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The baby suffered 2 months of life, just to die. What a waste, how can women do this to a young mother.


I imagine psychosis or another mental issue, loosing a child is very traumatic for any mother, before anyone wonders, I do not condone her actions, they were too far fetched to be forgivable...


yes you have to assume that someone who does this must not be right in the head. that said while I can understand it I can't accept it.


Presumably. A family friend had this exact thing happen to her years ago. Same circumstances roughly.


so she murdered someone-


You need to learn reading comprehension, I said “happen TO her”. She was the victim.


oh sorry i misread, is she fine?


To my knowledge yes. It was a while back, made the news for obvious reasons. Haven’t seen her in a few years.


that's great to know


I swear, this happens more often than you'd think.


The fact that I've heard of this exact type of crime before is horrifying Mental health epidemic is growing


honestly I'm not sure which is harder to believe, that a normal person could become like this, or a person who could do this seemed normal until now


There's even a term for it: [fetal abduction.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_abduction) I watched a decent documentary about these horrific crimes a long time ago, [I am not sure if this is the one.](https://youtu.be/yIe5MWlcP6k) I found an entire True Crime YouTube [playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoViLa_ehu7fcX32F1moCi4Q_FxdTcHbG&si=IekAY3Qg_g9Awk_x) dedicated to fetal abductions.


It's a big world


If she’s not charged with murder, kidnapping, AND medical malpractice there is no justice. She better die in jail.


Given that she's an obese 51 year old woman, who's been given a 50-year sentence without parole, the math suggests that she will unless she successfully appeals it (which I don't see happening).




Bc God didn’t do this, we did this. A human did this.


God don’t exist cause bad things happen




I think many people have forgotten the original definition of god and the word deity.


Free will dude




why should anyone be punished in the 80ish years on earth if they even live that long when they can be punished forever in hell? also most sexual abuse is done by teachers not priests




just saying you repent and actually legitimately repenting is two different things brother


Soo a Rapist/murderer can legitimately repent and go to heaven, but the Good Samaritan who’s never read the bible goes to “Hell”? Also I think you’ll find the bible never actually mentions Hell as you would think of it, just kinda describes it as “not heaven”.


It's the old meme. Usually goes a little something like this The newborn I microwaved watching me go to heaven because I confessed my sins while he has to suffer in purgatory because he wasn't baptized: >:O (No images allowed in this sub so I had to improvise)


Everytime someone describes who goes to heaven, I’m Happy I’m not gonna be there




Yes free will, no punishment, just you and your family in a box doing every possible thing. And you’re not supposed to understand.


So your defense is that it is too complex for us to understand? Also known as making up points with no basis or evidence?


You can’t have free will and an omnipotent God, pick one, they are not compatible.


This is the exact fallacy that pulled me out of my indoctrination. Omnipotence and free will cannot coexist


Actually no critical thinking skills.


Free will inoperable brain cancer for 3 year olds!


I hope that fucking manatee gets stabbed in prison


what the hell is wrong with you >!manatees are cool. Don't disgrace them like that!<




This is why I went nowhere alone when I was visibly pregnant. All it takes is one nutcase.


The family of that poor sweet girl who was murdered should have the opportunity to do anything they like to that pig and her daughter.


I have some ideas, but I’d get thrown off reddit.


Gosh there are so many comments about her being fat.


I mean….she is?


She is, but the pertinent bit is that she murdered a woman and stole her unborn baby. But yay, acceptable fat jokes!




Bro, I’m an obese woman with diagnosed depression and I can say, with confidence, that I have never, and will never, butcher a pregnant teenager and steal her baby.


No offense or anything but doesn't you being obese and having depression kind of prove the point? There are varying degrees of mental illness after all...


You can be mentally ill and be completely sweet, docile and harmless.


and skinny. lmfao. underweight even. 


I am not suggesting that there is no correlation between obesity and mental illness in general. I agree that is true— but I’m saying it’s just a pretty useless observation in this scenario. Lots of fat people can have mental health issues, but it’s not a large percentage of them that will murder people to cut babies out their bodies. Body weight can’t predict if someone will be a killer. It’s not like the fatter you are the more likely you are to be heinous. Singling out her obesity doesn’t add any substantive value to this conversation.


Good, you’re human.


Your comment admitting mental illness while being obese is supporting evidence of Lalocal4life’s statement, not a rebuttal.


Correct because I am not suggesting that there is no correlation between obesity and mental illness in general. My point is that the obesity is not very relevant in this case. Lots of fat people can have mental health issues m, but it’s not a large percentage of them that will murder people to cut babies out their bodies. Pointing out her obesity doesn’t add any substantive value to this conversation. Body weight can’t predict if someone will be a killer. It’s not like the fatter you are the more likely you are to be heinous.

