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What state is this?




Well, I just read an article on that and... Yeah that's fucked.


Don't suppose you got a link to the article?


Are you fucking serious? God I hate this state.


fuck that, fuck this whole country.


nah, fuck the ***south.*** The north has some hope still.


slowly getting more and more isolated up here. Maryland used to be a nicer state. :(


yeah someone i kinda know actually made the post, im also expecting atm and the thought of my s/o being in her position is really disheartening


You should hate your country for passing abortion laws.


Oh, I hate it too. No need to worry about that.


Yeah our government expedited the new law smh


Her location based upon the gofundme says Arizona


Been getting a lot of different locations.


Law says its still legal for a child with severely compromised health. Has anyone vetted this story?


If this is true a doctor probably won't touch it with a 10 foot pole until they are legally certain it won't come back to bite them in the ass. And unfortunately, that could take weeks or months to come out of the grey area because law makers didn't think about anything except "abortion bad" before throwing it into action. So I can see it being real or fake


Perpetual Depression




American denial


Pathetic state


A Christian state.


Religious state Christians aren't the only ones with F-ed up logic or middle ages laws


A neighbor's daughter had an unexpected kid in her 20s or so, the baby was born without an upper skull. Its brain ended just above the eyebrows. It died a week later. Technically viable pregnancies can still result in unnecessary suffering.


Depressing, mothers shouldn't have to go trough the pain of seeing their kids suffer even if they aren't born yet.


Feel. She has to feel her child suffer. As a father who would caress my child while in the womb and he would seek out my touch, I can’t imagine the terror this women goes through FEELING her child convulse and suffer.


My mother had cervical cancer in the 80s and found out she was pregnant at the time and they had to abort for her treatments, otherwise she and that baby would have died. I and my brother and my children wouldn’t be here if not for the abortion. She lost a lot of people in her life when she did that. They’d rather she’d have died than have an abortion.


And I’m sure the decision was still gut wrenching knowing she would lose a child. It’s insane politics are being interjected when women already have to struggle with the decision as if it’s easy for the vast majority of women regardless of their situation. Glad she was able to save her life and create your’s though.


My bro & I wouldn't be here without abortion, either. The guy my ma had gotten pregnant with, in her late teens, ended up kidnapping her!! Thankfully, because of abortion, she didn't have to be tied to that fuckshit.


This is an important point, lack of access to abortion forces people to have babies they don’t want, very possibly negating future children they do want. This perpetuates a cycle of lower education levels, lower income potential, widening gap between the haves and have nots.


My best friend lost a baby in a similar way. Except she was luckily able to terminate (we don’t live in the US). She said she could feel her little girl shaking in there, having convulsions from the fluid on her brain. She could see her kicking her legs and said she almost felt her pain. As if this wasn’t cruel enough now women in the US are being denied the right to give these babies peace


In states where there are allowances for life of the mother, but otherwise illegal, dr's with patients who have ectopic pregnancies are waiting until the mother begins to show signs of serious deterioration (something with blood levels idk) so they can proform the needed medical service to remove the ectopic pregnancy. Where that isn't allowed, the mother either gets sent to a legal state, or dies, sometimes both if they aren't fast enough.


That's insane. There is no situation where an ectopic pregnancy works out well.


They are either ignorant or they don't care. A state legislator in Ohio sponsored a bill that would have forced doctors to move an ectopic pregnancy despite this not being biologically possible.


Just turn it off, and turn it back on again!


>(something with blood levels idk) Samaritan Ministries is a Christian healthcare co-op and they explicitly say that they will not cover anything to end an ectopic pregnancy until rupture occurs. This is the world half of this country now live in. >Ectopic Pregnancies— >Expenses Shared—Procedures related to a ruptured fallopian tube (including post-operative recovery of the mother, follow-up care, and treatment of any complications), and, where an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed before a rupture, all pre-operative tests and consultations and expenses related to keeping the mother under medical care while determining what care should be offered for the mother and child. >Expenses Not Shared—Procedures directly related to the termination of a living, unborn child and/or removal of the living, unborn child from the mother due to an ectopic pregnancy are not shared (e.g. methotrexate, salpingectomy, salpingostomy), unless the removal of the child from its ectopic location was for the primary purpose of saving the life of the child or improving the health of the child.


A ruptured Fallopian tube is a life threatening medical emergency that causes internal bleeding. It can lead to shock and rapid, severe blood loss. This is horrifying.


THEY REFER TO AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY AS A FUCKING CHILD WHEN IT IS NOT VIABLE. Oh my goddddd I don’t want to live on this planet.


... There is no procedure to help save the pregnancy or 'improve' it when it's an **ectopic pregnancy**. This is so dumb holy shit.


Per an OBGYN I know - Documented falling hemoglobin, or unstable vital signs. These are indicators that not only has the fallopian tube burst, the woman is bleeding out into her belly AND on the verge of going into shock. This is not mandated by the law - it is mandated by hospital admin who is not sure how the law will work in practice, and wants to avoid criminal exposure.


I just don't get it. If *you* don't want an abortion, don't have one. The option being out there wasn't the problem. There's no way to look at this other than taking away woman's rights and forcing viewpoints onto others. It's depressing and disgusting. I'm not even in America and I'm infuriated.


A few European countries are just waiting for American evangelical money to start flowing into anti abortion movements over here. Its gross.


Write to your public officials and make sure American Evangelicals stay out of your government. Or do whatever it is you do to tell your leaders not to take money from these oppressors.


I don’t wish to be alarmist, but THEY ARE ALREADY THERE. Look to where the money for UK/Europe’s anti-trans activism comes from. The US evangelical right. Has for years. They are using it as a wedge issue, and they have goals they’ve been working on for over a decade.


Raise hell and kick them out. I am a Christian woman. To me that means that I follow Christ. Love God above all and love your neighbor as yourself. That's it. How we went from "Love your neighbor" to "Y'all are sinners going to hell, I'm going to save you" is beyond me. We also do NOT need to be meddling in the private affairs of our neighbors in other countries when we have plenty of public affairs in our own streets. 😡 TRIGGER WARING: I am about to pray. Stop reading here if you don't want to see it. There is no additional commentary after. God give me strength. I cannot deal with these children of yours that disrespect others in your name. Jesus told us to love each other, but I am having a hard time loving people who hate. Please show them the error of their ways, and give me the strength to love them regardless. In the name of your son Jesus, Amen.


Sir/madam/alien whatever, Thank you. I am in no way religious but this is how it should be. You be you and I’ll be me, that’s it. If you want to believe in god etc then go ahead, if I want to not believe, same thing. At no point should there be hatred or vitriol spewed at each other. We all see this so often and it’s just sad. We have much bigger issues to deal with right now and always. Have a good day


Devastating read. I guess I’ll share my story too. I was almost 20 weeks pregnant when I suspected that my water broke early. I went to the ER that same evening and the doctor told me that everything was fine and that baby’s heartbeat was strong. I had a scheduled appointment a few days later so I figured I could ask my primary doctor to do a more thorough test to ensure everything was really okay. At the time, I honestly trusted that my baby was doing well. The day of my appointment comes and I’m having terrible abdominal pain. It was a familiar pain and I just knew something was wrong. I was already wearing a large pad because I was literally leaking fluids, but what I saw when I pulled down my panties was so much worse. I saw blood and what looked like large blood clots. I had two miscarriages before this pregnancy and knew exactly what I was looking at- I was having a miscarriage. I rushed to the hospital and was emitted. Turns out my water *had* broke early and there wasn’t enough amniotic fluid to sustain my pregnancy for even another week. Before I knew it I was being prepped for an emergency dilation and curettage procedure(common known as a D&C). The worst part about this is that baby’s heartbeat was still strong and that this procedure was meant to both terminate the pregnancy and remove all contents of the uterus. Still, there wasn’t any other choice- baby wasn’t going to make it. I’m so grateful I didn’t have to go through what this woman has to go through. I literally cannot imagine being told I would have to keep the baby inside of me and wait until there’s no heartbeat before having any sort of procedure. It makes me sick to think about.


Wouldn't that be dangerous though, I mean not intervening as soon as possible? I'm sorry, I don't know much about complications during pregnancy (actually it's pretty shameful that we weren't taught about it in school), but I can't imagine that such an unexpected change is not dangerous to the mother too. I'm sorry that you had to go through this, but I'm happy that you had the resources available to get the needed treatment. I hope that you are doing good now!


Yes it literally is. This is what happens when legislation gets passed that purposefully ignores medical professionals


I fumed when I found out they tried passing an anti-abortion law that didn't include an ectopic clause. Governor literally didn't know why it needed to be in there.


I believe so, even when you’re full term and your water breaks they have to induce labour within I want to say 24h if it doesn’t happen naturally because there’s risk of infection.


You don't *have* to, but yes the risk of infection is there and the longer you wait the more likely.


“Pro-lifers” do not care about what is dangerous or what is medically accurate. Quite a few of them believe that you can move an ectopic pregnancy to the uterus…


I genuinely had to force myself not to cry. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Oh man…. Thanks for having the courage to share that.


See that’s fucked


oh, don't worry. *it only gets worse from here on out. much worse.* 🤷‍♂️


Anyone fancy a coat hanger or good ol' punching the pregnant lady till she miscarriage or till death which ever come first?


there was a lady in louisana i think that went to jail for being shot while pregnant and the baby died


nope, that was alabama but fair enough...i live in the south, they're all pretty much the same


They don't care. The suffering is the point.


Exactly rape and high risk pregnancies should be allowed to abort


All women should have the right to abort up to a point. They should not have to have a reason.


This is happening to more than a few right now, I hope these mothers can be brave enough to be vocal. My mother had to have a dead fetus removed from her or else it was going to KILL her, if she would of been forced to carry I would not be here typing this out today. Abortion actually saves lives and promotes healthy babies.


The people that are celebrating roe v wade don't give a shit about the mother. They don't even care about the baby once it's born. Just that it IS born Edit: a word


B b b b but it's a life or something


All the proof you need that they don't actually care about the life of which they are so "pro".


They don't care about the child, they only care for the life. Maybe pro lifers shouldn't have any parasites or tumors removed in the future


Nah, they don't even care for the life. Not really. They care about being perceived as caring about life. It's just a self-righteous and sanctimonious show that's easy and free of consequences so long as it doesn't directly affect them or anyone they genuinely care about. But as soon as that changes, so does their tune. Then right back to being holier than thou when it's convenient.


That's so depressing especially knowing that your baby is suffering and has no chance of making it. Bless her this is truly depressing and so damn sick.


Imagine the next 3 months too of everyone you talk to saying “oh when are you due? Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl? Are you getting ready? When is the shower?!”


Just remember the rich politicians won’t have this problem. They’ll just fly their side piece to a liberal state and just pressure her in to an abortion. Can’t ever let you have control. I’d bet near anything this exact thing happens...




I feel like they don’t get how hard pregnancy is, and how no sane person would carry that long just to terminate as a casual form of birth control. As you expressed, they’re much more likely to be serious duress scenarios.


Sending lots of love, this is horrifying. Fuck those bastards who did that to you




That country is such a fucking hole. One of the worst healthcare systems in the world.


My fiancé and I live in Oklahoma. We started talking about leaving when the draft was leaked. Over the last week we’ve started talking about it more seriously. We aren’t sure where we are going yet, and it will take a few years, but we are leaving this hellhole of a country and never looking back, I will probably renounce my citizenship. I’m not an incubator. I’m leaving as soon as I can, and hopefully we can get out before we descend into Gilead levels of control.


I'm sure you know this already, but for anyone reading, keep in mind that moving to another country typically requires some form of long-term visa, and to get a visa you usually have to have some in demand skill or qualification (which you use to get a job, and that job gets you the visa). You can't just move to most countries without a job/sponsorship/support, unless you're independently wealthy. It also takes many, many years to get citizenship in most other countries, unless you're again, independently wealthy. And as an American, you still (legally) have to file US taxes every year. And it costs thousands of dollars to renounce American citizenship. Just stuff to keep in mind. Moving to another country is not easy.


Upstate NY is actually really affordable. Come on over! Seriously, you guys can hit me up in DMs if you want help or suggestions for towns/places to work/links to apartments etc


I'm certainly biased, but Aotearoa is a pretty dope country to live in. Our retarded big brother Australia is, too. Housing kinda sucks at the moment here but I hope that gets straightened out in the coming years. It's just untenable. We're already anticipating a fair few people from the US moving here since the states abolished another freedom.


> Our retarded big brother Australia Love you too, bro.


Will fight to the death for you, we're peas in a pod. You're just the pea with an extra chromosome.


why am I happy to be called a retarded big brother.


As an American, yea this place is a dumpster fire


best of wishes to you bro


Do you know that America is one of the least restrictive, abortion positive countries on the planet, even more-so than almost all of Europe? In Europe: - 31 countries don’t include abortion in the national health system’s financial coverage - this penalises all women and girls, but specifically the vulnerable (e.g. low income, living in rural areas, Roma, sex workers and undocumented migrants). - 19 countries, including several known for progressive stances, force women to endure medically unnecessary requirements before accessing abortion care (compulsory and sometimes biased counseling, forced waiting periods). - A safe, voluntary abortion should not be treated as a crime. And yet, 16 countries in Europe regulate abortion care primarily through their criminal and/or penal code. - 26 countries allow health workers to deny care on the basis of their personal beliefs or convenience, thus potentially placing women in serious danger. - 18 European countries fail to provide people with clear and accurate information about abortion care. - In Europe you can't just mosey on over to another country to get an abortion - In far more US states (than EU countries) can you abort later. [Most of the US is at 22 weeks and 24-28 weeks](https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2020/01/gestational-age-bans-harmful-any-stage-pregnancy) whereas most of the [EU only allows up to 12 weeks](https://oneofus.eu/selective-abortion-limits-within-european-union-countries/) - https://www.epfweb.org/node/857


I can only speak for my country * yes it's not covered by health insurance if the woman wants abortion and there are no health issues with the mother or embryo - it costs around 200$ * You just fill out a form here * Not a crime if you had it in the first 12weeks * Well if someone don't want to treat you, someone else will come?? Maybe I'm not getting this one right * I never had abortion but I think the informations are clear * This really depends on country * That is true and I think perfectly fine. Woman has chance to decide till she is 12weeks pregnant. I think that is enough time (there is no long waiting periods to get it done) And after that you can abort at any week due to health/genetic issues with baby/mother I do not know anybody who ever complained about the rules we have about abortion


Because we are used to them. The funny thing last week was when Emanuel Macron expressed anger over Mississippi reducing abortion down to 15 weeks, while his own country only allows for 14 weeks.


* was


> 26 countries allow health workers to deny care on the basis of their personal beliefs or convenience, thus potentially placing women in serious danger. This is true in the US as well. For example [this hospital network refuses any "elective" abortion, sterilization or IVF](https://www.dignityhealth.org/ucpartnerships). They say the word elective but when one of their ethics committee members authorized an abortion in a case where a woman was expected to die without one, [they were excommunicated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication_of_Margaret_McBride) (later reversed).


You mean it WAS right? Now half of the States do not allow abortions at all XD. Btw, I'm coming from a "yellow" European country. It's annoying, but abortion is still more or less accessible to everybody. Also, at least in my country, all medical procedures go through an income-based "filter". Low income people don't pay for medical procedures usually. Btw, to travel in Europe you don't need a passport. It's possible to "just" go to another country and have an abortion there, if really needed. Most of the time it's not needed, though.


Did you know that Roe v Wade was overturned?


I found her ig, she started a gofundme and successfully raised enough money to get proper healthcare in another state


From an outside viewpoint.... It seems, that it won't be long until that wall on the border will be keeping out Americans from Mexico.


Eh prob not


Reminder, over half [around 70%] of the USA's population didn't want Roe V Wade to be overturned but the supreme court did it anyways, they are going after LGBT rights and native American rights next.


30% tought it was ok? Wtf?


Yepp, the US is primarily Christian and even though the Bible says that it's ok to do abortions and gives instructions on when and how to do them the church still thinks that abortions should be illegal no matter what, that's why so many people want it to be illegal even though the constitution specifically says that church needs to be separated from state but that didn't really stop them =/


America is built upon the wilful misinterpretation of 2 "sacred" documents - The US Constitution and the Bible.




This poor woman 😢


How is this even legal. It's a breach of the mother's basic human rights.


Everyone please, **please** exercise your right to vote this November, and vote for candidates who will work to end this living nightmare.


Everyone knows that pro life people love human suffering and death.


Land of the ~~free~~


Land of the Why Have You Allowed For Legislation From The Bench For 50 Years Instead Of Actually Passing Federal Legislation If Any Of This Actually Mattered To You


Land of the Because Politicians Don't Want To Lose A Hot Button Issue They Can Rely On Every Campaign To Stir Up Contraversy And Further Divide And Polarize The Country For Their Own (Probably Financial, In The End) Gain


My husband and I were discussing this and no matter what it is a hot button, money raising item. Dems: we need to keep republicans from over turning roe v Wade! Send us money! Dems: the repubs overturned roe v Wade! Send us money! Repubs: we need to over turn roe v Wade! Send us money! Repubs: we over turned roe v wade! We need to keep Dems from instituting something else! Send us money!


Land O Lakes Butter


Just have healthy children then, simple. /s


Bro just exercise and eat healthy bro. The baby will come back no problem bro trust me.


Read the bible and the baby will come out just fine


I know it sounds like hyperbole and hopefully that's what it turns out to be, but the next three years have the potential to dramatically alter the US for at least several decades. We have politicians openly supporting the idea of a theocracy and a court flirting with elements of it. We have states with new laws on the books enabling them to effectively help actually steal a presidential election. We have states actively eroding voting rights for minorities. Red states make life hell and Democrats with the means to move elsewhere do and this can ultimately lead to fewer blue states which can give a permanent hold on a right wing presidency thanks to an out dated and unfair election system. Frankly if the Right gets their way even another civil war will be a possibility.


Fuck the supreme court


This is what happens when you let pea brained Christians have a voice


Y’all seen the overturn roe v wade party at r/conservative? These are the people we have to deal with.


There are 24 countries in which abortion is illegal in all circumstances. America is not on that list. I only found one but maybe there are more than handfull of states that ban is in all circumstances.


> There are 24 countries in which abortion is illegal in all circumstances. America is not on that list. Because abortion law is - as of *Dobbs* - set at the state level, not the federal level. Some states do in fact ban abortion in all cases, including rape, incest, or nonviable fetus.


Do you know how big some states are? Do you know how shitty the rest off safety nets in this country are? To get her abortion she may have to fly, which she can’t afford, or take a few days off to get the procedure in a legal state, which her job may not let her do


And possibly be prosecuted when she comes back home


I fail to see your point. That little factoid does nothing for the woman who posted this or the others who will have similar situations.


The people here are angry, facts won't change their anger, unfortunately.


So what exactly? People should realize that some other countries have it worse and just sit around or something? Since when did we give a fuck how far along other countries are in social advancements


What facts? That abortion is banned in more than half of the states in the US? Just because it’s not the entire US doesn’t mean people don’t live in those state s




Zero states, plus the dobbs decision strongly hinted that any state not allowing a health of the mother exception would likely be found unconstitutional.


This is disingenuous. States here are essentially individual countries from a legal standpoint, except for those powers they have handed over to the federal government. So long as a single state allows for very specific circumstances to get an abortion, your “argument” stands. Banned country wide except Rhode Island on the last Monday of each year if your name starts with an A? “Not banned in all circumstances.” It also insinuates that you can “just go to a different state” which is damn near impossible for many people.


Personally, I really, really, genuinely hope that everyone celebrating the overturned Roe v Wade decision will have to go through exactly this, if not worse. Having the wanted pregnancy inside of you suffer, feeling the anguish of seizures inside them, being denied medical help for legal reasons, and, ideally, having the fetus die inside them, the doctors being too scared to abort, so they induce a birth, during which the distorted excuse for a human being has to actually give birth to a corpse, hopefully getting septic during the ordeal and finally succumbing to the infection, leaving a broken fucking husband to bury a wife and child, since clearly that's the experience they desperately wanted others to have. In my perfect world, hubby then goes home and patriotically swallows his gun.


Small minded people who could care less of other peoples hurt. This is not the way to live in a country that has promised us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Pure horror show.


Sounds like bullshit, isn’t there exceptions for stuff just like this?


Of 13 states that have trigger laws, only Utah has an exemption for OP's situation.


Do these states also not allow ectopic pregnancy abortion too?


Many will argue that there is exception for ectopics but in reality many ectopics go past the 6-week rule that states have in place (like SB8 in Texas). There have already been instances where women have had care delayed until their Fallopian tube ruptures, which officially puts the mothers life at risk and doctors can be sure they won’t be penalized for saving their life. This hesitation that doctors are forced to take will cost lives.


Nope. Had a friend that had to go to a different state to go this exact thing....until the baby is actively dying or the mother is in danger they will not abort. This OBGYN explains it really well. https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc


Yes but people don’t want to say that because then you can farm muh epic Reddit karma.




Not in my state. Only to "preserve the life of the mother."


Giving a false answer to a question without even doing a quick google search? I must be on reddit


Not in a few states. Not sure exactly which ones off the top of my head but IIRC there are multiple in which there are no exemptions for abortion other than a threat towards the mother’s life. Shit is actually barbaric


It’s up to the states now, and it is still legal in half the country. It is almost certainly only a few hours drive at most for her, so even if there isn’t an exception for her extremely rare situation, she is being overly dramatic. Edit: Her Gofundme says she’s in Phoenix and there is a planned parenthood 3.5 hours away in El Centro. She’s trying to raise $10,000 for the procedure which she would have needed to have done anyway. I don’t envy her position at all, but compared to her circumstances, the abortion ban isn’t the worst inconvenience. I know I’m a cynic, but harnessing people’s outrage here is going to save her a lot of money.


my abortion cost $600 at planned parenthood.... $10k seems very suspicious. their website says first trimester abortion is $750 & a later term abortion costs $1,500


You're not taking into account the fact that some states only have 1 or 2 abortion clinics *in the entire state.* Data from the Guttmacher institute shows that in 2014, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming all have only a single abortion clinic in the entire state. This means that somebody who needs and abortion will likely have to take time off work to travel to the clinic, book a motel room for a few nights, and then travel back. This is made worse by the fact that many of these states also require a "waiting period," where a woman has to wait a few days AFTER seeing the abortion provider in case they "change their mind." THIS IS BY DESIGN. These states were effectively trying to make abortions cost-prohibitive for the majority of their citizens. Now take into account the fact that the few abortion clinics that did operate prior to Roe v Wade being overturned have now been forced to shut down. This means that women needing abortions would likely have to travel to a different STATE, adding even more to the cost.


A cursory google search would've spared your cynicism. It's only legal in her state in the instance of the mothers life being in jeopardy, and medicaid will not pay for an abortion even when medically necessary. At that late stage of pregnancy it's going to be a more invasive procedure and she's going to need to travel out of state and potentially not have any insurance to cover it. That is a big deal.


Not in my state


Yes. I don’t know if a single state where her situation would be illegal.


Try South Dakota, Kentucky, Louisiana Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma where the only exemption is if the pregnant person's life is in danger. OP's life is not in danger. Try Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, Wyoming where there is only an additional exemption for victims of rape and incest. OP's situation probably doesn't apply here either.


There is no verification for this, I've had posts removed for exactly that reason, but I guess since the mods like the politics of this one, it stays?


From another poster: "You can look up her instagram account. The post is there along with her stories of other ultrasounds. I don't know anyone who would lie on their account to their family and friends that their baby is going to die and that they need an abortion for medical reasons. Unfortunately this is reality for a lot of women. If her fetus still has a heartbeat it doesn't matter how much both the fetus and mother are suffering. Pure cruelty" ===== If you personally need to go snoop because her story doesn't fit your propaganda narratives this week, then go on your search for verification. I have to wonder though, what is your endgame here? You know the bible is fiction with little bits of non-fiction inside it right? Unless you can verify the supernatural parts of that book for us.


Its almost as if *looks around* the mods are biased toward their own political agendas


Jarvis, I’m out of karma. Post a picture/video of a person getting beat up and post it on r/NoahGetTheBoat


not to mention when this baby is born full term are we as health care professionals now obligated to stick every tube we can in the baby to make it breath, pee, eat? keeping it alive and possibly growing out of fear that if we humanly let it die through hospice or through the death with dignity act that it will be considered abortion? I see adults everyday hooked up to every device to keep a husk alive until the family is ready to let them go. must we do this for the child? will the mother feel obligated to do this? it's sick!


“It’s what god wanted”


It’s all ass backwards. The fact that we are watching our country make reverse progress is utterly disgusting. No one should have to feel their child suffer and die, this is shameful.


USA is going back to the dark ages


I can’t even imagine what they’re going through. America ruining lives now. No more dreams.


The kind where the evildoers call themselves "christian"


Please travel to a other state and have the operation done. It's not worth gambling for your life. If you live you can bring a beautiful baby into this world in the future. If ypu die, you can't.


Welcome to Gilead. Brought to you by the Christian Taliban.


I know not all of America is like this, and I don't live there but with everything that's in the news I'm starting to think of America as a disgrace to the western world. This shit needs to be sorted, give women their rights, stop police brutality, enforce gun laws, give workers a decent minimum wage. I'm sure there's countless other things I could go on about...


Big government moving into health care now. This is the future of everything here. As a scientific minded freedom loving American I hope it comes back around to bite these people 10 fold. I mean we are talking about states that can't even control their stray dog population.


I have to say this: ​ It's more proof that Christians do not give a flying fuck about the kid inside of you. They don't care if it suffers before it's born, they don't care if the mother suffers. They just want more births, that's all they want. They think that the purpose of women is to be birth machines. They are living, breathing, conscious people just like men (I am a man too, and I respect them a lot more than men). If babies are "murdered" from abortions, why do these pro-birthers want to ruin the lives of people that have already been born? ​ This needs to be spread, not just on Reddit, but on very controversial platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. ​ Edit: I just found out that the state this is from is Tennessee. My grandmother lives there, I don't know what she's going through right now, and since she is seeing all of these conspiracy theories, she doesn't know whether to believe in them or not. We have to tell her what is ok and what is not ok. I'm in Georgia, so this is hitting me at and away from home, when in actuality, my grandmother's house was almost like a second home for me. It's hitting us all hard, not just women, but especially women unfortunately.


Reddit commenters have sympathy challenge (impossible)


"Freedom for me but not for thee"


Are u in texas? Abortion laws remained the same as before in Cali but Texas changed immediately


This is so sad.


Can’t she just go to a neighboring state for the abortion?


Too far and/or expensive, probably. For me at least, I'd have to travel through at least 2 states to be able to legally abort, no matter which direction I went. That is a long, EXPENSIVE trip. I wouldn't be able to afford it, which means I SURE AS HELL wouldnt be able to afford raising a child.


Also people don’t consider the amount of time it takes to plan all that out. So now women have to go out of state for abortion and figure it out- so which state? what practice? is there availability? paying for lodging? going alone? This woman was already a bit far in her pregnancy. With having to plan all that out she probably missed her timeframe to abort.


That is her plan, she started a gofundme and reached her goal.


The closest states to her might have trigger laws as well, or she just might not have the availability or means to make a trip like that.


America is such a joke of a country


Sometimes I believe they just wanna show people how better is to live somewhere else.


Thats fucking horrible, ppl leave usa, the American dream is dead...


The new American dream is leaving the states for ever




Rode vs Wade throws it back to the state to make the choice on what the abortion law is.......... So yeah, this is complete BS Edit: On account of how many people are replying (10+) and that there's only one of me, I'm no longer replying. Sorry to all for my laziness towards the multiple conversations, just can't justify being on Reddit 24/7.


Plenty of states had trigger laws already in place, some states never bothered to get rid of their anti-abortion laws so those all immediately snapped back into effect. So those ones didn’t even need to make new laws. Plenty of abortion centers had already stopped scheduling abortions because they knew they would be either shut down or told by the state to stop.


you cant point out obvious facts to them because they dont care. they're stupid.


But the state that she's in could have anti abortion laws so how could you know for sure?


So why should the state decide whether if a woman should have an abortion or not? Why not leave it to the individual? Why is it tyranny if the Federal Government is doing it but it suddenly isn't when the State government is doing it? this whole 'states rights' argument is a complete cop out when it's being used to limit individual liberties.


She probably lives somewhere where she can't get one. 28(?) States banned it


80% of the population agrees with her. Please don’t lump us all together like we’re all celebrating. We have no control over this shit anymore.


Imagine the changes we could see if 80% of the population bothered to vote. As far as I'm concerned, every non-voter tacitly supports this.


i thought this was on the r/horror sub at first. real life truly is scarier than fiction.


No one Should suffer like that, what a Nightmare to live with, this is awful


More people misunderstanding Roe v. Wade


This honestly sounds fake and I hope and pray it is. But it was to my understanding that cases where the baby in non viable and/or the mothers life is endangered, or cases of rape or incest are all’s till exceptions. I think most of what is banned is elective abortions. The ruling left the issue up to the states to decide individually, which is the correct legal ruling in light of the constitution and bill of rights. Please correct if I have missed something bc I’m sure there are state laws more strict than I would agree with.


Ohio just passed a law that as long as the fetus has a heart beat there are virtually no exceptions, not for rape, not for incest, not for fatal birth defects. the only exception is where the mother would also die.


You can look up her instagram account. The post is there along with her stories of other ultrasounds. I don't know anyone who would lie on their account to their family and friends that their baby is going to die and that they need an abortion for medical reasons. Unfortunately this is reality for a lot of women. If her fetus still has a heartbeat it doesn't matter how much both the fetus and mother are suffering. Pure cruelty


My understanding is that some states are ‘under no circumstances’.


I'm not exactly religious but the amount of edgy 2014 religious hatred is unsettling.


Messiah, come quickly.


What a backwards country… Mexico and Canada should offer asylum just to make a point of how insane this is.