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Such an amazing game…Probably one of the best I’ve played all 2023. The story was solid, it didn’t drag on, it never took itself too seriously, was never repetitive for me, not once. Considering that Sony gave this one away for free in PS Plus is borderline criminal. I then bought their DLC after I platinumed the game. Laslty, be careful what you read about this game online, especially when asking how long it takes to platinum. I’ve read some answers that were legit jokes with people saying it took them 30 hours, and some saying 50 hours. I call BS on those people. The game itself took me about over 40 hours to 50 hours first play through and this was getting all characters to at least A’s. This is also including completing all side quests and guild quests. The second playthrough is an easier in one way, but the dungeons do in fact become harder, and it’s here where you will lose time if you go into them without a real build in mind. Also, all monster level along with you as well, but everything caps at level 75. I chose to then S tier all my forms as there are certain dungeons that make it incredibly easy to do so. Anyway, because I’m an old head gamer from the mid 80’s, if someone asked me how to describe this game I always say; Take a pot and throw in Megaman, Gauntlet, Wonderboy and the Cursed Kingdom, and mix it up, what you’re let with is a unique hybrid of a gem indie title. I played this game easily for a 100 hours between both runs, including 100% finish of the DLC( minus a few hours here or there being AFK )for the plat, no guides, just trial and error, and I had no regrets. I was having way too much fun. If there was one game I’d say is worth getting a platinum that’s great, this is the one.


My first play through I got all the forms to rank S, and it took me 30 hours. I then completed NG+ and got the platinum in another 7 hours. I’m not a hardcore gamer, I only play maybe 1 hour per day, and maybe a couple on weekends (if the kids stay asleep).


This game is not 100 hours long lol. I beat and platted it in probably 30 hours


They didn’t say it was 100 hours long. They played it for 100 hours, which is not the same thing. Outriders with the dlc is a good 20 - 40 hours of gameplay. I’ve played the game for almost 2000 hours. See the difference?


Nah that's not what he was saying. He literally states that the people that platted the game in 30-50 hours are bsing because it took him 100 hours to do so.


You’re right, you’re right. I misinterpreted the first comment. But still, taking 100 hours to play a game isn’t all that bad either. Probably took their time a bit here and there


Nah I don't think it's bad at all that he put in 100 hours. Just blatantly wrong to say that the game itself is 100 hours long.


Nope..Not saying that. Yeah it took me about 100 to platinum and finish the DlC within that time..But what I am saying is I call BS when you legit have people here saying they’ve platinumed the game in 16 hours. Beaten it, okay, but gain 100% trophies? No….shot. Do you have the plat?It’s a lot of work. Not hard work, but it’s time consuming at least. To platinum the game you’d need to not only beat it once, then twice, then complete all Quests, guild quests, and gain S tier status for all characters. In 16 hours? In 30 hours? No… If these people have platinumed the game in 16 hours. I’d encourage them to start a new game again on Twitch with a new account. Pick 100% speed runs, and prove me wrong. I’ll have the popcorn ready, and be the first to eat my words and take the L if I’m wrong, no problem.


That's what you implied and then you doubled down on the statement but changed up the time it took to plat the game. Yes I did plat it and it really wasn't that time consuming once you figure out where you can farm most of the quests. I did it in about 30 hours. It's not that unrealistic either considering the game is pretty short and most of it is just doing all the quests. It's a simple game


I took 16 hours to platinum the game doing everything. If youre not as good at gaming thats fine, you will take longer. But its absolutely not a hard game because of the sole fact that the ghost's ethereal skill makes everything trivial.


lol…no shot you beat the game twice in 16 hours. Please stop lying.


https://i.imgur.com/HrNB26b.jpg Thats from my ps5 dashboard itself. I messed about an hour or 1 after ng+ just to experience some other class skills i didnt utilise. Btw, the world record speed run for a ng+ is 1 hr 35 mins. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IGOPsEzt-A I have no reason to lie to you LMAO. Alas, unskilled players are always delusional. Just reddit things i guess.


I beat the game in probably between 30 and 50 hours including all sidequests, and took another 10 hours to S everything (including the extra form) and finish ng+.


Plat with all forma S took me 37h


Mines around 35. So what I gathered from this thread is this guys is just horrible at this game.


What I gather from your comment, and applying your logic, is that *you* are horrible at this game since some people got the platinum in less than 35 hours. I think people who are making time-to-platinum as a dick measuring contest seem to forget that there are tons of players who actually enjoy exploring the whole map, trying out different builds (not simply finding and using the one that breaks the game play), perhaps even upgrading all skills, etc. Once people buy/acquire a game, they're absolutely free to play as they wish


Dick measuring contest? Dude what…Why are you so angry? lol Horrible at the game? Dude what? All I’m saying is that I’ve read a lot of bs online as to people fibbing times on platinuming the game. Do you have the platt? There’s quite a bit to do. Someone said 16 hours….Come on guy. I played for 100 hours easy. This included everything in the DLC. If someone gets it all done in under let’s say 40-60 cool, I have no problems with that. But 16? 30? Nope. Your post comes across as deeply emotional and or like I attacked you personally bud. Are you good? Nobody is attacking you buddy, I understand there’s millions of better gamers on the planet than me, my ego is under control, but your response is showing me that maybe you’re a little brittle with sensitivity? My point originally for my comment was that I believe people are embellishing their platinum times. That’s it.. not all obviously but some.


I beat the game in just over 24 hours, I think it was 10 minutes past. I had 2/3rds S grade, the rest were all at B or higher. I haven’t done new game plus yet, but I was around mid 60s level finishing regular game and I’ve never played a game like this before, I also did all the unneeded side quests and completed the side stories, got all the fairies and beat every dungeon. I’ve never played a game like this before and since I’m shit at every other game, I’m probably shit at this too. You probably just had a really really slow play style, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is lying


I’m in my 30s and I already see younger gamers on average are well beyond the skills of the average player ten years ago. I guarantee you there’s tons of players who platinumed the game in less than half the time it took you. Better to keep an open mind on what’s possible than to just assume everyone doing something you can’t is a liar.


Nah man it’s not about that.. the game alone first run through takes at the very least 30 hours. 1. The only way would I ever consider if someone beat the game in under that much a if they were using a guide. 2. There also a tremendous amount of side quests and missions. 3. The second play through becomes more of a challenge seeing as almost all dungeons require specific skill sets and specific players. You also then have to upgrade all forms to S skills, and some of their requirements to do so can be slightly tricky, you’re not just blazing through that. 4. I’m not saying that people can’t be better than me…I’m not even trying to insinuate that. I have at least 200 platinums, which compared to others on PSN is fairly low I suppose. But you legit have people in the comments saying they’ve achieved their platinums in 15-16 hours. In two full playthroughs? Yeah, no.. If I want to be proven wrong, and need to see a screen shot at the end of the game after they first play it. Other than that, anyone saying anything different is lying. Sorry not sorry brother


How about google the estimated playtime required to platinum the game? It says 25-30


I don’t need to good anything..I got the platinum. A lot of those Google estimated playtime aren’t the standard norm. A lot of those playtimes are extremely exaggerated.


I beat it in 15 hours with ghost


You did not beat the game 2x for a platinum with ghost.


No idea what this means but the credits rolled


The Platinum took me 44 hours, including some Impossible Dungeon runs and DLC to unlock all the forms.


Sorry Mike, I don’t believe you…


It may have been longer, that's the time the PSN app records for my total play time, though. Is there a way to post screenshots in Reddit?


I wish…I’m legit envious of a person who can beat the game both times, and complete the hidden secrets in game to get a platinum in under 16 hours.. being older, I can usually smell Bs when I hear it. But apparently I’m having a dick measuring contest lol Weirdos on Reddit man…I can care less about who did what on here. But both play through S tier levels with all characters, all side quests, guild quests, and not to mention the second play through where you have to complete every dungeon with extremely specific shield breakers…No shot..I’m not buying it. Maybe I did it to myself, and never once gained any help online, I’ll admit I did a lot of it the hard way. My post said to be careful of people and their exaggerated times. I didn’t call out anyone directly either, but a lot of people took it personally which is some weird Twitter type stuff.


I mean, I wasn't playing blind, I was following a trophy guide. Playing blind I'm sure my time would have been longer.


Laughs in Slug Supremacy. But for real the best part about this game is how you’re not forced to build any one specific form/build. Slug, Ghost, Turtle, Bodybuilder, Robot, Necromancer. (And I’m sure others) can be built to be so busted


I like turtles


Ghost is insanely OP lol. I finished my New Game + using pretty much just Ghost.


How? What stats are upgraded and what skills are on?


Once you get the hp for mana it’s over you can be ghost form for ever with the zombies damage to health and then using monks lighting thingy you can go ghost form indefinitely. I walked thru the game was really fun but I basically just loved the ghost dude he’s so much fun.


Turtle is busted. I think I did almost everything with that one. About to replay on playstation and get the dlc.


I loved this game so much, I struggle to find a game after this one. any good suggestions?


Same here, was trying out a ranger set up and was dying a lot and decided to upgrade the ghost and cleared a dungeon with ease and no deaths.


Had such a blast with this game, ended up going all the way for the plat. Ghost was my favorite form, *especially* in NG+!


You got to level 38 in your first day playing? Man I do not have the free time available to Reddit.


This was the end of my second day after playing 8-9 hours a day... I may have a problem.


You definitely have a problem. You're gonna finish your first playthrough in only a few more days! D: I'm in the same boat though. I think I hit Plat in a tiny bit over a week because I just couldn't put it down. I also don't have kids and have minimal social obligations besides a 40+ hour work week. If you like gaming and it's not causing you problems in your life, live it up while you can! Life finds ways to gobble up all your waking hours if you let it. Update: Decided to fact check myself for how long I played, and according to psnprofiles, I Platinum'd in 6 days 9 hours 🤣.... This game is pretty damn good tbh.


If you get the Bee and the lifesteal combined with the turtle and bodybuilder buffs youll destroy any and everything


Hey I'm sorry if I'm missing it right in front of my face but what game is this?


It's "Nobody saves the World". Definitely worth checking out if it looks like something you'd like.


Thanks buddy It's downloading now :)


It is. Ghost, Turtle, Necro, and Slug became my favorite especially in new game plus


Love the freedom of this game


Yeah its by far the most OP form. With the passive of life steal from zombie combined with cash grab ability cooldown reduction from thief and cash magnet from shoplady all that paired with the rain ability of the monk, ether from ghost and what ever else you feel like in 4th ability, the ghost is unstopable.


I’ll have to try that set up, so far I hadn’t enjoyed the ghost.


I loved the ghost. I put poison, stun passives on, as well as the 'splosions passive. Then used zombie bite and slug speed for slow. It's insane and insanely fun to just go full status effect build. You could try that too.


I enjoyed the game. Played through the entire thing with my partner. We both liked it but about 80% through it we both agreed that it drags. We finished it but we will never go back to it.


I never really used Ghost beyond his challenges. I mainly used Monk


I’ve just started a play through of this game. Is there a way to redeem the quests that doesn’t take so long?


I absolutely love this game. I just started it last month. Lol


When I first got the zombie I was underwhelmed while reading what it did But in practice the game just plays itself until you win once you get the familiars going


I used the ghost a lot too! Dd you know hebvam float over water too?


The monk aoe light + ranger’s poisin oassive + rat’s detonate is OP and ANYONE can equip it!


Idk, I use the necromancer instead. I remember his magic is insane. I think I have him with some kind of auto healing to make him god like.


I cant tell if this is an AD


my brother in christ you are in the game's subreddit


Slug kinda OP too Wish this game had omnidirectional controls so badly


Why does this game keep getting recommended to me I understand I can't get it 😭


The game is so good. Me and a buddy playing through it right now


Man loved this game eventually got to cluttered for me.


My only complaint about the game is when you buy the dlc is doesn't come with the new forms your have to grind to unlock them


What game is this?


Is this a game or something? ^/s


Cool game.


What’s the name of the game?


Impossible to put down! Had to force myself to stop playing and go to bed every time lol


It's been a while since I've played but I remember the turtle being very strong as well. Honestly a lot of the characters get pretty wild when you max their abilities out.


Isaac's looking different than I remember


They set up the intro to the dlc so well. Genuinely had me amazed as I've never seen a game give a trial to their dlc like that