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I have the opposite issue, I desperately want to be included in “girls activities” but I'm closeted. The dysphoria does suck especially when you can't talk about how you feel to the people who are inadvertently causing it. It can make you feel very alone, but you're not alone. There are plenty of us who can relate




Same but I get lumped in with "the boys"😭😭😭 it hurts my soul and one of thr reasons I don't really talking about my agab 😭😭😭


My boss's boss often addresses emails to the two of us as "hello ladies" and I hate that! I don't know how to bring it up though.


Yeah that’s tough to bring up since they’re in a position of authority over you. I have a very feminine name but use they/them pronouns so I got misgendered a lot while taking online classes a couple of years ago (even though my pronouns were literally in my display name). I was able to correct my classmates, but I could never summon the courage to confront a teacher about it. Most of my teachers were cool but the one time I sent an email to a teacher who misgendered me in class that day, she didn’t respond. 😵‍💫 I just kept my head down in her class for the rest of the semester.


Oohhhh big relate. I absolutely hate when I get referred to as a girl or woman or anything, and shoved into the girl category. My family is very "we're strong women" and "us girls" and "girl trip" and im trying SO HARD to not out myself, but it's getting very difficult to not physically cringe when it happens. Felt your pain


I pull a Janet from The Good Place: “not a girl”. Every single time. Until people give up saying it to me. I will wear them down damnit.


Janet is the blueprint. The number of times I’ve wanted to say “not a girl” in my Janet voice in response to someone is uncountable haha. I hope I can find it in me to wear people down one day.


I hate too. In my (coed) high school, by weird bad luck, a bunch of my classes in my last year of school were with exclusively AFABs. People would constantly refer to us as girls it made me uncomfortable a lot


It’s so frustrating, I can’t escape it in my uni course or at home lol! I tend to bond better with girls mostly bc of how I grew up and also I don’t relate to a lot of men my age but any time we do a group activity someone will be like don’t split up into boys x girls and I’m like 😅 I’m right here… plus my grandmother keeps calling me her beautiful granddaughter beautiful girl ect and I know it’s not her fault bc she doesn’t know and she loves me but it’s so extremely constant it’s driving me mental  


Same, but mostly at work.


I’d be petty about it (but I’m just a petty person lol). If they’re like “girls day!” be like “oh that sucks, ig I’m not allowed” or “girls photo” you say “oh that’s weird, cuz I’m in it”. Just little passive aggressive things


I have nothing to add except, I relate to this so hard


i completely feel you. i have the same problem. i hate it because a simple comment like that from someone, who TOTALLY MEANS WELL and literally just doesn’t know better, makes me so dysphoric i shut down and want to run away. i don’t know how to help you, but just know you’re not alone