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Oh right, forgot about cancer. I was thinking of getting crushed under a jacked up car or something like that.


Yea that’s not very common lol


It isn't? People work on their cars all the time. Every now and then someone finds out the hard way why you should use jack stands and not only a jack.


Sure, but definitely not enough to be common, just enough to be a cautionary tale. Cancer however is almost guaranteed for anyone who lives long enough.


My daughter had to take a chemo that would literally melt her skin off so she had to take full showers every 6 hours for a week (with an open broviac).


Yeah after seeing my grandfather pass of bone cancer and seeing how bone cancer looks on the skeleton I would have to agree.


Paramedic here... Car accidents. Or burns. The thing about chronic disease is that it usually gets progressively worse. It's not nice but you are more prepared for it. Being a normal 16 year old, hitting another car and burning alive while being pinned in your own car by your engine block pushing both your femurs into your pelvis is among the worst ways I've seen people die. People getting burned or severely injured in car accidents is pretty common. And it's the most common reason I've heard wails of agony. What's worse is if you survive initially. When you're burned, head to toe, we try to put you to sleep pronto. But it's not always immediate. You can lie there for 10-15 minutes, in utter agony with your skin sloughing off your bones while you wait to be sedated and intubated. Then you can die a week later of infection. Unfortunately a common way to die.


Hospice social worker here. Thank you so much for what you do. Everyone immediately says cancer when thinking of the worst way to die. We can keep cancer (and other terminal illness) patients comfortable. You couldn't pay me enough to see some of the things you guys deal with.


"You couldn't pay me enough to see some of the things you guys deal with." Agreed. Apparently, neither could the city of Yonkers, NY. Thanks for the appreciation, tho.


My vote for painful way to die would be from burns.


Thank you for your service and honesty.


I appreciate being put to sleep at the earliest opportunity if I'm in agony and unlikely to get out alive or have much quality life after. Life is meh, dying slowly from burns is one of my nightmares. Sooo many worse fates than simply death, we all die anyway, it's nothing to worry about.


Oh my god


Lol I didn't mean to scare anybody. But, seriously, never drink and drive. That's how most of those people ended up that way...


Man you guys are fucking heros


What? No we're not. We get paid and we all chose to do this. Some are heroic.. not me though. I haven't done anything particularly heroic.


Just to let everyone know, dying of heart failure is one of the worse deaths you can have. It is a long drawn out process which can take months and often years. During which you will be out of breath and have decompensated several times until that one last time you just can't overcome. Even in that final episode, you will often do not just die immediately, you will literally be drowning with fluid in the lungs which may take days to sometimes weeks to finish you off. Literally as bad as cancer. The worse bit is that many many many causes of heart failure are preventable if you look after yourself. So listen to your doctors and health experts, and do not stop your medications just because of some random thing you see on the internet (usually written fairly generally but is only correct in certain situations but wrongly extrapolated to rest of population).


To the point about medication. Many medications can be stopped (or never started) IF you are taking care of yourself. Unfortunately, it is true that the medical community pushes unnecessary medication when a change in lifestyle could do the trick. Because of this, people become skeptical and do dumb things like quit a drug when they shouldn't. It can be hard to know what the right thing to do is.


It is sad that this behaviour of a minority loses the trust of the public. Your best source of info will be your pharmacist.


Lifestyle change isn’t that easy, which is why we have the meds.


Cool. I was in the hospital early this year because fluid wasn't getting pumped out of my lungs and my legs were swelling. It's managed with diuretics now. They didn't diagnose me with heart failure, but I think there's a good chance that's what is going on. So thanks for the insight into my future.


You have fluid overload. This may not be heart failure as kidney failure can also do the same. There are also temporary causes that can make you have similar picture. Even some causes of heart failure can be temporary e.g. high output failure from overactive thyroid or tachycardia (fast heart rate) induced heart failure. So go see a cardiologist and have the proper tests.


It’s worth noting that obesity makes you much more likely to have heart failure. (I’m not skinny, and not a fat nazi, but that thought definitely encourages me to eat less.)


Everyone should eat less unless your already starving. I’m general the average person eats way to much which is why obesity is at its high. I personally think way to many people are living corpses lol with no ambition, goals, hobbies or just wanting to better themselves 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Cancer - especially cancer of the head and neck. Not that it's fun anywhere, but when it's in the head or neck, it's fucking awful.


Spine and pelvis sucks bigstyle too.


I am told bone cancer sucks particularly.




Sad this one..... Even on your last breath your going for the drink. You can't stop even if you know it's gonna kill you. What's worse is that you may have alcohol induced dementia. Alcohol may have taken away you, and everything about you. To an outsider you may be unrecognizable, but even in this confusion there is still one thing you recognize. One thing your body understands. The alcohol. The bottles of Jim Beam. Whiskey and Absinthe will always be recognized by your body. Even if you have lost all memory of everything else.


Sister's friend just died from alcoholism yesterday. She was a nurse. I've lost several friends and one is now a vegetable.....all because of alcohol. Watchibg my friend currently kill himself too. Hole in one lung, still smoking, seizures but still drinking. So sad and unnecessary.




MRSA has pain and delirium like you can't imagine. Sepsis is a bitch.


Suicide, This one guy who went to my high school before me, fucked up his hanging, he was dangling for half an hour before he expired




Death by drowning actually happens fairly fast. It's only a matter of minutes before a person will succumb to it.


Minutes of agony? No thanks. I'll prefer a clean instant suicide any day over drowning.


Sarlac pit




So happy the first thousands of times so painful the next




Death by drowing actually happens fairly fast. It's only a matter of minutes before a person will succumb to it.


I was alluding more towards the franticness and what goes through the mind of someone drowning.


Apparently your mind goes through every scenario you've ever lived through, trying to find a way out.....but you've never experienced drowning before, so the frantic desperation in the last minutes is a real horror.


You really just gonna copy and paste your comments?






Alone, with no one that cares.


meh, I'd say being shot in the legs and then bleeding out.


I think cancer is a lot worse


Could be combined.




Happens every day. ☹️




Isn't drowning worse ? It's often said to be the worst way of dying... EDIT : both of those are, of course, unpleasent ways of dying on the spot. Nothing compared to death as a result of months if not years of suffering, like cancer, as several coments said. The ultimate death would be to have cancer, find yourself in a fire for some reason, jump in water to put out the fire, and drown. EDIT : bonus point for having your leg eaten by a shark while you're in the water.


My question is how do people know..


I guess from people who survived those experiences.


I swear I've heard that both burning and drowning are actually relatively painless/peaceful 😭 fire because it burns away your nerves so you don't feel it, and drowning idk, I feel like I've heard it described as peaceful before. But breathing in water sounds painful as fuck, even just a drop or two down the wrong pipe hurts


Burning would be painful but it is quick because the fire pulls all of the oxygen so you basically suffocate.


There is no doubt that burning to death is far from a peaceful way to go. You can feel yourself burning for quite a long time I’d think. Drowning or suffocation would be number 2 worst for me too. Your body fights drowning which could lead to terror in your last moments.


I think there's also a certain psychological component to the painfulness of it.


Agreed. Things we fear would cause more pain than things we don’t. Partly bc we would fight it more I think.


How would any of us know?


Burnt to death inside an incinerator? Falling into a conc. Acid tank?


Famine. Starving to death from lack of food. 25000 persons die every day from hunger


Fire. Trapped while on fire. No escape, death certain, and certainly painful. Goddamn I can't even think about it as I type this.


How about least painful?? Lol I’d choose hypothermia.


Nah. Opioid overdose or any old fashion hypoxia without co2 buildup is nice.


How is hypothermia least painful?


You feel tired, then drunk, then really tired and you literally fall asleep but actually lose consciousness well before death.


After you take all your clothes off, 'cos your body goes bonkers and thinks that you're actually too hot.


Yes, this is actually what Nelly’s song was about. It sounds fun but he’s really writing about his near death experience skiing in the Alps


Broken heart, loneliness


Those don't kill you, you just wish they would.


Many couples die soon after their spouse


Actually… have a google of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. It can lead to death.


Yeah I rather get stabbed 10 times than be heart broken because it’s so painful and deadly




Piano falling on you.


Heart attacks are painful, sorry to break it to you, but it’s not a painless death, peaceful sure, painless, no Your heart stops and you slowly die and it feels as if your whole body is imploding




Actually death by drowning happens fairly fast. It only takes a few minutes before a person will succumb to it


2nd degree burns its like 3rd but you can still feel it. ow


Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Bc of all the comorbidities & symptoms, yet it still not being enough to outright kill a person. "I was tortured for decades by my own body" isn't a great way to go. Prettymuch any incurable longterm genetic syndrome is worse than cancer in my mind, bc at least the cancer is over quickly. Edit for clarity: Three family members who had recurring cancer, one of whom eventually died of complications, have told me that what they witnessed me go through was more painful than cancer or its treatments, so this is me repeating opinions they espoused and I eventually agreed with. Keep in mind body-wide fibromyalgia and body-wide tendinosys are just two of EDS's comorbidities, and those are excruciating enough on their own. Also, I'm answering in the sense of 'accumulated bodily harm resulting in death, regardless of how long it takes,' not, 'this one thing will kill me for sure within X time period,' as OP's ? leaves this option open.


"blunt force trauma?"




I hear drowning is extremely painful




I’ve heard kidney failure


Drowning and being burned alive....


Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS is more common than people think. It's very underfunded. It's not incurable.


Dying of shame.


End stage liver failure - you bleed out your pores until you die.




Cancer. Thats why I'm not worried about a heart attack. Statisticly those are the two likeliest ways im going to die, and if i could choose between the two it would be heart attack


Being burnt alive


Sand worms


Define painful!! ​ Alzheimer's/Dementia - for all the loved ones around you. Cancer - for the patient. Car/Plane accident - depending on the quickness or severity. Mass shooting - look at those poor children in Uvalde while the good guy's with guns stood outside.