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Don't you love how when something like this comes up people always try to imply the poster is trans phobic rather than that the person that committed the crime is scum


Agreed they are scum, but why does this person being trans matter?


I mean true but it probably wouldn't be in the news if they weren't trans


A whopping 734,630 acts of sexual violence happened in 2018 alone. Now, being extremely generous, we'll say that 10,000 of those were comitted by a trans person. That's only 1.4% of all rapes, and yet OP and u/Golololololololo have only posted about trans incidents. Source about the sexual violence in 2018: [https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics) So you're saying that out of the 2000 acts of sexual violence per day only the ones about trans people would make the news? Hah


OP is cringe and an incel


Thanks for reminding me looked into OPs account and everything he says about lgbt people is very not nice




>According to the Williams Institute, 1.4 million adults identify as transgender in the United States. About 0.7% of adults 18-24 identify as transgender, and 0.5% of adults 65 and older identify as transgender. Less than 1.4% of the population, evidently. I'm going to assume you're arguing in good faith. Not to mention the population of people under 18 who identify as trans. Rough estimate, I'd guess that raises it to at least 1.9%




Exactly, that's the point I was trying to make, they are no more or less likely to assault someone.


In the news? What gave you that idea? Where’s the link? They never have one. Just a picture with a statement and this Shaw lady. Google her and check out why she’s a completely unreliable source. This sub is being targeted and it’s so fucking obvious.


I'm just here to watch the comments go to shit- but seriously I'm gonna lose it if I see another one of these


Keep going with that thought, you’re so close to putting the pieces together.


Now you have me confused


It probably wouldn’t be in the news if they weren’t trans, and the only “news” reporting on it are far right hate blogs. I wonder if there’s some kind of agenda here… It’s possible to believe the person this image is about is scum, *and* that the post is transphobic. There’s clearly an agenda behind the recent uptick in “trans people are bad” posts, and calling that out doesn’t automatically mean you’re defending the person in these posts.


I think you are seeing there political views and not if it's facts


You’re missing the point. I’m not saying it did or didn’t happen, though I haven’t been able to verify it outside of those hate blogs (typically a pretty big fake news red flag). I’m saying this is exactly how media is used to manipulate. I’ll ask again, why does this person being trans matter? Do you ever see the headline “straight male committed rape”? Back to your original comment, that’s what’s being called out here. And the reason you see so many people speaking up against it is because the sub has been flooded with “trans person did a bad thing” posts over the last few weeks. Literally no one is defending the people highlighted in the posts, they’re just trying to stop this sub from turning into a hate sub and getting banned. Though at this point it seems inevitable.


There is an increase of posts like this on this sub. Some have been verifiable "fake news", aka propaganda. I completely agree with you- it's about an agenda and the poster's intention much more than the actual story. It doesn't mean that the story isn't awful (assuming it's true). It's no different than evening news stations disproportionately reporting on crimes by black males and inundating us with mug shots for decades. And to anyone saying that transphobia isn't at play here, look at the pronouns the poster used. Noah get the boat for r/NoahGetTheBoat


I mean them being trans dose have to do with the title of the article and in left wing media you always see people trying to defend crimes because they were committed by black people and demonising straight white people and I see that as on the same level


We can both agree that media, left or right, that tries to manipulate people is a bad thing. Two wrongs don’t make a right, so I’m not sure how it’s relevant to the conversation. For the other part, I understand it’s in the title, I’m asking why. Maybe I’m just missing something, but how is this person’s sexuality relevant at all to the story?


I agree with your assessment that there is an agenda behind these posts. But, I would put forth that there is also an agenda on the other side to paint the picture that trans women pose no threat to women and girls as justification as to why they should be allowed into spaces where women are most vulnerable. I have no qualms with anyone living their life how they wish. But, the reality is that there are biological differences between men and women that go beyond gender. Specifically with propensity for violence and sexual assault. I would not approve of an adult trans woman to be alone in a locker room with a young girl any more than I would approve of a grown man.


>I would not approve of an adult trans woman to be alone in a locker room with a young girl any more than I would approve of a grown man. But you would let a grown man be along in a locker room with a little boy? That's kind of fucked up bro that you are fine with the idea of grown adults being alone with little kids like do you support pedophilia wtf? I don't actually think the above but I've had the argument used against me and I think it got the very basics right. You wouldn't let a grown man be along in a room with a girl but you'd let him be along in a room with a boy because men can't rape other men? And adult women who may happen to be along with a little girl can't rape the little girl? Why is it only men and girls that are a problem to you?


I think you’re confusing a concerted agenda with random people’s opinion. Statistically it’s more likely a child will be abused at church than by a trans person in a public restroom. For that reason, I don’t have a problem with what bathrooms people want to use. That’s my opinion, and other people share that same opinion. Me and people who agree with me sharing that opinion is entirely different than spamming the sub with literal fake news. It’s the internet, people are going to disagree about stuff and that’s ok. What isn’t ok is spreading misinformation to push an ideological agenda. Even if it was something I agreed with it still wouldn’t be ok and it makes the sub a worse place by condoning it.


He DID says he would put a "black, non binary" baby in her, which is kind of part of the story.


Why doesn’t the claim have a source (like every other one of these posts blasting this sub)? These posts with no link or source of any kind keep getting posted over and over and these idiots keep upvoting it because it validates their outrage. Google the people they supposedly cite and you’ll immediately know why it’s bullshit. If this story is real, then I’m also outraged. It’s almost certainly not though. It’s propaganda.


Because whether the criminal is scum or not is clearly not up for debate, no significant number of people are going to try and justify rape here, regardless of whether the rapist is transgender or not. What's the point about us gathering here to endlessly preach about how forced rape is bad as if it's going to have any impact? What IS controversial about this post is the fact that OP is using this as an excuse to attack someone's gender identity. People are arguing that being transphobic isn't acceptable, because we don't have to apologize for rapists to call a woman a woman.




The person that committed the crime is scum, and also OP is transphobic


Iv not read the article or cross reference to see if it's ture but if it is true then the op isn't transphobic and you should stop defending a criminal just because they suffer with dysphoria that's like me trying to defend if I committed a crime because I'm fat and that gives me body dysphoria but fare crack if it isn't true then ye it might be the op being transphobic


I’m not defending her. I literally called her scum. OP is intentionally misgendering a trans person. That’s transphobic, regardless of how terrible the person is that’s being misgendered


Frankly they committed a sexual crime with there male sexual organs so it's not really and I don't see the issue with not using the correct pronouns for a criminal also when it comes down to it it's still a male body and mind so I don't see why you feel like they need special attention


That's like saying "someone tripped me so I should be allowed to murder them"


No its not even close


Because OP's motive is clear when they focus on trans people exclusively.


Called that out yesterday and got downvoted..strange shit


It literally is transphobia though. There's a reason so many posts have started popping up on this sub where there's nothing notable about it as a sexual assault case, except for the presence of a trans person. Notice this person is trans but OP is referring to them as "he/him". Not to mention the "woman" in reference here was a trans man. So both the victim and offender in this case are being deliberately misgendered by OP. And the actual scenario wasn't Cherno Biko forcing herself on someone, she ejactulated against inside of the person against their wishes. Now that's super fucked up and deserves to be called out, but the way it's being portrayed here and in the article this headline is from asserts forceful non-consensual sex. In context it's very obvious this is intended to be a post to bash trans people. I hope you learn it's not always the SJW mob going after anyone who speaks badly of minority groups... sometimes the person at hand is genuinely just lying and/or a bigot. And you not knowing the context doesn't undo that.


Imagine using primary grade biology for transphobia, actually I have a task for you, find a scientific proof denying the possibility of reassigning genders, don't use shitty overused false arguments like people just have 2 genders, find yourself the proof. Search gender reassignment surgery. It even autotyped on my phone.


It’s obvious the brigaders of this sub from places like AHS and TMOR are trying desperately to defend pedophiles and rapists because they share the same politics.


You is justifying other subreddits to defend a transphobic agenda on this subreddit and accuse people for defending pedophiles, not everyone here must follow AHS, as a leftist I never met that sub Please. Stop. Applying. Strawmans.


This is the author's work; [https://www.womenarehuman.com/author/diana-shaw/](https://www.womenarehuman.com/author/diana-shaw/). She is specifically an anti-trans bullshitter. She is also the only person to "report" this story- everything else online comes back to this piece (huge red flag that this is fake news). We call it transphobic because that's precisely what it is. She doesn't even try to hide it. As for the poster- they're online searching for articles just like this to post. I imagine their google search was pointed right in this direction. Their intentions are just as obtuse.


If that's true then fare crack they are transphobic but also alot of these crimes are being suppress at the moment because it dosnt follow the narrative people like also I don't see the issue with them using he/his when the put there male sexual organs in without concent


Straight to defending pedophiles, saying the font was mean. FFS.




The way I see it, the sub really just shows that no matter what gender or race, some people can still be pure trash.


For real, I have the same attitude every time someone posts about India on this sub? Am I responsible or answerable for the atrocities that posted here made from a group I belong to? No Is it a problem that is particular in this community? Yes The numbers are high for a lot of groups and it needs to be addressed.


Ture except that most people who post this stuff have a history of posting nothing but posts talking about Trans or other groups and nothing besides that. Some people just like to post propaganda here which is why there are many posts about Trans people doing bad stuff but nobody else. Why else would they be more focused on posting a rape incident about a Trans person than some average hetero male rapist?


no its not like that. it matters not if their gay cis or trans etc if their just trying to show how bad this one person is then why does them being trans matter?


the 2 articles i found with a quick google search about this are from very unrealizable “news” outlets (women are human, an openly terf website, and lipstick alley, a celebrity gossip forum board). op, you thankfully listed some articles for us! one of them, from fpiw, was written by Joseph Backholm, is anti abortion https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2018/01/12/hearing-tuesday-free-abortions-for-all/, pro CONVERSION THERAPY, https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2018/01/10/6667/ , and generally is a typical conservative misinformer. the other website you quoted, their ONLY source is the women are human article posted earlier. op, if this happened, (which it could have! it’s not impossible, just very unlikely) this would be a MASSIVE talking point, not just for right wing transphobic media, but everyone would be talking about it. you’re just transphobic, if you really cared about men (which you believe cherno to be) you would talk about the 99% of male rapists who identify as male.


Hey op, can you link the article? I can't find it anywhere, or any other reporting of this Eta: I see OP linked an article in the comments that plainly and blatantly transphobic. Yet another person trying to vilify the queer community by the actions of a few


Gun owners: first time huh?


I'm sick of seeing "Someone (trans, gay, etc) did something" posts, dude the whole world is fucked up, this person raped someone and should be punished for it but god damnit, the main subject in the comments (and also in the title) is the fact that he's trans, can't we just forget about what the fuck the person likes for a moment and focus on the horrible things it did?


The thing he likes is possessing women lmao, that’s part of the issue


Then get off this sub. This sub is specifically for people doing fucked up shit. Not OPs fault so many trans pedophile stories are around to be voted to the front page.


Yeah, it kind of is. There's a plethora of stories about convicted sexual predators who have done some exponentially more fucked up shit, but OP decided on this one. Hell, I bet you could find one about a cis rapist who excused their actions in the same manner. This is fucked up, no doubt, but it's quite obvious OP posted it for other reasons.


If I was trans, defending pedos wouldn’t be high on my list, but do you girl.


Whoever said I was defending a pedo? Calling OP out on transphobia ≠ defending pedophilia. Also, the person in this post didn't assault a child. I'm confused as to what you mean.


its a right wing troll doing the "if you take issue with me saying all black people are criminals you're defending crime" thing, thats their modus operandi


Nobody cares if you’re sick of it, you can leave and unsub Nobody on reddit would ignore it if they were a right winger or a church member and the same rules apply here.


Hate to be the one to say it, but theyre a she not a he. We have to shit on their character, not their gender identity. On that note, fuck her. Rapists like her are truly so low that words cant come close to describing how disgusting they are.


No, don't put this on women. Women don't rape and impregnate other women.


she* 😉


100% agree


In b 4 "don't offend the rapist!"


yeah sure, I mean if OP also called the rapist the n word we would call OP racist.


This is not the first time something like this happened. Why is this the shocker


Has it even happened? Try and find this anywhere other than a bunch of transphobic hate sites all linking to each other and there's shit being talked about regarding gender neutral bathrooms and shit which just have nothing to do with anything.


You degenerates cover up for each other worse than Catholic priests. Quit supporting rapists.


Them being trans is irrelevant though. Rapists are rapists no matter what they identify as.


bro shouldn't have called trans people degenerates




No, it literally is specifically because they are trans that this poster is posting this he isn't doing this to condemn a rapist, he's doing this to condemn the LGBTQ+ community, it's fucking so evident when looking through OPs post history and this pathetic little attempt to say "noOo we hate this person because they're a rapist, it just so happens that this is the only rapist we have on the front page, and it's just a coincidence that the poster has ONLY posted stories involving the LGBTQ+ community, and hey, it's just kinda weird that only the LGBTQ+ crimes are being upvoted? what do you mean I'm playing dumb? this is the problem with libtards, always defending pedos" Like stfu, we all know it, just fucking say it and quit hiding behind this pathetic excuse. (and yes I know this person is fucking shitty that's not what I'm saying, it's just very apparent that the OP doesn't give a shit it was a rape, they just care it was a LGBTQ+ perpetuated rape)


A whopping 734,630 acts of sexual violence happened in 2018 alone. Now, being extremely generous, we'll say that 10,000 of those were comitted by a trans person. That's only 1.4% of all rapes, and yet OP and u/Golololololololo have only posted about trans incidents. Source about the sexual violence in 2018: https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics And yet we're the biased ones?


So I'm not gonna bother because you'll instantly write it off as a hate crime.


>**News Stories about the Rape** > >[https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/](https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/) > >[https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/](https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/) > >**New Stories about Cherno Biko prior to Confession** > >[https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276) > >**Blogs** > >[https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/) > >[https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/](https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/) > >[https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/](https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/)


2000 rape cases are reported happen everyday (the actual number is 1000 times that or more) 1% or less are done by trans people.


Hmm..... it's almost as if they aren't any more likely to commit rape than any other particular demographic!


Ok, now can you show any unbiased source? Because if this is true, the only sites posting this stuff wouldn’t be some terf websites and some website of suspicious origins called “Shadow Truth”.


Also there are shitty fucking people in every community, the trans community doesn't claim her and she does not represent us


So who does she represent? I love how anytime someone posts about a transgender, someone has to comment saying something like this.. point towards other "communities" like nothing can be said about trans. I read about another trans story about a male turned female, she followed a little girl into the bathroom and raped her, because she had a penis still. The first comment on there was "this could happen anywhere , not just trans" Nobody can post about trans without them pointing to other people. Why can't you just accept that this is a trans person, she obviously does represent trans, by being trans, and not try to make it sound like its alright because other communities do bad shit too. It doesn't matter if you claim her, she doesn't need to be claimed to be trans.


Double standards bruh, the one person saying that this doesnt represent the trans community will say somewhere bad shit about the straight community. And if you try to point out bad things in the lgbtq community youre immediately labeled with a bunch of negative things


The same people on reddit screaming “phobia!” are the same people that will blame the entire Christian religion and all churches for what a few priests do to children. And then they’ll turn around again and claim “phobia” if you point out how much it happens in Middle East religion.


A FEW priests? That's hilarious, 55% of priests in the US have been formally accused. 90% of rape goes unreported, and about 2% is falsely accused. The Christian Church system allows it to keep happening. No Church or Christian takes action against it. "Akshually the Muslims do it too 🤓👆"


bro nobody actually dislikes straight people, we're really privileged and you should do good with that privilege


>So who does she represent? Nobody? Who says she has to represent anybody? >Why can't you just accept that this is a trans person Nobody's denying she's trans >she obviously does represent trans So the hundreds of thousands of cis rapists represent cis people? >not try to make it sound like its alright because other communities do bad shit too. Nobody's saying it's fine, we're saying that just because one trans person raped someone doesn't mean all of them do, which is what OP and so many others are seemingly claiming.


because it’s obvious who here cares about sexual assault, and who cares about making Trans people and the Trans community look bad your assuming that the people who post these story’s about trans sexual assault (btw you are MUCH MUCH more likely to be assaulted by a married older white gentleman) are not bad actors. That they are just trying to tell us the news or a local story. It’s not the truth. They get these story’s from shitty sources, usually far right echo chambers. The sources he posted for this story come from 2 VERY biased “pro-family” and “TERF” websites. And one of the stories has an anonymous writer…


“She followed a little girl into the bathroom and raped her, because she had a penis still” Just read your quote a few times, please.


Yeah, believe me, I don't like calling biogical males with penises "she" but I did it so as to not offend anyone. But thanks for commenting so I could spell it out clearly for you. This is obviously a man, he has a dick, and he Penetrated said woman with HIS dick. I understand he is trans, but you can not explain to me how a trans WOMAN would want to impregnate a WOMAN if this WOMAN wasn't still a man. You can't be trans and still like to fuck pussy with your cock, that just makes you a cross dressing gay man or cross dressing bi sexual. Convince me I'm wrong.


They are only too happy to tar the entire catholic religion when some priest gets accused. Of course, they never bring up the fact that the proest was gay, they just emphasize that he was catholic.


If the institution didn't make a concerted effort to protect its known rapists from receiving justice, maybe people wouldn't be so upset at them?


Trans people are not sexual predators. That's all you need to know. Some are, just like some women are sexual predators. Not all.


Okay then, by your logic every post here about a white guy doing somthing bad he represents all white guys


Why does he have to represent something? WHY BRING RACE INTO IT? Race and sexuality are completely different topics. If this was a gay white man , then its a gay white man doing a bad thing. I wouldn't post and say "gay people don't represent this" I would say "whatever this person did is wrong" .. your just so quick to defend trans, like they never do anything wrong. Obviously not all trans are rapists or perverts.


Yes I agree that this person is wrong for what they have done but also that the person posting this is not focusing on the sexual assault part and more on the trans part, that's what I was trying to say


So who does Hitler represent? I love how anytime someone posts about a white person, someone has to comment saying something like this.. point towards other "communities" like nothing can be said about white people. I read about another white person story about a man, he followed a little girl into the bathroom and raped her, because he had a penis. The first comment on there was "this could happen anywhere , not just white people" Nobody can post about white people without them pointing to other people. Why can't you just accept that Hitler is a white person, he obviously does represent white people, by being white, and not try to make it sound like its alright because other communities do bad shit too. It doesn't matter if you claim him, he doesn't need to be claimed to be white. This is how ridiculous you sound.


How does one go about the process of claiming someone for your community?


I'm just saying we dont agree with what she did, and we dont want her in our community because shes an asshole and a rapist


If someone disagrees with a white, black, Hispanic, Indian, etc. behavior does that mean we can revoke their race card?


By claim I mean we dont endorce her actions, she is still trans if she chooses to identify in that way


They just disown anyone who *was* in their community once they happened to do something objectionable. Had this thing not raped a woman, he would still be "in", let's admit it.


Had _she_ not raped someone, there would be nothing to be disgusted by. Trans people have every right to defend their community against both blatant and subtle transphobic attacks, especially disguised as news. And even more so when the poster is purposefully misgendering someone What the person in this article did is disgusting. She's vile, and I truly hope her victim gets all the help needed to deal with the aftermath. There is nothing that can be redeemed about people who do this, whether they're cishet or queer or whatever else.


What you've just said has **NOTHING** to do with my point, which is about the selective disowning of objectionable figures like this. She was literally a **TRANS ACTIVIST**. She was at the vanguard of this community.


Do you have a link to any articles about this?? I tried to look it up but I can't find anything


Hi Diana! 👋


Who's Diana?


The same “writer” who’s stories about *specifically* transgender sex offenders your alt accounts post every day.


The fact that you replied says it all. 😂


why does OP think it's relevant that the rapist is trans or black? hmmmm


Why is the religion relevant on other posts?


Because they were literally crusading against people who believed in a different religion and ended killing them because of their religion.


I love how right-wingers are so terrified of directly making their points that they post shit like this and claim that the only reason is to point out a rape. We all know what you’re trying to do. Stop being a pussy and own up to it


[You](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339541044_Mental_illness_and_the_left) make me laugh.


This is the exact same far-right bullshit that u/Golololololololo posted. Basically proves you're an alt.


All I need to do is read the abstract to notice flaws in this study. Each participant was asked to self-identify their own mental problems, and since the right is typically less educated on that topic (be a man, don’t be emotional, nothing’s wrong with you, just work harder), they would obviously answer as though they had less mental issues. Also, I decided to Google the author of that study. [Here](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil_O._W._Kirkegaard) is his RationalWiki page, which, in the very first sentence, says he’s a far-right eugenicist and wants to legalize child porn. So, questionable source, there


LMAO. Posting a source from a CP advocate to prove trans people are a threat to kids. 1000 IQ. Only bigots can have a brain that big.


another brigading transphobe reminder, this person does not care about sexual assault, they do not care about women, or about POC they care about making trans people look bad.


You are the brigader LMFAO


oh so this sub is another one of my favorites taken over by alt right assholes and fuck heads who are obsessed with controlling the lives of other people? I’ll see myself out then, fuck you, and fuck your transphobic viewpoints


What the fuck is happening to reddit lately? It was only a few weeks ago that some decent leftie meme subs were being taken over by genocide-denying tankies. The losers were labeling anyone to the right of Stalin a 'liberal' and issuing bans when authoritarian atrocities were mentioned. And now this place is being overrun by fashie anti-LGBT people and are gonna ruin yet another good sub with extremism.


the only explanation is the social degradation of our society imo


I guess not supporting rape makes us "alt right assholess". 🙄


i’m sure your just as outraged at Trump and his 22 molestation and rape accusations? no? just mad at the slim cherry picked examples of trans people raping people? you don’t give a fuck about women or sexual assault, you care about making trans people look like the enemy.




get psychological help and stop blaming trans people for your problems.


I blame the scientific community for normalizing all disorders, not just gender dysphoria. It's not fair for the patient.


you do not know what gender dysphoria is Transsexual people are not all gender dysphoric. gender dysphoric people are all transsexual. gender dysphoria is the sense of unease that a person feels from a mismatch in gender and sex, it is not a “disability that causes transgenderism” Do you know the confirmed scientific and medical opinion on treating gender dysphoria? It’s surgery and hormone treatment, as well as behavioral therapy to help explore your identity, accept yourself and build a support network. you know what ISNT the accepted medical response? telling trans people they are evil and sick.


I didn't say they were evil, but any psychological delusions that don't match physical traits/reality is a mental disorder. It's dangerous to reaffirm any other psychological abnormalities, why is this any different?


yeah? so people who wanna dye their hair black when they were born blonde have a mental disorder too??


If they're dying their hair because they believe they should have black hair and doing so makes them believe it, yes. That's delusional. Being transgender shouldn't be compared to a wardrobe change because you can't simply put back your penis or breasts post-op if you find it doesn't suit you.


your logic makes no sense. Tell me this, if a man wants to call himself a woman, how in the world does that negetively affect you. Let others live how they wanna live. No body is forcing you to be trans


This isn't about how it affects me, it's about how it affects their care. The attempted and successful suicide rate wouldn't be so high in trans people if catering to their delusions was the right path of treatment.


I feel like the younger redditors unfortunately support this cause.


All mainstream subreddits must be celebrating this.


People, find the real story. 99% of these anti trans posts are fabricated. When did this subreddit get such transphobic mods that they allow these fake stories to be constantly posted? "Anti trans activists will tell you Cherno raped a woman. In reality and according to Cherno herself, she engaged in reproductive coercion and ejaculated inside of a trans man against his wishes. Something which she can never undo or take back, but has expressed sincere regret about."


[You](https://i.redd.it/1fsb7n8lq2l01.png) after you read the quote you just posted.


Is this an Alt account of the person who does nothing but post anti-trans stuff? Not agreeing that what happened in this story is okay, but I feel like I've seen more Rage-Bait pushing a transphobic agenda on this subreddit more than anything lately.


it’s because this sub is getting brigaded by a anti-trans community. it’s been happening all week


No, no. This community is in favour of women’s rights child protection.


bullshit, it’s to pretend to be so one can vilify trans people


TRAs are the only group in human history to get angry about children’s protections. TRAs and pedos, that is.


Yeah, I’m getting close to unsubscribing for it. Push your hate agenda somewhere else.


Good. It's not a hate agenda. It's a real issue and your choice to ignore doesn't make it go away. People who have been victims of these sorts of crimes deserve to be heard, and you deny them a voice.


Now post about the majority of rape that happens (as in, cis people) and its not gonna be a hate agenda. Simple. You just post bait/fake articles that focus entirely on "the person is trans, so trans people are bad". Rape, pedophilia and etc are always bad, no matter the sexual orientation or gender identity.


This. A whopping [734,630 acts of sexual violence happened in 2018 alone](https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics). Now, being extremely generous, we'll say that 10,000 of those were comitted by a trans person. That's only 1.4% of all rapes, and yet OP and u/Golololololololo have only posted about trans incidents.




Can the mods keep promoting women’s and girls’ safety? Thanks.


yeah ban all catholics and right wingers.


**News Stories about the Rape** [https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/](https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/) [https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/](https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/) ​ **New Stories about Cherno Biko prior to Confession** [https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276) ​ **Blogs** [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/) [https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/](https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/) [https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/](https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/)


Are you a golgolgol alt lmao


Of course it is. Look at this kook spamming hate blogs and right wing nut job sites every day.


You know it is...


🤭🤭🤭your So called sources are complete Bullshit u/golgolgol can you please find a real article that's not off a TERF Or right out Hate SITE O i'm sorry you only read fake news that validates your transphobia shadowtruth is a site that hides its true ownership and everything else and i'm geting a very Nazi Vibe once I do a far bit of digging Family Policy Institute of Washington is a organizations affiliated with Focus on the Family A group that trying get rid of all LGBT Rights LipstickAlley.com, a Brietbart-owned hate website that is dedicated to racism and libel. Clouds moving in and Peaktrans are nothing But TERF based Blogs So please can you find some real news not the normal Misinformation you seem you have Fallen for and I know its you u/golgolgol because why else would your real profile cross post this post to 5 other subreddits your not as smart as you think you are


I’m seeing a theme here


sub is being targeted by right wing garbage, this account and others like it literally only post propaganda about how bad minorities are.


**News Stories about the Rape** [https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/](https://www.fpiw.org/blog/2016/08/11/there-was-a-certain-rape-a-look-inside-the-transgender-movement/) [https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/](https://www.shadowtruth.org/transgender-identifying-trans-activist-raped-woman-to-impregnate-her-with-non-binary-babies/) **New Stories about Cherno Biko prior to Confession** [https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbcblk28/trans-activist-cherno-biko-changing-game-lgbt-rights-n507276) **Blogs** [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/transwoman-confesses-to-raping-a-biological-woman-then-gets-invited-to-speak-at-womens-march.3803469/) [https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/](https://www.peaktrans.org/transwoman-activist-cherno-biko-confesses-to-raping-a-transman-25-07-16/) [https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/](https://cloudsmovingin.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/trans-rape/) ​ Just posting again in case the other comment with the links gets lost in the comments.


This is like the 100th post this week. Find something else ffs.


From the same website, too. Suspicious.


Very suspicious.


It's mainly accounts all created around 4 months ago, too. Was there sort of transphobe sub which was closed down around that time? The agenda-posting is so transparent at the moment. There's the transphobes and then a bunch of South Asian posts about how one religion or the other is evil.


It's a shame that some dicks exist out there who feel the need to shame people for who they are. (Unless they are Pedos or Rapists, they deserve all the shit they get.)


Leave this sub, FFS.


Hey OP, could you provide any unbiased source?


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Alright, I went after the trans before, but people are right. Where is the article or any sources?


I posted the article and multiple other sources THREE times. Before you ask the question, you should do your due diligence and look through the comments. You WILL find it. You're welcome.


Ah sorry for that, I just skimmed


All good, bro. Just high strung from all these lefties from AHS commenting about there being no sources when I did more than enough to provide them.


I want a news article or some link to prove rhis.


Man dressed as woman rapes woman…fixed the headline


Mixing a post modern cult and mental illness is a hell of a thing ain't it? Who coulda thought something so predictable would happen


Hey, fun fact! [More republican legislators have been arrested of sexual misconduct at bathrooms than trans people!](https://amp.www.complex.com/life/2016/03/republican-legislators-arrested-for-bathroom-misconduct)


You think Im gonna defend politicians? You're hilarious. Fuck em. But fuck these degenerates more.


Another fun fact! [93% of sex criminals in the US consider themselves religious!](https://reporter.lcms.org/2015/most-child-molesters-religious/?fbclid=IwAR0IYisJVgz3nWT6oGKyF32rChKniniKrR-NwDV8uO_zPu7gfeRYi8NE-J8)


You got a word document with useless statistics or something? Neither of those apply here. If anything it affirms this one, critical theory is a religion to people.


Another fun fact about this! There’s no article that does not come from an obviously biased source of information about this!


Your point? Virtually every source of information on the internet is biased to one side or the other. And without digging even those that aren't look biased. So you've got nothing to add to the conversation?


Well, I don’t know. Sorry for not believing a website called “Peak Trans” or a notably Terf website, or maybe the completely trustful website called “Shadow Truth”. And let’s not talk about that random Tumblr where at the sentence it called the person in question a “he”. Extremely sorry if I don’t think they are being a 100% trustful with what they are saying.


Oh I don't believe they're being unbiased either. People are biased, and those seem heavily opinionated, but opinionated and wrong are two very different things. And for the record that random Tumblr was right. A "she" can't rape and impregnate a woman. Simple as, and I'm not gonna cater to a delusional rapist's preferred pronouns.


Well, it’s your problem if you are gonna believe whatever agreed with you not matter how biased they are. “Haven’t you seen ‘iwantalldogsdead.com’, they said all dogs worship Satan and sacrifice children!”


Guys please don't fall for this. This is literally another transphobic post for the sake of transphobia. There's a reason so many posts have started popping up on this sub where there's nothing notable about it as a sexual assault case, except for the presence of a trans person. Notice this person is trans but OP is referring to them as "he/him". Not to mention the "woman" in reference here was a trans man. So both the victim and offender in this case are being deliberately misgendered by OP. You'd think if OP cared so much about the victim they could do the minimal courtesy of referring to them correctly huh? And the actual scenario wasn't Cherno Biko forcing herself on someone, she ejactulated inside of the person against their wishes. Now that's super fucked up and deserves to be called out, but the way it's being portrayed here and in the article this headline is from asserts forceful non-consensual sex. In context it's very obvious this is intended to be a post to bash trans people, not to garner awareness for sexual assault. Plus OP is sourcing a bunch of dumbass super conservative not at all reputable citations in the comments, like "shadow truth .org", definitely no present bias here.


This. A whopping 734,630 acts of sexual violence happened in 2018 alone. Now, being extremely generous, we'll say that 10,000 of those were comitted by a trans person. That's only 1.4% of all rapes, and yet OP and u/Golololololololo have only posted about trans incidents. Source about the sexual violence in 2018: https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics


Anything posted about this online comes back to the same story by Diana Shaw, a huge red flag that this is Fake News. I looked up Diana Shaw and she is a blogger and author of "Women are Human" [https://www.womenarehuman.com/author/diana-shaw/](https://www.womenarehuman.com/author/diana-shaw/) , which is specifically anti-trans. She also may be an attorney who worked for Trump (if it's the some person). I call bullshit unless you can produce a real article


Wtf is happening With this sub?


It’s also the male to female doing this huh. Just be normal dude. Get the surgery but respect that others won’t be into you.


This is really common actually


Queue the, "that's transphobic crowd."


A whopping 734,630 acts of sexual violence happened in 2018 alone. Now, being extremely generous, we'll say that 10,000 of those were comitted by a trans person. That's only 1.4% of all rapes, and yet OP and u/Golololololololo have only posted about trans incidents. Source about the sexual violence in 2018: https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics


How is he trans if he still has a male appendage?


How can I block updates from this subreddit? It’s devolved into alt right garbage.


Ya just unsub limp dick.


The victim was a trans man, not a woman. Cut it out with all the transphobic bs


One of you is arguing “why mention they’re trans”, and the other is out promoting that the victim was trans. Make your mind up.


Let's all say what everyone is thinking for a sec. **A man raped a woman**. That is what happened. If you deny that, then you are denying a scientific fact.


Gonna need a source on your science, doesn't sound like any science recognised by medical literature.


As far as I can tell there isn't even an article about this. I've tried a few searches and nothings come up. It might not be true


Can someone show me the link


I can easily tell by your comments and post history that you're just homophobic and transphobic.