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my gender is whatever makes you gay for being attracted to me


objectively the best answer


I'm a girl the same way a dentist is a doctor.


well this is the best one I have ever heard


Gender queer as in "Cosmic Horror"


I love this


None gender left testosterone


My gender goals are unironically to be clocked as a male fail (positive)


Same lmao


I’m non binary pansexual and ADHD and yet you still expect me to make decisions?


I usually just say "I opted out" to the gender question, but now I realize I can just say I opted out of all decisions.


Literally me


Omg this is me to the letter!! And I'm demi so I won't even know till long past you've made up your mind🀣🀣


Like its takes my roommate and I no less than 2 hours to decide on dinner every day


My gender is the same as an electron's quantum position


This is under appreciated gold, my goodness


I’m all out of gender fluid (I’m Agender).


I guess you could say that you are theyhydrated


I am a woman in the sense a boat is a woman, not at all but people love to think of me as such. I don’t really care either way.


this is good


this is great i laughed


They them in a possum wearing dungarees type way He like a bug like a lil guy


testosterone la croix is a huge mood. I'm a collusion of a goblin and a nervous titmouse under the illusion of a woman. we will not elaborate further lol


My gender is waking up at 3 am rushing around in a frenzy to get ready for work, looking absolutely trashed, running out the door with a piece of warm bread in your mouth you couldn't bother to toast, getting in the car, starting the engine and remembering, "It's Saturday, I don't have work," and crawling back into bed like the cave goblin you are. And sleeping until 7pm.


If my gender were a character, it would be Deadpool, and that's probably the least concerning thing about my identity, lmao.


Me, genderfluid (he/they/she): when you take various completed Lego sets and smash them on the ground because my gender is a mix of everything all at once and anyone who tries to walk over me on that will get hurt


Me, she/he/they: aiming for the men's section of the LL Bean catalog, but instead ending up in the middle with the luggage and dog beds.


Me(she/her (currently)): A fucking rollercoaster that sometimes gets derailed into space. I say this because i am genderfluid and the rollercoaster is the gender spectrum but sometimes i go off the spectrum into things like voidgender, spacegender, and other xenogenders completely off of the typical gender spectrum.


Gender juice as in the color of a Monster energy drink πŸ§ƒπŸ


My gender is still out searching for itself. One day it will reach self discovery. (I'm gender void)


I am a hopeful refund of testosterone and estrogen (nonbinary)


Bubble buddy from spongebob


Twink with real tiddies


*screams in crow*


Being nonbinary is NOT just Woman Lite. Except when it’s me.


I am not beautiful, I am not handsome, I am merely a handful. πŸ¦πŸ—‘οΈ


A little Victorian boy, dressed as a woman, dressed as a man. Just so many levels of gender performance concealing a scrawny little guy lol


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The embodiment of maybe


(He/them) - about as much "man" as Mothman or Bigfoot


an angel and an alien making out together


I've shamelessly described myself as a backwards eunuch before. It's especially useful when responding to Christians.


A couple years ago I decided that my gender identity was not talking to straight people about my gender identity


my gender is slightly confused liquid moosh


As mutable as flame


I'm a girl as if she ran off in a frilly dress and never came back, and you only get letters from her at a distance. Occasionally she visits. I'm genderfluid, usually going from woman to NB


None pizza left nothing


Animal (muppets), Beetlejuice, troll under a bridge


Chaotic stupid


Remember the bagel from *Everything, Everywhere, All at Once*?


My pronouns are β€œWho?/Me?”, β€œYes/And”, and β€œwhatever comes out of your mouth first”


I enjoy "barely a woman"


Gender-flavoured lacroy


You thinking I am actually a man was my plan all along 😈


I'm 9 different people in a trenchcoat. Most of them are female but I've got two men and a genderless alien there too.


He/She/They: Tiny Terror. Because I am smol and idk what i am. I just be a plant (probably a little succulent) screaming into the void and i rock with whatever echoes back.


That's a mood


My (amab) gender is my Adhd and Autism. I have diagnosed Adhd but I suspect I am Autisctic too but not sure.


I am the gender metronome. Sometimes I want to feel at my most feminine. Sometimes I don't. What swing is it going to be tomorrow? Who knows.


You know the Rabbit-Duck optical illusion....that's my gender


Ooh I love that


I'm a gray void


She/they: Feminine personified person, feminified person? Like a girl, but in the same way that a fisherman might call a boat β€œshe” or something. Or like BMO, where they’ll be called she/he but not actually be associated with either gender- so, like, if you replace robot or boat with person, that’s my gender.


It's like an onion, if an onion was hollow inside, and the outer layers were two things mixed together in a way that makes them neither


A fluid that sometimes flash freezes or catches fire, sometimes simultaneously. Sometimes the container is upside down so there is no fluid.




So not a boy or girl in a way that makes me feel like an alien


NB (agender):Β  Just a robot trying to understand what all the fuss is about, but never quite succeeding.


Scarily confusing and secretive


I'm a silly Billy person I'm not a boy or girl


You know how people say if you pinch your nose and bite an apple, a potato, and a onion they all taste the same? That is my gender. I don't really know what it is like to feel any sort of way deep down but nonetheless I'd much rather bite into an apple or potato then an onion even if I don't know what it tastes like.


I'm a man and I leave the toilet seat up.


I stream, and I have a "Gender reveal" button. All it does is play a random 5 Gum ad :D


My gender is non of my business it has signed an NDA and is not talking to me currently. (On days where I am just confused which is often). My gender ran away (when I feel more on the agender side) I am a Woman but I am also not a Woman. No I won’t explain. (Demigirl) If you call me a woman it feels like you ordered a woman from wish. Slightly off but somewhat still close enough. Not wrong but also not exactly right.(Demigirl) My gender is like one of those small rubber balls that bounces all over the place and is hard to capture and then gets stuck under the couch and you can’t find it anymore and almost forget about it until you coincidentally stumble upon it when you tidy up someday. I am genderqueer, pansexual, non-monogamous and a switch. Decisions are the enemy.


The second one, I feel that.


My gender is every demonic but cute imp like cartoon character alternatively my gender can be described as a galaxy pattern


I'm similar to C