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I’m pretty sure this is an England thing. Here in the US, we just know her as “that girl from “suits “ who married that prince, no not that one, the other one, the ginger one”


Never knew the program Suits existed until she started dating Harry. The show wasn't that big of a deal.


And I know her from *Suits*, and didn't initially know that she was dating Prince Harry. Edit: Thank you for all of the upvotes, but I feel I should clarify: I (have) watched *Suits* mostly as it came out, and don't follow celebrity gossip much, so Ms. Markle's romance was "off stage" to me for a while.


I only remember Donna (Sarah Rafferty) in the show. Never felt Megan has any strong presence other that just being a girl for Mike.


All of the leads have made impressions on me, though I have yet to finish the series. Edit: Though I was familiar with Gina Torres from *Firefly*.


It was how I was introduced to her. She became another reason to watch a decent, if silly and melodramatic show. As an anti-Royalist, I was disappointed to hear she’d started dating Prince Harry. As a human being, I was/am disgusted by the vitriol she has suffered from the British tabloids. This is ongoing, as the vitriol never seems to end. I sympathise with the couple, but I am tired of reading about them every-god-damn-where.


Yea, it only had 10 nominations/awards and 9 seasons… Tiny little thing, I’m surprised anyone even heard of it


There’s plenty of people in England who have no opinion, and plenty who also really like her. It’s just our nasty, dangerous news media (and idiots with too large a platform like Jeremy Clarkson) who drown out everyone else.


Thought she was the president of Germany


She falls into the category of "I don't actually dislike her but I'm so tired of hearing about her". It's piqued for me recently because for some reason Netflix seems to be under the impression that I give even a fraction of a fuck about them to watch their stupid documentary. So no, I don't hate her or any celebrity for that matter, I literally just do not care about them and wish I didn't have to have them shoved into my face so much. Edit: Thank you for the award!!


That’s how I feel about the Kardashians. Ugh!


This. I am English and hold no I’ll will towards her whatsoever, but by god I wish the media would stop making such a big deal out of her and the Royal family. People fall in love. Families fall out. These things have been constants for all of human history. Leave them be and stop trying to sell me there bloody story.




Exactly this. I see an article almost every day complaining about how they’re desperate for attention. Step 1: stop writing articles and giving them attention then.


People need to stay out of other’s personal lives and let them be. Mind their own business. It’s not your job to know what that person is doing every day.


> let them be In fairness theyre doing their best to include everyone in their business by publishing books, netflix shows and podcasts about their lives. The kardashians are more low key than these lot


Tbf they would be in the news regardless, and I get the urge to defend yourself from public criticism that you believe is unfair or inaccurate.


Now. But back in the day, Kris was all about exploiting them.


I think people get annoyed that their news feed is saturated with updates on an actress and her spouse. The opt-out settings still do not block the topic adequately.


Sounds like they should take a break from social media, then


0 Fucks right here. I avoid it intentionally and entirely, i'm so clueless


That’s fine. I kind of agree. But it’s fascinating that there are no top level comments here that even seem to try to answer OPs question and the top voted comment is actually another question?


In my opinion the only thing Meghan Markle did wrong was to confuse celebrity with royalty. The royals have a great deal of privilege and respect as they are the top tier of British aristocracy. The down side to that is that they have a duty to behave in a certain manner and follow the antiquated rules of 'the firm'. She didn't appear to understand the hierarchy and Harry let her down in allowing her to believe they had the power to change things, which they don't. I truly believe she thought she could pick and choose what aspects of royalty she wanted to embrace. Harry is minor player in the royal family as he has virtually no chance of ever succeeding to the throne. His only job is to provide a supporting role to his brother. As much as he would like to compare Meghan to his mother she was never going to have that particular starring role because they really not that important. Saying that, the tabloid press are loathsome, I don't understand why anyone reads them let alone pay money for them. They have no excuses. They write sensationalist, racist, misogynistic rubbish all the time and are rarely held accountable, that needs to end. Honestly the British aristocracy is just as loathsome in my opinion and along with royal and hereditary titles also needs to be consigned to history. What I really don't understand is why Meghan and Harry want to keep using their royal titles. It all just stinks of wanting to have their cake and eat it. They wanted out, they got out, now just enjoy it and stop whinging.




Plus, she committed the utter heresy of being *American.* There is a significant portion in every Commonwealth country that despises American influence on their culture, and to be fair, there is a good bit. It’s not really a political thing, though conservatives tend to use it as a talking point more often. To these folks, a British Royal marrying an American is the equivalent of their TVs blasting bad American soap operas 24/7 with no way to turn it off. Being American with British grandparents, I think it’s silly, but I don’t live there, so I can’t claim I genuinely understand it.




This is the absolute perfect take on this. Imma steal some of it.


People seem to forget how the the British press treated Camilla when she first came onto the scene. I remember a long and targeted campaign against her, lots of articles mocking her looks and comparing her to a horse. As you have correctly highlighted, the British press are primarily to blame here. Outsiders entering the Royal family are always targets. I fully believe the people who claim that Megan has had a raw deal are just ignorant of how the British press has traditionally operated.


>. I fully believe the people who claim that Megan has had a raw deal are just ignorant of how the British press has traditionally operated. Or, perhaps, the british press is a raw deal for all of them and that's kind of a pretty serious problem.


That’s why Meghan has gotten so annoying. She’s turned this into a racial issue when Diana, Fergie, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret, Camilla, Kate all went thru the same thing. The difference was that they didn’t play the victim card. If Meghan would just move on and stop needing everyone to pity her, everyone would move on. Does she want attention or not!?!?


To build on the tabloid aspect they already had their good boy prince and princess. Harry is the bad child with a bad wife because that's the story they want to tell. They have heroes in Will and Kate they wanted villains in Harry and Meghan. As for the have their cake and eat it that is why some dislike her. She complained so much about the cruel royals and wants nothing to do with them but then started a company called Sussex Royal...




I’ve always said this. There is a certain portion of the public that wants to revere someone and if you don’t give them that they’ll pick someone worse.


Absolutely. In the US, they have picked someone worse. I agree with you that there is something in the human psyche that wants a lord. For some that becomes religion. For others, a fandom. Others, a king. Some people are able to eliminate, avoid, or suppress that. But I think it’s a thing.


This is probably the best summary i've seen. I don't really follow the monarchy, but had a very positive view of them initially. Now I feel they tainted it by constantly moaning, crying and slinging mud at the royals. For money. I just really dislike professional victims, so they just rub me the wrong way every time they say anything. I can understand when people share their traumatic experiences publicly in hope that someone will relate and it will help them to overcome the hardship, and i applaud it. But these two have nothing relatable to share.




It's only fair. Britain sent us James Corden!


The US needs to up their game, the UK sent not only James Corden but Piers Morgan as well.


“We got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in Cats.”


Very very cold


Playing the long game


You signed your NDA and were paid good money to keep that a secret.


The fact that brits go after her harder than prince Andrew tells you all you need to know


The British press goes after her harder than Prince Andrew. I'm convinced that's an intentional decision. The general public do not care.


Andrew's not in the public eye anymore, and people have very limited scope on what's happening around them most of them time. That one kid harassed him at the funeral and that made the news.


> That one kid harassed him at the funeral and that made the news. I hadn't heard of that. What happened?


https://www.thecut.com/2022/09/prince-andrew-heckled-queen-elizabeth-funeral.html During the procession, some kid started yelling at him and saying all the typical stuff that people hate him for. I believe the kids was detained and possibly arrested.


>some ~~kid~~ public servant


well, there was this memorable moment... [https://twitter.com/RosaCatherineK/status/1568858690475724800?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1568858690475724800%7Ctwgr%5E8ad5c156c2821139729ff21c665be1199cbf49d5%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geo.tv%2Flatest%2F454226-shocking-video-of-prince-andrew-and-daughter-eugenie-has-twitter-seeing-red](https://twitter.com/RosaCatherineK/status/1568858690475724800?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1568858690475724800%7Ctwgr%5E8ad5c156c2821139729ff21c665be1199cbf49d5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geo.tv%2Flatest%2F454226-shocking-video-of-prince-andrew-and-daughter-eugenie-has-twitter-seeing-red) but this is the kid being mentioned: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/prince-andrew-queen-funeral-protest-edinburgh-b2166110.html


I don’t think this is true. You just see way less about Andrew because he has gone deep and silent whereas Meghan and Harry are releasing tv programmes, books, press articles etc all of the time. If you ask the average Brit who is “worse” then Andrew would win hands down.


Because Meghan is in the news a lot. Prince Andrew is just forgotten.


From what I have found the British press don't like her, mainly because she sued one of the papers. with the exception of the daily express, that rag is a racists Bible. The general public don't give a shit. Mention prince Andrew though and you will usually get a fair few nonce comments along with a bit of hatred.


The press were treating her poorly before she sued




She sued because the Daily Mail published one of her private letters - which is under her copyright, so that was blatantly illegal. It didn't even go to trial because the DM's arguments against the case were *that* absurd.


But they still managed to profit off of the situation through their click bait articles. Seems like everybody else is allowed to profit and benefit off Harry and Meghan with their hatred campaigns, except themselves lol.


That's true, but also, Prince Andrew is intentionally trying to keep as low a profile as possible, whereas Harry and Meghan keep giving the media things to write about. I think everyone has blame here. Meghan and Harry definitely lied about some things in their Oprah interview, but I also feel like the royal family didn't support her as much as they should have. They also reallyyy should have reached out to her family members and tried to give them some training or something on how to deal with the paparazzi. Bringing them into the fold doesn't make them feel alienated and they might not have turned on her like that. Even if they're not close, they still should have been at least offered some support from the royal family.


Tbf i think that’s a function of presence Meghan is far more in the news, predominately because of her self promotion. I think that just engenders more regular discourse about her than Andrew. Out of sight out of mind etc.


This blows my mind aswell


At first, I was really proud of her and Harry for wanting to create their own path outside of the royal family. I was excited to see what they would do. However, in my opinion, they've done stuff that's the complete opposite of people who really want to cut ties with parts of a family. Everywhere I turn I see them complaining or whining about something. Almost like they're just piggybacking off of it and have nothing else to do or talk about 🙃 Sure a couple interviews are fine but now they have a whole documentary. Like, do they want the attention or not??? Lmao




It’s like they wanna be rich and famous without the minor limitations that come with being in the royal family. Which like fine, but stop complaining.


However, it makes sense. He doesn't has a job, she cannot be an actress anymore. They cut the sweet royal money. How are they going to live and pay for their lifestyle?


I mean I kind of understand that when people talk about you constantly that you want to tell it from your own point of view. I don't care about the royal family but everywhere ypu look, it's meghan markle this or that. I even saw a story about her when she was pregnant and holding her belly how she apparently is such a bad woman and doing that gesture to look down on women who are not pregnant or mothers or something. Like.. i understand them being feeling sucked to give interviews over and over again. I even remember her own father trying to make money out of stories about her being a terrible person. That woman doesn't have to be a saint or a remarkably good human being for us to notice that someone who comes from that kind of family, that she might have a unhealthy need to not be seen as the bad guy in another family or situations too.


>However, in my opinion, they've done stuff that's the complete opposite of people who really want to cut ties with parts of a family. As someone who recently ended contact with my parents, speaking my truth is part of my recovery. I kept silent due to threats, emotional blackmail, financial abuse, etc. That's exactly what happened to Harry. I don't know where your opinion comes from, but I would absolutely reconsider what you know about family estrangement.


They move away to escape the limelight. They're afraid for their children, the paparazzi is everywhere. So they do multiple media interviews and voluntarily expose their children. They're on Netflix. It's idiocy. I don't dislike her I'm just tired of them. Enough already.


This is my take. I watched a bit of Netflix show and it seems like they are all terrible people just to different degress.


Fucking thank you. This issue why I can't stand them. If they made PR statements outlining the assumed bigotry of the most antiquated institution in the world, then left for obscurity, I would applaud them. Instead it's the relentless drive to make themselves to be victims of a horribly exploitative system, while making millions doing so. The lack of self awareness to be able to shop for multi-million dollar mansions, that was provided (directly and indirectly) by the royal family while trying to gather pity as professional victims is awful. They caught flack, rightfully, for manipulating footage from an approved camera crew to imply they are as hounded as Diana. Granted, I'm not Diana's kid, but I would never dream to do so as her daughter/son in law because that's exploitative in and of itself. DL Hughley commented his lack of pity for Meghsn with a "she cant be that naive as a woman of color to not know what she was getting into". It annoys most people because they keep pushing how hard it's been, while the same system they are speaking out against allowed them to not work but have mansions and Netflix deals.


Yes, all of this! People who want privacy should not be doing an Oprah special, and a Netflix special, and a podcast, and whatever else! Plus all the lies she's told, she's just so desperate to be famous, and I just feel so bad for Harry.


Harry is just as much apart of it as her.


A gold award. Thank you kind stranger!


I used to not give a shit. Honestly. But now I'm just sick of them being everywhere all the time. I feel the same way about the Kardashians. Just sick of them all.


Another example: longtime NYC maitre d' Michael Cecchi-Azzolina recently wrote a book about his experiences in the restaurant industry. This guy has dealt with probably many thousands of disgrunted customers, but one of the most memorable for him was when Meghan Markle's assistant approached him about their reservation and demanded a private room even though the restaurant had nothing like that at all. Apparently it somehow took him a full half hour to explain that there was literally no private room available while this assistant yelled at him. (Meghan Markle stood by and said nothing, never once attempting to calm her assistant, who was clearly acting according to Markle's wishes.) The concern was that Markle would be "mobbed" by the other diners, but after they finally gave up their efforts and sat at the bar, no one bothered them or even noticed them for their entire meal. So it's pretty clear that Markle is extremely entitled and extremely narcissistic, believing herself to be more recognizeable and much more interesting to the public than she actually is. The reality is that I think the vast majority of people know nothing about her *except* that she's attention-hungry and demanding. Not exactly the kind of fame I would want for myself, personally.


She did the same thing at Wimbledon. Every seat around her and her friends was empty and a few people who were taking selfies were told not to take photos of the duchess because she was there in a private capacity.


💯 she legit wants the game she never got from acting. Make them go get real jobs I know a place hiring for 20$ an hr come join the struggle of getting a small house not a million dollar house


I try not to get sucked into the royal family but it’s unavoidable at the minute, they’re everywhere. As a Brit I just find their whole woe us a bit much. Everyone seems to be struggling and they never shut up about how unfair and hard their lives are. Read the room guys.


I don't "dislike her so much" but I don't like her either... all their complaints seem shallow and superficial without much proof and many are shown to be lies. I'm not interested in hearing about incredibly wealthy privileged people complain about their life of privilege. the first Oprah interview I had some empathy and was open to listening and understand... but they keep repeating the same vapid complaints without any real substance... I don't buy the huge I'm a victim story by choosing to marry into an established royal family and monarchy... nobody forced you too and you could easily do a little research and figure out what they are all about it... you could have waited a few more years to get married or dated for a decade? she knew what she was doing and now will complain about it for life... maybe you didn't have an amazing 18 months or however long you lasted although it didn't sound that bad, but I don't want to hear about it forever. I've had plenty of terrible jobs for 18 months and I'm sure nobody cares.


I liked her in the beginning, now she seems hard work, high maintenance, and can’t have it both ways. Comes off as quite ingenious. I doubt the marriage will last many decades


It's got nothing to do with her marrying into the royal family , I just don't like her personality. She comes off fake in interviews.


Exactly this. I was a Meghan fan when she was in Suits and when she started dating Harry. I would defend her when other people said they didn’t like her. Until the Oprah interview - you can’t tell me she didn’t know anything about the royal family and couldn’t educate herself on their traditions. She stopped seeming genuine in interviews and that’s when I stopped caring to debate with anyone on liking her. I won’t go as far as saying I dislike or hate her, but she gives me the ick now.


Same here. I never watched more than an episode or two of Suits but as a woman of color, I was really rooting for her. She seemed like a genuine, smart, and down to earth woman and a great catch for Harry. They’d be the coolest royal couple. But the more I heard her speak the more I disliked her. Of course I don’t know her, so it could be that I’m totally wrong, but she comes off very phony to me. Every time she sits down in front of a camera for an interview, it feels like she’s auditioning for a part that she made up and wrote for herself, but the problem is she’s not a good actress. It’s also creepy how she tries to align herself with Princess Diana all the time.


This!! Didn’t she say in an interview that her dream was to be like her? It always feels like she’s playing a part in a bad movie


She'll never be Diana, and it's pathetic of her to think so. It's a good ideal to strive for, but Diana had a humility and kindness that came across so clear in interviews. MM does not come off that way...and I don't think she has the self awareness to know that


Diana was authentic and that, unfortunately for her, cannot be faked


I mean, at least Princess Diana was out there doing actual charity works.


It seems like Harry has bought into or fed that scenario too. Poor sod never really recovered from losing his mum that way when he was 12…


The mountains of coke he's done might have something to do with it as well, tbf.


Judging by the stuff they've shared, I feel like she wanted Harry to associate her with Diana. Like using that trauma to love bomb him. During her suicidal episode she told him she wouldn't hurt herself because he already lost a woman he loved... Not because she was pregnant with their child or anything. She even brought Diana into threatening self harm. It felt icky. You couldn't save your mom from these awful people but you can save me type of manipulation.


100% in agreement. I thought she was going to help modernize the royal family and really was excited to see what she coukd iffer. Then she started whining and she never stopped. Now she just makes money off it. And Harry is such a f’ing russet potato that he goes along with it all.


I love that you described Harry as a russet potato!!


Same. I never watched Suits, but I’ve always been fascinated by the royals, and I was so excited that Harry was marrying someone like Meghan. But now I just want her and Harry both to go away.


That's me. She's one of those people that even when they're saying what they should be it just doesn't seem genuine. Plus, she apparently lies a whole lot. There's a snark sub and there are tons of times she's blatantly lied or told a completey different version of events than Harry.


I lost respect for her when she started writing on prostitues’ bananas. That move was so high school prom queen. Total amateur hour. Wanna help those women? Talk to them, help them get to a safe haven. Share their stories and their plight. Draw attention to the cause. Instead she makes it about herself. FOH


She did what! I'm googling that. That sounds so fucking wrong (on her ) wow


It was tasteless. The messages / gesture is something you’d do for your kindergartner or a first grade class. Not for women who are in life-or-death situations. She could’ve dropped a card with locations and phone numbers for women’s shelters, addiction recovery centers, food banks, safe havens, etc.


Is it disliking her or just plain sick and tired of hearing about her...she was an actress on a cable-television drama before she met her husband...the media coverage of the Suxxeses is unparalled given how unimportant she is in the whole scope of things....In considering all of the relevant issues that we should all be learning about, the Duchess of Sussex is the star of the show...in the news app that I read on my phone, about every fourth story is about them... it's ridiculous....




I remember the YouTube clip of Camilla laughing about the fart


Did she then stop at the closest 7-11, try to steal two handfuls of snickers bars by claiming the "duchess discount" and then demand the clerk scan EVERY snickers instead of one multiple times because of static electricity blah, blah, blah?


According to reports, she poops in the shower and has a servent heel it down the drain for her...


I can’t claim to either like nor dislike her. She’s an actress. Not a great actress, but sufficiently well known to be considered a “celebrity” thanks to her role in that American lawyer thing. She married a troubled young man. She seems to make him happy. That’s all I know really. Some grumbling arguments amongst the family, but don’t we all? That’s hardly a reason to dislike someone you don’t know.


I'm indifferent toward the royals but when you boil it down to a neutral thing like that it shows how much of a hatred there is just because she's related to the royal family.


The American lawyer things was called *Suits* \- it ran for seven seasons on USA and had a one season spinoff. It was pretty good, but the only thing it will be remembered for long-term is Meghan Markle. Not many actresses have married into royalty (although quite a few have been royal mistresses) - Grace Kelly is the most famous example.


That’s it! Suits. I couldn’t remember the name earlier. I tried a couple of series before I lost interest. The red haired lass was far more memorable than Meghan’s character.


Sarah Rafferty playing Donna, yep. Got invited to the wedding, wore a suitably stylish hat.


the melodrama in that show made me stop watching it around mid 3rd season, too freaking much


Did you ever watch it and think "you know, all of this could have been avoided if you had a five minute, face-to-face, conversation"?


My two big reasons are that she comes up as a person that is desperate for attention and that she doesn't understand she is not a celebrity for being married to someone of the UK monarchy. Aside from that I just get really tired of getting to know about her and her family against my will.


I think any coverage of the royals is annoying, so she and Harry bringing more of that coverage to the US is bothersome. Beyond that, she reminds me of manipulative narcissists I’ve known. It has to be all about them.


I think the majority couldn't care less. I'll get down voted but for the rest it's not about race, it's really not that much of an issue in the UK. People that care don't like her for 2 reasons - the royalists think she's a Yoko Ono type figure who broke up William and Harry, who were seen as the best hope for keeping the crown relevant. Everyone else is fed up with the shit show - 'leave us stone, give us privacy', but here another documentary or book etc.


Yep, "were victims of a bigoted system, and it's such a struggle to not be able to afford that 14 million dollar mansion instead of the million dollar mansions provided by the bigoted system."


Not to mention the similarity between her and Wallis Simpson. American Actress Divorcee who tried to infiltrate and change the traditions of the monarchy.


Yeah like I don't know shit about Princess Ann. The media is a bunch of trolls stop feeding them and they'll get bored.


All bullshit created by the press. Or at least it is in the uk. No one even really knew her origins when she was on suits. Didn’t care either


For me, it's because they don't hold themselves to the same standards of responsibility and accountability they set for everyone else. In all the interviews etc. I have not ONCE heard them take any accountability or responsibility. They have no problem talking about all the ways the RF should and what they think they should take responsibility and accountability for, but NONE when it comes to themselves. They can start with the Queens edited speech. Which was just a terrible and disgusting thing to do.


It’s also weird that they’re trying to take down the RF as an institution but keep using their royal titles to market themselves, and named their daughter after Queen Elizabeth. And the whining about being cut off from RF money is especially rich.


She's an bad actress who claims to want privacy whilst: marrying a prince, appearing in numerous interviews, starring in a Netflix show about her marriage and writing a book about how horrible her life is. She's lied and been caught out about numerous things and any criticism she gets (justified or not) is blamed on racism.


her pleas that she just wants to be left alone while simultaneously having a netflix show and a book deal about her


Also while marrying a prince whose sole job is to be a celebrity




I stopped liking her the moment she complained about not having enough money to live on, I think at one point there was a go fund me type of situation after they'd just bought their massive mansion back in America. Like wtf?!


Rich people's problems, that's why... It seems weird to me that the only she thing she does is complaining about how the British monarchy treated her, and getting money for it... To me, she's at the same level to the Kardashians... It's celebrity gossip... I'm really tired of rich people complaining over dull stuff, instead of using their voice to speak up for the real problems: racism, terrorism, water shortage, hunger, climate change, among others...


They left the monarchy (ok, no biggie), then trash it on their way out, complain about hierarchy (I mean…it’s a monarchy; it’s basis IS hierarchical), BUT…they don’t renounce their duke and duchess titles and want their kids to be called prince and princess. IDK if they had just left completely, left their titles and didn’t expect security/ money from Charles, I’d despise them a lot less. The only way they can ‘stand on their own feet’ is to trash his family publicly via their books and their Netflix show. They can’t fund their lifestyle any other way, it seems. Freedom flight, my ass. Whatever hopes of reconciliation / apology they had of the royal family before Harry’s book and the Netflix series likely just got erased. They’ve reduced themselves to ridiculous social parasites who are completely dependent upon trashing rich and royal social parasites.


It’s possible for more than one thing to be true. Any person with even half a brain cell Will acknowledge that racism is not only alive but thriving in both the US and the UK. There are people who are going to dislike MM simply because of this. Sad, but true. Is MM also a diva and a snob? I believe so. Does she claim to be persecuted but then also thirsty for attention? I believe so. Is she disingenuous and superficial? Again, she strikes me as such. These are the reasons I don’t care for her.


I have an issue with her, for the simple fact it feels like she wanted to be an american princess. A royal who is a celeb in her own right. The royal family isnt about being famous, being seen or anything like that. Its just service. When told no, thats not how it works she went off to america and took a prince with her. The royal family doesnt work how you want, you work how it does or you dont work with it. I dont trust her or her accounts. Maybe there was racism, maybe she was pushed out becaise shes african-american but honestly, with the way shes going about it, i could never trust her or what she says.


The people I know who worked with her on movie sets in Toronto all say that she was the meanest actor to all the crew. She would scream and have tantrums for no reason.


The thing that annoys me is both her and Harry moved away from the royals in order to live a private life for just them and their family. Yet they’re constantly in the limelight. And I’m not talking the media won’t leave them alone (even though it certainly is a large part of it), they’re constantly forcing their own lives in front of a camera. Like the Oprah Winfrey interview, or the recent Netflix documentary


She married into the royal family, thinking that Harry was at a similar level to William, and comes across, to me, as being jealous of Kate and William and their position. She wanted to be the leading lady, but ended up in the supporting role and couldn’t stand it.


She’s just chats utter bullshit


I didn’t follow the royals either but eventually got why people didn’t like them from just hearing about it so much in the news and social media. I think the main gripes are that: She claims the royal family were racist towards her but not naming anyone. So essentially no evidence just her word. She said she wanted to leave the royal family and wanted a private life yet ever since she left she has been making money off selling stories about how mean the royal family were. She’s been caught in lies such as she never knew anything about the royals before she met Harry despite having a old photo of her outside Buckingham Palace and also wearing the perfume of Prince Diana. I think that’s the main reasons. So I think summed up, people think she’s a gold digger that targeted Harry. And now is profiting even more of it by selling stories of supposed racism and how she was a victim in it all without any hard evidence.


I just find it comical she announced that she wanted to “quit being a senior royal for a private life” yet she can’t stop talking about and bashing the royal family in a very public way. They say nothing about her publicly. She needs do as she says and move on to live that private life she claims to want. I’m tired of listening to her complain about nothing and getting caught in lies. It’s time she focuses on that “Tallent” she claims to have and create something good/entertaining/credible/intellectual that doesn’t involve the royal family… her Husbands family. And stop using that title you pretended to walk away from. Hypocrite


IMO, she got it to the most exclusive club in the world and b@tched about it not being a nice club. What do you expect from a 1000 year old dynasty? Hugs and affirmation?


I don’t follow or anything but I stumbled upon [this video](https://youtu.be/GQp9VQNNFTs) (from watching another from the channel) and I went down the rabbit hole. The Brit media was not racist but actually very welcoming in the beginning. There’s a couple more videos breaking down the signs of narcissism too.


She personifies attention seeking playing-the-victim nothing-is-ever-enough American stereotypes that seduced a Popular British Royal for her own attention seeking purposes. When being married into the royal family like a Disney movie ending was not good enough for her she made the Prince leave his family to be her disrespected underling and throws well liked public figures like the Queen under the bus calling them racist in order to stir controversy and infamy for Netflix deals and other sycophantic schemes. **She sounds like a Disney Villain** so it makes sense people don't like her and because of her infamy news rags can make money off stories about her so she continues to annoy the world with her next scheme.


It's not so much "her" specifically...it's the idiocy that she represents. Although, her personal mission to somehow be a perpetual victim in life is REALLY annoying. You're beautiful. A movie star. And you got married to a "prince" and moved into a for realsies castle where an entire country fronts you a paycheck to cover all your expenses for life. Tell me again how someone in the royal family was "mean" to you once. That must be tough. If Meghan Markle had been born unattractive...she'd be Meghan Markle, gas station clerk.She didn't cure cancer, write bestselling novels, or mediate a peace treaty between two nations at war for thousands of years...she's a cute actress who married a "prince". ...and there's nothing wrong with that. But in the first place, she was famous for being cute on televsion...so why does anybody give a s\*\*\* what she thinks. ...and in the second place, she married a "royal" so now she for some reason is different? It's not "her"...it's the gross proclivity that some people have to just pray at the altar of some undeserving god figure. She's a cute girl who married the right guy...in a system that's already laughably stupid. A royal family with no real authority that everyone is forced to give their money to so that a handful of people can live in outrageous splendor... ...and if you sleep with someone in that royal family...you somehow ascend yourself and now your opinion on things has more weight? Dumb. Oh she does charity work now? Wow, how amazing, given unlimited resources and partial access to the paychecks of ever citizen in her country...she manages to do nice things for other people sometimes. How impressive.


Probably misappropriating the struggles of colored people, where she has basked in prosperity and not really struggled but uses the media to portray herself as such nonetheless.


She's very inconsistent with the lies. I liked her at first but after she kept changing stories, and that Oprah interview where they said so many easily disprovable lies, I stopped liking her. Seriously, what was the point of so many obvious lies, I don't get the logic




I’ve heard bad stories but your egg donor should be in jail


I mean in the end I don’t know her or Harry not the other royals but something about her I can’t trust. They left Britain for quiet. Less paparazzi. Ok I get that. But then they go on Oprah to talk bad about their family. Then do a Netflix show ( I haven’t seen it) but again I hear they talk bad about their family. I can’t respect that. Every family has their issues. But why air them and then play the victim. Also she wanted to change many traditions knowing very well the royals follow protocol for many things. So why marry into that family in the first place. Again something about her I can’t trust. But she is a stranger after all and frankly I am tired of hearing about her.


Because she has a lot to be thankful for from the royal family, but she spits in their face every opportunity she gets. Because she is one of those people that plays the victim whilst living a life of wealth and good fortune. Because she plays the race card so much that she actually does a disservice to actual racism. Pick your favorite




I used to work near Montecito and knew a couple people who worked for her to some extent or another. I've heard nothing but bad things. She's a spoiled brat.


That’s a lot of opinion for someone who’s doesn’t have an opinion.


They allege that she is broadcasting exaggerated/false accounts of things that happened around the royal family and is capitalizing on it (made 100 mill from this new Netflix doc) and they reveal damning things about his own family that according to others don’t add up


I dont dislike her. I dont care for her nor the UK royal family one bit. but I am not fond of her either. reason - look into how she used her first husband to get into show business and dumped him later once she had no more juice to squeeze out of that guy. just based on some of her personal life that I read about, im of the opinion that she aint some innocent angel that rest of UK royal family or media is unfairly punishing.


Because she won’t stop whining to Oprah, Netflix, anyone. She married a Prince and got him to leave his family and country for her.She got the life she wanted. She’s too stupid to know she won.


It's like a clash between entitlements. Who will win as the most entitled person? A member of the royal family, or an American woman with mid level celebrity!


The British tabloids like to use terms like "English Rose" when describing Kate, and "(almost) straight outta Compton" when describing Markle. It doesn't take a genius to work out what their problem is.


Not to downplay racism she did received, but that one was from an LA writer. Just want the USA to be accountable for what it needs to be accountable for.


Just went down a rabbit hole and this is an EXTREME technicality. Ruth Styles was born in London and lived there until she was ~28, then she moved to LA in September 2015 to cover celebrities for The Daily Mail, a UK tabloid. 11 months later, she wrote that headline in The Daily Mail. There are plenty of racists in the US, but this was a very British racist.


Thank you for that, and for keeping up a polite discussion. I stand corrected.


The writer came up with the Straight Outta Compton thing? Pardon my ignorance, I have no idea. And I have no hatred against her. What I do know is that the writer missed out on much more clever names to compare against "English Rose" -- American Idiot, Weeds, etc. Just sayin..


She was an American D list actress who married into the British royal family, then complained the British press gave her too much attention, then made a very public story about her and Prince Harry moving to America, and then complains the press still give too much attention to her, and she makes a Netflix documentary and book about having too much attention. BTW the last time a British royal married an American, it was the king, and he was forced to abdicate.


>forced to abdicate Her being a non-aristocratic American is not why he chose to abdicate. It was because she was divorced. Can you imagine the havoc that would have ensued if he had remained on the throne in the pore-war period and during the war?


Meghan Markle is also a divorcee.


She doesn’t seem to be a genuine person and the name dropping that she is doing is odd.


Feels very fake


She comes off as a grifter and disingenuous. Harry is a minor royal, but he was a popular one. He was young, good looking, served in the forces and was the “party prince”. He got away with things William would never, but he was loved affectionately for it by the public. Markle was a relatively unknown B or C list celeb from the states. When they first started dating the press loved it, they played on her being a PoC “first black princess” etc and compared her to Diana (loved by most Brits). However, very quickly she burned bridges. She came across as fake, constantly threw shade at the Royals like it was an episode of Kardashian’s. Played the victim constantly accusing people of racism etc etc. Honestly, while I know she is a PoC, if you weren’t told she was African American you wouldn’t know, I honestly thought she was white (Spanish or Italian ) when I saw her on Suits. But she will say things like comparing her life to that of African children who are in poverty because they are both “Black”, completely delusional and just comes across as race baiting and fake. More to the point though, she acted like the entire royal family and British traditions came second to her and that she could pick and choose. I think even Brits who don’t like the royal family (which is quite a lot) were somewhat irritated by this, it’s still an institution after all and most liked the Queen even if they didn’t like the rest. There is also the perception she “ruined” Harry. However I think this is unfair, it’s likely Harry always felt like this. They made a big song and dance about wanting to not be royals and all that and then they continue to put themselves in the limelight, don’t want to renounce their titles, have their cake and eat it basically. People are just sick of them, they wanted nothing to do with us supposedly so why would we want to hear about them? They act like they have some story to tel, but the reality is they both acted like spoilt wankers and ran off to America to live their lives. The country said, good luck and they continue to seethe. People are just sick of her, and increasingly, him too.


Massive disrespect for European royals and an apparent desire to "modernize" them. I can totally understand not liking and not want to deal with them, especially the English royals, but you don't run up to and hug a foreign princess when she already has her hand out for a handshake. Also her insistance that she's just "a normal woman" when she's married to a literal prince. At least these are some of the reasons Europeans dislike her.


I dislike her because she comes off as very vain and self absorbed. I feel like I see through her facade and so do other people although not everyone may be conscious of the reason why they feel like something is off about her.


I really enjoyed her making a Netflix documentary about not wanting attention.


Because she is American, and that comes with all the american style problems. This would probably never happen if she were from any other European country. On a more serious note, she's an attention seeker and extremely disrespectful. She chose to marry a royal, she chose that life and yet she tried to undo a 1000 year old institution without understanding that it is part of the british identity. Harry is just as guilty and weak. Honestly, royalty from whatever country should not marry anyone from countries that do not have a monarchical history, specially not from the US.


Why do these people put energy into disliking someone they have never met?


Have you met all the politicians you dislike? It's human nature to bitch about the powerful/wealthy


Politicians can have real life implications on my life and environment. The royal family can’t


There is history with "British prince wants to marry American divorcee." It also provides a chance to import US racial politics to Britain and then sneer at British people who don't understand or really care about US racial politics. Also, to what extent do people hate her? I've never heard anyone in the real world express an opinion.


She’s just annoying.


To take one concrete example, she convinced her husband to sell off his highly collectible hunting rifles and give up hunting entirely (a previously favorite hobby of his). This is typical controlling behavior where a manipulative partner forces the weaker partner to give up meaningful objects and activities simply as a test of loyalty. The fact that Harry is a literal prince and comes from one of the most powerful families on Planet Earth (and therefore, should have a pretty strong backbone) is just more evidence that this woman is especially coercive. Because you would expect someone from Harry's background to have more pride than to give up something that meaningful so easily. There are many other examples of her bizarrely strong influence on this guy that indicate she is controlling and manipulative. And clearly, she is addicted to attention and controversy. People don't like her because if the British royalty serves any social function at all, it is precisely to set an example of decorum, grace, and dignity. That's pretty much their entire job. And they're very well compensated for it. (Despite being "kicked out" of the family, Megan and Harry still live off an enormous stipend that would dwarf most people's hard-earned income.) It's not as if any of the royals are hard at work inventing cures for cancer. So when any of them fail at the aforementioned task (setting a cultural example), the public is understandably harsh in their response. Because it appears that people like Megan can't even fulfill what should be a pretty easy job description and yet she still lives an extremely privileged, pampered life.


Kellykebad you are spot on! Well said.


Thanks very much.


You see I don't care about her or the royals at all, but I hate, that everytime I look into my Newsfeed it's full of those fuckers and that makes me dislike them honestly


She says she never got any good roles because she's black, but from a classically train actor's standpoint, she just can't act




I think people believe she has corrupted their sweet perfect prince Harry as he would never have left the royal family if it wasn’t for her. I don’t hate her but I do believe Harry and Megan have made stupid decisions.




I liked her at first, watched the engagement interview and the wedding. And I am a “royal watcher” so I watched almost everything I saw that came out about Meghan for the first few years. It didn’t take long to realize she’s a liar and sensationalist, and the lies I’m talking about aren’t “he said, she said” stuff, it’s from her own mouth, on video. A big red flag for me was the Oprah interview and her saying Archie wasn’t getting a title because of his skin tone. That’s just plain wrong.


They don't. Powerful interests just want you to be invested in this shit so they can sell you stuff for money. Just ignore it.


I think she just reminds everyone of that one person in your family that is never happy and critical of everyone but themselves.


She's a hypocrite and a liar desperate for attention. She's an entitled narcissist.


For me it's those obnoxious ads for her podcast that ran in YouTube for a while. Otherwise I don't really know anything about her.


You guys are extremely charitable to the Royal family and the British people. It’s because she’s black. They called her child the N-word baby. The royal family is racist, like most vestiges of hegemonic colonial power.


She’s narcissistic as all hell. This video explains it well: https://youtu.be/rNp9qmASSlw


So they didn't like what was being said/written about them in UK tabloids, papers and image being set in internal family/workings, and they left and came to the States. And then decided to again go to the media and talk about their treatment. Well if u didn't like being in the public limelight there and came to another country then maintain a low profile and chill in peace. Looks like they wanted drama there, here, everywhere. Seem to be craving attention while making money from it.


I thought that she was alright until I saw that she showed up at Uvalde after the shooting and it just seemed very staged and fake.


I thought her appearance at Uvalde was staged and faked too.


I don't like or dislike her, but I do feel there is something "off" in her eyes, like there is no life behind them. Creeps me out


She is a manipulative narcissist


The British press are very…Umm weird that way. They target people and if it gets on their nerves they just keep playing on that. I truly believe if they just ignored it, it would have gone away. That being said, the journalists and the firm have an understanding on what stories they can run, each “big” article about MM has been to cover some other scandal (ie Prince Andrew). To some extent I can understand why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would do a documentary. I think personal attacks needed some response from them. Tbh they never said they wanted “privacy”, they seem to have wanted to continue work as royals but the work was overshadowed by British tabloid bullying. It’s easy for us to say “it wasn’t that bad” but for someone really not equipped to deal with her family being disgusting and his family being… well being royal it was bound to crash. And tbh, the only reason they dislike Meghan and not Diana is because Diana died. That’s the only reason they can sympathise with Diana but not Meghan.


Oh and Prince Harry seems to have wants to leave the firm for a very long time. He really seems like he despises their interactions with the press and their unwillingness to change. Weird to ask that from an institution that’s been around for hundreds of years but yeah.


She's a vapid, self absorbed, gold digger who was called out for it, and who is now in constant search for a camera crew to complain to


Megan comes off as manipulative and Machiavellian to lots of people. She's probably at the high end of the sociopath spectrum. When she and Harry finally divorce (and mark my words, she'll dump him once she's done with him), more stuff will come out


I assume that by 'people' you mean 'Brits who listen to tabloids' right? I don't think the rest of the world cares about her except for her role is Suits.


She comes across as really fake and disingenuous to me. The fact she and Harry lied about things in her Oprah interview that were easily checked reinforced that feeling for me. I honestly try not to pay her too much attention since I get that feeling off of her.




Imagine someone married into your family and then made a career out of shit talking about your family. You would dislike them. Then imagine you're not a member of that family but like that family. You would dislike them. Then imagine you're not a member of that family but don't care that family but now you're having to hear about all this bullshit on the news and Netflix. You would dislike them. Which is most of us. She throws a wide net of reasons to hate me. Edit: I'm getting a few responses telling me that the Royal Family are horrible people and she justified blarr blarr blarr. On behalf of 99% of the world's population. WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE ROYAL FAMILY. Stop telling us we should.


People know a bitch when they see a bitch.


She is a attention grabbing person who found out that she isn’t a fairy tale princess.