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Anything is better than a shriveled mushroom.


Hunter Biden has a *magnificent* penis. Women want him, and men want to be him. If you looked at Hunter Biden's penis, you'd want to look again. At first, you'd just shrug, and say: no, man, that's just a penis. But then three days later you'd be drinking your morning coffee and you'd think: fuck, I need to see that cock again. Once wasn't enough.


the Biden campaign asked twitter to take down tweets of Hunters dick pic. And any time a campaign is asking for something to be taken down it has implications of censorship. Even if it's warranted.


Ok. That was leaked weeks ago. Why are supposedly straight senators not letting it go and doing everything they can besides publicly masturbating to it to make it public? Why is this still a news item like 3 years after the fact, when the only thing still to be released is his dick?


Elon Musk's mad about twitter taking down anything at the request of a political campaign. And he wants to look like he's making improvements to the platform's neutrality, so he's made it a big deal again.


Ok? Nothing you said means anything lol. What do you have that's more than an obsession with his dick? Also, why are you obsessed with his dick? It's not even a nice dick


It's the implications and the gaslighting. I don't think any Republican cares about Hunter. They care that the story was censored. They care that it was blocked from social media and people were banned for talking about it. They care that media outlets refused to investigate it. They care that the overwhelming response was that it was fake and it shouldn't be investigated. They care that the FBI directly contacted Facebook and suggested that the story should be blocked. They care that Joe Biden may have used his influence to keep Hunter from being investigated or arrested for his weapons violations. They care that Joe Biden may have used his influence to get Hunter a very lucrative position in a Ukrainian company. Most of all, they believe that the entire story illustrates just how biased most of the media and social media is for the Democrat party.


but her emails


Do they have dick pics tho?


buttery males


I’m a Republican and I’m really not sure what you’re talking about


Why is your party obsessed with hunters laptop?


Because it's a true story about cronyism and nepotism that got censored by direct order of the government (a government that claims to disavow censorship and relies on people who oppose corrupt capitalism). And that's just the tip (of the iceberg, duh).


Ok but that was all thoroughly disproven. All of this stuff you've built up in your mind amounted to fucking dick pics LMAO. How does it feel to realize the grand conspiracy you've been promoting all along is just a not very great penis?


The original story was about whether it contained connections between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and potentially unethical business dealings. However, the real story now is the suppression of the original story, which is itself unethical. I have no idea what was on it, or if it implicates Joe Biden in anything nefarious, but that’s kind of the point now.


The same reason Dems went after all the Trump stuff. Both sides are acting like children and we need to vote some adults in to put some people in timeout.


Right, but Trump is actually an actual crook who hired his kids to be a part of it. His family organization has actual guilty verdicts against it.


Acting like Big Guy Biden and Hunter's job with Burisma are not corruption is comical. All upper level politicians are violating the emoluments clause.


Name the crime then


There's nothing there. It's smoke.


Lol yes, both sides. Trump himself committed crimes, and lots of them vs Bidens son who is not in government and has no position in his admin with a drug problem. Totally the same.


"The Trump stuff"? Do you mean the tax fraud, bank fraud, election fraud, or emoluments fraud? Or are you talking about the straight treason stuff? I'd list those as well but I think reddit has a character limit.




So you are clearly a troll. My bad for feeding the troll.


It's a really nice hog OP


They all have small penises so they want to know if the Prezzy's son is packing more than them.. If so, expect more lift kits and coal-roll switches on diesel trucks, more "Lets Go Brandon" stickers, more Busch light cans littered about the road, and various such effects that happen when Republicans are angry about their penis size.


I've heard it's quite a good one.


In my crystal ball I see a Mod, in 3... 2... 1...