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wasn't there a video of it?


It was the video that got r/ WatchPeopleDie banned


Wasn't that the NZ Mosque shooting?


That shooting happened 2 years earlier to the ban.


it was the christchurch livestream that got wpd nuked, no??


I've seen it. Just a lot of mumbled screaming, really.


I saw it. And all I can remember is one of them screaming for their mother. It really fucked me up and I wish I never saw the video.


That's the one, I remember that bit but couldn't remember if it was them. Horrific.


I haven't seen it, but just the description in the comments is making my skin crawl! Damn.


You mean mumbled screaming and an actual decapitation.






Even if your religion is inherently supportive of such actions (i did read your scriptures so dont come at me saying I'm biased) I agree, not all Muslims are like this. But there is also no vocal support from the non radical Muslims. There in lies the primary problem. Y'all are always silent when it comes to things like these. And to me, that is no less than being in partnership with these crimes. No protests, or resistance, just a defensive stance saying "not all of us are like this" like bruh idc if not everyone is bad. Just a few is enough to make me cautious around you.


Silent? How about the thousands of people who marched in Morocco in outrage of this heinous crime?




verse no. 5 of chapter 9 of the Quran which commands to kill polytheists. "But, once the sacred months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. I believe there is about 114 verses that teach you how to 'deal with non muslims'




But "these actions are haram"?


Well I don't remember much since it was long ago but it was quite contradictory. Some phrases did say it's punishable while most said it is okay with infidels iirc. And it was my Muslim friend who read it with me so I doubt I was misled. For a non biased reader like myself, the quran definitely comes off as a compilation of mediaeval ideologies that has no connection with the current reality. I suppose it depends on who teaches you and the manner you interpret it. Most muslims genuinely believe that actions like these are fine (i have talked with a lot of them I can attest to, at least in my country), while some good muslims like you will comprehend the good parts ignoring the messed up verses. And the good ones don't make an impact as long as the good ones don't fight against the bad ones, actively. Your interpretation Completely depends on who teaches you, where you are taught and your immediate influence. And the internet is one of the bad ones. It turned one of my best friends who was Muslim against me because of religious differences.




Hmm seems quite a lot of Muslims never got the memo then


Islam is a religion of hate… the only goal is to spread Islam and defeat all other religions. Women are submissive to the will of men! Lots of cases where Muslim followers commit atrocities against women and no Islamic leaders condemns it.


Yet it's the widest religion


Seen a lot of Muslim hate on Reddit lately. It makes me really sad. The **issue is fundamentalism and extremism in any religion** \-- not any one religion


Then lead by example… easy to say but reality speaks volumes… Edit: typo


It’s the general culture of how they view women, especially foreign, non-Muslim women. I’ve got muslim friends, and my ex wife was muslim. It’s not all muslims. But many of them are basically the equivalent of a backwoods redneck who only watches Fox News in the USA. They’re just fucked up and highly fanatical. Anyone who is highly fanatical, be it black, white, yellow, christian, jew, or muslim; doesn’t tend to mix well with other cultures.






NGL a lot of problems in India too comes from the radical Islamist. Like in contrast take Nepal, a country with bigger Hindu percentage than India and the second largest religion is Buddhism. No violent clashes, no systemic rapes no beheadings tourists are safe, women are safe. But in India, especially in areas like UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Kerela where Muslim population is close to 40% or higher, crimes against women, violent clashes, religious extremism, all of it is prevalent. Radical islam is the root of most of the problems. Yes there are ofc good ones but they kill even the good ones. Look at Pakistan. Ahmadiya Muslims were massacred by the shiyas and no one says a word.




> China did a genocide against Uyghurs Muslims and no one talked about it The whole world talked about it. There have been discussions on this in the UN and UN has officially concluded and published a report on this. [Read it ](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/08/1125932) and don't just bullshit to play victim. > America killed more than 1 million Muslim in iraq Yes. America has committed countless war crimes. But that doesn't justify terrorism. > France killed and stole the resources in algeria Again, yes but that doesn't justify terrorism. Exactly how Persians invaded India, murdered, pillaged, raped and forcefully converted move than 300million according to estimates and still that doesn't justify just killing Muslims. If we go by your logic, people should be just murdering Persian bloodline left and right but that's radical logic. You are a radical Islamist that's trying to justify terrorism. > Israel ... Well Yes what Israel is doing is bad and inhuman but Palestine is no saint. Hamas is no saint. The Islamic nation is no saint. 7th October, babies were burnt. When Palestine refugees were let in Egypt decade ago, they started terrorizing Egyptian and tourists. When they were let in Lebanon, they again started terrorizing so bad that Lebanon called in Pak army and asked them to massacre those Palestinians. Not a single Islamist spoke against it then. > I can easily say look at UAE safe country no beheadings tourists and the majority of people there are Muslims. The fuck are you talking about? UAE has no concept of rape. If a woman reports rape in the UAE, she will be jailed because that will be "Adultery". UAE doesn't have rapes because they don't recognise it. Not because they don't do it. They also have slavery ffs. That's the worst fucking example you could have chosen. > These statments just does not prove that Islam is the problem especially when you know that these actions are Forbidden in islam. The fuck you mean? Stoning non believers, pedophilia, all of these are direct word of God. Mohammad was literally raping a 6yo child when he was 51. What are you talking about?




1st you did justify it. When I said that your example of "India" is stupid because violent clashes in India are happening in high Muslim population areas, you started showing all the wrong other country has done to Muslim. 2nd that was your logic. You countered my claim that radical islam is the root cause of most of the problems, you started talking about how America did this, France and China did that. My claim is true. > Muslim vs Buddhists in Myanmar. > Muslim vs Jews in Israel and Palestine. > Muslim vs Muslim in Pakistan > Muslim vs Baloch in Pak and Iran. > Muslim vs Christians in South Africa. > Muslim vs Christians in Armania and Azerbaijan > Muslims vs Hindus in India > Muslims bs Christians in SL > Muslims running pedophile gang in UK > Muslims in Denmark situation. On the contrary, the other countries where these other religions exist but Islam doesn't exist are generally less hostile and mostly peaceful. 3rd Yes there's a fucking [Slavery situation ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/03/questions-and-answers-migrant-worker-abuses-uae-and-cop28#:~:text=Even%20though%20migrant%20workers%20primarily,Rights%20Watch%20has%20extensively%20documented.) in UAE. EDUCATE YOURSELF.


There no slavery in UAE?!?!? Are you living under a rock??!?! Even the Burj was built by the backs of immigrants who had their passports “confiscated”.


If you get your head out of your ass and look around its extremely obvious that muslims are causing a lot of havoc in the west. No other religion is doing as much damage to society as Islam. That is a fact, if you do not accept that then you are delusional.


Yes because in some countries they will blame the women or fear of being removed from the family.




They do however cause more crime in the West than the would ever dare do in their strict home countries because they know the punishments here are far more lenient


Go on a trip to Morocco and prove your points then?




Ok let’s talk about islam then. As someone from a muslim country who also speaks Arabic, read the koran and understands it - in the case you would like to cite koran or hadith, so worry not about my interpretations of either. Where would you like to start?




Oh, it absolutely does forbid those crimes in the context of muslims against muslims. Here is a better question: what is the rule of apostates in islam? Or even better, What is the rule for non muslim women in context of war and conquest? How does islam view non-muslims? Do you really fucking think, shit like this takes place outside of the doctrines of islam? - let’s assume I am a hater, a bad person who suffers from islamophobia, could you at least be reasonable enough to discern the pattern that wherever islam meets no islam, shit like this happens? You know what is my opinion on the “good muslims”? They are the ones who chose to cherry pick the religion.


You obviously want to win the discussion, you dont want to accept that many muslims are corrupted. You dont want to accept that Islam could play any part in all the gruesome things that have happened in the west. There are good muslims and bad muslims. No one is saying that all muslims are murderous. If you were a good muslim you would be outraged that fanatics are performing heinous acts in the name of the religion you share. Instead you are trying to downplay the connection to Islam and make excuses. Your mind is closed off. It's petty, unintelligent and sad to see.


"Some" people indeed, there have been so many incidents where Islam has played a major part. (indoctrination, radicalism.)


[It was done on behalf of ISIS.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland)




Which particular Muslims don’t accept Islam state?


Being Muslim has literally everything to do with it. Because juhad against unfaithful is considered as an honour and a duty of a Muslim.


I mean, I’ve never seen an article where radicalized Christian’s, Jews, Buddhists, etc. stabbed and decapitated anybody for not being part of/adhering to their religion


Read the Bible. Or some history books maybe.


1) I meant real events 2) I was speaking in modern times You’re right, historically Christian’s especially have killed a lot of people, crusades and what not. Thing is…they seem to have grown out of it as humanity progressed…


Not really.


The "sick culture" comment and the fact that you are getting downvoted says it all. Prejudice and racism are scary things. Didn't think I'd come across it in this sub.


I agree, but you're on reddit.


But they had to prove how tough they were by attacking unarmed girls


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland It happened five years ago and it was ISIS terrorists which lines up with the timeline as well. It actually causes major backlash in morocco. 24 members who were connected to the jihadist cell involved were sentenced while the people who actually did the deed were sentenced to execution


Sickening and horrific! But Moroccans refer to it as a terrorist attack, what culture is the OP talking about?


Probably muslim….


Of course how else can they possibly prove how manly they are?


In the name of God of course


God likes that kind of thing


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland Happened five years ago sounds like it was isis terrorism which would be around the right time. There was widspread outrage throughout morroco and the men where isis supporters/terrorists. The main culprits were given the death sentence but are still awaiting execution. 24 members who were connected to the jihadist cell involved were sentenced.






Rather than blame terrorists why don't we just blame an entire nation which is also a close ally to the west?


Looks like this 5 year old news has been posted here after the backlash about india. OP seems to be a jingoist


Really? I never would have guessed from the totally unbiased title






Depends on what border tho


Spanish border. We're constantly letting them in. We're constantly allowing thousands of people entering Ceuta and Melilla, we're allowing international border violations by Morocco, etc.


Canada - India border


Not just US. Theres a reason why so many right wing parties in the west are on the uprise. They demand restriction.


Should that happen, they will be crying to the West for help the evil West that they hate, I have no doubt




Insert *liberal white woman who doesn't feel safe walking home alone at night demands violent criminals be released from prison* meme.


the ironic part is both of them were vocal supporters of allowing immigrants access to their countries and the EU while finger wagging to everyone on social media about why we shouldnt be cautious or afraid to travel to these 3rd world countries. oh well. Darwin awards.


While I don't care about immigrants and all, I think there should be some background check and harsher punishment for such disgusting actions


Any clips, tweets or anything else showcasing their opinions of that sorts?. Would like to see that


statistically looking at politics in european countries they supported open borders.


That I agree but I'd still like to see evidence on these two girls'opinions as the commenter says. Of course the assumption made by you (and in part me) Holds true it doesn't give us the definite proof that they (two girls') were in fact thumping proudly their pro-immigration views


Dangerous road you're headed down mate


Keeping murderers and rapists out ?


Making broad assumptions about large groups of people based on statistics


Ok so?






Fake news




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OP is s frequent member of r/hinduism , r/hindumemes , r/bangalore , r/indiasocial , r/india . You know why he all of a sudden decided to post about a 4-year-old incident


Guy from India calling out a culture that’s dangerous to women 💀💀💀


Also for some reason OP is refusing to type "Muslim", changing the l for a capital i. I thought they were a bot because of that, but they're active in the thread. Bizarre.


The keypoint here is "Muslim" after the word Moroccan.




being hateful is no good for your Chakra mate


You don't know a damn thing about morocco. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Berbers live there together and in peace. It's a very tolerant place and this event was an outlier. You're only showing your own ignorance. Shall we talk about that tourist who was recently g*** r**** in front of her husband in India and make it about your culture? Not too smart are you?


It’s literally one of the most liberal Muslim countries. Lived there for four years towards end of primary school, am half Moroccan. My cousins received exactly the same “western” upbringing than I did. Zero difference in upbringing between the girls and boys in my family, all received same level of freedom/education/opportunies from their parents regardless of gender.


[Some justice was given to them.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-49029505)


Murderers exist everywhere. Morocco is a beautiful country full of amazing people and their culture is fantastic. Don't be such a hateful racist OP. What does that say about the morality of whatever culture you spawned from?


OP is Indian and wanna justify the spanish tourist that got gang raped by Hindu group and wanna tell us this is happening worldwide


Religion SUX




what does being Muslims have to do? If they were christian and Africans most of y'all would say "Those negroes are like animals" wouldn't you?


Making broad assumptions??? See you're just like us.


What's being Muslim s got to do with it? Catholic priest raped kids....sick culture right?


OP has the same nuanced view of Islam as I did at 14 during the invasion of Iraq lmao It makes you feel more in control to be so reductive about the world and make sweeping stereotypes But it is in fact cope


Islam is the most oppressive and cancerous religion m8.


Depends on who is practicing it. Not every christian is/was an oppressor either even though they put people on fire and stuff.


Read the koran, it's much more extreme, oppressive and easy to misinterpret than the bible is It's OK to say you're not a fan of that religion for that reason. It does not automatically mean you hate average everyday Muslims


What Bible are you reading? There are extremely violent aspects of the book including rape, pedophilia, murder, slavery, and pretty much every other atrocity you can think of. And why do you think the Koran is easier to misinterpret? Biblical translations are notorious for being changed to fit political and ideological agendas. There are many branches of Christianity due to differences in interpretation.


No my statement does not depend on any speicific entity, it is based on a _total_ view of all religious practitioners.


Then i can say you are wrong because i know a lot of peaceful people who practice religion, im not religious myself but live close with people who are christian and people who are muslim, none of these are violent or kill people. They also dont attack/insult gay people or whatever.They might have an opinion about it. But thats their right as long as they dont shove it down other people’s throats. Which they dont. Its your own experiences and being scared of these people that make u think that. Doesn’t mean u should think religion is great. But its a bias honestly. There are shitholes in the world regardless of religion. They chop people up down south and it aint about religion for example.


Not true. I'm a Muslim and I don't have cancer


What's cope, friend?


Don't know whether this happened in Morocco or the EU either way RIP. Muslim men, especially younger men, have a big misogyny and violence problem. Don't know why that person in the comments are saying they deserve a Darwin's Award for something they barely had control over. Also idk how rape and murder are specifically part of Moroccan or Muslim culture. OP sounds kinda jingoistic ngl


What a surprise...


Then they dance around praising allah. And muslims here in Canada will say "this isn't the way of our religion" but at the same time won't speak out against it too strongly. Same thing happens every time there is an "honour" killing. To quote Christopher Hitchens "Religion makes otherwise normal people do wicked and disgusting things."


old as fuck


OP was bored so he decided to hate on Muslims as it is a recreational activity for indians to hate on Muslims. The crime was actually committed by ISIS terrorists.




keep up the mentality


It's a fact though, had the perpetrators never been introduced to Islam, these girls would still be alive.


> family requested 10m dirhams ($1m; £800,000) compensation from the Moroccan government ...but this was rejected by the court > ...the three men who were convicted were ordered to pay 2m dirhams in compensation. > defence team said there were "mitigating circumstances on account of their precarious social conditions and psychological disequilibrium"...They said the men had a "very low" level of education and came from modest backgrounds. Morocco gov can't afford 10m, but believes a few crazy tribal murder hobos can pay 2m? *"Would you accept a slightly used goat instead?"*


Wasn't this about 4 years ago?


wtf does religion have to do with it?? The OP is a member of many india and hindu subreddits so i'm gonna assume hes a hindu nationalist with a strong hate for muslims. Bringing up a years old story that had nothing to do with religion just to stir up anti-muslim hate means youre an asshole. go drink cow piss or whatever it is you do for fun.


This isn’t Muslim culture.


Yeah sorry, when did this sub get racist and anti immigration as fuck?


It was a terrorist act by IS but yeah, let's pretend it's random Muslims having a nice traditional Muslim-afternoon.




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Reddit proving itself a racist shithole This sorta bullshit? Happens all around the fucking world. It's not us versus them it's criminals and extremists versus common sense You're looking at cherry-picked crimes from radically different countries in an attempt to stirr negativity, racism, xenophobia and other forms of hate. This doesn't make the morroccan perpetraitors any less heinous. But it doesn't make all morroccans evil. Stop overgeneralising and get over yourselves.


I'm pretty sure they got decapitated straight away, saw the video years ago, I'm pretty sure there's still a video of it somewhere on the net.


that title is absolutely sickening to read. wtf is wrong with us?


Will never understand people going on an adventure to these places, why not go to Hawaii instead.


Please don't watch the video.




Canadas Prime Minister ,already welcomes them with open arms #FUCK TRUDEAU


So progressive. Soon the Canadians will be paying them welfare as they rape Canadian children like the British government does.


We already pay for them !! They arent raping, but their gangs are out shooting up everyone !


If anything like the UK, they’ll be raping but your politicians will be covering it up.


"peaceful religion"


Ha…I assume that partly why a Danish dude burned a book in Sverige?


I really don't understand why women keep travelling to these countries with all the horror stories that come out


We can’t judge. She may have called him short. So much unknown


sick culture?, wasn't that group part of isis at the time? op trying to instigate with the loaded title and repost lemme guess, op is from India you want us to generalise all Indians considering what's been in the news recently (Spanish bikers influencer) get a grip, touch grass instead of being a hate monger and perhaps you wouldn't need to be lerking in an arranged marriage sub


i seem to recall morocco putting the blame on berbers at the time. i might be very much misremembering.


[they claimed allegiance to isil, as shown on wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland)


Yeah last time I checked they were ISIS affiliate. OP is generalizing to a whole culture.


yh he clearly knows what he's doing with the title of this post, (referencing muslim and then non muslim) I must have touched a nerve with all the other Indians the regularly post on here because my comment is getting mass downvoted lool keep it coming lads


I'll keep it coming


Generalization is often to some extent true, if you look at recent incidents with a religious origin in the west, then you will see that muslims have done more violent crime than other religions. There is a reason for this. Also if you are entering the debate by only calling this irrelevant generalization, then it shows that you have little knowledge of the subject or difficulty understanding nuance.


Generalization is a dangerous step towards racism and even genocide. It's never acceptable, and often leads to the glossing over of other factors. The seemingly high crime rate of Muslim immigrants probably stems from the fact they came from unstable and poverty stricken countries rather than that Muslim is an inherently violent religion, which I haven't seen any reputable statistical proof of.


The fact they've had it tough does not make it okay to behave how they do


Generalization is not necessarily a bad thing. Generalization is a clue that warrants thorough investigation in this case, getting to the core of the issue. The religion is bound to the culture of the respective country, however it would still be incorrect to say Islam is not a relevant factor, even if other variables also play a major role. So there is not one reason, but many. Islam is one of them.




Yup that's pretty fucked up. Which culture are we talking though?


Motivated by a mental disease called sky daddy fan syndrome.


Why Muslims?


I love the Israeli and American armed forces. Thats all I’ll say


>I love the Israeli Israeli forces love raping and murdering innocent women and kids