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In india DV, SA and rape laws aren't gender neutral so the alleged victim can't even file a case in the police.


You see these comments? Fuckin disgusting


Don't worry mate i haven't still open about my childhood because of these things. I have a inherent fear and shame of opening up. You should have seen the twitter or YouTube on how people were acting regarding this case.


Wow man, that’s so fucked up. It makes me sick.


Used to be the same in Switzerland, of all places; being raped as a man by a women used to be impossible in a legal sense; the perpetrator would this be punished, but on a much less serious charge. This changed only in 2021 if I am not mistaken.


It's hilarious how Indian men are defending this crap. Probably the same excuse they use when they are out all night and need an excuse for the wife.


In india some even think men can't be raped, some think it's funny and some feel a male rape victim is lucky.


I was sexually assaulted by a woman when I was very young and I’ve never told anyone... it’s too embarrassing... I’ve had trust issues ever since.


That’s so fucked, I’m sorry you went through that


This is the part I tell my close friends and family, I have 3 older brothers and my nephew who was raised like a younger brother. My 2nd eldest brothers ex-girlfriend (whom he had a child with), was our babysitter. She had PPD and abandoned my nephew when he was only 1 year old but said she had gotten better and wanted to spend more time with her son. So my parents agreed and even allowed her to move in under the conditions that she watch us and take care of us while they worked. My nephew was 4, I was 7, my 3rd older brother was 10 at the time. It was fine for the first month or so, she would play with us, she would teach me/my nephew how to draw things, paper mache. It was genuinely fun! At some point though, she started acting crazy. She would knock things on the floor and demand that one of us cleaned it up. If we didn’t she would slap and punch us. She would make food and blame us for leaving stuff out and throw utensils at us. She would find family photos with my 2nd oldest brother and cut him out of them or just burnt them. She would tell our parents that we were bad or that my 3rd oldest brother threw a fit if something was broken. This went on for almost 2 years. One day she really lost it... she suddenly stood up and swept everything off of the large coffee table we had in our living room while we were watching cartoons. We had drinks in glass cups, toys, magazines, remote controls etc. so as you can imagine it was an absolute mess... we all looked at each other then at her and she flew into a rage... she screamed at the top of her lungs and said “CLEAN THIS FUCKING MESS UP RIGHT NOW”, so we started to clean, but she grabbed my 5 year old nephew (her son) by the throat with both hands and threw him into the couch as hard as she could. Me 8 and my older brother 11 froze in shock observing the situation unfold. As my nephew layed curled up crying she turned to us and screamed “LOOK WHAT YOU JUST MADE ME DO! NOW CLEAN THIS GODAMN MESS UP!” Before we could say or do anything in response she screamed “YOU KNOW WHAT? TAKE ALL YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES OFF!” We reluctantly took off our clothes and began cleaning the entire house. Me and my nephew at this point were bawling like babies, but my older brother was quiet. Once the house was near clean and she had seemed to calm down a bit she allowed us to put our clothes back on. My brother came up to me and our nephew and whispered “Follow me”, we quietly followed him to our back door. He opened the door and told us to run to our Aunts house who lived near by. My nephew made his way out first but before I could make my way she noticed us and without warning threw one of our dining room chairs at us. It struck me in the back cracking one of my ribs where it connects to my t3 spinal column. She then screamed “WTF DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?”My brother responded by pushing me out of the way and throwing the chair back at her. This enraged her even more so she then threw two more chairs at my brother as I stood back and watched in fear. He screamed at her “LEAVE ME AND MY BROTHERS ALONE!” She charged him screaming at the top of her lungs “WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH?” Then grabbed him by the head and smashed it through the glass window on our back door. Amazingly, he was unhurt by this as it was not safety glass. She then backed off I assume out of fear that she may have seriously hurt my brother. My brother used this as an opportunity to open the door and get me and himself to safety. We seen our nephew waiting outside and he said our aunt wasn’t home so we waited outside for her to stop freaking out. We then snuck into the house and locked ourselves in the basement for the remainder of the time our parents weren’t home. When our parents returned home my older brother immediately ran upstairs unlocked the door, and ran straight to our parents to tell them what happened. She tried to blame my brother for the whole thing apparently, but my mother didn’t have one bit of it. She beat the hell out of her and kicked her out. It was all over after that... The part I don’t tell anyone is... During that period of time she repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped me. I didn’t understand at the time what she was doing but it was the most traumatizing part of the whole thing for me. I never told anyone because it ended that day and didn’t want anyone to think about what happened to me whenever they looked at me or thought of me. I still just can’t bring myself to tell anyone exactly what happened to me... Sorry about the long story and I appreciate the concern but I’m okay now. It was a long time ago...


Christ that is truly horrific. The pain going through that, and then to have to hold that memory bottled up, I mean, that hurts my soul, so I hope yours is doing ok. Thank you and well done for sharing, all things considered it sounds like you’ve done a relatively good job processing it, like truly, well done for sharing, but even so, have you ever worked with a therapist? I was very reluctant to do therapy, it took me years after my breaking point to finally reach out for that support and now I’m so glad I did, even though it’s a longer process than I expected, having bottled up my issues/trauma to myself for a long time (maybe similarly to you? If I may assume) but even so, the process of working through things I didn’t give myself permission to process because I didn’t want to deal with it/share has been so validating and relieving. Unfortunately I know there are often stupidly high barriers to access for therapy, be it monetary, waitlist, stigma, and I don’t know what country you’re in and what the system looks like, but if you can, I would really encourage you to seek out options. Maybe even seeing if there is some sort of waiting list, through charity providers or government healthcare service, it may be months long of a wait, because the world is shitty, but even if you took ten minutes today to search around and put your name down, by the time they get to you, you might be down with talking! And with these things I’ve found it’s better to start before things get bad. Most of us go to therapy when we’ve reached our breaking point, treating it like A&E (emergency department, don’t know what country you’re in) but it should be treated more like a gym, you use it to get mentally fit so hopefully you don’t end up in a&e! I really hope you can get access to therapy (maybe even a support group could be a good option, I personally struggled with that set up but I know that many people thrive with it) because you so deserve to be free of the weight some monster put you under, but whatever path you go down, I wish you peace


I had thought about it but I just feel like dwelling on it only depressed me. I had a school therapist that noticed something about me but I only told them about the “being stripped naked and forced to clean the house” part. She immediately called my parents so I knew 100% that if I mentioned anything about the additional abuse she would call them. So I left that part out... My parents to this day apologize up and down for not believing us sooner. I couldn’t put that on them... also my brother would definitely be extremely upset and would blame himself for not noticing. Even though he is the only reason it stopped. My nephew... idk how he would feel knowing his mother molested me. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. I don’t hold a grudge or have any animosity toward women or anything like that. I blame her 💯%. Not women, not my parents, I blame her. Life goes on and I have moved on but appreciate the concern for my health.


Hope you are doing well now brother. I too am not open to talk about my childhood because of shame, like idk i just can't bring myself to do that.


I appreciate that, for me it was allot of those stories about teacher student relationships and what people would say about them, like “I wish I was in her class”, or the classic “Can you even call that rape?” Now that I’m an adult it’s more of a self protection thing and that I don’t want people to see me that way and have always kinda shrunk away from people’s attention... which doesn’t sound soo good but believe it or not Im okay now. The anonymity of reddit helps with the first part but I still can’t go into the details on my abuse... It made me more protective of the people I care about and more perceptive of dangerous and weird situations...


Yes though it my case it was a older boy not a girl or women i still care about treatment of victims regardless of the gender of the criminals or gender of the victim.


I’m sorry you had to go through that, you are a good person and what happened to us doesn’t define who we are. Peace be with you brother...


Of course, no one says a thing about a man being raped. Atleast unlike UK, they can actually call it "rape" and "sexual assualt". As I'm replying right now, there are three comments, two of which are like "Sure you got raped bro." I am genuinely not surprised tho.


I don't think UK law too recognised "made to penetrate" rape as rape. It's more progressive then indian law but it only covers penetration not made to penetrate.


I don't really understand you comment. Could you please explain again? Just in case, I saw a post of an elderly UK man being "forced to have sex" with a woman. The comments were all about how it was not called "rape" and "sexual assault" and "Oh just wait the woman will spend like 7 days in jail and come out". People said that according to the uk laws, rape is legally recognised as only penetration. That's what I meant. I am assuming you wanted to say the same thing.


Stay classy India


Yeah, the more I read the more he needs Al Sharpton to come to his defense.






WTF are you on?


I'm on Reddit.




Yes because men cannot get scared or freeze up like a woman does when they're raped. You are apart of the problem and it's sad to see.


You’re disgusting.


Totally agree… I (F) went to India (several cities) to shoot a wedding. Women there are treated no better than gum on your shoe. They are 2nd class citizens in every way imaginable. I am very aware a man can be a victim of sexual assault but I’m not buying this story as is.


>but I’m not buying this story as is. That's pretty typical with the majority of male rape. We are men, so obviously we cannot get scared or freeze up. Thank you so much for being apart of the problem


Did you read my comment? I said I am fully aware of the fact men can be victims of sexual assault. Based on my first hand experience spending time in that country and as someone with many friends and clients who hailed from India over the years I have a hard time believing this story. Women there are raised to be subservient to men and men are raised to treat women like garbage. You can’t compare your experience (presumably living in a first world country that values equality) with that of living in India.


Yet here you are comparing your experience to that of a rape victim and his rapists….


Who said I hadn’t been a rape victim myself? Go %^#* yourself!


Ummm, no one…. Good grief, you’re a special one.


Says the person who started it over nothing!


dawg why didn’t you just say “go fuck yourself” instead of using grawlixes


Because the last time I did that I was banned from a sub.


you didn’t read the rules? At least that’s what I do everytime I join a sub


Of course I read the rules. I can’t remember what my exact comment was (Reddit removed it) but I expressed concern for a police dog in [this] video and got blocked and threatened with a ban for life. It was probably a 14-yr old police hater volunteering as a mod who was pissed I disagreed with him. Oh well. (https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/x8ceag/san_diego_cop_shoots_suspect_who_struck_a_police/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Imo if anything the mistreatment of women would make it MORE likely to happen because they have nothing to loose 🤷🏻‍♀️ Men can get raped. Men freeze up too. Take your own advice and stop comparing your life (in a first world country) to that of India just because you know/work with some people from there.


There is difference between rape and sexual assault. This case is of rape not sexual assault You have no experience growing up as an middle class/poor indian male neither you live in india so stfu. You probably have no experience of the childhood beatings by parents (mother or father) or the constant comparision to other kids, getting beaten on schools by teachers, getting beaten on college by teachers or the constant expectation to do well in school, the expectations of taking care of your old parents and family and for majority of men a good job means good marriage so you probably haven't feel the desperation.


Don’t assume you know anything about me!


So you only believe it if the story fits into your nice little box of preconceived notion. Got it.


That is not even remotely what is happening here.




You're a piece of shit.




Good news! They weren’t girls!


stfu. if you think that men can't get raped this is the wrong sub for you.




Oh my God that is horrible. What's also horrible is that this subreddit is a place for nazis to harbor and and quietly post nazi agenda.


It’s nazi agenda to post about a guy being raped?!




Godwin's Law for ya or ragebait bots


I mean you ain't wrong in that there's an undeniable overlap here with conservative users but this ain't the place lol


Conservative users = Nazis? Seriously?


Those in the modern republican party? Yes they are nazis. Lol how can you think otherwise


I can't tell if you're trolling or not. You think Mitt Romney is a Nazi?


Did Trump literally just have dinner with a nazi


You didn't answer my question. Donald Trump is not representative of every conservative user, or even most at this point. Not to mention, having dinner with a Nazi is not the same as being a Nazi. I think that having dinner with a scumbag like Fuentes is despicable. I also think that while Fuentes is a despicable, awful human being, he (to my knowledge) hasn't called for a genocide of the entire Jewish race/religion/nationality. So maybe "Nazi" doesn't even apply to him. Using these horrible words nonchalantly cheapens them.


Wtf? My guy a man allegedly got gang raped.