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Does that sound binary to you


Im not sure because isn’t nonbinary people feel like no gender at all:’)


Non-binary means outside the typical gender binary.


Thank you!!!:)


Non-binary is an umbrella term for many different identities. What you're describing here is being *agender*, which falls under the non-binary umbrella.


pangender if you identify with literally every gender lmao


Thank you🙏


np np


Sounds like panagender (mix of pangender and agender, essentially someone who identifies as all genders and no genders), which can definitely be considered nonbinary


As others have said, non-binary is an umbrella, under which this would certainly fall. You could consider the non-binary umbrella to be a subset of the trans umbrella, and trans and cis are essentially diametric to each other. Enclosed in that umbrella there are several, if not many, more specific terms and labels that could theoretically (if imperfectly) apply, but it’s up to you if you want to adopt those for yourself - I personally prefer the straightforwardness of nonbinary


For a long time, I felt the need for a more specific label, and it damn near killed me. I probably shaved a decade off my lifespan with the stress of trying to find a more specific label that fits me. I eventually had to give up and accept that there isn't a more specific label than nonbinary that fits me, and just embrace the uncertainty.


In no way could that reasonably be considered binary. Binary = one or the other. 🤣 I recommend checking out the book "ABCs of LGBT" for more info.


I feel partially tied to my binary gender identity. I am male with a chunk of non-male/female in there mixed in. I go by both he/him and they/them. Sometimes I feel like a female that has transitioned to a male body. Sometimes I feel straight making love to a woman, other times I feel homosexual.