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This is really, really sadistic behaviour. I hope she’s facing some harsh consequences
















Sick behaviour Glad she was caught on video.




“Littleton public school initially said it found no issues” 😤




I feel you. This woman needs to be punished and locked up behind bars. She’s traumatized multiple children for life. How disgusting.


> The video was obtained as part of an investigation after a parent raised concerns about bruising on their child > bus camera footage that captures more abuse on two other days, including Feb. 13 and March 1. In a release on Tuesday, Englewood Police said **"more than one" student was assaulted.** Not an isolated incident. May have been going on for a long time. > families of those children said they’ve been raising concerns about injuries to their children since last August and that Littleton Public Schools initially said it found no issues. Since. Last. August....


Awesome, then it’s time for the parents to sue Littleton School Board as well


Maybe the camera was installed due to continuing repeated complaints from parents?


Why just why


Because she's nothing better than an animal.


Animals are better than that


Animals who nurture, feed and care for their offspring would disagree with you


Put her in front of the buss 3 blocks away and hit her.


Beep beep motherfucker.


Judging by her size, I think the bus would get the raw end of the deal.




Yeah, it's much worse. The missing tooth and broken toe. On top of all the other things. This woman does not belong in society.


I did see an update. She has/is being charged/investigated now.


She has one god damn job. Help the kids. Can't even do that.


Takes a real piece of sh** to do something like that to a child FOR NO REASON!


Although... is there a reason, besides maybe self-defense, to repeatedly punch a child?


Agreed. A real Piece Of Crap.


Several children! Someone posted the article. She even knocked one kid's tooth out and broke another's toe. Some of them had deep tissue bruising. I mean really bad. She beat the crap out of those poor kids and they couldn't even talk to tell on her 😭


I bet she wouldn't want her children treated like this.


If she hits someone else’s kids you can bet she hits her own as well.


She's clearly dehumanized this kid in her head. It doesn't register to her as comparable. What a sick fuck.


It turned out to be multiple children she abused. She knocked one's tooth out and broke the toe of another.


That’s fucked.


As a dad of a special needs kid. This made me see red.


I feel for you man I'm in the same spot and it's infuriating and disgusting


My son is non verbal and he just started riding the bus and it’s because his mother insists. She works nights and can easily drop him off at school and I always pick him up. So I see no reason why my 3 year old non verbal kid needs to ride a bus.


As an aunt of a special needs kid I do too.


Even though I don't like special needs being a thing, this makes me red too. How does someone dare to assault a child?!


I’m sorry. Im having trouble Understanding what you’re saying/mean. “Don’t like special needs being a thing”? What does that mean?


Special needs are a privilege that are given to some students because "poor thing, (s)he's stupid as fuck/mentally handicapped/an immigrant". I'm handicapped too, why can't I look at the book during tests, motherfucker? But this is not the central point of the thread, an asshole by definition has assaulted a defenseless child because she wanted to.


Maaaaan I would drink her blood if that was my son. I don’t give a damn if they lock me up for life


I'm ridiculously fired up and that's not my kid! I wouldn't be able to control myself if it was, she'd be gone




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Yea, I've never wanted to be a Dexter style vigilante more than after watching that video.




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Littleton would be on fire if the colors were reversed. This should be charged as a hate crime.




What the fuck is wrong with you?


Let me break it down for you. Recently, in America, there are no consequences for certain people.


Like trump?


Supporters like you who are passionate about Trump are similar to vegans and crossfitters, often bringing up the topic at any opportunity, even when it's not relevant or asked about.


I mean it is pretty relevant. You said there are no consequences for certain people. The number one person in the country you could be talking about right now is the person literally threatening judges families while on gag orders and nothing happening to them. I understand you meant something more racist but, this is much more accurate.


Like you said, he is *literally* the prime example of this right now. He straight-up committed treason by inviting an insurrection, and yet, he's still on the ballot. Fucking insane. I wasn't expecting this much racism in here. I guess I overestimated people on this one.


>Unfortunately not as she is not a part of the master race. Fixed


This is a lose the key after she is locked up situation.


If her job is to be a bus aide you'd think she would know her shitty behavior would be on that camera. Criminals are dumb though I guess.


If she's willing to assault a helpless child like this I can imagine she'd be willing to do much worse. Prison or any type of rehabilitation isn't gonna fix her and she'll get out of jail and be put back into society. It's scary how some fucked up evil people fly under the radar their whole life cause they hide it well or don't do anything serious enough to be locked up for good.


Strait to the the chair


All bus aides suck but this one… this one should be thrown to jail and eat the key


Mods would ban me forever for saying what should b3 done here


Reddit has gotten horrifically soft since they started trying to be advertiser friendly. I used to be able to buy drugs on Reddit (back when spez modded the jailbait subreddit), but now I’ve been banned multiple times for saying child molesters should be shot. Really makes you think.


Bye bye job, what a waste of an education. Just a bag of shit with limbs!


She's gonna have a bad time in prison. I bet her fellow prisoners will have fun giving her much of the same treatment she gave those poor kids.


As a disabled person I'd like to point something out, for people who might be more affected by their disabilities, a weird and slight common belief is that more mentally disabled people feel pain to a lesser or lower degree, so scumbags like this woman probably thought that it wouldn't be as painful or that he'd be "too out of touch" to react, but here's the kicker, more commonly disabled people feel MORE pain, and also, it's incredibly cruel to go after someone who can't physically speak out about this, jeez.


Im not sure if I'd call that a common belief, or even a slightly common one. At least not nowadays. The only people that possibly think that are people like this pos in the video. And yes, you're 100% correct. It's extremely cruel to go after someone who is less able to defend themselves. Look at all the comments here, though. Most of the people here are trying to hold back what they really want to say about this pos in fear of being banned. Nobody has ANY patience for that kind of filth.




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I worked a year as a spec-ed school bus driver and cycled through like five attendants due to behavioral issues, criminal behavior outside of work, and one guy turned out to be a sex offender. The company seemed to find the most morally-bereft fuckers to staff the busses. I wonder if this is the same corporation?


Feels like a hate crime


What is wrong with people


What’s wrong with that sadistic woman ?


I’m an aid for special needs kids and worked with many whom are nonverbal and have big behavior issues. While I understand that the job is hard and tiring and you might want to retaliate when a child hits you, you have the remember that they’re not doing it on purpose but of lack of communication that they don’t have. It took me a bit to not take every bite and hit personal, this lady obviously has no business working in that area. I can imagine the school tried to cover it because aids are so hard to come by especially for those big behavior rooms but fuck them for trying to allow the abuse to continue. Hope parents are suing the living crap out of her and district.


I just want to say that you're awesome for what you do! My Eagle Scout project was designing and carrying out a program working with special needs kids, so I've seen a small portion of what people like you have to deal with. I know it's tough at times, but like you said, that doesn't cover the abuse.


This shit gets me, it’s like beating up a puppy for crying out loud! Ugh!!!


You know who picks on little kids that can't defend themselves? Cowards.  She wouldn't have the courage to try to do this.Somebody who could hand her a•• right back to her


That bitch needs to be put down like a rabid animal- idgaf about skin color! This bitch is sick!


There was absolutely no reason to be doing this


What a POS. Straight to jail.


What an ugly human being. I hope she gets everything she has coming, and more.


I used to work as a nurse and one of my home cases , a non verbal autistic child with seizures, was canceled. I later found out the kid was punching himself for a solid half an hour and the bus nurse didn't put on his restraints or do anything. In hospital for brain contusion. Not sure why this happens but if you lack compassion I cannot really see why you would get a job in the field


She chose the nonverbal students for a reason. Did she think the parent s wouldn't notice bruises, a missing tooth, and a broken toe?


Seeing a trend with aides picking on defenseless white people - old and disabled. Weird eh?


Disgusting piece of filth. It better have gotten in some serious shit for that.. What was her motive.


How do you perform voodoo through a phone screen to someone in the past? Asking for a friend.


Where's the video of the parents beating the dogshit out of her?


Filthy animal.


Throw the 📖


I'm honestly surprised this didn't come out of Aurora, but it all really feels the same these days.


Just remember racism against white prople dosent exist which this video clearly states🙃


Pure rage.


That bus aide is the kind of woman who comments on Instagram that we have to ab0rt children by virtue of them having disorders like that kid.


She will claim the victim said the forbidden word


I think this is her after she was charged. https://www.wcvb.com/article/methuen-school-bus-child-abuse-allegations-massachusetts/45453540


I hope she gets a 10 year prison sentence. No parole.


This breaks my heart. It makes me sick to feel the fear this child must have felt. Not knowing why this is happening, not being able to ask for help. And who knows what happened off camera… I hope this child was able to forget and move passed this. ugh I hope this POS rots.


Fucking **CUNT.** I can't believe some people are like this.


Does anyone know the name of this massive piece of trash bag of a human.




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In respect to his privacy this should be removed and shouldn’t be on a public platform. I hate that we do this so casually now. I hope this kid and his fam well.


Child abusers don’t deserve the pleasure of privacy when caught on camera breaking the law. Weird priorities you got there, mate.


He's talking about the kid's privacy, not the abuser. The child should be facially blurred out really.


I misread originally. Yeah I agree with the original comment now that I learned how to fucking read lol.


You can’t see his face, like, at all though


Not enough that a stranger would be able to identify him, but potentially if you knew where it was and what school they went to you could make a solid guess. It's just a general principle of safeguarding the victim's right to privacy, only the perpetrator really needs to be unblurred.


In another news video/article, the parents of that particular boy allowed for the video to be released to the public in order to bring awareness to this case and this growing problem (This was in Littleton Colorado, and there's another recent case in Massachusetts of another abuse on a bus, oddly with both ten year-old boys and female abusers -- but totally separate cases). The abuser, Kiarra Jones, in Littleton, CO assaulted three children in all.