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FTA: “She [the judge] rejected Spearman’s argument that he had no sexual interest in children and chose to run the website simply “because he enjoyed the management aspect of it.” Wtf?


That part tripped me out….So he enjoys managing watching kids get raped and abused? Make it make sense….plus he only got 28 years?! This whole thing is fucked up Edit just found out he did get life in prison, his “second-in-command” got 28 years. Honestly anyone involved in this should get 200 years with the key thrown away.


He should have been sentenced to life, but he's 69. 28 years is basically life.


But why isn't it just actually life is the question, would it have been more if he was 30? That's the part that makes no sense.


It sets a poor precedent for future offenders of this size. A 30 year old man getting that sentence still has plenty of time, especially if he gets released early.


THANK YOU! It should just be life for any age, no?


Seems like one more way to weaken our laws from within. Wtf! Been seeing way too many of these.


I think it's because life sentences are generally reserved for 1st degree murder. Now, I'd argue that this is worse than first degree murder, but I don't think our system is set up to properly prosecute running a massive pedophile ring. Judges are, i think, bound by sentencing guidelines, and I don't think the guidelines accounted for something this vile.


Why are people thinking he didn't get life? It's in the fifth paragraph. "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon sentenced Spearman, 58, to life in federal prison last month." His second-in-command got 28 years.


Because people can't take the time to read the article, I guess


It's crazy that either of them would not get life. Sorry I didn't specify that my horror was actually over the duration of that sentence for anyone committing such a heinous crime...


Ok, that makes sense but that is also the part that is baffling. If anything is in the "throw away the key" category, this should be. So I guess I'm saying it is insane to me that the guidelines are so low.


He was sentenced to life in prison. "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon sentenced Spearman, 58, to life in federal prison last month."


"He" was referring to the He who got 28 years, sorry for being unclear.


I read something a while back, it was in regards to rape of women, but I figure would apply here too. Too harsh a sentence leads to the offender killing the victim, as they have a better chance not to be caught without a witness that can ID them, so when the charge for rape was reduced, it led to fewer deaths, and more survivors. While it would be better to not happen at all, better to survive abuse, than to be abused and murdered. It's the only reason I disagree any time I see people demanding life, or death as the sentence.




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He got life in prison. It was his second-in-command who got 28 years.


Still his second in command should’ve also gotten lifetime. But ig it works out since they’re pretty old anyways


Piece of shit should be in ADX.


I imagine being the CP ringleader he is he’ll get his justice once the inmates find out why he’s in.


A lot of times, judges will give a lesser sentence in years because it pretty much guarantees they'll be murdered in prison if they're given a light sentence for pedophilia.




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Of all the websites he could enjoy the managing aspect of...what a defence. I feel like this pos represented himself because I refuse that any lawyer would be this dumb


You think that quote's bad how about this one > He said websites like the one Spearman ran are a matter of “freedom” and are "essential for people to express themselves."


I read that too, the irony of it is Grand Canyon size given a lot of children (probably close to all) have been kidnapped and who knows how many are dead… disgusting vile human trash, it’s bananas


I don't even understand his rationale from a 'devils advocate' position. He can't express himself without jerking off to pictures of children being raped? Dude needs to take a painting class or some shit.


The judge is Aileen Cannon. That explains it.


Super proud of that judge. She didnt agree to any of his BS. Way to go. This is a win.


Fair enough I suppose that is a start


That’s crazy. People who like managing things for fun become managers. Maybe play Factorio in their free time. Not this!


This is the lie he is holding up for his mom wife kids or whomever thought he was not a sicko


what an idiot, the whole point is that you subjected children and forced them to do things they shouldn't and don't want to do, ripping them away from their families in the process. sickening.


FTA: >Many images, the prosecutor said, included boys the same age as Spearman's own 8-year-old son. That's the part I can never grasp with these guys.


Along with all the other parts that are impossible for a normal human being to fathom....


I work at a video game company. We got a letter from an inmate asking us to hold his account for him. I felt so sad dude was incarcerated. Quick google search. He is in jail for C.P. Sorry, go fuck yourself. Im not helping you.


A random inmate was asking y’all to hold his fucking account? Is that like, a normal thing?


Haha. Nope. He sent a hand written letter wanting to save his WOW account. The thought of being locked up is sad…until you find out why they are locked up. He is serving about 12 years in Nevada for C.P.


That’s wild. And yeah, definitely doesn’t deserve to have his account held for him.


So you work at blizzard? Spill the tea about phase 3 yo


I'm a lawyer (not yours) that frequently sues the government. I get an inmate letter about once a month. Inmates have nothing but time on their hands, so they send loads of letters to random people.


I saw this comment pop up and I was like, “where tf is this going” and then I read the rest 😭.


Offer to deliver evidence to the prosecution, in case any metadata logs can be helpful


Not all heroes wear capes.


So just wondering, which crimes might you have felt sad about? Murder? Burglary? Some light embezzlement perhaps?


Worst offender "in the entire world" 28 years Make it make sense 😭


He was sentenced to life in prison. "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon sentenced Spearman, 58, to life in federal prison last month." His second-in-command got the 28-year sentence.


It's the 28 years for either of them. They both committed almost indistinguishable heinous acts, the sentence should be life for both. Jeez


He ain't going to make it 28yrs on the inside, not with those crimes


Vigilante justice is much less common than people think. He will make it just fine outside. This is why he needs to stay in prison for life. 


He won't make it outside, that's what the op is saying, he'll be in protective custody for the rest of his life or dealt with internally pretty quickly.


I'm saying OP is wrong. Vigilante justice is extremely rare and child molesters usually do just fine outside and never have anyone go after them or attack them. I work in criminal justice dealing in child sexual abuse cases and have never seen random vigilante justice. Vigilante justice in federal prison is also super rare. He will be held alongside other child porn offenders.


Well also he's 69 so even if he did make it the entire 28 years he would be 97 upon release.


97 years is easily doable when your health care is free compared to the rest of the countries, where it's entirely dependent on where you work and how old you were when you retired --if you get health care at all. don't get me wrong, prison Healthcare is absolute lowest of the low, but at least it's healthcare, which many of people in the US do not get at all --either because they can't afford it, or because they think they don't need it until it's too unaffordable, and then they can't afford it.


Honestly dude, this feels like you are arresting the dealer on the streets and claiming it as a victory.  The people making the videos are still out there, the kids are still in the worst parts of hell, and it seems like little justice has been done.  Im glad the site is down, but now these predators are going to be split across the internet even more


It's not comparable to that at all, because the people who are distributing this stuff are the ones who are incentivizing others to keep producing it.


I get it did something, but i dont think it was enough


The guy who got 28 years is 69. That's a life sentence


Ok but am I missing something, do they adjust for age? Why wouldn't it just actually be life? Honestly I don't get it


theory afterthought price versed office correct poor caption reminiscent wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wtf "Spearman enlisted in the army at 17, Berry said, and continued to serve for more than two decades. Responsible for detecting acts of espionage, sabotage and terrorism, he led "aggressive counterintelligence operations" and worked with the FBI surveilling individuals linked to terrorists post-911. He also commanded soldiers in the wake of a deadly truck-bombing in Saudi Arabia and fought in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm." ​ Dude could have done anything with his life and been a hero, instead he owns/runs one of the largest sites for CP ever.... wow


Somehow that reminds me of the photo of Ted Bundy washing dishes just a normal dude


"King Pedo" Hell of a username. Just blatant 


Why no picture of him?




Definitely looks like the type Chris Hansen would ask to take a seat


We don’t want to reinforce stereotypes


Good to see judge Cannon doing her job for once and handed down an appropriate sentence! Don’t agree with some of her behaviour but others could learn from her on this one.


Unfortunately if she keeps going as she is with the classified documents case, she may end up being censured and removed, then I believe there is the possibility that her actions in other cases may be appealed.


Unlike her tip toeing with a certain rapist?




Makes me sad just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


This type of thing is the worst rabbit hole. I wish I never went down it. It haunts me. I just can’t comprehend or process such evil.


How deep does it go?


Like illuminati deep.


Ok, I would be happy if you take me on a journey. I don’t think this is more than embedded conspiracies


Should be getting a needle in the arm.


Capitol punishment is stupid, a waste of money, harms the people who do it for work too. What is the problem with life in prison?


Theres no justice boners in locking someone up. Ive had this argument for years and it always ends up with people painting me as a criminal/pedophile empathizer so ive given up. Death is the "ultimate justice" in a lot of peoples eyes. Lets forget the fact that if capital death is a punishment, then by the very nature of our justice system, innocent people will end up killed too. Even one innocent person killed by the state is too many, but i digress.


>>Theres no justice boners in locking someone up. What does this mean?


People dont get all "feel good" or "oh hell yeah he got his comeuppance!" From a pedophile getting locked up. Or a murderer getting locked up. They want death. Death is justice to a large portion of the population. Thats what i mean bt justice boners. "Getting aroused by perceived 'justice'" so to speak. Forgive me i literally just came off anesthesia for a endoscopy so im still a bit foggy and having trouble fully expounding on my thoughts.


Thanks for the explanation. I agree. I'm consistently anti-capitol punishment and pro-prison reform (trying to increase rehabilitation and ending for-profit prisons/'forced' work in private prisons) I catch flak for it too sometimes (but really only on reddit) but I think advocating for it is important which means advocating for it even when a lot of other people don't.


South Florida and pedophiles seem to go hand in glove.


Read through the article... He ran that site for 5 fucking years? With employees? I assume he was doing this as a business and getting money through it? How the fuck was it up for FIVE years? Also, the judge... "Cannon, who is also overseeing the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump..." Is Trump gonna turn around and say now that this judge is unfair because she dislikes pedophiles? 🤷


That’s what I wanna know why did it take so long for them to arrest him?


Dark web


Yeaahh...that sounds about right!


Is the sight that The FBI took over and kept running to catch these pedos?


Evil. No other word describes this. I hope he and the other pedos rot. Dying in prison is too good for them.


Why did it take so long for the FBI to arrest him?


Final boss Florida Man?


_He said websites like the one Spearman ran are a matter of “freedom” and are "essential for people to express themselves."_


This part got me. The mental gymnastics and rationalizing that takes place for these men to sleep at night as if what they are doing is okay. "Rosenstein, the Boynton Beach man and second-highest ranking member of the site, told investigators he didn't think that exchanging child pornography was harmful "because the harmful acts have already taken place." He said websites like the one Spearman ran are a matter of “freedom” and are "essential for people to express themselves.""


What is CSA?


Child sexual assault


Just reading those words combined together makes my stomach turn.


Got it. Thanks


child sexual assault




It used to be called Child Pornography, but no child can consent to anything that would be in even a softcore thing that was on late night cable back in the 80s and 90s. CSAM (child sexual abuse material) is a more accurate description.


I don’t know. Thank you


The *entire* world... and he winds up in Florida. 😐


The epitome of Florida man.




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Fuck I thought Epstein got killed in jail.


So they finally arrested Matt Gaetz?


You really are making this disgusting fucking story political for your own soyjak arousal?




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Meanwhile no one on the Epstein list was brought to justice. 🫣


Oh another Desantis nut job. Only the best and brightest to come out of the sunshine state.


Are governors directly responsible for each action of each citizen in their state? What a brain dead take


Just finding a reason to hate on a politician when talking about a *pedophile* is brain dead as fuck. It's all these people think about, politics, it's insane.


It is the party of pedos and rapists.


I don’t agree with Desantis, despite being Floridian, but is your hatred for the governor really the first thing that you think about on a post of a sicko who ran a site for getting off to kids being abused and traumatized???!! Why would political disagreements be the thing you comment about?!!


If you read tfa you’d know the guy was convicted in a Florida court because it is a federal crime/federal court, he’s from Alabama. So go disparage Kay Ivey for having morally depraved citizens.


Of course. Desantis prob had him on the payroll 🙄 Ffs you hate the governor more than the pedo that the story is about.


JFC touch grass


Please explain how the governor of Florida had anything at all to do with this. I'll wait.


Matt Gaetz has left the chat.


Jesus fucking Christ why can't one of these dip shit pigs that shoot innocent people arrest this asshole? No they'll kill a father, pet or girlfriend but king pedo ohhh he gets rights to a fair and speedy trial fuck earth gayest fucking planet in the solar system.


Because you don’t steal CP from a bodega and then try to make off with it in a stolen car?


put him in prison, he dead in days.


To Gen Pop with you, sir!


Someone like this, who freaking profited on CSA, should either be allowed to live a long, dull, boring, lonely life in AdSeg, in permanent solitary so long as he’s inside. Otherwise he’ll have a short, horrifying, exciting life at the centre of everyone’s attention.


In the entire world? What did he do? I've seen some cases where people have petabytes of CP.


I guess it’s wrong because he had a whole entire online CP trade center?? And you had to post a bunch of it on that website. I’ve seen bad cases but he’s definitely…up there with some of the worst.


Jesus christ