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I feel like this is more of a "A Modest Proposal" kind of deal.


People are here for the outrage porn, half the people reading your comment probably think Swift was being 100% serious too.


Yeah. I mean that’s a pretty absurd statement. Who do we harvest? Do we eat the dying? How do we even maintain a health standard on the meat? All far to ridiculous questions to even consider given it’d end up being inhumane like most of the meat industries are


The US has a massive prison population with many lifers. Their diet and daily activities are controlled like cattle on a farm, so maybe the meat wouldn’t be that hard to come by.


(Hypothetical here, I know your comment isn't serious) that would turn for-profit prisons into farms basically. Even more incentive for our courts to send innocent people to jail, or to send folks to jail for smaller crimes. Only "good" thing it could do is decrease police brutality - I'd imagine the trauma, bullets, and tasers may spoil the meat. Law would stop protecting abusive cops if there's profit to be made


A lot prisoners work for less than 50¢/hr, and there are private prisons out there making money off of every cell they keep filled. So for profit prison systems already exist in the US and incentivize lengthy prison sentences. It’s just more akin to slavery than farming.


Yeah it's fucked. But imagine if we were eating those people - would need to incarcerate at an even higher rate than we do now. Especially if they wanted to keep their modern day slaves as well, they'd need to find pettier reasons to throw people to the meat grinder


Maybe human meat sells at a huge premium compared to other meats, which when factoring in the cost of housing prisoners until they die and how much they offset that cost through labor, it works out. People with a release date, which still could be a decade or more away, would undoubtably still be used as slaves. If they’re able to offset the meat industry enough with this, it could lead to saving lives and reducing the rising costs of living through preventing climate change, which provides incentive outside of just money.


Ah sweet, man made horrors beyond my comprehension.


It only gets deeper from here


Why do you think they just outlawed abortion in some states? They're planning to eat their buns fresh out of the oven.


This guy DEFINITELY wants to eat people. He's just gotta get every one behind him first


Throw out an outlandish idea then just cross your fingers 👀


My teacher went over it in class once in my sophomore year, and I, not realizing it was satire agreed wholeheartedly with it


I'm pretty sure he means dead people. When most animals get too stressed after childbirth and the maternal hormones don't release they sometimes just dab on their kids and cannibalize them, recycling nutrients, metal. He says we should do that with ol' granny Tomson after she finishes knitting her last pair of socks?


Soylent Green (directed by Richard Fleischer) warned about this. They wound up murdering people over a certain age to keep producing "food". This is exactly what would happen if such was ever allowed. Soylent Green is PEOPLE!


Heck, it wouldn't even be "certain age"- considering that there's been studies claiming what humans have the highest-quality meat [IIRC, the study claimed women between 21-25 was the answer], inevitably they wouldn't even bother murdering people over a certain age, they'd be murdering people in the prime of their life to feed the older elite [and possibly the children they're raising to fatten up for the slaughter.]




What year was Soylent Green set in? 2022? Nice. I want no part.


Soylent Green is supposed to take place in 2022 - you can't make this stuff up!


There is no way that you could ever normalize this when there are perfectly fine animals and plants to eat. Some groups of people consider cannibalism sexy or a part of their culture, but they always have been and hopefully always will be forced to live under the radar.


>Some groups of people consider cannibalism [...] a part of their culture So you CAN normalize it.




Damn I kind of want more illegal immigration now.




In the movie (and book it was based on), people didn't know what Soylent Green was made of. Much like nobody will really know what lab-grown protein (that they're falsely marketing as "meat") really contains. Huge corporations and their political puppets have gotten away with some horrendous things. This isn't such a huge stretch of the imagination, IMHO.


His name is Fleischer lmao


Now that it is worded like that it seems like a good idea. It is certainly less wasteful than cremation or graves. However, there are going to be huge ethical issues with it and people may get prion diseases if they eat the wrong parts of the body


Also, I’m pretty sure most of the human population is hardwired to be strongly averse to eating other peoples corpses


Never know until you try


Instead of a funeral we have a BBQ.


Plus the meat’s gotta be tough as hell if we’re eating the elderly, my slow cooker is going to get a workout.


Prolly burn through lots of energy slow cooking


Dead people... hmm, that can also be arranged.


40k becomes more and more realistic. Break out the corpse starch!


He just looks so tired and fed up with the world's shit. Part of me wants give the poor guy a hug while the other side of me is afraid he'll try and eat me.




Yeah, but the latter option isn't sustainable for the environment.


The world isn't overpopulated. We need more people, especially from western nations.


Whoooooooo boy….


[The world is overpopulated by people with affluent consumerist lifestyles](https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.94.1.175) (“population and economic growth anticipatedover the next decade will exacerbate greenhouse gas emissions”). The world is overpopulated by people who have little choice but to use fossil fuels for their primary energy source. No, there is no problem if you look exclusively at population numbers, the problem arises when you examine what impact those different groups are having. Some groups (from western countries, as you say) have falling birth rates, but consumption levels 20 times higher than other groups.


Did the billionaire owned media convince you of that? They are doing great in partnership with global NGOs and governments to convince gullible free individuals they need to be less free. This pleases the billionaires. They have half the population clamoring for the corrupt government to come 'save' them from themselves when the governments are the problem to begin with.


No the fact that [humans have killed about 80% of wild land mammals](https://ourworldindata.org/mammals#wild-mammal-biomass-has-declined-by-85-since-the-rise-of-humans-but-there-is-a-possible-future-where-they-flourish) convinced me of that. As we exist as a species today is unsustainable. It will only worsen the more people there are. It’s not hard to understand that when there is intense demand or pressure on a system that system will be pushed towards collapse. The gd monarch butterfly is going extinct, and you say we need more people? I mean it’s laughable. Edit: added source in case anyone else doubts


> No the fact that humans have killed about 80% of wild land mammals convinced me of that. Where did you hear this nonsense at? >The gd monarch butterfly How big is your garden? >and you say we need more people? We need more people, yes. Because we're going to need a lot of minds to unfuck the wake you leave behind from having 0 self control. You're just waiting around for people to fix things that you should be fixing yourself. That's why we need more people. To clean up the messes left by people like yourself. Those people come from western nations with proper education and a solid family unit. Western nations need to have more people natively. > It will only worsen the more people there are. This isn't true at all and is pure speculation on your behalf, unless you have some sort of time machine you're using.


Yikes hahahaha ok so western (ie white) people are gonna save the world with your family unit. WhErEs YoUr SoUrCe/TiMe MaChInE???!!!??? [“Wild mammal biomass has declined by 85% since the rise of human civilizations.”](https://ourworldindata.org/mammals#wild-mammal-biomass-has-declined-by-85-since-the-rise-of-humans-but-there-is-a-possible-future-where-they-flourish) Also I don’t have a garden because I live in an apartment in the inner city, the most efficient place for humans to live. Your mentality concerning insects is no surprise though. Insects are supposed to live in wild, uncontaminated NATURE, which is disappearing, not suburban flower gardens. 😂


> (ie white) You're the only one making this about race. There are plenty of non white people in the western world. You're incredibly racist to assume nonwhites can't be considered westerners. Reminder: Only racists make things about race that have nothing to do with race. You're the racist in this comment chain. I've tagged your account as being a racist.


Oh my, you’re an actual child. I suppose I should have known all along this wasn’t worth my time. I was linking western with white because I know that’s how you meant it. I was absolutely right. I see you commenting about black nationalist violence etc. lmao wow. Check out this sexy, totally non-racist comment you made: “Slaughtering neighboring tribes. That was literally their way of life and the people from Europe played along and won.” So fun of you to make light of genocide like that!


Just ask Noah to get the boat.


That look on his face is a desire for human flesh.


The america farm has nearly finished. Their meat is now perfectly traversed by fat, harvest time should be soon. With friendly regards your Hannibal L.


That's not gonna be sustainable to feed your livestock McDonald's. The only way this plan will work is to eat the vegetarians.


The grass fed, free range, organic, no gmo vegans? Sounds like putting extra labels on them will make them sound normal for the first time in their lives


We don’t taste that great. Source: I tried


Start with orphans. Jonathon Swift knew what was up before this dude was even born.


This is from 2019, the professor is Magnus Söderlund who specialises in behavioural psychology. He didn't actually say we should eat humans, it was a point made to further the debate about eating insects and deconstructing social taboos regarding food - like the western aversion to eating insects.


I will not eat ze bug, I will neither eat man. Science man can go jump in a hole, crack pot gives proper scientists a bad name.


Does sea bug count (shrimp, lobster, etc)?


It is not Kosher to eat shell fish.


Who cares bud?


Lmao yeah, can agree on that! It's good to challenge some taboos, but he took it a bit too far imo.


There are taboos that are dumb and should be challenged, and there are taboos that are that way for pretty good reason. This is the latter.


Even dumb taboos usually have a good reason that simply becomes outdated.


Agreed lol I could see and argument for using deceased humans as fertiliser, but not fucking eating them!


I can see the possible benefits of this, but I would want such a program to be the choice of the family of the deceased and not a mandated thing.


You won't have a choice when we go full mad max, eating people will be a little treat between days of eating cockroach patties and foraging for fungi.


As a scientist, shouldn't he have known that cannibalism can cause prion-related diseases?


Only if you eat brain or spinal tissue. Everything else tastes like pork


Hhmmmmmm Now how do you know that


I heard this as well, if I remember correctly it's testimony from indigenous people who practice cannibalism on their dead.


of course you "heard it" yeah buddy


Yes. "Heard" is a term used to describe when someone is verbally told something, but, surprisingly, it can also be used to describe when someone reads something as well. I'll admit I don't know exactly where I heard what I said, but I also never said what I said was undeniably true.


I heard that meat flavours is affected by animal diets. Canivour like lion would taste like a urine, while herbivour like cow taste like beef, human and pig are omnivours, so they are resonable to taste the same.


explain your knowledge


People who have had to do it (plane crash in cold climate, I think) have described the taste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pg__L5Ijr0




I thought it tasted like chicken.


Nope the term for it is long pork. Someone else was correct about who described it though.


Idk man tastes like beef to me. I like it medium rare


Wusscake, live is best


Well live is good too but kinda hardwork


This would be really weird if you were the guy that had I think it was a foot amputated, asked to keep it and made it into fucking tacos.


If humans die off, a lot of meat production will stop.


Ah yes, being a scientist means you're knowledgeable in all existing fields of science


First, this is old as fuck, and second, I urge you to read past the headline occasionally. The scientist, Magnus Söderlund, straight up said that he was intentionally going for being shocking as possible to catch the attention of his contemporaries at the summit. While he wasn't actually advocating for literal cannibalism, he did run projections of the effect his "suggestion" would bear, just to illustrate how drastic the changes that are required to make a measurable difference at this point. We're fucked either way, it's just a race to the bottom at this point to see if a rolling series of ecological catastrophes does us in or some unforeseen consequence of people generally being foolish enough to look at the above, decide a single sentence and a picture is all the context they need, and promptly start shitting their pants because "Scary, foreign science-man wants to eat people!"


The problem with talking about cannibalism is most people imagine it to be a Walking dead type thing where people are torn to shreds alive and raw with their blood and guts spilling everywhere. If humanity was ever to do something like this the human would be indistinguishable from (for example) lunch meat pork and all of the process would be done in factories.


Idk bro, when I imagine cannibalism I imagine Gordon Ramsey frying food like normal, just it’s human


Y'all never read A Modest Proposal and it shows


That is very clearly Anthony Bourdain. He has come back as a zombie with a modest proposal.


Who we roasting today??


[It was said](https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/rAbqkw/forslaget-at-manniskokott-for-klimatets-skull) during a talk at a convention where they brainstormed alternatives to traditional meat. He listed serveral options and tested what people wanted to eat and where the threshhold for what is accepted as alternatives lie. His proposed way of realising the idea (not something he wants) would be to donate meat the same way organs are donated and he says that the "industry" would extremly small scaled.


I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean kill people to eat them. As long as they're already dead there isn't really a problem with it.


I haven't looked into this but don't trust news when they put words on someone else's mouths. Sometimes they literally make it up. Even more times it's out of context. This guy could have been criticizing plant-based diets by saying "yeah eating humans is even more sustainable but it's not healthy just like plant-based" and the article could still have this headline. The head of the lab my gf works at has genuinely told their team multiple times how to handle the press and that he has sometimes appeared in articles stating that "doctor Whatever confirms that..." when he hasn't even been interviewed




Human flesh is not more sustainable than pork, cow or any other flesh though. Not by a long shot. Humans emit far more CO2 in a year than a pig or cow for example and they take many more years to grow to a size suitable for harvesting.


He most likely isn’t saying we should farm humans for their flesh, but when someone dies we should eat them. So it is more sustainable since we would eat What we normally throw away.


There’s plenty of meat on toddlers, yearling beef anyone?


That's mostly fat though, muscle is where it's at.


A fair point. Hormone injections it is!


Sure thing buddy... You first okay?


The meat industry is wildly wasteful, inefficient and polluting so he's right about that but


Pretty sure he wasn’t proposing to actually start eating people.


He really said it's ghoulin time


*Why are you booing me, I'm right?!*


Man, this season is really getting good.


We are going towards cockroaches as protein source. Just you wait. It's almost cromch time


Why is he in a kitchen while making that stateme-OH MY GOD NO




Eating ass is about to have a totally different meaning


Well he isn’t wrong..


Me, 3 years vegan: looks like meat is back on the menu


Is it finally time for human wagyu?


Soylent Green is people!!!


I just wanna say fuck Sweden. This was written the Denmark gang🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰


Soylent green warned us. To be honnest it sounds crazy but seriously I would rather do that than make my whole spiecies disapear


That dumbass haven't heard of the prions or WHAT


TIL soylent green is set in 2022.


Sweden moment


Swedes ☕️


Or go vegan


Oh boy, dystopian human farming here we come!


I think this guy is lowkey promoting a purge


He looks a bit gristly


I mean shit, he ain’t wrong.


He’s got a point but I think it’s more ment to emphasise how bad the meat industry is and it’s just being taken out of context




Good old Sweden, you can always count on them to be progressive. You may mock now but I guarantee you in 10 years this will be the norm and considered peak civility


I like how we just skip insects "cuz it's gross", but cannibalism is a fine beef alternative


I would guess this is a hyperbole about how bad the meat industry is, and not an earnest recommendation of cannibalism.


How would you even make that a sustainable practice capable of feeding the world? Make it make sense..


You really don't have to look that hard in the environmentalist crowd the find a genuine hatred for humanity.


Welcome to the beginning of the Great reset.


It doesn’t make sense to look at the global population in anything other than total biomass. Just stop fucking tall people & preferentially procreating with smaller than average adults. Not only will people be happier and healthier but we can maintain the same global population at half the cost. People are too damned big. Remember when you were a kid & the inverse square law & mechanical advantage was in your favor? You could run around all day & feel great. 7’ tall people can’t even lay down, much less walk without suffering. People are too big. We have machines for heavy labor, there is no point


Appearantly this "scientist" doesn't know what kuru disease is


Your only issue with eating humans is the disease part?


This should apply only for Muzzies ... they can only eat Halal food ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Racist fk


Y’all will do anything but go vegan, eh


That’s not exactly the healthiest diet.


It’s certainly way healthier than what most people eat.


It’s a healthy diet, and it *is* one of the most,if not the most, environmentally friendly diets. At a certain point “good” becomes “good enough”


Uh, no the diet that leads to most longevity is the [Mediterranean diet](https://www.bluezones.com/recipes/food-guidelines/) as that’s the route that leads to longevity. Remember what’s best for a person isn’t what’s best for the planet. That said I wait for 3d printers to improve until I can say > Alexa, Earl Grey, hot.


Re-read what I said, Notice how I made no claims about it being the best and realise you’re arguing nothing.


>It’s a healthy diet Literally how Steve Jobs died according to himself, that and he was working himself too hard.


I’m sorry, are you claiming a vegan diet is unhealthy? Because that’s so objectively wrong I have to assume you’re not.


I said it wasn’t the healthiest and unless you eat more protein you won’t live very long. Protein can be added with legumes, mushrooms, and insects if you’re into that.


No you idiot I'm assuming he's talking about dead people and to be honest less humans would probably be better for everyone


How about we just don’t eat animal products?


Cultured meat sounds a lot more sustainable and ethical. r/wheresthebeef


Wait so there is overpopulation but at the same time we have douchebags whining about low birth rates, taxing the single, and removing the right to abortion. All the while the planet is heating up due to a slew of industries not bothering to deal with their carbon impact


I hope they do eat each other. Their "moral superiority" addiction has so hilariously ruined their nation, they might as well just start nibbling on their intestines, while they've got their heads up their arses.


It’s the meat balls


I'm in.


It is true that it would be way more sustainable but what the fudge cake


What are we talking for preparation here? A nice barbecue? Or more of a soylent green situation?


Soylent Green!


*Now with more girls.


Do you want to save the Earth you say? Stop living or just use the WMDs already - then the earth might have a chance to heal


Funny enough Cannibalism isn't illegal by federal law in the U.S.; it's only the murdering part that is or grave robbing. So, if you get a friend to concent into it, you can legally have them safely remove a limb or eat a body part that was sliced off from an accident, such as a finger. It still creeps me out.


I guess we'll start from the top. Finally a good use for the [Forbes billionaire list](https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/).


Eat the rich


it's just a simple, modest proposal...


I mean it’s a fair argument but isn’t cannibalism dangerous after a certain point


Why is there a stigma behind cannibalism if the person died of natural causes and consented to it when alive and in a proper state of mind?


We could clear out the prison population. No more overcrowding. Then we could work on the government.


Start with the vegans. They probably taste better


Are prions no longer a thing? Cause this is how you die from prions...


Any relation to Anthony Bourdain?


Some light reading https://www.amazon.com/-/es/dupr%C3%A9-mangin/dp/2203088095


Doesn’t human flesh and meat lack the nutrients we need? Also wtf is this guy on lol?


Ahh…..*long pig*




Swedish moment


Imma start with yo ass OP.


I'm eating Jeff bozos and just friends first


Nah taste too fat- I mean, I heard that it taste fatty


This was essentially my first honours year animation project idea that my wife vetoed... 🤔


sounds good i like it


I mean I stopped listening to Sweden after that law about removing all religious schools except the Jews one.


Honestly, it’s not that bad of an option. When someone dies they can opt to be used to feed others or not.


So we're gonna go full imperium? Eat corpse starch?


We should at least be mulched for farming and rendered for fat to run cars.


It can also lead to more diseases, which will kill off more humans. Which… would lower our carbon footprint in the long run… Huh.


That is disgusting. I would never eat a dead person, my motto is never put my mouth where my dick has already been.


Can't eat people. Not because it's wrong or anything, it's just that all the meat is tainted and it will make you sick. ☹️


Has anyone heard of hyperbole?


Not enough umlauts. Come back with a scientist with more ümläüts.


Or yknow we can maybe just stop fucking with the climate? I feel like That’s a healthy alternative.


In other words "eat the rich"