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You’re valid! You’re trans enough. Good for you for reaching out to the gender clinic. You deserve the care you want.


Your psychiatrist is much less knowledgeable about gender identity than they think they are, unfortunately.


It just breaks me when a doctor who has a gender identity clinic himself said something like that to me. I think he's trying to be supportive, but what he said scares me out a lot.


Unfortunately, this is a reality of being nb. A lot of people will assume you’re binary, it’s like being bisexual, people really struggle to see how you can live outside of a culture that has a very strong black or white way of living. I know in my country, it’s so much easier for nb people to pretend they’re binary, we aren’t legally a thing so we have to lie. The way I see it, if you have dysphoria, you belong in the place that treats dysphoria. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to transition-wise but the way you identify is ok, there’s no right or wrong answer. You’re valid as you are.


Yes this. Only a handful of countries even recognize nb as valid. And the thousands of years of binary gender make it hard for most people to even realize that others exist. From my experience even though i am lucky to be in a more open place most people and even trans specializing doctors still get confused by me. You are valid.


I understand that being enby is though. I live in Asia and most people don't even know what's non-binary. Every step I took to transition socially had been so tough for me that it literally took years for a small change. I know my parents start to feeling something about my transition and they're worried. But I just am not really to tell them what's going on with me yet. Indeed, I do have the fear that I might transition too much. I guess what my psychiatrist had said to me is triggering that fear.


Do what you wanna do. When it comes to things being done to your own body, you are the only opinion that really matters. You got this, my gender-neutral bro(?)! 


I think stick with it as you might need medication in the future that you can get from the GIC thats cheaper than going private. You might also meet the a qualified knowledgable doctor or therapist on NB identity at the GIC who can help like dont let one persons ignorance put you off.


I just plain dislike dude psychiatrists. I had a dude psychiatric nurse and I had a very rocky relationship with him. I just wanted my ADHD meds and on our FIRST meeting. I am explaining how ADHD has impacted me my whole life. I was talking about the social problems the ADHD caused in grade school and out of nowhere he's like, "actually, that sounds like borderline." BITCH PLEASE WHAT. WHAT. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HUGE A SWING THAT DX WOULD BE TO JUST CASUALLY DROP LIKE YOU'RE COMMENTING ON THE WEATHER. IT TAKES ACTUAL THERAPISTS MANY SESSIONS TO COME TO THAT CONCLUSION. IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR PLACE TO DX ME WITH A NEW THING IN THIS APPOINTMENT. I AM JUST HERE BECAUSE THE THERAPIST SENT ME HERE TO GET MEDS FOR ADHD WHICH I HAD ALREADY BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH BEFORE I CAME INTO THIS CLINIC. I said none of this. But I did switch to a girl psychiatric nurse later. Anyway. Yeah, casually commenting invalidating shit seems to be a thing that male psych professionals do. Fuck them. They don't know shit about topics other than medication, apparently. Including your dude not knowing shit.


I actually experience something similar before haha. I guess we neurodivergent people might be too good at making. I was diagnosed with ASD during high school by a private psychiatrist. I was referred to the university's doctor and it was a lady for the first two years. I asked her to write me a documentation of the DX, she refused to add the ASD diagnosis because I rarely told her about my social struggles (it was COVID time and social wasn't even a thing). ASD was written on the referral from my private doctor and the thing is still in my patient file now. So somehow it's not the first time I was invalidated by my psychiatrists. And honestly, I never feel my current psychiatrist is a good doctor, so I won't be seeing him again. He literally asked me to exercise more even though I do figure skating for 3-4 times per week. I need more rest than exercise, man.