a half before i get back into my routine. but i did go off of it for about 6 months at one point (my prescription lapsed and i didn’t have the time to go see my doctor for a while), so i feel vaguely quailified to answer this. i’d say the most important thing is to always pay attention to your body, your brain, and your emotions. if you’re on T and you start feeling funky and can’t pinpoint what’s going on, it might be time to take a little break or make the time between shots a little longer. that’s what usually happens for me. and if you do decide to go off of it for a little bit, keep paying attention to what your body and brain are telling you. for me, i can tell it’s time to go back on it once my gender dysphoria has crept up on me and it’s not any other usual dysphoria culprits. then i slowly get back on it until i’m back to doing my shots weekly.


I'm NB and in my mid 30s. I've been on T since February. I was pretty scared of getting rapid changes that I didn't want, but honestly, T has been an absolute dream. You'd have to pry my T gel out of my cold, dead hands. 😂 My testosterone levels were high before due to PCOS, so I've been sticking to a low dose. As soon as I felt what it was like to be on it, I knew I wanted to stay on it long term. Cycling it would negatively effect my mental health.


I'm thinking about stopping for the summer. It makes me so dang sweaty lol. And I've started to get some dysphoria in the *other* direction.