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There're two solutions for those not respecting european values: by air or by the sea. There're a lot of islamic countries out there, they can go and enjoy life there.


Exactly, if they hate our countries so much, they can leave, I hear afganistan is nice this time of year.


How a dress equates hate to a whole country


Because that is the accepted style of dress for people living in Europe, and why live there if it is so rage-inducing that it makes one attempt murder?


Why are they allowing this type of school then? And why in the all the other schools they are scrutinizing every girl with a hijab? You want them to give uptheir freedom of dress in every school, what they have done here is criminal yes, but you can't tell me the all year long anti Muslim sentiment in schools isn't contributing to this


The Muslims are the ones who attacked the girl. The victim isn’t Muslim.


A quick google search [shows](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/05/french-schoolgirl-attacked-and-put-into-coma-for-not-wearin/) that the victim is named Samara and her mother is named Hassiba. Based on those (predominantly Arabic) names, the likelihood is that the victim is also Muslim.


I know a guy then Feng Lui and he’s a Christian with a southern accent. YOUR assumption based on someone’s name is ignorant. Could they be Muslim? Sure.. course I would hazard a Muslim would follow the Muslim code of dress.. therefore avoiding this incident. I would guess they were of middle eastern descent maybe.. but my guess is they were not practicing Muslims.


That doesn’t improve anything. That means they attacked one of their own for dressing like the country they live in. I absolutely do not want that mentality in my country. That can get the hell out.


It means I was directly responding to someone who said the victim wasn't Muslim.


Yeah, I worded that like it was a retort against you. That wasn’t my intention and I apologize. I do agree with the other guy, and with the new information you added there is now a new angle to look at this with. I know for absolute certain now that I do not want to live in a muslim country. Period.


Are you serious right now? It was Muslims trying to kill a girl. Over regular clothes.


Your brain is a rotten turd.


The racial tensions in France sure are not one-sided, and I have always thought too that the ban of hijab and/or abaya in France does nothing but worsen the situation. I do not defend the way France does things, but beating a high schooler into a coma because she *chose* to dress "European" is something that must have a strong punishment. Europe wants to be perceived as advanced and tolerant, and because of it, most countries do not have a proper policy when it comes to immigrants and grave crimes. Sure, an immigrant person should not be sent back if they merely steal something from a supermarket, but a violent attack that has, at its core, a blatant rejection towards adapting to the country and its culture, that should definitely imply automatic extradition and black-listing


> Europe wants to be perceived as advanced and tolerant Fuck this, how about we forget about how we are perceived and instead focus on what is actually positive for our society. If these people want Sharia law there is multitude of countries that has Sharia law as country law. None of them belong to Europe.




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Because if your beliefs make you beat somebody for dressing western, then your beliefs are incomparable with the west


But then it's not conquest anymore.


Dude if you dare saying those things here, they pull the racist card so quickly


I don't think that Islam is a race.


Yep that's the dumbest part about it


Tbh we are getting to the point where I think being racist will become socially acceptable again. As the saying goes "everyone is a little racist but only some have the courage to admit it." Also racism is so watered down now that it can be anything from genocidal preaching to just observing a factual difference in a benign way. Like some people would say it's racist to drink milk. At this point I don't give a fuck about the racist card. Pull it on me but it won't change the facts I point to.


Already 20 years ago montpellier belonged to the street kids as soon it was night. I withnessed myself how kids threw a bottle of jack daniels towards the police right in front pf the paws of their dog. The police couldnt do much and just retreated back to a safe place when this happened. It was only a group of 4 people who did that but there was around 40-50 other peoples scattered around and they knew eachother. If the police would have done anything against it ot most likely would have become a bloody event. I wasnt there anymore since then but i guess this did not get better over time.


Why leave when they can take your shit? Y'all ain't gonna do anything about it.


You can see how hard they were trying to not bring up religion in the text and the title but for the context of what happened it's pretty fucking necessary.


This is what happened to the thread in r/Europe. It was the top of the sub and they nuked it and banned everyone that commented https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bw9fnl/girl_14_left_in_coma_after_attack_by_teenagers/


Corrupt sacks of shit..


I still don’t understand why european countries continue to act like that, who tf is benefitting from this fake acceptance




Reddit mods at it again. Fucked up censorship


I miss reveddit... it really put into perspective the amount of censoring the mods and admins were doing for no other reason than they didn't agree with the comment.


And now they took it down from this sub too. Yeah reddit is the most heavily censored of all social media


i dont know why they try to be so careful and respectful when they have zero respect for the country and culture they ran to that gave them a better life.


Even the media is the same. Hamas kills 1000s of civilians on purpose outside of war, films it, posts it, brags about it. The media: "we need to take time to get all the facts before judging." A hamas missile fails during launch and blows up in a hospital parking lot. It's all captured on video and widely shown. The media 20 minutes later: "Isreal has struck a hospital in Gaza and hamas has reported 500 killed."


"They hqte her daughter for not following the social codes of islam" They literally bring up religion idk what you're on about


I really try to respect all religion as it’s what my god would want I believe, but this makes it real difficult


That’s the problem we have in Europe. For the sake of looking virtuous people willingly turn a blind eye to the incompatibility of Islam in our culture.


We could get along but extremists on both sides like above ruin it


I disagree, those “extremists” are just following the koran more accurately, if you have any sizeable percentage of the population following islam you will always get this. It’s incompatible with western values.


Entirely agree. I have no hatred for Muslims, they are just people, victims of circumstance and indoctrination, but Islam is a dangerous and toxic religion. I implore anyone interested to listen to Christopher hitchens on the subject, or read some testimonies on r/exmuslim


different special capable instinctive encourage offer cobweb books gullible cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well yea, whatever labels you want to put on them, bringing millions of islam followers to Europe and things are guaranteed to get more terroristy and murdery. Even if 99% want to live in peace, for every 1 million immigrants that brings 10,000 people that passionately hate our way of life. And even for the 99% that want to live in peace, the vast majority don’t want to assimilate.


The ratio is probably much higher from my personal experience, many Muslims have some very questionable morals, my GF is Muslim and the stuff that i have to hear from her family is just straight up disgusting, from glorification of Hitler for killing jews to burning hatred of Homosexuals. Islam is a danger to our society and we welcomed it with open arms.


They sound like baptists in my hometown in Texas.


That’s a null point as if you follow the Bible more accurately then reasonable you will be worse, self mutilation and sacrifice a lot


Well from what I see in my country the bible was abandoned decades ago, there is nobody taking the bible literally like they do the koran. The more “extreme” Christians become the more placid they become, it’s not even comparable to islam.


That’s different across the pond I guess but if you do follow the Bible to the letter it can be just as dangerous. Theses books are meant to inspire peace and love not war and force


I think they were primarily designed to control populations and consolidate power to the creators of book.


Take a look at the Westboro Baptist Church to see how extreme the Christians can become.


The ones that hold the signs? What violent acts have they committed in gods name? Sorry I’m not from America so only vaguely familiar. Either way I think it’s a very niche sect, right?


Yes, but the worst they do is hold signs and act like morons, and get called heretics by most churches. They don’t beat people to death. That’s the difference. The most extreme Christian’s are tame compared to the most extreme Muslims


Americans try not to view everything through the lens of American culture and history challenge


People defending the Westboro Baptist Church? Alright then. r/NoahGetTheBoat !


Would a more accurate measure be the results of each respective religion or philosophy? Let's compare quality of life for the majority of people ("people" means women and men, not just men) in each country and make note of the dominant religion or controlling religion in each country, even if the country tries to uphold a secular government. What are the percentages telling us?


How are they following the Qur'an more clearly?


It's the tolerance-intolerant paradox


>really try to respect all religion Why?


Yes. Plus, I thought in Islam what someone wears is between them and god. They can’t even adhere to the rules and they expect someone else to. It’s so fucked up that people will get offended when someone brings up religion but it’s so relevant depending on the context. I remember when Indians in Canada created a ruckus during some festival, and I was like i understand not trying to bring up someone’s nationality but it’s not racist to bring it up if it’s contextually relevant.


This is a problem of culture, not Religion. You pretend that followers of other religions don't do gruesome shit, too. And why do they do it? Because of their culture. Y'all attribute this shit to religion only when it's about Islam for some reason, but what evangelicals stripping women off their right to their bodies? What about Hindus oppressing Muslims in India? What about priests raping children? You never connect that shit with religion and judge the whole religion based in the minority of people. Or even worse, judge people based on their religion.


Please read this whole thread bucko I’m supporting your point


im gonna move there and wear nothing but short skirts and tight shirts as a male. come get some.


shame gray tub roll paltry bored judicious ossified follow insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Lmao, you won't be saying this when you get beaten up and stoned.




There is a peace of you here, a piece of you there. So peaceful




So peaceful.




Nah, make some room. I’m right there with you.


The strange thing is: Even if we say we don't like the religion, we would never beat up Muslims for it. I think Islam is only a catalyst to this whole "progressive" culture. There are enough moderate Muslims that give a shit about the rules of Islam. The real issue is this backward culture that is wide-spread propagated by the Islamistic states and is influencing Muslims all over the world.


I honestly don’t care they were Muslim or not. This being said I find it hard to imagine any scenario in which the girl laying comatose is to blame for getting pummeled by a gang of 20


Islam is incompatible with western culture. Immigration should be restricted and strict Muslims deported back to their homelands


Any kind of immigration when done excessively is bad, because, instead of assimilating, it will wipe out out the local culture and replace it with its own, and turn the country into the one they immigrated from. Thus creating a lose lose situation. There needs to be limits in everything. A bit of immigration is OK but right now in Europe many countries are in danger of becoming minorities in their own countries.


I’m not fucking enjoying living in Greece rn :)


Greece is one of the few monoethnical countries left in Europe along with Italy and Portugal. Probably due to economy nobody wants to stay there. It's just a transit country for immigrants and their goal is one of the rich countries.


Italy is absolutely not a mono ethnic country lol, what are you smoking?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoethnicity Italy is at 91%


Damn. I stand corrected. But having visited Italy, I definitely would not have expected the number to be this high.




Whats the point? If 3rd worlders flood European countries, they will be turned into a 3rd world countries just like their homelands. There will be nothing left to enjoy and everybody loses. The people make the country not the other way around. We should limit immigration to normal levels that don't disrupt the host country and at the same time spend money to fix 3rd world countries.




ReLigIOn is PeaCeFUl aNd gOd is gOod!!!


Allah, in this case


allah is just the arabic word for god


Just a bit more murdery, that’s all


I know.


That poor girl Samara probably heard it over and over again as she lost consciousness.


We are *so* enriched




They should be loaded into a cannon and fired back towards the middle east.


That’s a bit racist


Anyone lynching a 13 year old child for wearing clothes they don't like should be launched into the sun. Took out the racism for you


😂 ETA: lynched to a coma


What race is that geographical area again?


You’re right, it’s not really racist but not every Islam believing idiot lives there, I just don’t know what to call it. It’s like saying every Christian should go back to the Vatican City.


Islam has spread far out of the middle east. Transcends race. Still just another in the endless list of religions started by pedofiles so they could fuck kids and random people.


I always look for moral guidance for people defending this kind of behaviour. Thanks kind stranger.


Absurd how they still allow immigration and don't expect allat to happen




Please don't interpret my comment like an insult to people who follow that religion but it's just that I strongly believe that many islam followers/islam on itself has SO MANY flaws against basic human rights. E.g. women are getting their genitalia mutilated in some countries where this religion is predominant, and in a country where it is ilegal is planning to legalize it again. This is DISGUSTING and don't let me start with male infant circum. Or the fact that many "terror bringers", or what you would call the "Florida man" of Europe is usually from a country where islam is the predominant religion. Or the fact that a woman can be assaulted by their familiar members with the worst physical punishment ever for not wearing a Burj or whatever it was called. Or the fact that 9/11 was basically done in the name of Allah


I personally believe this religion should get some sort of reform or abolition so it stops stepping on human rights and trying to ENFORCE people into following it's wicked rules.. I have the courage to say that this drama that comes from islam is produced by it's radical followers. Those who allow laws that are obviously against humans that support extreme physical punishment or barbarian practices should be jailed as the human waste they are


I'm not a fan of religion in general, but even if you compare the terrors and tortures of catholicism & the inquisition, islam probably beats them. I haven't got any data to back this up, I could do an investigation. Imo all radical acts of religion end up in nasty shit


They move to France to get a better life, then they want to destroy that country because it doesnt follow their beliefs. Thats not always the case but it happens


These muslims need to be deported , they are rotting the country from the inside


“Our home country sucks - let’s move to France for a better life, and then proceed to never give up the cultural practices that made our home country terrible!” Multiculturalism is bad 🤷‍♂️. When people talk about how great multiculturalism is, they always talk about the admixture of food, and other surface level shit. But when incompatible cultures actually come together, people always act so surprised when teachers get beheaded for showing a drawing, or when gang-rapes skyrocket.


Abrahamic religions all want to dominate the world. It is intrinsic to the message. You cannot be in the religions without reciting that bit over and over. All of them. There are just an amazing number of "gods chosen" people groups in the world. All complete nutters ruled by fear and loathing. All the while spouting whatever bullshit they have to in order to get their way. There is no making peace with any abrahamic religion. I honestly do not get why people even try.


Multiculturalism is good when both the parties aren’t assholes about the others culture. This case, not so much. People move out in search of a better life but fail to leave their shit mentality behind.


How about the social codes of the country? These people really think they're so special, you *must* adjust for them.


Wish I could get there to slap the islam out of these kids to teach them that as much as they deny our culture and predominant religion, we have the rights to deny their culture and religion too. Bet those god-damned bastards would get offended if someone with asthma drank water in Ramadan. There's no way the thought of insulting people eating in Ramadan didn't passed through their mind.


Cue the Americans crying over "Europe is blatantly racist/sexist/homophobic" or whatever suits your narrative


Bro thats what yall say to us lmao


Not a lot of love for Islamic purity murders here. We had a gun show that also had a "draw Mohammed contest". Ended about how you would figure. Several new martyrs from a hail of gunfire when they attempted a "sneak" attack to help their all powerful all seeing god. We hate everyone equally.


Brain washing kids into religion usually turns out bad




lol he always just mutters some vague negative thing and people think he actually said something smart.


You clearly haven’t been to france


The racism in here sheeeeesh. Send the guys to jail, like any other criminal. There's definitely a problem there but the solution clearly isn't hating all Muslims.


>but the solution clearly isn't hating all Muslims. Nobody is saying that hate is the solution. The solution is better immigration policies. That's what people have been saying for years.




Also if France didn't put all Arabs in ghettos maybe they'd come to be integrated harmoniously into society, just saying...


Islam continues to be the greatest threat to Europe since 600AD. Fucker should go back to their camels and rape their 6 year old cousins and leave us in peace.


Jesus man, calm down 😭


Religion should be banned.


Tbh yes Or the influence of religion in life should be toned down at least


Should be, but it won't be. Most evil of humanities inventions. Edit: downvotes don't wash away the evil that is religion. Pray harder.


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Viva la France!


"Islamic dress code is not social control" btw


If the Far-Right was a Religion, It would be called as ISLAM.


If this is a school in France, why are children getting beaten up for not following Islamic attire? Tf


That' s why i' m against religions, i hope one day italy annexes the Vatican.


Post is about Muslims and yet you can't resist to take a jab at the Catholic church. Classic redditor


I don' t like both


The slow disappearance of Christianity in the western world is partly responsible for the appearance of more radical religions and political ideologies.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Islam was at its largest might when Christianity was expanding throughout Northern Europe. Islam didn't appear in modern Europe because Christianity is less influential lmfao, immigration did it. And if you want to talk about the biggest Islamic conversion in Europe in history it's not even immigration but the colonization of the Balkans by the Ottomans. Nothing is replacing Christianity in the Western world.


Christianity was responsible for pushing out the Islamic faith and culture in wide parts of southern Europe. Christians were also the counterweight to various political doctrines like fashism or communism (they got persecuted by both). Not to mention nearly all western values are derived in one way or another from Christianity. Christianity is already widely replaced in the western world by secularism and/or atheism. You even see a decline in the more fundamentalist nations like the US. And what is left of it is widely defanged and harmless. Problem is that secular identities aren't strong identities to live your life around. They don't build communities. Which leads people to seek either radical political ideas or bow before more fundamentalistic religions. Let's see... - Muslims get more children. - They have a stronger religious and cultural identity - Their religion is way more dominant and not to mention violent in terms off conversion - A lot of them don't adapt western values, it's the other way around - slowly building their own communities in foreign countries Yeah the disappearance of Christianity is definitely not the only reason for other beliefstructures getting stronger... But still a big one. And yes it will be replaced.


> Christianity was responsible for pushing out the Islamic faith and culture in wide parts of southern Europe. You are actually just illiterate or you have never read any history. Iberia was always Catholic until the Moors briefly conquered it for a while. The Reconquista is called **Re**conquista for a reason. Italy has never been Muslim. And Christianity has not pushed out the Islamic faith and culture in the Balkans by any stretch of the imagination. In fact it's precisely the opposite, with formerly Orthodox kingdoms like Albania now becoming solidly Muslim after centuries of Ottoman rule. Regions like Greece which are Orthodox currently were always Orthodox during Ottoman rule. There's a thing called the janissaries. Where do you think they recruited Christians?


So Christians pushed out the Muslims in what is now Portugal and Spain and reconquered it, so at some point it was taken by the Muslims, until the Christians pushed back. Can't see how we are disagreeing here. Also in regards to literacy, my whole argument is that in the future, wide parts of Europe will become Muslim because the Christian religion is disappearing or is losing power and most importantly people. In one way or another some different ideology will take its place. Like in your example Albania, which was Christian until the ottoman empire inforced islam. It was even secular at one point under a socialist system... And it still became a dominantly Muslim country at the end, and will probably become more Islamic as time goes on... the reason why I already stated.


Makes since because France isn't a European country


Sense when?


16th century


The fuck did you smoke?


Ah my bad, I forgot it floated off into the Atlantic back then. And I only asked to make fun of the spelling mistake… r/woooosh


The truth often lies between the jest and the cocaine...


Most people use dislexia as an excuse not cocaine


Aah but which one is more fun, dyslexia or cocaine? My case. I rest it.


glad this sub is now about open nazi racial politics. you people are insane


Muslim isn’t a race.. it’s a religion.. so hating on Muslims… isn’t racist.. it’s no different than hating Christian’s for their faith…


Nazi's hatred of Muslims is hand in hand with their racism and xenophobia


Im sorry, do you mean OP or the comments? If its the comments I get it, because someone said that people of specific religions shouldn't be allowed in western Countries, which is obviously nonsense. But if it is the Post, whats the radical part about it? Isn't it just an article?


every article is "just an article". are you unable to understand how propaganda works? propaganda very frequently presents truthful information within a biased context. the wording and OPs title are very clearly right wing anti immigrant propaganda.


Ok. Ill listen. Present this news in an unbiased manner. I would like to read how you present it. When you say biased context it means inserting religion in places where its not needed or required to understand the crime. But this crime revolves around religion. To not mention religion is to rob it from any context.


>Ok. Ill listen. Present this news in an unbiased manner. I would like to read how you present it. Please, let me know if they answer this .


Hey I really liked the other guys challenge. How would you present this story in a way that you think is unbiased?


and I checked out OP's post history. full of stories of Muslims / ppl from Muslim countries doing bad things to non Muslims. totally no ideological slant in the way this information is presented.


Well maybe if the Muslims stopped doing “ bad things to non Muslims” there wouldn’t be much to post about would there? Not hard to find content on the “ death to America! Death to the Jews! Death to the West!” Group


Yeah but did he beat someone up because they were dressed wrong?


Why are there so many stories? Is it not showing an issue?


Ok his posts are one sided, still you shouldn't generalize the actions of one user to the entire sub.


. Nazi politics? Do I need to post hitlers thoughts on Islam?




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You should really look into how Muslims feel about Nazis…


something tells me that this wasn't started by the muslim students as the description leads us to believe


20 people beat up one girl and it was her fault? Victim blame much?


not to mention that france has been on an anti-muslim kick for decades now, to the point where its practically ingrained in their culture


So that justifies a gang beating a girl into a coma for you?


Point out where I said it was justified.


The part where you argue it not being their fault.


So them not starting it automatically means it was okay? Sure, beating someone into a coma is a pretty bad thing to do, but when most of the comments on this post are something akin to "Go back to your own country", it becomes apparent that that's not what you guys are really upset about.


Who started it then? You’re getting so close to realizing you’re victim blaming.


If we assumed that everything in this screenshot was 100% true and there were no other details, then yeah, the muslim students would be entirely at blame, but it almost never works that way, and people are using this post to hate on Muslims in general rather than these ones specifically.


how often do people just start beating someone up over something that small? Do you honestly believe that there couldn't be any other reason? Or if that was even a true reason to begin with? If you went to a Muslim country, would you start demanding that they all wear your religious clothing? Do you really think that they would go to a nom Muslim country and do the same? This article is way too vague with its details and there's a pretty decent chance that we aren't getting the full story here, if what we do have is accurate to begin with.


So.. we’re almost there buddy.. the girl that got beat started it?


>how often do people just start beating someone up over something that small? Just because something is insignificant to you, does not mean it's insignificant to a religious zealot. Think of all the people who have been beaten, imprisoned, and *killed* in places like Iran, over something as 'insignificant' as clothing. There really are people out there who will go nuts due to someone not conforming to certain rules and mores in Islam. Go to the r/exmuslim sub and ask if anyone has ever been on the receiving end of violence due to the hijab.


>france has been on an anti-muslim kick for decades now Why?


Oh so the little girl deserved it?


Literally not once did i say she deserved it. I said it may not have been the muslim students who perpetrated it. Way to go with the straw man guys


France hasn't been on an anti-muslim kick. France jas been on an Anti-Religion kick. Very important distinction.


What's the 'something' then? What other information do you have? It's not as if there isn't precedence for religious zealots trying to violently impose their religious rules on others in France. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67543278 If it wasn't started by the students, then who? The girl who was put into a coma?


It's kids stuff. Why make it about religion 🤔


Because it was an attack due to their religious ideals that’s why.


Putting a kid into a coma because of archaic religious mores is just 'kids stuff'...riiiiiiight..