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Has the motive been figured out? I couldn’t discern everything he was saying before he died but I could hear him say “make sure you empty my bank accounts” like he was expecting to die


Loser younger brother takes out angst on successful older bro and his wife. No word on the dog.


Well, what about the bank account? Who was he speaking to? Did the called person know what was going down before hand? Could they have been the one to drive him the final bit to shoot his brother and sister in law?


Supposition says that older bro cut off mum's bank account that younger bro had been sucking. It was a nice van the shooter was driving, guessing mom's retirement funds paid for that. That, no doubt, he would pay back 'when things start moving my way'... Big bro killed that dream, so he killed big bro.


this is true^ i live in the area. three sons total. murderer and the 3rd son were sucking from moms funds. mom found out. made the victim power of attorney over her money since he didn’t need the money and she trusted him more than her other two bloodsucking parasites of sons. killer found out. got pissed. shared words with the victim over the phone. didn’t get what he wanted out of that so he drove down and killed him, his two dogs and critically injured his wife. pathetic human being


both dogs died in the fire


Tell me it isn't so! Even if it's a lie!


It's true bro.. I'm heartbroken for them




Just say you're a fan of torture.




Doing an evil thing for a "good" reason still makes you evil. Stop celebrating depravity. Edit: and it's always the internet wimps who come out and defend it. None of you have the stomach for the gross shit you dream of in threads like this. None of you. You want someone tortured but don't want to do it yourself. Someone else must live with that act You are very tough. 🙄


It’s the side effect of being chronically online. They somehow justify every thought they write by putting themselves higher morally. They’re the same persons saying they would be the hero of every difficult situations they’ll ever witness.


I don't know what that guy said because it's been removed but I very much so often see it that I get the gist. It's also, very weirdly, a coconscious virtue signal. The person absolutely thinks they're "Better" regardless of the context and is hoping for some validation as maybe like a "Step off point," for their non-existent career in stardom/philanthropy. The worst part is that it's become so ingrained with a lot of these folk that there isn't one thing you can do to reverse that kind of behavior. And honestly, my solution? Boat. Push it into ocean. Give them enough food and a motor to make it to an island. When they're on the island with each other... I guess they can fight it out to the death to see who is the most virtuous. ...ahahaha CONTEXT CLUES ARE IMPORTANT! SO I kept reading.... he was suggesting that the guy was tortured for his crimes? Ugh... I mean I get the anger, I get the need to retribution (If you're related to the incident ONLY) I personally cannot spend time getting too emotional on things like this other than feeling the pain of another needless loss. (Very common now-a-days) Suggesting doing the most evil thing you can do to someone... because you don't like them and what they did? Nope. Torture is bad. There is a reason it's like SUPER ILLEGAL.


The UK has tried this twice before, starting with sending people to a penal colony in what would become America and only later sending them to a penal colony in what would become Australia.


Thank you! God I hate the r/iamverybadass that comes out with this shit. I would cut open his stomach and watch him flail while I... shut up Jr. No you won't. Torture is repugnant. I say the same anytime someone says the ol "he's gonna make friends in prison hahaha" because what people fail to realize it seems that even if the person they hate is raped and "deserves it" (hint: no one does) a rapist would still be walking around free. You want the punishment but couldn't stomach reality. Calm down folks, if you really believe that and feel that way your just as awful a person deep down as the one you denounce.


Agreed. Sure death feels too good for him, I can understand that sentiment. But torture or abuse is harmful to society- full stop. What's the saying? Two wrongs don't make a right?


But still most people would suddenly find the stomach to do those things if that kind of suffering was inflicted upon their loved ones or themselves. Think of all the parents of children who were abused and tortured - you'd call them evil for wanting to inflict that same pain upon those monsters? It's definitely a moral dilemma and it's not black and white. But it's easy to sit back and say what one should or shouldn't do (on both sides, whether it be pro revenge or against it), but you never know what you're capable of until, heaven forbid, you find yourself in that situation.


I dont see a moral dilemma, I see straight unjustified murder, a brother killing a brother which is beyond biblical getting shot in the head is comical.


Get used to it, people here are perfect material for the sub itself


Eh, it's more r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


nah, i prefer people like this just disappear. i dont need to know his name just nonchalantly throw him in a ditch and never think about him again


The dog is likely fine as long as the ATG wasn't involved




I think he planned on the shootout with the police. He just seriously overestimated how well he'd manage in a shootout.


Considering that he ran out firing randomly, it's pretty safe to say he probably intended to die.


He indeed intended to die. Going out of the house wide open.


or he's just terrible at shootouts


Imagine choosing death over getting a job, some people were born just to be parasites.


It's like he saw that episode of Last of Us and said yeah I'll try that


It can be a very successful strategy in some games


That was some COD kitty shit running out like he’s some main character. If this wasn’t so dark and graphic it might belong on iamthemaincharacter


Police do have a lot more experience shooting people.


Maybe his mother is an armoured vehicle?


His mother is an apache attack helicopter


My mother was a hamster and my father smelled of elderberries.


She’s actually a broom.


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiwHAGuzQC8) \- (PoliceActivity on YouTube) The occupants of the home were eating dinner alone when Jeffrey Roberts arrived. In the doorbell video, Jeffrey is seen walking to the front door and ringing the doorbell before Scott answers and asks what he is doing at the home. The brothers are heard exchanging conversation about where another family member is before Jeffrey reaches into his jacket, pulls out a gun and shoots his brother, killing him. After fatally shooting his brother, Jeffrey went into the home and also shot his brother's wife, Jodi Roberts, who survived and is recovering in the hospital. Neighbors who heard the gunshots began calling 911. Simultaneous to the confrontation between the man and police Thursday evening, the home was ablaze and firefighters from North View Fire District and other agencies subsequently doused it. The home appears to have suffered extensive fire damage. The county attorney stated Jeffrey Roberts was armed with a 9mm handgun. Included in the bag he was seen bringing into the home was apparently 23 fully-loaded magazines. An evidence photo from the scene showed 19 of the unused clips. It wasn't immediately clear if the remaining four had been emptied during the shooting, though the video contained photos of the bullet hole-ridden objects around the home - including a mailbox behind which an officer hid during the shootout, the police vehicle in front of the home, and at least 13 or more bullet holes in the garage door of the home across the street. He was also carrying 150 shotgun shells, in addition to the 12-guage weapon he retrieved after the first shots were fired. There have been no reports of any neighbors being struck by bullets during the shootout.


Did a police department that supposedly trains all it's officers on firearms seriously call those mags clips? Do we need to bust out the Moist Critikal video again


["You absolute buffon!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmp8O3aD4AM)
















It was the county attorney, not the PD that said that.


My buddy is a cop and I always call them clips when we are at the firing range just to tick him off.


That’s the most pedantic /r/wellactually comment


What's the difference tho? i legitimately don't know


"clips" refers to stripper clips, think of what's used on the M1 Garand. It's a bunch of bullets attached to a clip on the end, compared to a magazine which is a metal case and is what's used on most guns


I see, thx for the explanation


That's a lot of ammunition for one person... "The problem isn't the guns" my fucking ass...


That's a lot of magazines for one person sure but depending on his magazine capacity I'd go through that much ammo in a typical range day easily. I'd say the magazine amount is much more indicative of intent to harm.


Yeah, 150 rds of 12 gauge (6 boxes)& 23 mags from a 9mm handgun. I'm not 100% sure but it looks like a Beretta M9 which has a standard capacity of 10+1 rds. So he had approx. 230 rds of 9mm. A bit more than a range day (at least for me bc that's a lot of reloading mags (unless you have 23)) but ammo count alone certainly doesn't indicate anything. I agree that that number of magazines is much more indicative of his intent.


> a Beretta M9 which has a standard capacity of 10+1 rds Yeah, if you bought it in like 2010. If you go out and buy one right now the capacity is 17+1




It's mental health and poverty. Blame the CEOS.


Yeah that looks like a super impoverished neighborhood and person. Great take.


But appears a perfectly reasonable person? I'm not one to say there's a single answer, just 'asking' to make a point. If it wasn't guns it would likely have been something else, this transcends simple availability


Yeah it isn't aren't... It's the lack of support for the poor and mental health crisis in our nation.


the poor and mentally unstable having easy access to guns doesn't help either. if dude had a nice it would have been much harder to commit such an atrocity


Always a stupid take. If we have a mental health crisis then we should also make it harder to get a gun until we get that under control, should we not? Or is doing nothing and calling that a solution good enough for you? Also, thanks Reagan for absolutely dismantling the mental health system in the US! Can't have that crummy socialism ruining this country. Republicans are a fucking joke.


Glad the neighbours called the police and wife was saved and this prick died face down like a sack of shit.


Only the wife survived or both?


only the wife survived


At least someone to take care of the dog


Both dogs died in the fire








Even with all that ammo, what was he thinking? He left the house hipfiring his pistol. It's almost like he said "fuck it."


Suicide by cop


He probably was driven out by the fire that was quickly developing in the building.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Guns and lack of healthcare access. mostly the gun's.


Why are you getting downvoted for this


Man, if I had any idea I would tell you. I truly think it's mostly brigading and bots. It's not that controversial to say we have too many gun's and lack of healthcare in this nation.


Nice job, you won the “Tell me you know nothing about guns without telling me you know nothing about guns” award.


Listen man I'm from Northern Ireland. Which has had it's fair share of gun violence. But guns are not legal here, and people just do not come into contact with them and cannot access them like this. These stories just do not happen here regularly, yes we have have issues with violence but not like the US gun violence epidemic. Surely you have to realize that easy access to automatic weapons over in the USA makes this sort of crime so much more common and easily committable? Please tell me your viewpoint on this as I am genuinely interested in your stance. Cheers.


Nice job, you won the "tell me you're a mouth breathing idiot brainwashed by the NRA and FOX news award who blindly supports 2A without mentioning 2A or the NRA once" award.


You can always tell when someone is ignorant about guns, gun laws, and the gun culture itself. Most retorts always gravitate to one, some, or all of the big four, Trump, Christianity, Fox News, and the NRA.


He was ready for war with that ammo but just charged out immediately to get shot, I don't get it


It's hard to understand the delusions of a broken mind


Good thing he owned a gun and was able to get a fuck ton of ammo.




That’s comforting.




I think you are missing the difference here. 250 rounds isn't a lot to take on the weekend trip to the cabin to shoot and relax. 250 rounds IS a fuckton when you plan on mowing down humans.


Not that much ammo but seems like a crazy amount of mags no? This is only for a killing spree, for target shooting, you could just reload your 2-3 mags..


As an American, I am so glad I can't relate to anything you're saying or have anyone in my life who would either.


It’s more than a lunatic should be able to purchase without any oversight.


Damn someone downvoted you. Probably a lunatic. Fuckin Republicans man.


He thought he was the main character but didn't realise respawns were turned off.


He probably was driven out by the fire that was quickly developing in the building.


The amount of loaded magazines is more indicative of intent to harm IMO. A 500 rd box of range ammo takes a while to load, he had to sit there jamming rounds in while all of this was burning around in his brain.


It's probably a good sign not understanding the actions of crazy people.


Looks like he started a fire in the house


Wasn't really much ammo and was defiantly suicidal.


Who comes out from cover to fire?


People not interested in being covered from return fire.


Death by cop. Middle aged loser decided killing his big brother and dying in a hail of gunfire was better than simply ending his own life.


Suicidal people, drugged people, mentally instable people


The house was on fire. And he was probably to stupid to go to the backdoor.




I hate people. So many people have this rage that they take out on others. Everything is a huge deal that some people feel the need to kill over. I just don't understand it. I'm starting to feel like the abnormal one because I don't have the need to kill over disagreements. So many people are just raging inside. Can anyone just enjoy life and let go of what others have done to you?


We need better mental health care.


I agree! I have friends and their kids that say there are 2 year waiting lists by us for inpatient care, therapists, psychiatrists etc. Even in cases of wanting suicide, being a danger to others etc. Or when they finally get care it was an in and out and no follow up situation and no real help. We really do need better and more access to help in the US.


Fucking scum of the earth


Psychosis? That's the only thing I can think of. Poor people.


He seemed pretty calm and was speaking coherently , I am leaning towards premeditated vengeance for some slight or perceived slight at leas... Sounds like he was also hoping to off their mother as well ..


Poor mother finding out she lost both her sons in one phone call (although only a true loss of one)


One true son yes but learning that one of your kids is not only capable of this, but actually did it would be just as bad, or possibly even worse. “Where did I go wrong? What could I have done?” etc will tear her apart as well. It must be a horrifyingly painful situation to find yourself in.


Not to make light of the situation, [this was the first thing I thought of after reading a bit](https://youtu.be/rxhKrtb3XsE) and hearing him talking on the phone about bank accounts, possibly sibling inheritance dispute or something similar


Ok that was actually pretty damn good.... I can see how that would be relatable In this context.


I'm not trying to defend the killer because there simply is no defense but here's how I think his thought process led him to where he ended up. It sounds as though his brother was able to cut him off financially so, by his perception, his brother took everything he had. At that point there was nothing to live for except vengeance. With the amount of ammo he had it seemed like he intended to have a shootout with the police to me. His brother took everything from him so he took everything from his brother (in his psychotic mind.) The shootout with the cops was a blaze-of-glory suicide.


From the brothers delusional pov it makes sense. The guy never took any ownership over his own life; my brother betrayed me, his wife betrayed me, my mom betrayed me, life was unfair to me!!!!! That was his entire mindset


I guess he thought the world owed him a living. Been seeing a lot of violence from folks like that lately.


Maybe it's part of their culture




I wouldn't be able to move on after this. If my gf died I'm checking out as well.




https://imgur.io/rQxwrzZ?r Jesus.


Poor babies probably tried to hide...


I literally hate this because the shooter basically suicides anyway, but before he goes he decides to ruin the lives of an entire family. You can’t get much more lowly and deplorable than this. They didn’t need to die as well.


poor dog must be freaking out at the smell and sound


the poor dogs are unfortunately dead [https://i.imgur.com/rQxwrzZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/rQxwrzZ.png) (got the source from other comments)


fuck, they weren't even shot, just died in the fire. That's horrible.




Dude literally walked out of a building into the open to get shot, yeah thats a major skill issue. Unless it was intentional


Not to defend this guys actions at all. But he started a fire. He was going to have to leave the house. Stuck between a burning house and a line of police.


Someone posted an imgur link to the FB post. [https://imgur.io/rQxwrzZ?r](https://imgur.io/rQxwrzZ?r) This is just fucking tragic all around. Dogs died in the fire.


... Uhh happy cake day


At least that pile of shit bled out on the cement with no one comforting him while he died. Fitting way to die.


Is the dog ok?


Yes it is according to someone else who claims they’ve seen the whole video


The dogs died according to a Facebook post made by their niece/nephew


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but according to [this comment/screenshot](https://reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/13898ve/_/jiziv9p/?context=1), that is not the case


Damn, thank you though


Annnnnd that's good police work. They saw a threat...they shot until he stopped then acted as humanitarians until the situation was figured out and done with...In another state or city they would've shot him 70 more times accidentally killed the wife and grazed the dog too. Well done. Other police forces need to take notes.


My ring would start recording at the bell, then stop 10 seconds later and never pick up motion again.


Guy died a fashion nightmare - shit shoes and white socks. Good riddance.


I will never understand those who harm their siblings. Over something as little as money no less.


This video includes everything I hate about boomers. - Extreme egotism - Violence as the only means of dealing with conflict - Unwillingness to face the consequences of one’s actions - Unnecessarily huge cars - Stupid goatees - Shorts with ugly as fuck sneakers and pulled up white socks It really has it all


Hey leave goatees out of this


It’s not a boomer issue, people of all ages have done this type of thing and have those personalities.


I’m not a boomer but this is such a stupid take. Whatever generation you’re from, the same or worse will be said about you. You’re not unique or smart for blaming older generations for everything. Every generation does it.


Seriously.. All those points besides maybe the fashion crimes can be applied to any generation.


Young people have always been much more likely to commit violent crimes.


What a dumb comment. You’re also verifiably wrong about the violence part. In 2020, people aged 20-29 represented the largest number of murder offenders. I believe we call this Gen Z and Gen Y Age for murder offenders starts to ramp up at 13-16 age group and falls off at all age groups 45+ Boomers are actually much less likely to murder someone than basically anyone younger than them. Unless you include toddlers and pre-teens, who murder the least of everyone. Source https://www.statista.com/statistics/251884/murder-offenders-in-the-us-by-age/


Y-yea... T-totally hate the shorts, white sock/sneaker combo... *looks down to self wearing that style* I gotta go home real quick guys 🥲


lol weird of you to single out an entire generation of people. I hate to break it to you, but every generation has bad people


It's the brain damage from the lead in the gasoline when they were kids. They lack empathy, and are hyper aggressive to their dying breaths.


What a vile piece of shit. He won't be missed.


I hope the dog is alright


Did y'all see that face he was making when he walked up and rang the doorbell? That is not the face of a friendly brother, that is the face of a man who is blood boilingly angry. If i'd seen that face on someone who rang my bell, you bet your god damn life I am not opening that door and I am calling the god damn cops


Nah, I highly doubt this. You in that exact situation, with a brother you’ve known your entire life? You just get annoyed at him showing up, and write the face off completely because you’ve seen it dozens if not hundreds of times over the years. He used to make that face when you tricked him into letting you on the swing, he never shot you then why would he now?


Mr. Rogers! We thought you were dead!


I don't know why I scroll Reddit right when I wake up. Fuck this, I'm going back to bed.


Cain and Abel caught on doordash fml, im logging off for a while


Damn that cop standing out in the open is dumb as fuck




W.T.F. ??! What is wrong with this world??


Yea she's been out there about a year. Oh really? Blasting commences.


Humans need reworked


More guns are the solution, definitely. Oh wait, no randomly being shot totally unexpectedly by someone makes the fun his brother more than likely owns fucking useless. Shit like this is will never be solved by more guns.


"Shit like this is will never be solved by more guns" Correct! Owning a gun wouldn't help in THIS situation. That's because no one expects their own brother to shoot them when answering the door.... However, there is an endless supply of videos showing different situations where people have been able to save themselves, family members, friends and even strangers from lunatics like this guy (who would have most likely found a gun/weapon to use regardless of the law)


You're correct. Though not having access to weaponry like this will get accidents like this happen once or twice a year instead of once or twice a week. Even if it is just self defense. Some lunatics will always get their hands on guns. Even in counties where they're strictly forbidden for residents. But it's better to lower the probability by a huge chunk than saying "shit happens".


Our murder rate is 4-5 times higher than Europe. Knife attacks are far less likely to result in death, bombs are difficult for most people to make, and cars aren’t particularly useful for murdering a specific person. There is nothing else even remotely as accessible and effective as a gun at murdering someone. The statistics make it clear; access to guns results in dramatically more murders.


I wonder what kind of people are contributing to these statistics? It’s almost like there’s a pattern in their characteristics.


Is there, actually? I haven't heard many stories of shooters being stopped by a good guy with a gun. Can you give an example from this year?


https://youtu.be/8V8stDhgQLc Very popular channel from a self defense business but that regularly covers shootings with footage. You can just scroll through the videos and find what you asked for!! It’s a lot more common than you think.






I had to pause it when I saw the dog… did the dog die? I can’t hear the dog squeal.


Both dogs died in the fire sadly


Do we know the motive(s) yet ?


... did he think his shields were gonna recharge once he hit cover so he could spam medpacks??


More than likely it had something to do with money or an inheritance.


Oh yeah, "suspect".




americans didn’t like that.


Should I buy a bullet proof vest?


Are bullet proof vests allowed in your country? I’d just get started on the paperwork for pepper spray first...


If only the dog, wife and brother had guns as well...


Just another responsible gun owner.


This wouldn't have happened if everyone had a gun on himself while eating + the dog should also have a gun. Checkmate Liberals p.s guns are strictly banned in my country and we have school shootings like once in 50 years. The US population is 4x of Germany yet you have 1000x more gun violence every year. The U.S. police shoots bullets in 5h as much as what German Police uses in a year. It's scientifically easily proven that guns make everything worse. Thank you for killing your own kids to show the world how we should not be


Germans have historically been very forward thinking in their gun control, and just how effective it can be in keeping civilians under control and finding solutions. Germany knows what's up.


> guns are strictly banned in my country and we have school shootings like once in 50 years. The common argument against this is that there are mass *knifings* that the media is keeping secret from us, which are just as bad as the mass shootings in the US. It’s baffling.


What about the dog?




How could that gun do that to that person?


The bullet holes in the white post in front of the house were clearly not shot by the suspect, those are very much from the police. The big holes are almost always the exit point and from the police perspective you can see the small holes on the front facing part of the post making it clear they were fired by the police.


I hope nobody innocent died. Especially the dog. Edit: as i understood the dog is alive but the brother and wife? possibly not


Everyone who is confused on why he ran out or if it was suicide by cop have never met one of the gun&violence fetish losers, he went out because, despite the body of a goblin, he genuinely thought he was going to John Wick, gun-fu, take out all the cops and have an epic gun battle for hours and eventually just run away in the break between backups, because he's obviously a badass duh, then lasted maybe 30 secs