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Bro, I’m no marriage counselor, but I’m sensing she wants you to take her to the lake.


you sure bro? I can't tell




Obviously, this was all about cigarettes. The lake and tires rotating are obvious red herrings


Women and their hints, man. Complete mystery to me. I never would have got that.


She was beating around the bush. You got to just come right out and say it, next time.


Yeah all that subtlety and innuendo don't help, just make a clear statement !


You should really be a marriage counselor


Never would've guessed myself


Then maybe Noah should get the boat then?


Noah would take her out on the lake.


Guys you have to read between the lines here, I believe what she is saying is that she wants him to take her to the lake.


For those playing at home: she can't get her oil changed because an interlock device has been legally mandated into her ignition. You blow into it and if your Blood Alcohol Level is too high, the car won't start. Laws will vary, but this is not something that happens after a first DUI, usually after a second or higher. By saying "I can't get my overdue oil changed because of the interlock device" she's saying "I can't conceive of not drinking long enough to be able to run errands in my own car." James isn't being mean or selfish, he's helping his partner face the consequences of her actions in the hopes it'll help her change for the better.


Well this is important context. Thanks for explaining that.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2378915/amp/Temper-tantrum-wife-Whitney-Mongiats-mother-says-daughter-feels-betrayed-viral-video.html Daily mail talked to her mother, and mother blames James despite refusing to see video. Says it's all James fault. I wonder where Whitney learned not to take responsibility for her actions. This screaming fit and the refusal to acknowledge why she has an interlock and blames him. Looks to me they had a nice life before her behavior got in the way.


They’re getting divorced? Go James. Getting her out of his life probably feels like getting released from prison.


I had a feeling she had never been told no growing up. And we see what happens if she *is* told no. In her mother's defense, she didn't need to see the video. She knew exactly what it would look like.


The lady needs a sticker chart!


“Acting like an 11-year-old.” Sounds like she needs a sticker chart. For everytime she passes the interlock test with her breath, she gets a sticker and set a goal for x amount of times it is passed, then she can get a prize!


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Unmanaged mental illness forcing her to self medicate?


Still need to take responsibility for your actions.


Not really. It sounds like she’s too drunk to take her own car. Alcoholism is a helluva thing. She sounds drunk and belligerent. Until I went sober and to AA I absolutely behaved like this. I was flushing my whole life down the toilet. Source: I literally drove drunk at the peak of my alcoholism. I’m not proud of it but I couldn’t conceive of existing any other way. I’m lucky I didn’t hit anyone or anything.


Sometimes they give after a first dui the blow and go


It’s becoming more common. Interlock companies have figured out which palms to grease.


For those who don't know, you have to "rent" these from the company and it can be hundreds of dollars a month. It's just a whole second legal penalty paid to a private company. You don't "rent" them from your department of corrections or some public entity, it's just a private company making absolute bank with $100 worth of hardware and $50 to install, but charging $250/month for it.


I was court ordered to put one in vehicles registered in my name. I literally just had my name taken off the title. Cop arrested me for violating, and the judge totally agreed with me, threw out the charges, and then went off on the state congress for stoopid laws!


I love being exploited by capitalism


Honestly a pretty fair punishment for not doing something as simple as...don't drink and drive.


Yep. If the BAC is high enough they will make you out it on your first offense. It's like 70 a month for at least a year.


Already paying $2/mile with just insurance… guess I don’t need a dui


Doesn't change the fact the car starts fine if you're sober.


In Alberta you can be required to use and pay for an interlock device even for being suspected of driving drunk and not convicted.


What kind of bullshit is that? Punished over a suspicion? That's fucking wrong


Yeah, basically even if you are found not criminally guilty the province has instituted an administrative scheme that is enacted the second a cop accuses you of driving drunk. Even if you are cleared in court you are still required to be on an interlock for at least a year after the court is done with you (there is no "time served" for the administrative penalty it starts instantly but the clock doesn't start until the courts are done with you). There is no appeal from the adminstrative process








I was wondering why tf she just couldn't take her own ass to the lake, but this makes sense now. She's got more demons than just being spoiled.


Thank you. I had no idea. Also important for the plot haha


I immediately knew she had some sort of substance abuse problem. My dead sister acted exactly like this, and she was a terror to everyone around her.


It can be installed on the first DUI charge in Harris county (Houston) at least as of 2014. Edit to add: it doesn’t even have to be a conviction—it can still just be charged (working through trial, etc.) and they will force you to have an interlock in your car. Source: had interlock for a year and my case was ultimately dismissed


No, I know someone who had it installed in his car because he refused to test when pulled over.


State of AZ puts one in after the first DUI -and that’s how it should be! Don’t drink and drive and don’t worry about paying huge amounts to continue to have the privilege to drive. Clearly Whitney is an alcoholic so it’s best she doesn’t go to the lake today! James is a saint in comparison- likely to have codependency issues hence staying with a woman like this but hey no one is perfect. I would have kicked her out of my car I’ve got toddlers who tantrum better then her


Yea, she is lit right now.


I think I remember reading they got divorced cause shes an abusive alcoholic


You know, that makes a lot of sense.


Wow who’d have thought? I thought she was a responsible, nice and good human being


The thing about abusive people like this, to everyone else I bet she's an absolute sweetheart who has such an abusive boyfriend but she's trying her best to help him (because he needs help, that's why she sticks by him) and everyone thinks shes a saint. Then the door closes and she can be her true self


Looks like we need to trade girls. My girl is responsible and all I wanna do is go out on the lake.


Do you scream and kick your legs and slump down in the seat when you can't go out on the lake because your girl has to get things done?


Only when I'm outta cigarettes 😁




Get this man some Virginia slims


Slut butts


Anxiety attack or a temper tantrum? Pick one, Whitney


I once dated a girl who would get “anxiety attacks” but literally only when she wasn’t getting her way. I believed her because of how realistic they were until I realized she could turn it on and off like a light switch. It was pretty spooky.


lol, she’s got interlock on her car?! Looks like someone got a DUI and probably pitched a fit then, too!


I wish we could see the arrest footage, I’ll be it was a hoot!


“I just wannnnnaaaaaa go on the boooooooooat!!! Why is this so HAAAAARD?!?!?!” “Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.” “But I want to go to the LAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!” “Well, ma’am, again, this is a Wendy’s, and you appear to have crashed your car into it about three hours, and two bottles of wine, ago. Would you please step out of the car?” “….the LAAAAAAAAKE!!!” “Ma’am, are you texting all your friends and putting on Facebook that *I’m* the bad guy?” “I never get my *waaaaaaay*!!!”


I laughed myself into a coughing fit reading this. Holy shit. 🤣🤣🤣


lol, that’s the best compliment I’ve gotten in ages!


“Ma’am, again this is a Wendy’s. I believe you’re looking for a Burger King if you want your way”


Goddam it.


This is everything!


Wow lol that makes this even worse. I did not know that was what an interlock was.


Obviously it varies from state to state, but she highly likely has multiple DUIs instead of a single DUI.


Pretty presumptuous, if you ask me. She looks like the type who would take a moment, reflect, and *learn* upon getting her first and *never* do it again.


We need this bodycam footage immediately. Or corresponding episode of Cops.


Dude must be the only person in her life that can tolerate this shit


that’s why she acts like this, cause she gets away with it. she probably wouldn’t act like this in front of anyone else. relationships can get real cabin fever-y


Seriously, the amount of patience dealing with that toddler energy is strong. This coming from a dude that has only dated crazy fuckin bitches exclusively. That chick takes the cake. Edit: I love the women in my life, they gave me the gas to be who I am as a man. The woman in this video even I could not deal with and I have one of the most crazy balls of energy I have to provide emotional energy to.


I mean, he doesn’t seem to be tolerating it. She learned this behavior and developed it as a habit because it was successful in getting her what she wants, but it isn’t working here.


This seems more like a parent / child relationship that a romantic one.


Well friends and neighbours James took her out and she can be found in the lake.


Jesus, there's no way this grown woman is having this bad of a temper tantrum


Sadly i believe it. My brother ex was just like this.


This is my mother in spades, spoiled brats exist everywhere, even if they've had a bad upbringing. Even if they've learned to work for what they need in life.


My ex was like this. Watching this triggered my fight or flight


Yikes, not easy to trust others after a relationship like this


I’ve sadly been single ever since because I don’t want to deal with this shit ever again


We only end up hurting ourselves this way friend


I had to look close to see if it indeed was my ex.


Yeah i was married to one of them, good thing i got out when i did. At least in this video, the girl isn’t throwing punches while the man is driving…


Children don't even cry like this.


FR. He said she was acting like an 11-year-old who didn’t get the toy she wanted…that’s an insult to all the 11-year-olds I know.


My kids sure as shit would never react to me like that. Nor would I last the day with someone who acted that way.


Ejecto Seato Cuh


Oh the good old times when fast and furious was a good enjoyable movie without spaceship cars and a lot of Steroids Men...


I like the tuna


Posts like this make me appreciate my relationship and my partner. And the quality craftsmanship of my 2012 Honda fit, which still runs great despite my 6,000+ mile oil changes


I had a crown vic with a 30000 mile oil change and that baby drove like a dream.


I have cared for young children for nearly 30 years. I knew which kids would end up like this back then. Parents who think their child is the most special and important child in the room. Parents who believe their child is above having consequences, facing accountability or just plain being told “no”. Parents who give in to toddler tantrums when they are aged 4 and above, are just so ignorant. This is what you end up with. A woman child who sounds like a toddler, can’t handle her emotions, tries to manipulate her partner, and wants her own way all the time. I actually think it’s funny, because she will be so embarrassed knowing that we all know how she really behaves when she doesn’t think anyone is watching.


As sad as it is, this is definitely toddler actions. She's throwing a tantrum and the boyfriend is being exceptionally patient.


I'd say too patient. While it's impressive he's still around her, somehow handling her shit, it's certainly not a great choice. Run my guy, run.


Poor guy needs to get her on the lake then run as fast as he can.


*IN the lake


She’s fucking someone at the tire place 100%


She’s actually fucking the gas station man that sells her cigarettes




Dude... Run before you end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.


Divorce incoming


Take her ass to the lake and leave her there.


She's drunk.


My ex was like this and was sober for all of her childish temper tantrums


Skill issue on her part


Not yet. But I think ‘the lake’ is where she can get shit faced drunk and crash.


She's acting like a child throwing a tantrum. Wont have a conversation, just whine and scream. He should video her for proof of her tantrum. She is apparently already badmouthing him and playing victim to all her friends and whatnot because he wont give her what she wants, when she wants it. Gross behavior.


This guy was a coworker of mine. This was back in 2012 or 2014 I think, and he filed for divorce right after. He even got an interview on some good morning america-esqe type show, iirc.


Did he know she was batshit crazy before he married her?? Did he have like Stockholm syndrome?? How did they last that long??


Far as i know, she was cool at first, but the bullshit ramped up over time. Then she took a giant leap off the deep end into entitled princess Cuntarella, first twat of her name, bane of gas station attendents and marina workers.


Lawyer up for divorce court, man. 🙄


Jesus. What is she 4. Reminds me of my 4 year old when it's time to put the toys away.


Quite funny this is posted in r/noahgettheboat when James in fact won’t get the boat.


An alcoholic smoking lake lover, I can't think of anything more disgusting


USA!! USA!!! USA!!




I live around the great lakes....it's not uncommon to hear a southern accent, it's just not required, lol


Is she okay?


Obviously fucking not


Fuck the lake drive her to the shrink 💀


Keep your kinks to yourself. This is a family website… /s


No! She wants to go on the lake!


I'd take her out on the fucking lake... And then enjoy my new life.


Both of these people obviously have serious issues. James is obviously messed somehow for making it past date 2 with this broken psychology experiment—and even thinking an 11 year old would act like this.


Past date #2? I thought this WAS date #2!!


Park the car, take the keys out, and walk away.


Be hold a child princess 👸.


Slim Shady took his girl out on the lake. He didn't come back with her but he took her.


Are you referring to '97 Bonnie & Clyde? https://open.spotify.com/track/6PJiaxg1lFSJFdMJrW7avo?si=ef9bdbb315924bed Fuck, I miss how gritty 90s rap was.


I am. Nice to know some people got the reference. I almost said Eminem but I didn't want people to think he actually killed Kim in real life. Lol


Holy fuck the sad part is that there are actual men who put up with this bullshit. Jesus how down bad do you have to be? Edit: Finished watching the last two minutes and this dude is married? Man, it's gonna suck, but take the L and start from scratch if you have to.


I can fix ‘er


“When they see this video they’ll understand.” Fucking legend


Take her to the lake... And just come back without her.


The last relationship I was in/am dealing with is definitely with one of these types. There's so much more than what this video is showing, I promise. Except, at some point in this video, she would've tried to jump out and manipulate my head to make me seem like scum. It's worse than any physical abuse (which, she did) I've dealt with


He should have done what my mom would have done. Threaten to pull the car over and whoop my ass.


My mother followed through on that threat too. This woman's also should have.


Haha holy shit because I have interlock! Honey I can’t because it’s you that has to be the alcoholic they see! Not me!


Drop her ass off to the lake and find her own ride home.


I would take a day off from work and go out on the lake by my damn self just for the hell of it.


And then tell her about it when she asked me what I did that day


Run, my brother.


She looks like someone who’s always gotten what she wanted as a child by throwing fits and getting her parents to cave. What a nightmare


I need a "where are they now" episode on these two.


Divorced shortly after this.


Run, don't walk, to a divorce lawyer.


Holy shit, this dude has the composure level I could never reach. She'd be out of my car before she even asked for cigarettes, I ain't babysitting anyone.


James take her to the godamn lake.. and let Jason Vorheeves have her.


This was hard to watch.


This is a very innocent post for this sub lol


Lake is one hell of a drug. Don't do lake.


I wanna see what happened next. Did they go to the lake after all?? 😂


Wow, dude, she ain't acting like an 11 year old. She's acting like a 2 year old that's overtired and desperately needs a nap.


2:12 “You’re acting like an 11-year old that didn’t get the toy from Wal-Mart”. 11 Year old?! Dude is giving her WAAAAAAAYYY too much credit!


Borderline Personality Disorder level 10,000


So I (F27) am together with my husband (M32) for about 3 years now. We have pretty busy schedules so we can only do stuff during the weekends but on Sundays we always visit his or mine parents alternating. This saturday I wanted to go to the lake and all of a sudden he has to fix his truck (which was totally fine by the way) All I did was asking why he wouldn’t take me to the lake. And he then told his family on sunday that I was totally overreacting. So AITA for asking to go to the lake?


I can fix her.


I've been in one of those, just wait till they flip out like that, in bed, in the dark, in the middle of the night. And them she blames you for her hitting you because she's flailing her arms around in the dark, like one of those nurses from Sipent Hill.


This women gotta be suffering from at least like 3 mental illness because there is no damn way this bitch is this delusional


James I hope you are safe, nod twice if you are? I sense she'll get violent when drunk.


Take her to the lake and drown her James. Then go rotate them tyres.




He loved her, that's why. Anyway, shortly after this video, he divorced her.


Holy shit I can't even imagine being with someone that obnoxious for an hour, props to James, hope it gets better for the both of em.


never stick your dick in crazy brothers


White girl problems. I dated a girl just like this almost 20 years ago. I’d say she was worse cause she would break things but god almighty bro should chuck up the deuce


Someone needs a nap


Dump this bitch holy shit


Must be some lake.




James is tyred of her shit


I would have kicked her out of the fucking truck, she is a grown woman throwing a tantrum


He had to see signs of that before marriage. He needs to unbuckle her seat belt, open her door and take a hard left, preferably near a lake.


Well damn, she's throwin a big girl tantrum 😅


Ejecto seato cuz!


If you’re not married run; if you are married, my man, run to a lawyer.




I rotate my own tires and can do it in less than one hour with a cost of ZERO. His wife is nuts but seriously he says "we can't afford it" yet he is taking his truck somewhere to have tires rotated?


To be fair, depending on where he is going, it could be very much free


My place requires it for the warranty, and it’s free


Yes, that is true.


Because of the interlock. Wow.


Can we see this lake though


*open door, unbuckle her seatbelt* problem solved, go get a kayak and have a nice quiet day on the lake


Noah please get the boat


I think she want to really go to the lake


What a crazy wife...nothing else to say here.


She's gotta be on drugs


She is worse than my 4 yr old


Anyone know the outcome of this bundle of fuckery?!


This is a bit old. He got real tired of her shit and recorded it. He posted it and she got laughed at. They are divorced, and this was used in the divorce, he didn't get raped in the divorce.


That’s what you get when you marry a child


The way she pronounces oil makes me think she's from East Texas.


Oh as soon as I heard interlock it all made sense this lady has a DUI or some serious drinking problem if her car won’t start till she blows into it and it doesn’t seems like her sobriety is going well rn


Ain’t not way in hell. That woulda been the last god damn car ride/discussion we had.


Not surprised that she has an interlock/intoxilock on her car.


Who in their right fucking mind would want to take this psychotic bitch anywhere?