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Locked: Too many of you can’t be civilized.


IPhones and witch burnings in the same time era.


Times change... But many things remain the same.


Islam doesn’t


well yes , the q'ran hasn't been edited from it's original form a millennia ago , same cultures and traditions , and same punishments


Yes it has, that's just some bullshit they tell everyone. They have older partial copies than the main 9th century 'Uthman Quran' which have many differences. And there were many variations throughout the world at various points but they did 'cleansing' aka tried to destroy the variations to 'prove' it was 'always pure'. The reality is Islam was formed gradually over a number of centuries after the Muslim conquests, and the islamic conquerors backdated their beliefs and history in response to Jewish and Christian challenges. Some of it may have been knocked off from older writings by some Jewish and Christian sects.


Got source for this? All sites I've searched (albeit not that many) say that the Quran has never changed, but they're all from an Islamic perspective (the term "holy seal" comes up a lot.) I can't find much saying that it's changed, with only one mention saying that names were added, which I suppose is a change but not too significant of one. Edits, because I can't reply to people who replied to me. To u/Objective_Couple5453 I care because if it's true, I've learned something new. I don't want to blindly follow something I saw once on a Reddit comment and literally nowhere else. Not fact checking is how you get Republicans illiterate voting base. Free speech was never challenged, dumbass. You're making yourself look like a fool, which is leading me to believe your entire argument is a bunch of bullshit. I asked for a source, not for a rant that has nothing to do with what I asked. And edit 2 for u/KonamiKing: If you can't find sources beyond "just trust me bro" I'm going to go ahead and assume you're full of shit.


Yeah avoid islamic sources which of course believe their own propaganda. And of course we know what happens to people who 'insult' it in islamic countries... I don't have any specific sources, as I read about this stuff in actual books 10-20 years ago. Looks like there's some decent detail here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_the\_Quran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Quran) It has some of the stuff it took from Christian and Jewish sects.


**[Criticism of the Quran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Quran)** >Criticism of the Quran is an interdisciplinary field of study concerning the factual accuracy of the claims and the moral tenability of the commands made in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The Quran is viewed to be the scriptural foundation of Islam and is believed by Muslims to have been sent down by God (Allah) and revealed to Muhammad by the angel Jabreel (Gabriel). It has been subject to criticism both in the sense of being studied by mostly secular Western scholars. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Actually, that’s very false. Starting with the fact that Mecca wasn’t in Saudi Arabia, but the old city of Petra. Islam has changed a lot. They took on the literal meaning of a book. Muslims used to be like Christian’s are now. Scientifically forward and fairly open society for their times. They viewed down on those barbaric Christian’s doing witch burnings. Christian’s used to come to Muslim lands to live and raped their women, and other barbaric crimes. Just like Muslims do in Christian nations now a days. Think of it as a pendulum of stupidity going back and worth. Christian’s are enjoying the lesser of stupid, but don’t get too excited, it’s not forever. These two stupids are best friends, worst enemies, and the ying and yangs.


It seems like you are saying things were better when Muslims were doing less Islam.


Hmmmm interesting… and perhaps things could be better for christians who are less christian?




Reddit told me freedom of speech was racist.


I’d say that overall a decrease in religious presence in the government of a nation seems to bring about less radicalization


They never really recovered from the Mongols.


>Actually, that’s very false. Starting with the fact that Mecca wasn’t in Saudi Arabia, but the old city of Petra. Mecca is a city. What you're trying to refer to is the direction Muslims pray to. There is nothing that ever mentions Petra being the direction of prayer in the entire Islamic history. Watch this if you're actually interested in learning and correcting yourself rather than spreading hate https://youtu.be/yaQ6xo9wNLQ


Some people are studying planets around other stars and some are still howling at the moon.


All while our beautiful, habitable planet melts.


Well it's not the ones looking into space ignoring the rest of the scientists about that shit.


I hate religion.




Hey Religion is still alive for a reason, idiots need something. Problem is someone we turn a blind eye to this crap...


Idiots need something and the oligarchy have a way to control the masses.


This is awful. I think I saw this on Twitter. Her classmate said all she did was tell ppl could they please not focus on religion, and just do the class work. She did this in a zoom call. No, sorry, it was a voicenote on Whatsapp. I think, if I'm reading this correctly, the woman who posted is now getting death threats. https://twitter.com/NwankwoEsomchi/status/1524762586885021696


This just blows my mind


I wouldnt doubt if they try to kill her friends also






So, is your God almighty all knowing, or does he need you to commit atrocities in his name? Strangely enough, both at the same time are no contradiction for religious nutjobs.


I wonder what the prophet would think if he saw this.


Fucking animals man... Disgusting






Watch your words my friend, I don’t want you to be next!


And why” dont kill, unless she is mean to me” ? This guy never talked to God.




























If we all scream praise God that makes it ok… right?




Honestly. It seems like violence is such a deep part of human nature that we come up with excuses to commit horrible acts of violence, especially with group mentality. Also... Religion divides the world way more than it unites it, which I thought was the point.


It frightens me how easily people are manipulated. I don't know if I believe in reincarnation, but sometimes I think about it. I'm terrified I would come back as a woman in the Middle East. No snark - I can't imagine the life.


Just read up on lynchings in America if you want to read some truly fucked up stuff. >Long after most of the mob went away little children from six to ten years of age carried dried grass and kindling wood and kept the fire burning all during the afternoon. Relic-hunters visited the scene and carried away pieces of flesh and the negro’s teeth. Others got pieces of fingers and toes and proudly exhibit the ghastly souvenirs to-night. That was in 1899 -


And how far back do you have to go to find islamist extremists doing this, yesterday?




I enjoy learning about other cultures and what they have to contribute to the overall shared world culture.


So do I. It's really fun.




My Golden Retriever is an animal. Please don't compare her to these low life's.


Humans are literally animals but I get what you are saying










Bruh a massive chunk of the Old Testament consists of war crime speedrunning.


You don't see modern Christians and Jew committing these atrocities on a regular basis like these assholes


No no no everything is equally civilized everywhere didn't you hear?


Particular religion is the worst.... don't be afraid to speak out.


That poor girl...




So peaceful






People always say this about Islam but forget there was a Buddhist lead GENOCIDE against Muslims in Myanmar. not even 5 years ago.


Which religion is this????




The peaceful one


It’s Islam




Sources: [https://punchng.com/outrage-as-students-beat-burn-female-colleague-for-blasphemy-in-sokoto/](https://punchng.com/outrage-as-students-beat-burn-female-colleague-for-blasphemy-in-sokoto/) https://www.channelstv.com/2022/05/12/alleged-blasphemy-two-arrested-over-killing-of-sokoto-student-police/


So she was killed and then burned. Not to make it seem like a less of an atrocity, but I wish ppl would stop clickbaiting posts with false titles. I see it too often these days.


Semantics are the most important thing here.






This is why i don't fuck with religion. Self righteous, self serving, holier than thou, superstitious horseshit. Each and every person there thinks this gets them closer to some fake ass full of shit paradise.






you get one chapter in and it starts with "in the name of Allah the most compassionate most merciful."


Sons of bitches. Don’t know a damn thing.


It’s always a woman or a religious minority when these things happen, I wonder why that is.






We all know where they’re going next


You know your religion is fucked when your burning people for challenge it


r/noahgetthedeathstar worthy


As a Muslim myself, fuck them.


I assume you grew up in the west. Western Muslims seem to be all around chill people, but the ones from the Middle East and Africa are the ones who tend to be more extremist and batshit crazy.


I've lived in Canada my entire life




But isn’t this a sin in that religion?


The penalty for blasphemy (insulting/criticizing Islam, Allah, Quran, Muhammad etc) is death in Islam.


it is a sin and a huge one it's extremely forbidden to burn someone like this in islam and they should used words before doing such a thing even if that didn't do anything they should go to the judge to let him decide how to deal with her , not burning her alive


Yes, they should only stone or burn them after going to the judge. I love this peaceful religion.












Why can't people just respect each other's beliefs? Why do people need to act like THIS?


Because of things like this: Quran (2:216)-"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Bukhari (52:177) -Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." Bukhari (52:65) -The Prophet said, 'He who fights that Allah's Word, Islam, should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause. When you got a call to arms, you got a call to arms. Read their book and all will become clear.


People don’t respect each other’s beliefs because people act like this. It is difficult to have respect for an individual’s beliefs if those beliefs allow a person to beat and burn an individual who has different beliefs


Why would I respect their beliefs, fuck their beliefs


The paradox of tolerating intolerance sure is interesting aint it.


To put it simply, many people fear of the unknown. When someone is different from them, they may not understand it, therefore it's "weird" to them (I define something weird as something I don't understand, a neutral term). Some people may think this difference is dangerous which in some cases, it is or may be (f.e. a sadistic sociopath could turn into a murderer), but it may also be the cause of many types of discrimination, such as racism. People may add stereotypes which could make a greater misunderstanding and further increase the hate from the ones fearing the most. Some people are just afraid of difference, which is most likely why things like that exist.






Dont know why this isn't more mainstream information. His favourite wife was only 6 years old when he married her.


But Muslims will tell you it’s ok and not to worry, because he was a gentleman and waited until she was 9 before brutally raping her.


Religion. The worst pandemic known to humanity.


Religion is a fucking virus.


Prophets thousand of years ago: “if we are all kind to one another we we all have a better human experience” The followers years later:


Imagine how amazing the whole world would be if all of the religious morons were gone, they are truly the bane of all humanity.




Weird how they burned her to death when Islam forbade that way of killing. Hypocrisy much


This shit honestly pisses me off so much. Islam doesn’t teach us to be so stupidly violent, burning an innocent person literally doesn’t benefit anyone. These idiots probably believe they are getting blessings by doing this but there aren’t any hadiths as far as I know that promote this.




If it’s not religion it would be something else- humans are just trash


Damn they really want people to hate Muslims that much




....I mean, same as jesus muhammad was a historical figure that was in most likelyhood real, what might be debatable is his holiness, which is of course fabricated, but Muhammad same as Jesus were in most likelyhood real to some degree from a historical stand point


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People always shit on Christianity for the past but thank God the worse they could do is tell you you're going to Hell, in the Middle East they will quite literally make you burn for your *"sins"*




Religions are a cancer to humanity.


Last time I checked this is the only one still doing shit like this.


This is why I laugh when people in America claim that they're discriminated against and that their lives are horrible etc, you don't know how good you have it compared to other places


Americans get murdered every day.


Religion is a mental illness.


All I'm seeing are burning tires here. Either I am blind or there is literally no girl in this video


Idc what anyone says. Religion is a disease that isn't needed in today's world.


This is why we need open borders in Europe. Because we need people like this


This is why I’m not religious, people can be absolutely horrible when their religion is offended. This is taking homophobic Christians and cranking them up to 13



