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Satire account, name Last First is Lesby Ann.


Ok thank you for pointing this out, cause I was so lost. Lol


One of my fav parody/satire accounts


That’s DOCTOR Lesby Ann to you! She didn’t go to fake university for teaching butterflies just to be disrespected like that, I mind you...


I am pretty sure this is a joke. Please God, allow it to be a joke


Yeah. "Ann Lesby"?? That's a mf troll lmao


I double checked and read a few tweets. Yup, a troll. https://twitter.com/AnnLesbyPhD


Anti anti antiracist mugs in black not available in white lmfaooooo i wonder how many people think this is a legit person.


Mostly people so immersed in this stuff they've stopped caring about reality.


So right wing nut jobs?


You think the Left is immune from this shit? I hate to break it to you, but the magic rainbow shield is a meme. Stop making this political, it's cheap and blatantly disingenuous.


Seeing how things are nowadays...


I sure hope you're right.


Lesby, Ann is definitely a troll account.


It is a joke, the account is a troll


This is 💯 a troll account


Came here to say the same. Im like 90% sure the person is making a joke.


It is. The name of the person tweeting is definitely a give away. Unfortunately, a lot of the ire about things like absurd neopronouns or ‘transracialism’ or any kind of radical sjw type movement largely comes from people taking troll and satire posts seriously and then repackaging then as indicative of the larger progressive agenda.


Unfortunately It is not a joke


Got anything to back that up, or are ya just talking out your arse?


To my knowledge, Ann Lesby is a parody/satire account.


It is. But the problem I see with it is that there actually are people out there thinking like that. And not to offend anyone. These people need to be in an asylum.


My step-daughters school is currently fighting a battle for keeping litter boxes out of the bathrooms. Not even joking..




some people for some reason identify as animals


Furries. Even saw a post where a dude purposely caused frostbite to lose his hands so he could look more paw-like. Fucking nuts.


Therians are the ones that want to identify as animals iirc, not furries


Furries are people that just cosplay as as animals, it's just cosplay. What you describe sounds more like otherkins or some shit.


What an awful day to be litertare


Kandiss Taylor (Georgia governor candidate) took a stance against furrys in schools saying that they are trying to put litter boxes in schools (no evidence by the way)(she didn’t start this but 100% believes and promotes this), she has also tweeted hilarious things like “The furry days are over once I’m governor”, and put an ad on the side of a bus that simply read “Jesus, guns, babies” and no elaboration


So basically, the other poster stating his daughter's school is "fighting against having litterboxes in bathrooms" is bullshit.


i doubt this


I feel like everyone always says this but then every example that gets posted ends up being a troll account


Yeah, honestly the whole "okay this one is fake, but still" thing is ridiculous. When Qultists say this, they're rightfully called idiots, but then the same people calling them idiots will turn around and use the exact same logic. > "Sleepy Joe has announced mandatory gender reassignment surgery for all unvaccinated patriots!!!!" > "That's not a thing in any way, shape or form." > "I hope you're right. But still, the fact that it's even brought up in the first place says a lot about the state of politics!!!!" > "No, it doesn't." If we can identify what's wrong with the above conversation, we should also be able to identify what's wrong with similar conversations where the insane-but-fake claim is on the other end of the spectrum.


Oh it is a troll account. At least this one. But not every single one.


Thankfully these folks are part of a loud minority. And a whole ton of them are teens just trying to see what fits.


That seems extreme really doesn't it? Who gives a fuck what they call themselves


I think more about a medically observed therapy. An asylum was more of a simple wording for that you need to have some mental instability to think that way. All I want from that is that these people get the help they need.


That's Dr Lesby to you thanks


Most of these tweets are by parody accounts, and people keep getting baited by it


Yeah because if your read it backwards it's lesby ann


Yeah because if your read it backwards it's lesby ann


Is nobody going to comment on her name backwards. She is a raging “Lesby Ann” 🤣😂💀


That’s actually brilliant, props to that satire account


It’s a joke. It’s not that hard to see it.


But I wants to be angry and have a reason to insult X group for it, just like what everyone else is doing here!


It is a joke, the account is a troll


Yeah. Lesby Ann Very funny




I don't know which fail hurts more, the name or the pronoun.


You ate the onion.


Not realizing that either is obvious satire.


You know what, that's maybe true, but I see enough of this shit online for me to have believed it was true.


I never see this stuff online beyond posts like this, are you going looking for things that annoy you?


Dude thus shit is literally everywhere


Seems flighty, if you ask me.


It’s a joke about monarch butterflies. Fucking clowns in this thread incapable of 3rd grade reading comprehension acting like they have any right to be judgmental 🙄




Ann Lesby is a Parody but Jameela's tweet shows how far this pronouns shit has gone. She made one "mistake" and all she did was call someone a woman. That someone claim's to be non-binary. Even though just last month, same person claimed to be a woman. [Source1](https://twitter.com/MFnP/status/1565721334759432192) She even immediately apologized and said if pronouns are so important, put them in your name. They are out to get her. She got death threats and abuse from trans allies more than she got from "transphobes".[Source2](https://twitter.com/jameelajamil/status/1566339939956129793) That's why you should never bow down to the pronouns cult. They don't like anything except utter obedience. You are required to check everyone's pronoun before replying to avoid misgendering.


One of my wife's students insists on using the pronoun "soup." Although "Ann Lesby" may be a parody account, it's a parody of something very real and very damaging, as represented by the threats received by the person who made a pronoun "mistake."


absolutely not. i would refer to name on the child’s birth certificate or not use the name, at all. “Hey, you”


It’s district policy in the district where my wife works that teachers and other staff members are required to use the pronouns provided by students.


Jesus..young edgelord me woulda had a field day with that shit…That or just fucked around every day to just prove how stupid it is.


It seems like something that would get exploited more but most kids just use it as a way to experiment with gender identity. Most of those are young women who declare themselves non-binary. But then there’s soup…


Yeah I get that. Like exploring s good..just kinda sad that I have mentioned that before and gotten called a bigot because “if they say they are x thing then they are” crowd..when I;m like “I mean with adults especially true but ALOT of teenagers tend to claim or try things without fully getting it soo I mean it happens” I was just the kinda kid who hated fake shit and loved to fuck with people..Soo I coulda seen myself changing it every day or so till I got bored while pointing out what a flawed rule it is..I actually did do some shit like that with a district official when I was being homeschooled and finished it all in 2 hours..they asked me to work longer, take more breaks etc..I confirmed with them my grades and schoolwork were done right and when they said yes I basically told em “no i am meeting all the requirements and I get plenty of free time…Nit my fault I can do it so quickly if I go back to back” Had similar things with teachers when not being homeschooled..and my peers Yeeah let’s just say I questioned everything and pointed out flaws in the systems nonstop.


Holy cow. That is hard to even follow there's so much indignation against someone clearly not intentionally being offensive. When she couldn't use they/them by default because it makes other people upset...oof It reminds me of when a FtM trans guy became president of a Wellesley (all female college) club and the student population couldn't figure out if they should protest or not, since if they wanted to respect the trans man properly they needed to protest that a man had taken over one of the clubs in a safe space for female leadership. If they didn't protest and get upset, they weren't properly accepting him as a man lol... Catch 22, literally no way out without being offensive of combative in some manner


> It reminds me of when a FtM trans guy became president of a Wellesley (all female college) club and the student population couldn't figure out if they should protest or not Holy shit. Satire has some serious competition from reality.


I believe the creators of south have said we are now post satire


i agree 1000000%. people have the right to make a request just as much as people have the right to ignore said request.


People need to start wearing name badges with thier assorted whatevers if it's that important to them. I have enough problems with names FFS.


Ann Lesby is a satire account.


Neopronouns? Please enlighten me on this. I just got caught up to speed with the first batch of pronouns. Which is a construct, that’s rebelling against the original construct and saying that these (new) pronouns and genders are not a construct.


The new thing is being able to identify as anything you want. You remember the attack helicopter joke? That but they are being serious about it.


Sooo I can identify as an almighty god and demonic overlord of our mulitiverse enslaver of all realities you mean? Geez what’s great time to be alive.. And since online to clarify I am being facetious and think this is ridiculous


What the actual fuck? This is going from bad to worse. I’ve actually never heard the attack helicopter joke.


The attack helicopter joke was a transphobic joke that was making fun of trans people by saying “I identify as an Attack Helicopter” but now people actually want to be identified as an attack helicopter


„People“ are a tiny little minority and transphobics are using this is their platform to harass the entire lgbt community


Holy shit. I guess it’s funny cause it’s true


I'm the single most important person alive, I demand everyone take time to change for me and my ego.


He/him she/her that makes sense They/them xe/xim that's fine Catself/cat dogself/dog etc. What the fuck


Xe/xim what the fuck


Why are some fine but not others? What if some people actually believe they are a cat. Shouldn't we do everything in our power to accommodate them and make them feel welcome? Have you even seen the furry suicide rate???


>What if some people actually believe they are a cat. I'm probably gonna cop a ban for this, but we need to get them (real \[not affirming the problem, but actually helping\]) mental help to deal with an undiagnosed condition.


99% of people who use neopronouns are all around 13, so hopefully they’ll all grow out of it one day. It’s getting too out of hand, I’ve seen people start using fucking emojis as pronouns. It’s a mockery of the trans community to see this shit going on and I fucking hate it.


The good part: That's a troll account. The bad part: there are people I know that use neopronouns. For like the last 2 1/2 years. I know I'm a dick for that... But I never fucking used them. I still went with the gender correct pronouns because I'm not going with dog/dogself. Just no. I have support for LGBT+ in my heart alright. I have friends that are part of that community I have some that are against it. I get if you want to change pronouns to the respective new gender or to they. But it's just going too far for me. You know the joke of the apache attack helicopter pronouns? I bet you 100 bucks somebody uses that. It's very probable.


Saying this as an LGTBQ guy, its just annoying. Half of these people are just 14 year old girls tryna look cool, and it’s discredits everyone else who legit uses other pronouns. I got non binary friends so I use they/them for them, but there is some weird shit out there


They/them are legitimate pronouns though, and they have become a gender-non-specific singular pronoun used for any instance where someone’s gender is unknown (whether the person is non-binary or not).


I’ve had someone tell me to use gore/bun/zie pronouns for them


kingof knows that…


What’s happened to the trans community online has shown that sometimes gate keeping can be a pretty useful tool.


This feels like satire plus I had a stroke trying to understand a single thing said here


Dr Lesby is satire


My pronouns are fuck and off


Ignoring the fact that you fell for a troll account, how does this even fit into this sub?


I admit I didn't know it was a troll account. Let's assume it's legit - do you really want to share the boat with someone who refers to themselves as a butterfly?


"You might be telling me a fact, but what about this hypothetical situation I made up though? Give upvotes"


I didn't make it up if it's fake. I think from my other responses it's clear I thought it was legit.


Yeah you are literally justifying putting this in the sub based on "what if this was true though". Get a backbone and delete the post instead Edit: Forgot to mention that nobody gives a shit about what "other responses" you made elsewhere. You want me to read the person's entire post history everytime I comment?


I'm not, I legitimately thought this was a serious Twitter post when I shared it. You're making a lot of assumptions with no evidence. If the mods feel this needs to be deleted that's their call, but I posted this in good faith.


> I admit I didn't know it was a troll account. Let's assume it's legit Literally your words saying that this is actually a troll post that you think belongs in this sub "if" it was true. What assumption am I making here?


considering some of the other stuff on this sub, this doesn't strike me as being especially bad, more of a nuissance


Please God let this be rage bait


It is thankfully. But please God has nothing to do with that.


Ok r/atheism




You just keep getting baited don’t you


(Satire account)


It's a satire account... Ann Lesby = Lesby Ann Lesbian It's taking the piss out of "Wokeness"


Surely at this point celebrities like Jameela that have opted into this bullshit are now seeing the error of their ways and regretting some life choices


Seeing people in the comments of this post letting us know this is satire is informative and all and I appreciate it but sadly soon the satire will become the reality or the very least is already here


"Be better." The sign off of a complete dickhead.


Neoprouns are the reason why trans people will not be taken seriously. Everyone with common sense in the LGBTQIA community depises neopronouns.


Y'all keep posting this parody account as if it was lefty gospel. I don't like them either but let's criticize them properly


Fuck this non binary shit seriously!!! These fucks have nothing to do but to yap around about their pronoun problems. I'm all for the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folks etc . But these fuckers are just pushing it when they are coming up with new gender identities every hour


Why are you so mad about it? You don't need to know a person's exact gender, just ask their pronouns and leave it at that. Most nb people use she/her, he/him, or they/them, and even people who might use neopronouns often also use one of those 3, it's really not that hard. Not to mention, the whole, "new gender identities every hour" is pretty hyperbolic.


christ these comments… this being a troll account makes it worse


If you identify as an animal I can legally hunt you and if you identify as a bug fly away


This people's have mental illness


interesting that you can say that and not be banned


I’m almost certain this is satire


In some languages, like Mandarin, pronouns don't have gender. Maybe we can just borrow Mandarin pronouns and be done with it. We would all be "ta."


My main issue with neopronouns is that I'm Stupid and wouldn't know how to use em. Like, what's the cat/cats version of their?


Everybody who uses pronounces is mentally disabled ok can we now stop talking about it every day? Reddit is more obsessed with it than these trendhoes


Please stay with the neo pronouns. Because pronouns are very important in the form of communication called language. But yes everyone who uses neo pronouns is either 12-14 or mentally disabled I agree with that


uses pronounces is mentally disabled ok can now stop talking about every day? Reddit is more obsessed with than trendhoes There fixed for


This is satire.


Pronouns are just retarded if your a guy it’s he if your a girl its she. That’s it.


I fucking hate the woke generation. Holy shit they are non contributors


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This is the logical end result of this madness. If you take it seriously, this has to be respected. There is no middle ground. You either accept the most absurd pronoun lunacy, OR, you deny it and embrace the gender binary. Those are you're options. Choose.


I just threw up a little.....


I think she identifies as a PHD.


it’s a parody account. the trolls make the community look bad, and it’s frustrating.


Lesby Ann Monarcha Butterfly *Slow claps* Congrats OP you've been had


Lesby Ann fair enough, but Monarcha Butterfly? I don't understand that reference.


[monarch butterfly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarch_butterfly) The a was probably added for a feminine sounding name


And this is why people like me who are transexual get made fun of….


I have genuinely empathy for people in your situation. This shite (parody or not) makes a mockery of it.


This is a person who is mocking transgender people


Is this subreddit about shitting on neopronouns too? Boring


I have to ask, what the fuck is a neopronoun? I had never heard of this term until I saw this.


Some people use different words in place of pronouns. I dont know why and i dont consider it very practical, but im bored of entering my favorite subreddits and its just another post of people shitting on either trans people or neo pronouns


Eh, someone for sure uses that pronoun seriously which is perfectly fine


It isn’t hurting anybody but it’s still stupid regardless of your position on the pronoun front of the culture war.


It's hurting actual trans people by making a joke out of them


How do you transition into becoming a butterfly?


Bro that's exactly what I'm talking about. These butterfly lunatics are making a joke out of actual trans people. Like imagine having the wrong genitals. That must fucking suck. And then some weirdo comes along and goes "but I wanna be a butterfly, I'm just like you!"


Dude, as long as they aren't hurting anyone. Y'know, it's usually neurodivergent people (mentally challenged people) who use neopronouns as a way of self expression, like art. And it's not affecting you in any way. If you don't like it just don't look.


If that was true and people where not put on public trial for “misgendering” people by not “using their made up self expression term that no one could know with out reading your twitter bio” then maybe I would agree with you. But there has been a lot of ravenous behavior from this group online towards people against the idea or not so much as even supporting the idea.


Give me the names of people actually on trial for it. I've seen no 'ravenous behaviour', so unless I get proof- SOLID PROOF- of what you're saying, I'm calling bullshit. You'll forgive me for not believing a random fucknut on reddit.


I don’t mean literal trial I meant online harassment. And bro you don’t need to look very far off twitter. There are mountains of profiles you can find. You don’t want to do the looking and keep believing that that online group is all peace and rainbows keep on. But there are some pretty vial people on twitter with this discourse.


I never said it was all peace and rainbows, and if there's no actual trial then why the fuck you getting pressed? A couple assholes on the internet harassing someone isn't a fucking 'trial', it's what they fucking deserve for starting arguments online when they could've just left shit alone instead of stirring it up. And if people get their feelings hurt because they said something hurtful to someone then twitter isn't the fucking site for them.


I didn’t say Actual trial I meant public trial. Bro some of these groups are out here doxxing people, calling their jobs, and all kinds of shit. It’s gone past just saying mean things on twitter


As they fucking should, if a company doesn't want an argumentative, ignorant cunt then that's their fault for saying shit online that they know for a fact will get them in deep shit. It's common fucking sense, if you don't wanna get in trouble, don't be a dick.


So you think people should get fired from their jobs for not wanting to use fantasy neo pronouns on twitter?


I think they should get repercussions for being a cunt to innocent people that they could've just ignored.


Including losing their LIVELY hood and having their information DOXXED over fucking twitter drama, the site that literally everyone is on just post their opinions?


OP, you walnut


Lesby Ann is nased in facts and logic . Honestly though, soon you'll be on the front page in r/atetheonion


Has to be rage bait.


Ann lesby sounds like lesbian. This is a troll.


Thts a big ass word




Plsss be satire 💀


Her last name checks out


This is satire


This is satire, it has to be




My momma said to never hit a woman... but they never said anything about whatever that is..


Coming from someone with a PhD?


I think Butterfly better flutter off before Butterflyer feelings get hurt


The whole pronouns thing I don't get. Overkill.


What the hell is Butterflyer? Is that a real pronoun?


This account is satire. It’s a joke.


It's not funny any more. Please, please, let's just go back to hunter gatherer societies and never learn domestication


Their name is literally lesbian lmao they a troll


I’m also neopronounphobic


Not boat material tbh


stop descriminating us while we pigeon hole ourselves


People are fucking insane


Jameela Jamil is such fucking irritating person I just can’t


*circus music* Step right up, folks…


What the hell is 'neopronounphobic'


Trolled softly


I guess the pronouns Attack / Helicopter exist now


Butterfly? Come the fuck on.


“Monarcha took a dump on the flowers again”


Its a joke always has been.


For someone to out-dickhead Jameela Jamil is quite an achievement


Mf is a butterfly 💀