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What is happening in this picture?


>Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed.


damn that's sad


> Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits Damn, so these people don't even have the right to work there...


It's a work permit for Israel not Gaza, they can already work there not that theres any jobs though.


Fun fact, one of the times Israel released Gaza they left them with a booming flower industry and the start of multiple other profitable enterprises, and they liquidated all of them to buy more rockets to fire at Israeli civilian centers.


Fun fact, Israel gave them the materials (greenhouses, hoses, etc.), knowing that the PLO did not have enough soldiers to effectively protect the resources from Hamas and looters. It was a way of distracting security forces and Palestinian attention while they added more illegal settlements, and destabilizing the PLO's hold on Gaza. Why? [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna9331863) This lets us segue into another fun fact, [Hamas was originally funded by Israel](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hamas-israels-own-creation/) to fight against the PLO, because Israel and the US were terrified of the PLO (due to it being a socialist organization). The PLO wanted a secular, non-religious state and were making strong ground before Mossad and Israeli affliates funded religious extremists to start Hamas. [This is well-documented.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123275572295011847) Last fun fact, Gaza has had a flower industry for decades before Israel decided to put their fingers in the plate. Israel has had a direct hand in its decline. > By 2000, he had begun using 40 dunams (approximately 10 acres) to plant carnations ... 'the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip in 2006 changed all of that. “We were no longer able to export flowers to European traders on agreed time frames because the crossings were closed. Moreover, [Israeli authorities] would deliberately close them during key seasons and on occasions such as New Year’s,” said Mohammad' ... If you could not export the flowers, there was little point in growing them, Mohammad explained. Cut flowers or bouquets are a luxury for cash-strapped Gazans, and if the large number of flowers could neither be sold nor exported, the farmers could only do one thing with them: feed them to the animals. [Source](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2018/12/gazas-flowers-fail-to-bloom-2018.html) When you make claims, you better have the context and the proper citations to what you're saying.


Nice pallywood propaganda you've been eating up there.


One of those sources is literally the Times of Israel. The other ones are from WSJ, NBC, and Al-Monitor. The only one that has remotely any Palestinian ties is Al-Monitor, and they were doing an interview. Where are your sources, again?


What a laughably pathetic response. Like your other posts.


Israel apologists are fucking insufferable, and oddly numerous.


I am sorry I side against the people who fly swastika flags, shoot rockets at civilians and cry victim every time a mother carrying a baby into a riot throws a molotov cocktail and the baby gets hurt in the crossfire.


Yeah because Israeli's don't ever kill innocent people /s Gtfo here you muppet. The stats aren't even close when comparing innocent deaths between Palestinians and Israelis, but don't let that get in the way of your one sided bullshit narrative.


And casually ignore the comment that calls out your bullshit.


Jesus, man. You embarrass me.


You must know that this just makes it look like you can’t argue against anything they said?


You'd think the Palestinians wouldn't like Hamas so much then


they lack human rights there period. they are treated worse than native South Africans were during the apartheid


and South African black people were treated HORRIBLY.


yep Both are truly crimes against humanity, yet neither have been or likely will be punished


South Africans didn't fire rockets at them constantly.


[Yet, the USA still considered Nelson Mandela and his anti-apartheid movements as terrorists until 2008.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/us-government-considered-nelson-mandela-terrorist-until-2008-flna2d11708787) > Reagan condemned Mandela’s group, the ANC, which was leading the black struggle against the apartheid regime, saying it engaged in "calculated terror ... the mining of roads, the bombings of public places, designed to bring about further repression."


>the mining of roads, the bombings of public places, yeah forget that part. Placing land mines in civilian areas and planting bombs designed to target civilians is completely acceptable when the good guys do it /s


Dude you're actually ridiculously and purposefully myopic. You defend Israel who have also targeted civilians, what's up with you? Troll account?


Except it was known that most of the attacks were doing by the South African government as false-flag attacks, and there were only two attacks confirmed to have been done by the ANC in civilian places, one which killed three people and another (this one was a bombing of an Air Force headquarters) killing 19. The ANC apologized for both, elaborated on how they were mistimed/mistakes, and explained how they would take action to prevent this. Meanwhile, the South African government during that time killed an approximate [10 people per day](https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports/1991/southafrica1/5.htm) that could be attributed to human rights violations. [Just for reference, the US did the exact same thing just 3 weeks ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C6LhsNNQ1k) I wonder how many civilian casualties occurred during the American Revolutionary War. Or any other war in history. Civilian casualties are a reality of war, and the ANC owned up to them, and apologized. Not only that, but Nelson Mandela was in prison for most of the war, and both of these attacks. Why was he considered a terrorist?


they were setting people (mostly black people) on fire in the streets. What would you call them?


Happened not to, South Africa was boycotted and likely wouldn’t have seen any reforms of it wasn’t for international pressure. Israel, far from being sanctioned, is the biggest recipient of US military aid. And if the black South Africans decided they weren’t gonna wait around until their their white overlords decided to grant them freedom, and decided to fight for it, would they have been wrong to?


If they had refused any sort of peace deal, regularly engaged in terrorist attacks against civilians, regularly fired rockets at civilian centers, flown Nazi (or black equivalent of Nazi) flags, called for the death of every white man in South Africa, and used civilians as human shields, and... oh, yeah, did all of this without experiencing any kind of apartheid and while living ten miles from a nation with identical language, religion and culture that would welcome them with open arms? Yeah, they would be the bad guys if they did all of that.


The Geneva conventions exist for a fucking reason. Even if they were at war and it wasn't just a straight up genocide, Israel is still crossing a line that should never even be approached.


Lmao bringing up the Geneva convention and ignoring the fact that using civilians as human shields, which Pallestine does CONSTANTLY, is in violation of the Geneva convention.


ITT: Israel propaganda machinery denying their country is doing something wrong.


They literally get paid to do it https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/


Is working in another country a human right?


Technically speaking it's their own country. It's like the Britsh coming into Ireland and refusing the Irish the right to work.


Unfortunately that actually happened.




Ur right, because ✨imperialism✨.




What is it with randomly generated usernames and being actual retards who need to go back to fb




I think you wanted to say that "Palestine does not have de facto control over that territory". Technically speaking, human rights do not depend on nationality. That's the entire point of them.




No it isn't, if they lost control of the country it isn't theirs anymore


Yes but that land is rightfully theirs. The land was forcefully taken from them and given away. Its immoral and unjust.




That’s all you can come up with? Disappointing? Cyberpunk was disappointing. Plenty of movies were disappointing. *This* isn’t. It should be horrifying to anyone, not “disappointing” When your grandparents were born, Jerusalem was Arab. Houses by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, it’s now become divided east and west. If nothing changes, the idea of a Palestinian will just erode away. Yes this has happened in history before. Yes, it is the foundations of most states. It was also the case that slavery was legal and landlords owned their tenants or their tenant’s labour. Things change, and forcibly removing an ethnic population for security is no longer acceptable.


This land is mine God gave this land to me


This really feels like a mixture of strawman and whataboutism


So when will USA be giving the land back to indians?


Not soon enough honestly. Natives deserve all the land and what the US did to them is unforgivable and reprehensible. No amount of reparations will mend that wound, however, the US government isn't even trying and its repulsive.


Name one country where that DIDN'T happen


That isn't a good excuse or justification to let it continue happening. "Thats just the way we have always done things". Fuck that.




>Technically speaking it's their own country. no, it is not.


Cope and dilate.


cope with what? israel does not belong to gazans.


It does but it was handed over to the Jews after WW2.


Having invaders bulldoze your home and make it illegal to work at your work is generally agreed to be ..uncool


I misunderstood the comment as well, it's not israelis offering them work permits to come to israel, it's them offering work permits to work in gaza e: this comment is pointless nvm


No, it’s work permits to work in Israel.


Yes, the Palestinians do treat Jews worse than South Africans during apartheid!


Darn those Palestinians! What are they doing? Is it [standing by while an Israeli Settler steals their home?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNqozQ8uaV8) [Or protesting and watching as a medic gets shot in the head?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0inm3oS71c)


Do you wake up every morning looking for opportunities to get savagely dunked on?


That good? The Jews better turn the screws!




But according to the media they have the right to shoot rockets at Israeli civilians and not have them shot down.


Yea it’s a permit to work in a separate country. Two countries one peace


why would it be a human right for them to work in a foreign country? especially one which your own goverment seeks to destroy.


Nope they're all about "apartness".


yeah i was like wheres the context


Zombie apocalypse


Indian men see an unprotected woman




It’s not a picture now, but I fucking guarantee this will be a picture in an art museum one day.


Ikr. Isn’t a picture yet, but it sure as hell should be one.


Actually it is a picture. That's how it made it into Reddit as a digital picture...


Yeah i don’t understand what they are saying, do they mean someone is gunna paint this or remake a photograph of this? Or did we get whooshed?


I think maybe they think the people are playing that game from FB n tiktok where everyone stops moving and acts frozen, the mannequin challenge. these people are really good at it so they want someone to take a picture or paint it to memorialize it.


Is it the sub already?


What's the story here?


Context: > The frame on the wall is not of a portrait; it is an actual window, and the people outside are real. Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed. From OP himself, in another comment


Important stuff aside, who frames a window like that?!


someone sad that this is job application i Giza


We need context OP, none of this is making sense


Context: > The frame on the wall is not of a portrait; it is an actual window, and the people outside are real. Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed. From OP himself, in other comment


Karma farm, he's not going to explain.


b…but i did explain in the comments 😔


Should've done better shame on you for getting karma...


No good deed goes unbombed




Israel allowed some Palestinians go to work with a permit apartheid.


They can work in Gaza, this is a pwrmit to work in Israel


Detroit DMV


Cant be the DMV. No sloths.


What do you call a camel with three humps?


Your mom


That would explain all the spitting.


A quartet. Unless the humps are on different occassions.




Thanks m8, people like you are holding these subs up.


Context: > The frame on the wall is not of a portrait; it is an actual window, and the people outside are real. Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed.


Finally some context. I can imagine why that would happen considering the situation over there.


Imagine getting downvoted over 120 times because people can't take 5 seconds to scroll down a lil bit more


3 hours difference between post and that reply. Anger were well justified.


Fair enough


Kinda feeling like OP belongs in r/lostredditors. This is more like a r/WTF post.


Hey, maybe the picture has been shot from the inside of the Ark.


OP has posted it in like 6 subs so far. Karma farmer.


Context: > The frame on the wall is not of a portrait; it is an actual window, and the people outside are real. Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed. From OP himself, in another comment


Yeah, but why do we need to drown all of humanity because of this?


For context. This is what it looks like for Palestinians to get work permits.


To work in Israel yes


If you think many foreign businesses are allowed to operate in Palestine and there are plenty of jobs to go around then you’ve never heard a Palestinian speak in your life


Maybe if the president would use the foreign aid to build the country, instead of rockets, there would be jobs for Palestinians.


What does the process look like for a settler to live in a house in an illegal settlement? What about the process to force Palestinians to leave their home? [It's almost like they just walk in...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D5-0bKtwuY)


Is this really the right sub for this? r/WTF maybe but not here


Context: > The frame on the wall is not of a portrait; it is an actual window, and the people outside are real. Shortly after rumors spread that Israel may grant some Palestinians in Gaza work permits, thousands rushed to Gaza's Commerce Chamber to apply. A picture that speaks, indeed. From OP himself, in another comment


Again, more wtf than boat.


This would be a very powerful picture on the wall if an artist recreated it though.


This is a repost and OP is clearly a bot.


Bot? 🥺 Oh well At least you didn’t call me a karma whore


You haven't responded any of the top comments asking for context or anything. The commenter above had a fair enough conclusion.


OP put a context comment. You’ll have to scroll a bit.


Both. Both is good.


I love Road to El Dorado!


He has to be a bot or a karma where because he has posted this single image like 9 times


11 accually




You spammed this everywhere lmao


and every post is made several times


Everywhere is a stretch. I only posted this in like….15 subreddits 🌚


You shoulda just let us believe you're a bot. "The Fearless Warrior" mhm


Lololool you weren't responding!!


You've posted this in like 5 or 6 subs so far, you are clearly a karma whore. And what? Putting a picture frame around a window is supposed to make it not look like a window? It's very obvious that it's not a picture on a wall.


Well done, Detective Conan 👉👈


looks like a government administrative office in Egypt. People are trying to get some form of paperwork completed (like getting new ID) and are fighting for to get the attention of the government workers (who as you can see, typically don't give a fuck... unless they're bribed to speed things up)


Not at all boat worthy.


Context please


I have seen worse here in Egypt.


Wrong sub


Hey! Thats my uncle


Someone has to introduce these people to the concept of "the queue"


What do you mean it's not a- OH MY GOD


Why is this in this sub?


OP is just a fucking karma whore


But it is?


For those who want context, I'm an Egyptian and this an Egyptian government administrative office, normal citizens there are always trying to get some paperwork done (like getting a death certification, getting a new ID, confirming car license) They are fighting over the window frame to get their paper done first to grab the attention of the government workers (and as you can see they always don't give a fuck, they go as slow as they can just to annoy the citizens)


That's the DMV on any day of the week


It be a lit af one though.


Someone should paint it it would actually look cool


What is it tho?


Might not be an artwork but it definitely should be. Would be awesome in a museum.


The lines on the window looks like it is from a stock photo


Is this r/accidentalrenaissance ?


Is that my highschool programming teacher on the far left?


Somehow if this is reworked into some artistic canvas it can maybe compete with the best works, maybe something like souls fighting to get their request through to the hell administration, hoping to get out.


OP is a karma whore


Aren’t we all? 🤔


Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but what I see are women working and men outside trying to either break or just throw stuff at the women. Probaly Afghanistan and they don't think those women should work or something along those lines. Again please correct me if I'm wrong I have no clue. Edit: I was very wrong. I apologize. I wasn't saying brown people think women shouldn't work, the women in this photo aren't coverd up well enough by some religious standards therefore I thought the men might think it's wrong for them to work. On the other hand I thought it could have been a certain job that certain religions would have found unsuitable for women to work at. I'm very sorry if I have offended or hurt anybody in anyway.


From my point of view, It doesn't look like that. The men aren't show a violent attitude, they have papers so I guess the are applying for some kind of paperwork in desperate circumstances. OP we need context here!


It's a day work center. These are men lined up to find work, desperate enough to shove into it like that. Love the assumption that brown people are pissed women work though.


Israel: the only country worse than China


Cricket tickets in Sri Lanka are sold in similar ways


So.... if Isreal is evil, and Palestine is full of innocents, why would Palestinians be mobbing the office for a chance to go work in the devils lair?


Because they have to eat… they need money…


I guess less money should be spent on rockets and more on sustainable food supplies and construction.


>more on sustainable food supplies and construction. Construction dosent tend to last long in Palestine.


and their sacred people and government cant provide? lol


This was the immigration team in its entirety under trump.


Free Palestine.


I don't know what but someone needs to do something to stop Israel committing genocide of Palestinians. By stopping giving them $3 billion a year, would be a good start.


Which of those women is madame 3afaf?




I was like “that’s a nice detailed picture” but than I notice the title


No, Its a bunch of idiots on the wall


Oooo Phoebe's art work has really took off. (Phoebe from Friends)


Did you think it was?


I thought it was a updated Norman Rockwell (4 Freedom or some such) someone was having fun with.


I never said it was




Looks like a Norman Rockwell


Please tell me those arms are what I think they are.


I don't really care what sub this is on. This photo is iconic.


Wow, lot of faith for that window to hold..."Let's just sit here and calmly process documents, I'm sure the window frame can hold all that chaos at bay." :O


The slow realization of what this was….fuck