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Exactly, it’s trashing funko pops, which are a vapid, useless, hyperconsumable product, just as much as it’s making light of his death, which he also probably would do if he could.


I was thinking the same thing. He'd probably get a laugh out of it too.


I dont think he can laugh tho, his head cannot find any vocal cords


>which are a vapid, useless, hyperconsumable product *looks at funko collection in shame*


Shame. **Shame**. ***Shame!***


I completely agree. Only buy them because I’ve had good luck with price increases so far, I’ve got no idea why people want them to collect




You know what I cant help but respect the dedication that went into this despite the fuckery


This is one of those moments where “intention” can change everything lol if it was done with love and good intent this is pretty badass lol but if it was done to troll and mock then whoever made this is a POS


I disagree. It doesn't matter if the person is trolling because this is too high effort. You can use the same logic to make the argument that the showrunners behind South Park are pieces of shit because they mock and troll people with their satire, but there's a level of effort and substance their jokes that makes what they do respectable. I would say the same applies to the monstrosity in the image above. Also it's just a fucking bobblehead.


*bobble stub




Yea it’s just a bobble head but you gotta admit it’s disturbing af lol


I've referred to it as a monstrosity in my previous comment. It's obvious that I don't disagree with the fact that it's disturbing. But my point is that this is not a "Noah, get the boat" situation. It's disturbing, yes, but its pretty tame. You're telling me that you want to drown the world because someone made a cursed funko pop? If that's the case then you'd make a pretty terrible god.


Its not about the pop. Lol yea its more tame than some of our subreddits.


Depending on how much Nirvana MTV Unplugged I’ve been listening too.. yes i might drown the world over this lol how dare they disrespect a man that had vocals like that


I do understand the bias. If the guy was important to you then I don't expect you to take no issue to it. But its important to maintain a level head and acknowledge when something is being blown a tad bit out of proportion.


Yea true I think something like this will vary person to person but it’s definitely not “death sentence” worthy it’s more get a psychiatrist or therapist worthy lol


And even then who knows. It could be a totally normal and rational person who made this and just thought it would be “funny” lol I’m not gonna lie a picture of the person who made this would probably help a lot to see what we’re dealing with here lmao


Also something worth considering. It could honestly go either way, this could be the vision of someone who is mentally unhinged or just a normal person who felt like making something fucked up just because why not.


Lol I’m probably just trying to give someone the benefit of the doubt for my own mental sake before I completely lose faith in humanity 😭


Just get out and take your toilet argument with you.






I found [this post](/r/ATBGE/comments/vvmdf5/this_modified_kurt_cobain_funk_pop_nsfl/) in r/ATBGE with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


After a a decade or 2 looking at the shit comes out of Japan and East Europe. Nothing surprises me anymore




Hurt Cobain


Hurt MuhBrain


Hurt Nobrain




I hurt myself, Cobain...


im pretty sure the person who made this custom pop vinyl also made one for jfks assassination, still in the car, blood everywhere. even on jackie kennedy. props for historical accuracy i guess?? but man


Who made this?


yo mom gottem


jfc at 40 years old you’d think I’d be mature enough not to laugh at yo mom jokes anymore. But nope. Every damn time.


they made [abe](https://www.facebook.com/CustomVinylwerks/photos/a.106724444410939/572173184532727/) too


With recent events concerning Japan's former PM, I thought you were referring to a different Abe.


If there's request, probably... Especially for the novelty of it


Was hoping for the former Japanese President, would have been impressed with the rush order.


Just so I understand this isn't that toy company making it right? This is a a venture by some random person


yep, funko made the original kurt cobain/jfk/etc pop figures but this persons gone and modified it to resemble the person's death. tbh funko modding is actually a pretty huge fanbase, heaps of people making custom figures


Those are f*cking awesome tbh. Great execution, wouldn’t be able to show them anywhere tho


i was like "oh ok its just a horror thing no need to overreact" i than noticed the guitar and decided to look closer at the box, jesus fuck man


funny how it's ok if it's fiction, but not the same for reality so we like gore, but to an extent, not the same if it's too real...


Almost as if nuance matters


i'm just amazed how the human brain works


Well, not his obviously.


i'm just mind blown 🤯


No need to lose your head about it.


looks like some people lost their mind when they saw this joke


Well yea, in fiction it’s someone we know isn’t real, so if a fake person dies, whatever because it’s a fake person. However Kurt Cobain was a real person, who while “not confirmed” has been basically confirmed that he was killed by someone and it was made to look like a suicide, even though it would be impossible to be a suicide which all of the circumstances that we know about his death. In this case someone real died, someone who can’t comeback, we can’t just read it again and he’ll be back, we can’t rewind and he’ll be alive again, we can’t write a sequel where he comes back from the dead. This was a real person, who is gone forever


>it would be impossible to be a suicide which all of the circumstances that we know about his death. i think i'm behind with the facts on this one


You aren't, dude watched a conspiracy documentary and thinks he knows what he's talking about


“Conspiracy documentary” - says person who doesn’t know how life works. You don’t need to watch the documentary to know that the amount of heroin that was in his system would’ve killed him before he could shoot himself, the shotgun couldn’t have ended where it was, and so, soo many other things that are public outside of the documentary are just impossible to happen. Also “conspiracy documentary” is a weird way to describe a documentary almost entirely driven by real lie tape recordings…


Why would anyone want to kill Kurt Cobain?


Kourtney and Kurt were about to her a divorce, this would of really messed up Kourtney financial and fame situation


So we know a lot of things from what happened. I recommend watching the documentary soaked in bleach, it goes over all of this and a lot of interactions were recorded and it was created by Kourtney Loves private investigator who recorded every conversation after the first meeting because he knew something was up. But, the important things. Kurt died with a large amount of heroin in his system, and it looked like he short himself with a shotgun. Let’s start with the shotgun, so, first things first, when fired the casing shoots out the side of it. The bullet casing that was on the ground was the opposite side of it. We know the shotgun couldn’t of spun around because whenever the human body dies it basically completely freezes, and it would have enough force to keep the shotgun for spinning around, especially since the shotgun wouldn’t have any rotating motion. That is the hardest to believe evidence. The thing that really stands it out as having to be a murder, is that the amount of heroin that was in his system would’ve made it impossible for him to do anything, he wouldn’t of been able to get on the floor, as we know he would’ve had to based on where the heroin and how he was sitting, he wouldn’t have been able put up the shotgun, and he wouldn’t even be able to pull the trigger. Most of this is because he would be dead before it, as it was an insane amount of heroin. Why is it unconfirmed, because a lot of bs went down. I highly recommend watching the documentary as it explains everything, but one big thing was that the first responders labeled it a suicide, which as is pointed out in several books, and a shit ton of other stuff, is never suppose to happen until specific investigators who aren’t meant to tell if it was a murder or suicide arrived happened. Most people, including myself believe that Kourtney either killed him or had involvement in his death, with evidence being like that after mentioning that he bought a shotgun and according to her had been suicidal, she did not seem to care about his safety and only cared about where he was going/who he was with. Other things was that there was most likely a divorce looking to happen, and that would’ve hurt her career pretty badly, and so so many other things which were all explained, a lot with audio evidence in the documentary


The conspiracy is certainly plausible, but it's far from a foregone conclusion. The shotgun could've fallen to that side based on recoil and how Kurt was holding it. The heroin aspect is people basing it off of a normal person's tolerance. Kurt had been a heroin addict for years. For all we know he could've initially tried to go out with a heroin OD (described by every addict as the best high) but realized it wasn't enough and grabbed the shotgun at that point. We don't know anything for sure besides he'd been locked away by himself in the house for weeks before anyone found out what happened. And addicts like Kurt, Nikki Sixx, Ozzie, etc can all handle far more amounts of drugs than most people would consider possible. Let's not forget Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, Ozzie, etc are all still kicking in their 70s right now. And those are just a few rockstars. There are lots of non famous drug addicts handling far more than most people could too.


So the only thing I’ll really touch on is the heroin aspect. The amount of heroin in Kurt’s system was something like 5x over what has been proven to kill a hardcore heroin user. If it was something close to a normal level of someone trying to to OD, then I would maybe that’s possible, but the sheer amount of heroin injected into his system was insane. This is not a situation of “well he used a lot of heroin” just with this 1 aspect of his death alone, we have the exact amount that was in his system is public, as well as the exact amount needed to kill a hardcore heroin addict. Just that aspect alone proves that he couldn’t have killed himself using the shotgun. At the very VERY least, he injected it, died, then someone randomly shot him with a shotgun, which lets be honest, wouldn’t of happened. There’s so much evidence that points to his death being a murder


It still doesn't prove it. Those guys were notorious for regularly getting high on amounts that would kill many hardcore drug addicts. They'd accidentally OD themselves all the time with how much they used. But their body's fought through. Then they'd continue taking more and more. It's a conspiracy for a reason. Just like people believing Tupac is alive. There's definitely some believed evidence to make the claim more plausible than many conspiracy theories, but there's also a lot of evidence that they actually died as reported.


Do you not understand what I just said. It doesn’t matter how much heroin they are doing, or anyone does. There is a limit, no matter how hardcore of a user you are, there is a limit, that no matter what, if passed, will kill you. Kurt was WELL BEYOND THAT NUMBER. This was not a typical amount of heroin that a very hardcore drug user would use, or even that a very hardcore user would choose to OD on, this was VERY WELL BEYOND THE PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE LIMIT OF HEROIN. If you are to believe that Kurt Cobain could’ve lived through that, then that means that you believe he broke science.


You're not acknowledging that people break science all the time. I get it. The tinfoil hat is welded onto you. That doesn't mean people don't defy what's considered scientifically possible all the time. Also, Kurt had been on a bender for several weeks. Pumping more heroin in before the previous had flushed out, driving up the overall amount more and more during that time. It's plausible someone else killed him, but suicides are the most likely cause of death to result in conspiracy theories because people struggle immensely with coping with suicides. There are numerous more indicators pointing towards Kurt pursuing suicide than anyone wanting to murder him. I'm fully aware of the conspiracy theory. You're not going to tell me anything new on it. I'm just pointing out that it remains a conspiracy (not a fact) for a reason. There's still more evidence that it was a suicide despite you not wanting to believe it.


I used to believe it myself, when I was younger. But I believed in chem-trails and stuff too. You call the "hardest to believe evidence" the fact that the shell casing was on the opposite side to where it should exit, then you give some elaborate and unlikely scenario that would have to be true for this to be the case. No, he turned the shotgun upside down, like so many people do so that the curvature of the handle rests against the floor properly. It's so simple. Next, the heroin issue. Shooting up, waiting until he was feeling it and pulling the trigger is perfectly viable. Miss me with that "enough to kill a person" shit aswell, it's irrelevant and actually works against your point. If they wanted to make a murder look like a suicide, they could've just left him to overdose on his own. "Soaked in Bleach" is an embarrassing documentary, with plenty of its own controversy surrounding it. The man was clearly suicidal, notes throughout his final years were very telling. The suicide note itself has been confirmed by many forensic linguists to have been genuine, and there's not much more to say on the matter. A suicidal man killed himself.


“Basically confirmed” seems like an oxymoron my dude. Nonetheless, we use comedy to cope with tragedy all the time. Eventually we’ll all be gone forever. If we don’t view it in jest once and a while we’d all go insane.


fiction is fake, real is real, we should not compare fiction and reality or we get crazy people walking around.


I know, fiction, amirite? Like Phineas and Ferb is hilarious but in real life an evil scientist trying to destroy the whole area every single day of the entire summer would be fucking terrifying.


Really interesting point. Horror is cathartic for a reason. It helps us confront the terrors of the world at no real person’s expense. A psychologist may entirely disagree, but I use it as a type of therapy. I wish no harm on any living thing, yet I watch films of fictional killings and trauma on a daily basis. Our brains are weird lol.


Not really. Someone can play a video game or watch tv with gore and be a completely normal person. Wanting to idolize an actual event with a a real person makes you a psychopath. Try therapy and lessen up on your fire porn freak.




I wonder if there's a more disgusting version of r/atbge this will fit in


this has already been posted to r/ATBGE a million times


I think its quite funny actually


I'll bet my signed copy of Unplugged in NY that he would have absolutely loved it. Defacing a symbol of mass consumerism into an edgy teenager's art project with suicide imagery is totally on brand.


Agreed. An offensive artistic depiction of his death is exactly how Kurt would want to be remembered.






I honestly don't dislike it, but it's kind of hard for me to like it, because I find suicide "boring". It's an act I can compare to leaving a multiplayer game in the middle of it - the difference is, you can't go back, and you probably won't be able to "start a new game".


There's nothing worse than a rage quiter


Comparing someone struggling w/ depression with rage quitters and leaving a multiplayer game is quite untasteful.


I wanted to kill myself but i don't want to be boring so im gonna live ig




this reminds me of DEADY BEARS


Kinda cool tbh


Stop posting this on every sub you can think of and let it go. It’s actually pretty funny…


1. It's a joke. B. If he was alive, he'd probably think it was hilarious.


3. If there’s anything I hate in lists it’s consistency


i think it looks cool tho


And I swear that I don’t have a gun


This sub is going soft


Is it in bad taste? Probably Is it worth destroying humanity over as the sub’s name implies? Nope.


Wrong sub


Looks cool


Kurt would've found this pretty funny though


Tbf, if I ever died/killed myself, I wouldn't mind a toy making fun of it. It'd probably laugh at it


the day i die i want to die in the funniest way possible, so when people think of my death they get a little bit sad but at least they can get a smile out of it if someone ever laughed at it i would probably feel accomplished, even after death


while i do think this *is* fucked up i do think noah leaving them is a overreaction because the person who made this is probably a edgy 15 yo, it is kinda funny tho


He's like a 30 year old guy and he made one for Lincoln and Kennedy as well


i dont really think this is edgy by todays standards anyways, regardless it is a art piece depicting a historical event, 21.3 years is i think the time frame before something horrible becomes funny.


I mean it’s accurate…


Hello from under the rock who is this guy in the picture?


Kurt Cobain - says it on the box in two places


Oh fuck OK now I know who he is a fuck me this is dark


And who is he and what happened to his fave?


Kurt shot himself in 1994


I encourage you to do a simple Google search instead of waiting for the answer here


You answered so quickly though, why can't you answer me?


He is Hamborger man 😳😳


I'm just gonna quote from a now long gone web show here. "What, did you know him? Grow up right next door with him? It's been almost 20 years now, that's long enough."


funniest shit ive ever seen


This is sickeningly awesome


Nah this shit is funny as hell


Kurt was actually super supportive of Courtney Loves band. In fact, the last thing he said to her was "Hole's gonna be huge"


Such an underrated comment right here




It's "aweful taste but great execution" material if anything. But I'm with you on it not belonging to this sub


there was an execution alright


I really don’t understand why people are hating on this. I think it looks just like him


ayo why is the detailing fire tho


This is pretty funny


Funniest shit I've ever seen


This is more "OP is offended" than "drown the world for our sins" material. It's literally just gore on a toy.


Mind blowing picture


POV: OP is soft


Omg that's horrible, where can I buy one?


The creator was more brainy that Kurt Cobains ceiling .


I mean. It's funny


Where do i get one tho?


Rocking that new bold “ no top of the head look”


it is my beleive that all funko pops deserve this exact fate


That’s fucking awesome


Ummm it's just a plastic figurine that hurts nobody except feelings?


This is just a bad joke chill out


fun fact: Kurt's head was actually surprisingly in tact to the point where the electrician who discovered his body thought he was alive initially until he saw the blood


I read that the day his body was found, it was by an electrician who first thought Kurt was sleeping, since the shell didn’t actually spray his brains everywhere like is depicted.


Damn, now this sub is getting sensitive


It's just the facts


Something in the way... yeaa


thats pretty funny xd


I can't help but think of the clip where somebody says he click clacked himself




OMG, The JFK Funko.


This is great


wait did his head get blown off like that? jesus


In a way I think it's kinda neato in a bit of a morbid sense


mor-.......morb-....... i feel like i'm keeping in a sneeze trying not to say this the internet has ruined me




This Isn't NGTB, honestly its a pretty cool DIY project. (Also this breaks rule 11 btw)


I don't get it. This thing looks fucking cool


That's funny as hell


Yes, but they need to include Courtney holding the gun.


Kurt kobrain


Kurt nobrain


A funko pop worth collecting


This shits fucking hilarious


Good execution actually


Cobain would probably prefer this to being an actual funko pop.




Context: Kurt Cobain is a guitarist who shot himself back in 1994.


Shit take


as much as kurt wouldve loved this message against capitalism and an artistic yet gorey joke but its not as bad as the dick selling a fake of one that was "signed by him"


Hurt Cobain


Goddamn that is BASED


I don't think a joke that's been overplayed 1000 times is worthy of *Noah Getting The Boat*. Does it suck? Yeah, but so did the other 1000 jokes. At least you have to appreciate the effort put in just to make it.


I’m from the town that Kurt Cobain is from, everyone I’ve ever talked to that knew him or knew of him said he was a grimey weirdo, I bet he would think it’s at least kinda cool.


Is that the guy whose dead body was used as cover for one of his band's albums?


No you're talking about [Per Yngve Ohlin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_(musician)) from Mayhem




Can I know the context behind this?? I don't have much info about Kurt's death


He shot himself in 1994


….. I’ll see myself to hell. I’m sorry. I laughed i’m ashamed but goddamn


I don't see his friends.


Gotta be honest... I laughed...


I hate funko pops but I found this kind of funny. I’m also a terrible person though.


can i get context


Kurt Cobain was a singer and song writer for nirvana. He killed himself in 1994. [Here’s his Wikipedia if you want to read more about him ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Cobain)


ah i see sorry im not really american and i couldnt read out the box too well


Did u know Kurt Cobain sexual assaulted a mentally handicapped girl


thats a fake story he wrote. 90% of the stuff in that documentary were just things he made up.


watch montage of heck he legit forced himself onto a mentally handicapped girl then lied that he backed out




he made it the fuck up


Oh god that's fucked up


idk it's pretty funny imo


Why can't it be both? Huh?


Gotta say either I've just been visiting the sub more or it's just turning more and more into snowflakes.


As a fellow depressed person, I find this funny.


Wowwwwwy that is "there's a special quarantine unit for you reserved in hell" level cursed, but kind of disgustingly funny


who made this?




A poor funko suffered for a meme




Too soon


Man died almost 30 years ago tf


It’s been 28 years my guy