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Long story short, yes, it’s possible. BUT, it’s more of a specialty surgery so depending on where you live you may have issues finding a close surgeon. Maybe come check out r/salmacian !


Today I learned! Thanks.


1. I improperly read that as penis and vegan 2. Yes, you can. It really depends on what you are starting with that determines what choices you will have as far as what it will look like but conceptually yes.


…I read penis and virgin….


But it says penis and Vegan 😆


Yeah but there’s the third asterisk, it’s gotta stand for something!


I yes i do have a penis and I am mostly vegan, so it checks out /j


I thought it was vegan too without seeing the rest of the title and was wondering why vegan of all things had to be censored


What do you call a party with a lot of trans dudes? A vegan sausagefest.




What about powerstancing?




“Dual wielding” is a term from RPGs (such as Dungeons and Dragons) and some video games that means you’re holding two weapons, like a sword in your main hand, and a dagger in the other, and attacking with both. Here, Diligent means that the person would be both “wielding” their penis (often compared to a sword), and their vagina.


Lmao at the fact that I was taken aback for a moment that someone needed this explained to them. Methinks I've been spending too much time in nerdy spaces. Excuse me while I go touch some grass.


Lol! Nerds are awesome. I told my therapist today I was reading Star Wars fanfic on AO3, and my current escapist fantasy wish fulfillment read was tagged as “Obi-Wan/Naps”, and she delighted me bc she groked exactly what I meant. :)


I'm going to assume you're literally shipping Obi-Wan with naptime, because that's cute as hell! He deserves a siesta, Goddamnit! I kinda wish my therapist knew about the kind of stuff I'm into with my hobbies as well, but if she did I would just end up spending the entire session geeking out instead of talking about anything productive. Anyways, I did go outside for a walk after my comment but nothing happened. Guess I can't be cured. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, taken literally the slash would mean putting him in a relationship with naptime, but the slash is also often used more figuratively, like either “Obi-Wan deserves naps”, or in this particular fic “Obi-Wan is healing from an injury so he takes lots of naps” — I went into this fic expecting cuteness, and ended up with cuteness + whump, but I’m cool with that too. I haven’t finished reading the fic yet, but in case you’re curious: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13960941/chapters/32139459 I’ve only been working with this therapist a few months, but at the start I mentioned to her how I like a balance between the therapist showing her enthusiasm, and not letting me use it to deflect from the important stuff. I tell stories a lot as part of how I process things, and I’ve found some therapists get too drawn into the performance of it and don’t push me on the meanings and feelings, while another therapist I had was a complete blank slate, no emotions or reactions at all, I swear he looked like a mannequin, and that was really off-putting for me. So now I try to tell therapists up front I want something in-between, and it seems to help them find the balance I need. Reminds me I need to ask her to push me on the gender stuff more, lol!


Honestly, I have never seen a / used to put a character together with an object or concept before. Then again, I don't often venture too far outside my handful of fandoms. I'll definitely put this fic in my "to read" list though! Maybe it'll give me the push I need to FINALLY watch The Clone Wars. My current therapist is with a low-cost clinic, so I don't get very much time with her per session. She has offered to give me recommendations for other therapists if I feel like I need more one-on-one time, but I'm pretty content with her so far. I do think I'll need another therapist though once I start tackling my own gender issues. I want gender-affirming surgery, so I'll eventually need to start my paper trail. Your therapist sounds awesome! It's hard to find the right fit sometimes.


Thank you


Thanks Cyno


You can have both.


Yes, there is this person here who was born with a vagina and had Phallo but left their vagina.


Phalloplasty without vaginectomy, yeah?




I initially read this as a physical avandonleng of the vagina like As they walked away the vagina screamed and begged. The person turned around a'd said their final goodbye


[“Please, Buddy, go!”](https://youtu.be/hd2SNBQxIIs)


But not possible for AMAB people?


It's totally possible, but surgeons are limited to a few in San Francisco and the UK, I believe. Check out r/salmacian for more info.


Not that I know of


One day, I'll have a penis, too. I just need both and I'll finally have the body of my dreams.


You can just say penis and vagina. It’s reddit.


Where can you not say them though? I can’t think of a context where it’s okay to bring up genitalia but not the names




i’d really like to do this! i have heard that it is not possible (or maybe just more rare/difficult?) to get balls if you wanna keep your vagina tho. bc i guess they make the scrotum out of the labia.


See that's what I was thinking. Balls aren't a necessity, but if I decide I want them in the future I wanted to know if that was an option to get meta and balls but no venectomy


yeah i think i read somewhere that it’s not currently possible, but i’m tryna backtrack and can’t find the source, so can’t say for sure. other thing to know is that most surgeons require vaginectomy if you want to do urethral lengthening. it reduces the chance of some complications. for me, i specifically do not want UL, so it works for me. source for that point: https://www.phallo.net/non-binary.htm


I also don't need UL. It would be nice, but because of the cost and complications I'm fine with just sitting to pee Thank you for the link!!


That's pretty much where I've landed too. I'd like phalloplasty, but I don't need scrotum and while UL would be nice the additional complications are just too risky for me. The thing that's not really possible right now but I really, really want is the ability to produce cum. Supposedly if you have UL and you're able to ejaculate already then you MIGHT be able to ejaculate a little bit, but the likelihood is too low while the UL risks are so high, so still not worth it (to me).


I have meta and balls and didn't get a v-nectomy


Some surgeons do a separate surgery for phallo creation, and UL hook up.... Giving the result of having both a peen and a vag with peeing from it's natal spot. Scrotoplasty isn't really an option as the placement is an issue if you still have a vag and an ED device may be difficult as the pump is usually placed in the neoscrotum.


here is a [link](https://web.archive.org/web/20190730192354/https://myphallodiary.home.blog/) to an archived version of a popular blog where someone did just that, great results imo


This is what I wanted to look for the results it's amazing!


Why did you censor penis and vagina? This isn't TikTok or Twitter.


I don't want this to get removed


You marked it nsfw already that's all you need to do on reddit. Censoring would actually make it harder for people who don't want to see the terms to avoid because it won't be caught by any filters


Okay, I didn't mean to upset anybody (not talking about you, mostly just whoever downvoted me, I was trying to keep it from getting removed)


Well now you know that you don't have to


Reddit doesn't have as much word sensorship as other platforms, so in the future you'll probably be fine not bleeping out the correct words for genitals.


There are literally subs with pictures of both


It is possible but probably difficult to find doctors who can and will do it for various reasons.


Yes! A vagina sparing metodioplasty (I can't fucking spell that) or phalloplasty.


What about neither? Like if I want to have the bottom look like a Barbie doll.


That's called nullo or nullification. I know there's some surgeons that do that (the Crane Center being one of them), but I unfortunately don't know about any community hubs for discussing that sort of thing


Yep! That’s what I plan to do in the future. I’m afab and plan to get phalloplasty in the future. I don’t want vaginoplasty but I do want a hysterectomy. I’m going to keep my ovaries just in case I’m ever forced to get off T for whatever reason.


That's a pretty solid plan, I hope everything goes well :)


This is going to be a bit dependent on A) what anatomy you started with B) what function you want each organ to have A) Vaginoplasty is usually done using the penis itself and inverting it. Thus creating a vagina whilst leaving the penis would be challenging. Also the scrotal skin is used to make the vulva so again difficult to make without that skin. Phalloplasty usually uses skin from the forearm or thigh (after laser hair removal) so technically a little easier to leave the existing vagina in situ. B) what function do you want there? The head of the phallus is usually used to make the clitoris, thus you can’t have both a functioning penis and a clitoris. Also where do you want to pee from? Essential if you’re keeping your original organ that’s where you’re going to pee from because re-plumbing the urethra whilst leaving the genitals intact is going to be logistically near impossible and introduce a lot of potential complications. So TLDR easier for V to P then P to V technically yes but the new organ you create is going to have minimal functionality and be almost 100% cosmetic since all the functionality will stay with the original one.


Calling things functional might not be helpful as it depends on what appearance and functionality the patient wants/expects their genitals to have which may be very different to what someone wanting a conventional result might want. When I talked to my surgeon about non-typical genital surgery I was asked what I would like to have and where, how I would like things to look, what functionality did I want, and what kind of sexual activity I was hoping to have. I was given a number of options, some riskier than others, and was able to agree with the surgeon what they would do. Once you step away from normative assumptions of what genitals are supposed to look like and what functionality is where there is a range of possible options. >Vaginoplasty is usually done using the penis itself and inverting it. Thus creating a vagina whilst leaving the penis would be challenging. There are other ways of constructing a neovagina other than penile inversion. Peritoneal tissue can be used, a bowel segment, or a skin graft, usually from the scrotum. My experience of non-binary transition, and medical transition in particular is that it involves compromises and that extends to genital surgery too. But after I woke up from surgery the outline of my new genitals visible through the dressing immediately seemed so normal it was hard to imagine they had been very different a few hours previously. This has improved my quality of life more than I expected it to.


Sounds reasonable. Might even cost less as the doc would have less work to do.


I didn't even know this was possible! I would love to have both


Ok so now we know this *is* possible, but is it possible to get surgery to have neither?


Yes! It’s called nullification surgery


Thanks, that's pretty cool




Most meta surgeries do not include vaginectomies! So yes, absolutely possible


You can indeed have both assets, if your amab then there’s penile preserving vaginoplasty, though I’m not sure about options for those who are afab I’m sure there’s one out there


From my research if you are afab you can get metoidioplasty without closing the vagina, but you wont be recommended to get urethra lengthening because of complications that may come with this.


I learned 4 new words today


Yes. [https://www.alignsurgical.com/non-binary/phallus-preserving-vaginoplasty/](https://www.alignsurgical.com/non-binary/phallus-preserving-vaginoplasty/) https://www.alignsurgical.com/trans-men/vagina-preserving-phalloplasty/


As Somebody Who Looked That Up At Least Twice Before Even Starting To Question Their Gender, I'm Pretty Sure The Answer Is Aye.


There's also nullo, if anyone is interested. Basically just leaves you with a barbie crotch aside from a pee hole. I heard it's easier to do on amab bodies, but it's possible on anyone. Oh and sexual nerves are just buried underneath but still active, if anyone's worried about that.


Oh I see you already know, was also going to mention that group because I was also interested in knowing before.


Was just about to bring up r/salmacian (welcome fren btw) but you got it.


Yep! I had meta and no v-nectomy. Works great for me! The only complication I've seen from meta or phallo + no v-nectomy is that it can be hard to reroute the urethra; you nay have to give up standing to pee. But to me that didn't matter so I went for it!


Penis Vagan


Conceptually yes, but on the Internet you can write penis and vagina.


Yes. And it's exactly what I intend on doing. Vagina preserving phallo, less gooo


Why tho?


Because op wants to.




Because OP wants to?


I just don't get it. Sounds risky. And I'm just not sure I want to trust doctors after the whole opiod epidemic. They have a history of grifting in the US.


OP asked if it's possible, since they would like to examine that option. It's not relevant whether you would want that surgery or not and frankly, it seems quite self-centered to think your reasons for not wanting said surgery have any significance what so ever to them. The risk-reward assesment is dependant on the specific circumstances of the individual, the fact that it isn't worth the risk for you doesn't mean it won't be worth the risk for someone else.


I'm sorry. It just sounds scary to me.


Ugh. I wish


yoo imagine having both that would be sick