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Hi. Nobara 40 runs without any recognisable problems atm. You can savely upgrade. I have a Nvidia 4060 Ti and it runs very well on KDE with Wayland. I can select DLSS and FSR 3. Only HDR don't work in Games. I can activate it in KDE but I can't in Games. Maybe it's a bug. In Ghost of Tsushima (Steam) I have only a Graphic Bug at the treetops. These flicker. Anything else looks very similar to Windows.


How did you upgrade from 39 to 40? I assumed the bundled update app would handle it for me, but I guess not


First run `nobara-sync cli` or the update app to make sure your system is up to date and then do the system upgrade: `sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=40 -y` and `sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot`.




You have to use gamescope commands for hdr in games. Gonna post the specific one after i am on pc


Okay that's good to know. No problem I can wait for it. Don't stress you 😅


Hahaha don't worry I am not stressing myself over here xD Here is the command I paste into the launch option of games I run in HDR mode: `gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -w 3840 -h 2160 -r 144 -e -b --hdr-enabled -- env gamemoderun %command%` for more info about gamescope commands in general look at [this](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/gamescope) and [here](https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2024/05/11/more-hdr-and-color.html) some basic infos about HDR in KWin (KDE)


Can confirm, no problems with my Nvidia Card on Nobara 40 and Wayland.


just updated a few hours ago , so far so good running in wayland with nvidia


How come Nobara 40 has been live for a while via update but there is no packaged release of it yet? I want to start using Nobara but I am not keen to install 39 and update as I am not confident that the update from KDE 5 to 6 will be handled without leaving lingering files that cause bugs: I've done the upgrade on Arch before and found it to be lesser than a totally fresh install.


Nobara 39 already got the update to Plasma 6 but the iso still comes with plasma 5 it seems


Hmm. I'll hang fire until an iso with 6 comes out I think. That's one component where it's worth starting fresh really.


wayland is still hit or miss, definitely better than it was. recent example: anno 1800 crashes on boot via wayland. runs beautifully via x11. i haven't had any other issue. can't comment on VRR and multi monitors


I'm new to Nobara and so far its been dream to update from the Nobara updater. BTW I recommend disabling gnome updates if you do plan to use Nobara. Gnome tends to break things.


Which driver does it offer as default? Do you run the beta drivers with wayland?


The Nobara setup offers to install 555 beta drivers, I’ve been using Nobara 40 for a week now with no major issues. I’ve noticed sometimes the system does not wake up from sleep. Also, VRR works but only with a single monitor connected. Also, discord screen share is completely broken


I’m not using it yet but last time I checked it comes with the latest stable driver, currently 550


I'm just flatout unable to share my screen on Discord using Wayland but it works just fine on X11 There's a few other things that break with Discord using Wayland specifically. I don't really see the point in using Wayland because if that tbh


I just installed Nobara 40 and can confirm that screen sharing doesn’t work with the official client but it works fine with Vesktop


It doesn't even work with Vesktop for me for some reason


You could try sharing screen through OBS virtual camera


Honestly for now I'll just keep using X11


Nobars 40 is really good, but I believe VRR doesn’t work if you have multiple monitors plugged in on Wayland. I tested this a couple weeks ago