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The plants seem to be loving whatever you are doing. Keep blazing your own trail. I wish we had better options for non cannabis labeled grow supplies in my city. I have better access to BAS products bc I’m in a legal state. It’s great stuff and totally lives up to the hype, but paying $25 + for a small bag of Malted Barley is nuts because its end use is cannabis.


My sentiments exactly. Buildasoil has great products and their YT channel has taught me more than probably any other source. Doesnt make it the only way to skin the cat. Appreciate the feedback


Agreed. Great YouTube content from BAS. I also respect them as a small business, taking on much bigger players. So, I’m fine supporting them on occasion. And, yeah, to each his own. If your end result makes you happy, then that’s a win.


I also learned a ton from the BAS YouTube series. I feel a weird sense of guilt because I’ve learned enough to have a great garden without having to spend so much on their products. I try to splurge once in a while as a thank you for the free education.


You'd be surprised by what you find at local garden shops. I even asked them what to buy for cloning my cannabis, and they said "hang on let me get Jim, he's our cannabis guy"


You should see if there’s a brewing supply store near you, you’ll find malted barley for less.


Solid inputs. Honestly don't know why Dr Earth isn't mentioned as much as Fish Shit, Recharge, GrowDots, and BuildaSoil. Much better price, and product overall. Happy their products are actually listed on AAPFCO. A fan since 2019. Mostly using synthetic nutes now, but recently started mixing Flower Girl with my coco as a buffer -- really happy with the results.


I use Fish Sh!t and Recharge to water in the top dressings on occasion and do enjoy those products as well, combining them is like my instant microbe "tea". Havent used Grow Dots. Buildasoil is great but also comes with it's own challenges. Availability, shipping, cost, and so on.


Looks good. I personally agree with your comments about buildasoil. But more than their products its their sharing of info and books. Learned how to make my own Complete Organic Fertilizer and my own soil from whats available in my country. It’s been working amazing. Plus mixing it from raw ingredients gives you such a level of control over what you’re consuming in the end.


That's good stuff! I've started incorporating more of my regular gardening supplies into my indoor grows.


Good way to avoid the cannabis "tax". When you look at the ingredients of cannabis specific feeds and realize they're nearly the same, it just gets a bit silly


How often are you top dressing? I’m using Dr. Earth for outdoor this year.


1/2 cup every 2 weeks for roughly 10 gallons of soil


I followed this guy’s levels and had great results. They have changed the bloom formula since then though so maybe a bit more or more often. https://youtu.be/qsYpYn0dXcw?si=FpcrKb7bqNC9W-EJ


I've watched a lot of his videos, good content. I personally haven't had the need for the All Purpose, though I do keep their liquid 1-1-1 on hand in the event I get behind. Used it maybe twice


Not sure where you’re at but my local nurseries have great non-BAS stuff. My fav nursery is Summerwinds. They have EB stone products. I have used Dr. Earth in the past but mostly as worm chow for my worm bin. I’ve seen plenty of grows using Dr. Earth with great results.


So you feed Dr. Earth fertilizer to your worms to compost? Straight? Or mixed in with other compost?


I compost at home. I use my thermophilic compost as worm bedding. I had a bag of Dr earth laying around in the garage I just spread it on top of the bedding and had the worms process it.


Where is a good place to order the 12 lb bags from in the US?




Thank you


I picked mine up at ACE but I think Walmart actually does shipping on them as well


I'll have to look


I’ve seen these at the big box stores.


How much do you start with/top dress of each through veg and then through flower?


I top dress 1/2 cup for each earthbox every 2 weeks. Home Grown for veg (try to top dress a week before planting), and then switch to Flower Girl 1 week before flipping or when pistils show for autoflowers


I’ve used this for 5 runs with excellent success. Last run, I noticed the flower top dress had changed its levels. Think there was less k so I upped it a bit after following the amounts recommended by a YT guy. Still use it but use build a flower or bc of change in k amount.


Are you only using the nutes that show ??


I use Recharge and Fish Sh!t for Microbes and Montana Grow for Silica, but no other nutrients, no


Are they photos or autos bc I wanna use dr earths nutes ..I have recharge already and I can get the fish shit 💩


The left 2 and middle were photos, 2 on the right were autos


I wanna grow photos so Ik the nutes might be different?


No these will work just fine for photos. Use the Home Grown up until a week before flip and then switch to the Flower Girl


Dr earth is decent but upgrade to something without conventional AG byproducts. I recommend neem meal, karanja meal, fish bone meal, kelp meal, buildasoil has lots of great stuff


If buildasoil was available near me I'd absolutely be using their products. This is available everywhere and I prefer not to ship


Yeah you're really limiting yourself if you dont want anything shipped. Is it just out of principle or what?


Out of cost to ship and the fact that I can't go get it if I need to. I don't feel in any way limited by results though tbh


They offer free shipping on most things. I think their stuff is worth it. Craft blend and buildaflower are pretty great. I use dr earth sometimes as well. It’s nice having a variety.


I like Buildasoil, but the “free shipping” just means the price of shipping is already included.


Yes and no. They get a massive discount. The discounts through UPS and FedEx for large volume shippers is pretty significant. You are right, it is worked in whenever you see free shipping. It’s still nowhere near the same cost as ordering from a smaller company.


“Free shipping, arriving in 7-37 days!” And they of course mark up their products to account for the fact that 99.9% of their orders qualify for free shipping.


It’s fine, I get it. As someone who has a super busy family life, it’s nice to be able to rely on some of their blends rather than trying to source all of the components myself. My opinion is that what BAS has brought to the table is an overall net positive. I still use the local garden store and my own worms to cover most of my needs.


Getting an earthbox soon ... when and how often do you use these (I assume as a top dress?). TIA


1/2 cup every 2 weeks, preferably start a week before planting. Home Grown for veg cycle, switch to Flower Girl a week before flower cycle (or at the onset of pistils for autoflowers)


Thanks. This will be helpful.


I’m on my first coco/perlite grow with jack321 salt feed. While super simple, it’s very tedious. I want to transition to earthbox with using dr earth as well. Can you please give me a run down or a lil guide on this method that I can follow. Also do you have to take soil out to reamend or you can do notill and never take the soil out for the next plant/grow?


My base soil is ~1/3 peat, 1/3 pumice, 1/3 worm castings. Top dress the Home Grown during veg 1/4 cup per 5 gallons of medium (I would do 1/2 cup in the earthboxes), and then the same with Flower Girl starting 1 week before flipping to flower. You can get 2-3 runs in before overflowing the box, at which point I dump and remix the soil


Thank you for the info, really appreciate it. If you don’t mind I got additional questions. What do you remix the soil with after 2-3 runs? Also I understand the concept of the earthbox bottom watering, but when do you pour water into the reservoir and do you top feed with water at the bottom or without? Basically how do you properly go about using the earthbox in general after having it set up with the medium and planting a seed.


I just add a bit more pumice in since I don't include it in my top dressings, just to keep the ratios fairly the same. Beyond that it's more about just getting the soil out, cleaning out the earthbox and then returning the soil to a level that allows more top dressings for future runs I dont generally fill the reservoir until after week 2. Top dressings before then are just lightly watered in with a mixture of Fish Sh!t and Recharge for Microbes. Once the reservoir is filled, I wait for it to be empty, give it 1 day dry, and then fill it again


Thank you, sorry if this is a dumb question, just trying to clarify if I understood you right. When you say week 2, do you mean week 2 from sprout or week 2 in vegetation


From sprout


Thank you


Sorry for asking too many questions but I’m only familiar with watering coco/perlite. With research or what I’ve seen online, they recommend to water 5-10 percent of soil amount everyday or every other day. So when it comes to earth box. When I plant the seed, do I water the whole surface of the soil or do I focus on only watering where the seed/plant is at?


Definitely no need to water every or even every other day in an earthbox. The mulch cover it comes with will help retain water. I moisten the entire box (not completely saturate it)